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  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article




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    September 2006

    Senate Economic Planning Office

    RegionNumber of Constitution


    Asia 38

    Africa 54

    Europe 17

    Americas 13

    Total 122

    Source: Asian Development Bank


    Table 1 . Constitutions Adopted by Region


  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



    5"*$)*+% $,'$ $,) 2*$)#=6'7 "# +7*'(25% "! $,))6)5$"#'6 %7%$)(@ ="62$25'6 ='#$7 '*+ $,)>3#)'35#'57 2% 6)!$ "3$ 2* $,) +2%5"3#%) "* 5,'#$)#5,'*9); \* %,"#$@ $,2% ='=)# %399)%$% $,'$ $,)%)('$$)#% %,"36+ >) '++#)%%)+ '*+ 924)* )*"39,

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    Characteristics Parliamentar H brid PresidentialExecutive/

    Selected by:

    Prime Minister/



    Prime Minister




    or via an electoral


    Role of Cabinet Collegial/





    Cabinet is drawn


    Legislature Legislature Executive

    Sample Countries United Kingdom,

    Australia, New


    France, Finland United States,

    most Latin




    Table 2. Modern Democracies and Form of Governments

    Sources: NDI 2000 and Heywood 2002

  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



    ,"3%); \$ 2% '5$3'667 #'#) $" %)) ' ='#62'()*$'#7%7%$)( ?2$, >"$, F"3%)% "! 1"*9#)%% ,'42*9 5"A)e3'6 ="?)#%;a H,)#) '#) $?" #)'%"*% !"# $,2%; \*='#62'()*$'#7 >25'()#'6 %7%$)(%@ 2$ 2% $,) 6"?)#,"3%) $,'$ 2% $,) !"5'6 ="2*$ "! ="62$25% '*+

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    Constitutions Form of


    Type of


    Manner of

    Electing the

    Head of State

    Malolos Constitution Parliamentary

    in form

    Unicameral Appointed by the


    Assembly1935 Constitution Presidential Unicameral Voted directly by

    the people

    1935 Constitution

    as amended in


    Presidential Bicameral Voted directly by

    the people

    1973 Constitution Parliamentary Unicameral Voted directly bythe people (after

    the 1980

    amendment1987 Constitution Presidential Bicameral Voted directly by

    the people

    Table 3. Philippine Constitutions, Form of Government,Type of Parliament and Manner of Electing the Head of State

  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



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  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



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    Type of ElectoralSystem

    Subcategories Examples Advantages Disadvantages




    Plurality orSMP (SingleMemberPlurality or





    clear democraticaccountability

    strong constituencyrepresentation

    governability andstability

    decisive nature ofelections

    tendency toproduce two-partysystems


    elections are zero-sum

    exclusion of otherinterests and sectors

    (multiple cleavagessocieties)

    presence of wastedvotes

    open togerrymandering

    creation of regionalfiefdoms



    Party List



    facilitative ofdeliberative andcollaborative

    governance inclusion of minor




    indecisive electionresults

    propensity for weak,

    ineffective andunstable governingcoalitions

    open spaces forextremist parties



    AdditionalMemberSystem (AMS) Germany

    can combine

    positive features ofmajoritarian andproportionalsystems

    can combine defects

    of majoritarian andproportional systems

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  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



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    Criteria Indicators

    Ensuring a RepresentativeParliament

    Geographical representation

    Functional representation

    Descriptive representationMaking Elections Accessibleand Meaningful

    Ease of Voting: ballot box,polling place

    Lesser number ofwasted/invalid votes

    The relative influence ofparliament

    Providing Incentives forConciliation

    Political parties are moreinclusive

    Facilitating Stable and EfficientGovernment

    The electoral system isperceived to be fair

    The electoral system is neutral

    The government can do its jobHolding the Government andRepresentatives Accountable

    The electoral system hasmechanisms for holdinggovernments accountable tothe constituents

    Encouraging Cross-CuttingPolitical Parties

    Parties represent broad-basedconstituencies

    Promoting a ParliamentaryOpposition

    The electoral system does notfoster a winner-take-allenvironment

    Cost and AdministrativeCapacity

    The cost outweighs thebenefits to the country in terms

    of stability and democraticconsolidation

    6'>!" I57 -..X;H"+'7@ ?"()* ='#62'()*$'#2'*% 5"(=#2%) '* '4)#'9) "! -]h "!$,) 6)92%6'$3#) '66 "4)# $,) ?"#6+ TJ',6)#3= Q::X[-0U;

  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



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    Candidate Party Votes Total

    Number of



    Fidel V.


    Lakas - NUCD-


    5,342,521 22,654,195 23.60%

    Joseph E.


    Partido ng

    Masang Pilipino

    10,722,295 21,841,760 39.90%




    Lakas -

    Christian and


    Democrats /

    Koalisyon ng

    Katapatan at

    Karanasan sa


    12,905,808 32,269,100 40.00%

    Table 7. Total Percentage of in Votes Garnered By Winning

    Presidential Candidates 1992,1998, 2004

    Philippines Metro




    Visayas Mindanao ABC D E

    Mar-95 +63 +75 +63 +63 +54 +78 +63 +53

    Nov-97 +65 +71 +61 +61 +71 +85 +63 +60

    Apr-01 +63 +73 +63 +69 +52 +79 +63 +55

    Jan-04 +54 +56 +57 +47 +52 +64 +56 +44

    Apr-04 +48 +55 +51 +36 +46 +54 +50 +42

    ?*$2(/@ ?J? 399K = ('

  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



    G,26) ' %7%$)( "! ='#$7A62%$ #)=#)%)*$'$2"* ?'%2*$#"+35)+ 2* -..X@ '+(2*2%$#'$24) 5"*%$#'2*$%@2*'+)e3'$) 2*!"#('$2"* '*+ 6""=,"6)% 2* $,) 6'?%35, '% $,) $,#)%,"6+ '*+ $,) $,#))A%)'$ 62(2$

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    !'5$"# $" 5"*%2+)# 2% $" ,'4) '* 2*%$2$3$2"*'62M)+ #"6)!"# $,) V=="%2$2"* %" '% $" 5"*$#2>3$) $" $,) %$'>262$7"! $,) 9"4)#*()*$; H,) 6"%2*9 ='#$7 "# 5"'62$2"* (3%$,'4) ' +)!2*2$) #"6) $,'$ 2% 2*%$2$3$2"*'667 =#)%)*$ 2*$,) #36)% "! $,) ='#62'()*$;


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

    !#'()?"#8 %" $,'$ 2$ 5'* ('*'9) $,) #2%8% '*+4"6'$262$2)% $,'$ 2*5#)'%)+ 5"(=)$2$2"* >#2*9%;F"?)4)#@ ' =#"=)# #"6) "! $,) >3#)'35#'57 2* '='#62'()*$'#7 %)$A3= (3%$ 5"*%2+)# 2$% )*+)(25 '*+%$#35$3#'6 =#">6)(% %35, '% $,) %="26% %7%$)(@

    Type Definition Examples

    Dominant Party System One party is constantly in office,either governing alone or incoalition

    Historic: Japan (Liberal

    Democrats), India (Congress)

    Current: South Africa (African

    National Congress)

    Two-Party System Two major parties compete toform single-party governments

    Great Britain (Conservative andLabour), United States(Democratic and Republican)

    Multiparty System The assembly is composed ofseveral minority parties, leading tocoalition government

    Belgium, Netherlands,Scandinavia

    Table 9. Party Systems in Democracies

    Source: Hague and Harrop 2001, p.173

  • 8/12/2019 Charter Change Article



    "4)#6'==2*9 '9)*52)% '*+ $,) ,39) *3(>)# "!="62$25'6 '=="2*$()*$% TDJW Q::XU;

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