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By Charlie Simpson A.S Coursework Production

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By Charlie Simpson

A.S Coursework Production

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For my A.S Media Coursework I am going to Create a front cover for my school magazine as well as a contents page. I am going to do this because before I go on to my music magazine I will be able to do a number of things which consist of, being a be to work around all of the different software that I might be using to edit any picture to go into my magazine, to be able, being able to learn and understand the conventions of the lay out of magazines. I believe by making this magazine this will help me in the long run to improve everything and make my music magazine that extra bit better than my school magazine.

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I ask parents and other people who fit the audience that would read the school magazine and got some ideas what to put on the contents page and got some really good ideas.

Sport scoresScholarshipsTrips Ideas for schools future Head master interviewWhat old students are doing now they have left ShiplakeQuiz pageSport fixtures

Contents page

Front Cover

Pictures Hits of what's in the next issue QuotesUpcoming eventsAttracting text


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To get a rough idea on what my front cover was going to look like and get a rough idea where everything was going to go, I stuck to my plan and everything turned out to look good. I chose to put a two mid shot pictures on the front cover in the places that I did because I thought it would give a better view of the main picture which is the background. I chose to put the text box at the bottom right hand side of the page as it will also expose the background that little bit more and will be easy to see and stand out a bit more. The title of the magazine along with the logo was put there as I thought it was the most professional to be put at the top of the page.


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ORIGANAL ManipulatedOn this image I have taken the sky and made it bluer then the sky in the original. I did this because I thought it would make the picture look brighter and much more appealing to the readers. I also resized the picture to make it fit the page. I then sent the background picture to the back of the page and had all of the writing and the other smaller pictures on top of the background so everything could be seen. I did the editing in a program called Adobe Photoshop.

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Original photos

ManipulatedIn this picture I done many changes to make it look the way It does, I mainly did this picture to get use to some of the tools on the program adobe Photoshop

As I thought it would give me a better understanding of the software when it comes to doing my music magazine in the next stage of the coursework. The way that I did this was I first cropped out the two figures out of their previews background, I then copied them into the new background of a place in Hawaii. I then resized the figure on the right to make it blend in to the picture a bit more. I then added some text into the picture.

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By doing this school magazine it has helped me learn a lot of things that will be very useful in the future when I do my music magazine and will hopefully be able to make it a lot better then it would have been without doing this magazine on the school. Some of the things that I have learnt are things like being able to know my way around the editing software to make the magazine a lot more appealing to the readers. I have also learned that I now understand about the lay out of the magazines and this will really help for the music magazine as I will know what will fit best and be seen best in different places around the page.

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Before I start my Coursework which is a music magazine I thought that it would be sensible to look at a verity of different music magazines to get an idea of how they attract the audiences. I picked out three different music magazines.

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The magazine is well set out, it is quite packed with lots of different cover lines.

the main cover line is saying ‘100 most SHOCKING moments in music.’

The word shocking also relates to the magazines only picture which is Lady GAGA in a socking pose being half naked. This is may lead to the whole magazine to be shocking.

The mode of address is very direct and connects with the readers. It does so by the person in the Picture who is looking straight at you into your eyes.

All of the text that is on the front cover is very formal, so the tone of the cover is very informing, but the picture is shows other wise as Lady GAGA is known to be wacky and over the top.

The magazine uses main colours of red black and white, this is very simple h0wever very drawing.

The main caption on the front cover is the person posing informally holding her crotch and having a hand over her nipples. This caption is very sexual and will draw a lot of readers in.

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The suppleness of the front cover with the little pictures, still manages to get away with just the ones. A very sexually appealing woman on the front cover this may because it will attract may different type of audiences.

The colours are again very simple with the gold blue and white, it is still very attractive, as the golden text blends in with the persons skin and hair.

The suppleness of the front cover with the little pictures, still manages to get away with just the ones.

The edit uses an informal splash at the top of the page. This portray the magazine to be quite an informal magazine.

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This front cover is very basic however still is quite attracting.

It has a very big name in the middle of the page, which is kind of showing that it has a bit more importance than the actual title its self.

There are only three other pictures other than the main background

There are very little splashes on the front cover.

There isn't much info mentioned on the front cover showing what might be in the magazine.

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Same as the front cover I believe that it would be for the best if I looked and analysed other music magazines contents page. So I have chosen two that I feel are quite different but still pretty good in different ways.

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This condense page is very interesting, the colour code is very basic however there is one bit of colour which is the hart which is being held over the artists heart, this shows maybe that the artist might be opening up and showing his true quality's. The contents title is set out differently but it works and makes the page a bit more interesting.

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AUDIENCE RESEARCH To try and find out my

target audience for my music magazine I made a questionnaire and handed it out to people around the school that’s fits my target audiences age range which is aimed at 15-19 year olds. I choose this because I thought that it be the best to relate to as I’m at a similar age.

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MY AUDIEANCE From the information that I gathered from my primary research of the questionnaire that I did, I managed to put together my perfect reader. My reader would still be in college as they would be from the younger generation so they would be around 16-18 years of age maybe a few years older. They would still be living at home and might not be working so the price of the magazine isn't to much of a problem as they will be funded from their parents. They love free things that might come with the magazine. They would like to listen to a verity of music but still around a similar genre such as hip-hop and dance.

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Double page spread research Once again I will be

looking at a few different kind of double page spreads from magazines. I’m doing this because I want to see how they’re set out and how they attract the readers, along with what I should include in my own double page spread.

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Double page spread

The writer uses a different and strange text font that suits the audience that it is aimed at which would be the young and more punkish people. I can say this because of the image that the artist is giving from her jet black hair and the cloths that she is wearing.

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Double page spread

This double page spread is less text and a lot more pictures, breaking up the text and giving the readers a lot more to look at and to see what is going on in the text by referring back to the pictures.