characteristic of animals


Upload: kemberly-navarro

Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Characteristic of animals


Page 2: Characteristic of animals

Habitat of Animals Animals naturally seek and stay in places

where food is available and abundant. These places are referred to as their habitat.

Page 3: Characteristic of animals

Parasites Are are organims that live at the expense

of their host. A host is an animal or a plant on or in

which a parasite lives.

Ascaris Lumbricoides or Roundworm lives in the intestine of a human being.

Ascaris is an endoparasite. It is found inside the body of the host.


Head lice and leech are ectoparasites. They live outside the body of their host.


Page 4: Characteristic of animals

Marine AnimalsMarine animals live in bodies of water. Fish, mollusks and sharks obtain their food from the sea. They eat smaller fish. Other marine animals feed on single-celled organisms called algae.

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Land AnimalsAnimals that live on land are called terrestrial animals. Insects eat leaves, nectar, and pollen. Domesticated animals like cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, dogs, and cats, rely mainly on humans for food shelter.

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Food Animals EatAnimals are classified according to the kind of food they eat. They are grouped into:

Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

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Herbivores Animals that feed solely on plants.Ex.Garden Insects (Butterflies, Grasshopper and Bees.)Parasites that live on Plants like the aphids that attack roses and blights that live on potatoes.

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Carnivores Animals that prey on other animals.Ex.

Lions and Tigers eat smaller animals in the jungle

Eagles and Hawks eat rats and chicks.Frogs eat flies and other insects.Snakes eat Chickens

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Omnivores Animals that eat both plants and animals.Ex.

Humans are omnivores. We depend on both plants and animals for food.