characterization of zeus

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  • 7/27/2019 Characterization of Zeus


    McCurdy 1

    Shellie McCurdy


    Classics 131

    9 September 2013

    The Characterization of Zeus

    In the Ancient Greek ideology, Zeus is primarily presented as the father of gods and man,

    and as the primary ruler over both entities. In Hesiods Theogony, the story of Zeuss birth,

    defeat of his father, and subsequent defeat of the Titans and Typheous establish Zeus authority

    as king of Olympus. In theHymn to Demeter, though Zeus does not play a major role, he uses his

    male authority to essentially create the conflict for the course of the myth. Although there are

    minor differences in the characterization of Zeus between the two hymns, the patriarchal

    undertones are consistent throughout both myths.

    In both myths, Zeus is defined as the ruler over the gods and mortals, and while both

    images are clearly Zeus, each poem presents an image of him at different stages of his life. In the

    Theogony, Zeus is young and establishing himselfhes clearly a strategist, as Cottus says

    regarding the request to join fighting the Titans, Well do we know your intelligence, also your

    high understanding/For it is thanks to your thoughtfulness we have returned back again

    (Theogony, 624,626). The Theogonys Zeus is unassuming; he doesnt reign over Olympus until

    the other gods in their gratitude gave him the thunder and dazzling lightning, which instill the

    authority of rule in him (Theogony, 478). Early in this hymn, Zeus is obviously powerful, but

    perhaps he isnt as aware of this power. He simply acts in the ways in which he feels is just and

    appropriate. In contrast to this, Zeus in theHymn to Demeterhas spent some time in office, and

    is more confident both as a leader and in his own authority. Hes described as the deep

    thunderer wildly discerning and the Earth produces flowers at [his bidding] (Hymn to

  • 7/27/2019 Characterization of Zeus


    McCurdy 2

    Demeter, 3, 8). In fact, Zeus instigates most of the action of this mythfirst, the kidnap, then the

    gathering of the gods, and then the command to send Hermes to the rescue. From the beginning

    of the Theogony to the end of theHymn to Demeter, Zeus grows as a character, transitioning

    from an agent of action to the master strategist who gets others to bring his plans into fruition.

    Despite these subtle differences in portrayal, one thing about Zeus character is clear in

    both versions of the myth: Zeus is the ultimate masculine authority, and what he says goes. The

    author of theHymn to Demeterwrites, It was with Zeuss connivance that Hades had

    abducted the maid all reluctant (Hymn to Demeter, 31, 33). Zeus decides he has the authority to

    pass off Persephone to Hades, without any care to her preferences on the matter, or the

    preferences of Demeter. In the Theogony, Zeus has relations with Metis, brilliant Themis

    Eurynome Demeter, who nourishes many exquisite Mnemosyne [and] Hera his beautiful

    flourishing consort (Theogony, 856, 861, 866, 869, 875). Not once does anyone complain about

    Zeus sleeping around and fathering basically everyonewith the exception of his actual wife,

    Hera, but shes often painted as a cruel and petty shrew. In both of these myths, Zeus, a

    masculine god above all others, consistently disregards the emotions and opinions of the females

    also present, connoting his opinion of his own superiority.

    While there are slight differences in character portrayal between the two myths,

    ultimately the Zeus seen in the Theogony and theHymn to Demeteris the same powerful,

    misogynistic patriarch in both stories. This Zeus dominates most of Greek mythology and these

    character traits remain common throughout the stories hes present in. Whether these

    misogynistic themes mirrored the culture or the culture mirrored the myths, this sort of behavior

    must not have been an issue for the ancient people, and its a consistent character trait of Zeus,

    the king God, across all myths in which he is involved. (636 words)