characteristics of god’s...


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Page 1: Characteristics of God’s… · God’s love is depicted as a circle that has no ending and will not be bound
Page 2: Characteristics of God’s… · God’s love is depicted as a circle that has no ending and will not be bound

You are receiving this devotional/study and prayer guide as part of the Personal and Family Worship Package from Nairobi Chapel.

Last week we looked at God’s love. We saw that God is love. His love towards us is unconditional and His greatest expression of His love to us is that, while we were still sinners, He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins!

This week, we will look at the Characteristics of God’s Love.

MONDAY: ICEBREAKER: What is one thing that you can think of that has no expiry date?

QUESTION: God’s love passes the test of time. Are you able to comprehend such kind of love? What does this kind of love mean to you?

BIBLE REFERENCE: Ephesians 1: 3-6; Psalm 103:17; Psalm 107:1

REFLECTION: God’s love is timeless – it was there before time began and will be there through eternity. He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ and to become part of the Fathers family with full rights, the greatest being His love and embrace. With these He adds wisdom and understanding that come through righteous living. Knowing the eternal nature of God’s love gives us assurance and a sense of security in Him to know that we belong to Him and He calls us His children. This love will not run out or out of date. The sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross because of His love for us, guarantees us the security of eternal life. God’s love is eternal.

PRAYER:Oh Lord Your love is from everlasting to everlasting. What You did before, for those You love, You can do again and again for us today. We thank You that Your love never runs out and will never run out of date as well. Give me a heart of gratitude and a sense of hope to cling to Your love always. I also thank you for the truth that You chose me to be Your child through Your Son Jesus Christ. I pray that this love will reach many who do not know You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

TUESDAY: ICEBREAKER: What is one worship song or hymn that speaks to you about God’s love?

QUESTION: Discuss what your perception of good parental, limitless love is.

BIBLE REFERENCE: Ephesians 3:16-20, Psalm 36:5-7, Psalm 103:11-12

Page 3: Characteristics of God’s… · God’s love is depicted as a circle that has no ending and will not be bound

REFLECTION: God’s love is as high as the heavens are above the earth; this love brought His Son down from heaven to die for our sins. God’s love is depicted as a circle that has no ending and will not be bound by anything. It is limitless and beyond measure. God’s love never fails. He knows us by name and loves us regardless of who we are. We are a chosen people, a treasured possession, the apple of His eye, and precious and honored in His sight. God has sent His Spirit into our hearts and He cries out, “Abba Father!” This shows a strong relationship bond. Nothing in this world can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. In return, we are to trust Him, love Him and praise Him.

PRAYER:Thank you Lord that in Your great love You are able to keep us from falling and to present us before your glorious presence without fault and with great joy. You are our only God, our Savior. Your word reminds us that Your love reaches the heavens, meaning it has no boundaries. We ask that this love will reach all people of the earth especially those who have never heard Your word. To You be all glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen!

WEDNESDAY:ICE BREAKER: What is priceless love to you and how is it expressed in your home or community?

QUESTION: How would you describe God’s priceless love in your life?

BIBLE REFERENCE: John 15:13, Romans 5:8-9, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Luke 15:3-7

REFLECTION: God’s love towards us – His children is priceless. This love is beyond the purchase of any world currency; it is a love purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross an overflowing and undeserved love – Simply priceless. God calls us by name, holds our hands and leads us through the battles of life. God will go to any lengths for the children He loves, - no price is too high to pay, including the sacrifice of His son, or leaving the 99 to look for the one that is lost. May God’s priceless love encourage us and inspire us to soldier on, basking in the assurance that this Love is not only with us, but can be counted on in our hours of need.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am so grateful for the overflowing and unconditional love that You bestow on me daily. I now realize the price You paid for me to become Your child. I pray that my life honors this love and that I may extend the same to others. I pray that many more people will come to know of this unconditional love and respond positively to it, in Jesus name, amen.

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THURSDAY:ICEBREAKER: Describe a time you reached out for help from a close friend and you did not get a response. How did this make you feel?

QUESTION: What does unfailing love mean to you?

BIBLE REFERENCE: Exodus 15:13, Psalms 6:4, 21:7, 31:16, 36:7, 119:76, Lamentation 3:32,

REFLECTION: In His unfailing love, God leads the people He has redeemed. Numerous accounts of David in Psalms vividly demonstrate how he chose to count on God’s unfailing love when everything else was failing. Some situations were very dire as David writes, reminding God to respond because he had reached the verge of death. In spite of all the challenges, David neither allowed the prevailing circumstances nor the seeming delay in response from God make him doubt God’s unfailing love. God is the only one whose nature is love that never fails. His steadfast love never ceases and His mercies never come to an end. Have you experienced the unfailing love of God? Allow Him access to your heart by accepting Jesus to save you. If you have wandered off from His love, He is calling you back. His out- stretched arms are ready to embrace you and shower you with unfailing love.

PRAYER:Dear Lord, Jesus, Like David, help me to steadfastly trust in you throughout my life. I surrender my life to You and receive Your unfailing love. I repent of all my sins and invite Jesus into my heart. I receive His unfailing love and ask You to help me to follow Jesus without wandering off. I thank you for this gift of love. I pray for all who are grieving during this time, show them You compassion because Your unfailing love is great. In Jesus name, amen.

FRIDAY: ICEBREAKER: What one thing have you had that has remained constant in your life? QUESTION: How has God loved us?

BIBLE REFERENCE: Hebrews 13:8, Jeremiah 31:3, Psalms 86:15

REFLECTION: We live in a world full of change. Every day we get to hear how our world is shifting−from global warming to new innovations. As individuals, our bodies, our thoughts and worldviews keep changing too. We change our mind about things all the time. Someone once said that the only constant thing in the world is change. However, God’s love will never change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. No matter what we go through or do, God’s love for us will never change. Knowing God’s unchanging love assures us that we can put our faith and trust in Him no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.

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• How has this package been helpful to you (and your family)? • What can we improve? • What topics would you like us to write on?

2. PRAYER: How can we pray for you?3. QUESTION: Do you have any question for us?

Send your responses to [email protected] orto the church WhatsApp line 0701 777 888.

PRAYER:Lord I thank you that Your love for me never changes. You loved me even before I was formed in my mother’s womb. Lord I pray that I will hold fast to Your love whenever I find myself in doubt, feel guilty, ashamed or when I am in a difficult situation. I pray specifically for my family members, may they too hold unswervingly to Your love all the days of their lives. Amen.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THE WEEK:Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.”