chapters 3-4

CHAPTERS 3-4 The Great Gatsby 3003.8.1 I can identify characteristics of the Modern and Contemporary Period. 3003.8.3 I can determine how the conflict of Gatsby impacts the characters. 3003.8.5 I can analyze characters to determine their roles/functions in Gatsby. 3003.8.16 I can identify specific symbols in Gatsby.

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3003.8.1 I can identify characteristics of the Modern and Contemporary Period . 3003.8.3 I can determine how the conflict of Gatsby impacts the characters. 3003.8.5 I can analyze characters to determine their roles/functions in Gatsby . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapters 3-4


The Great Gatsby

3003.8.1 I can identify characteristics of the Modern and Contemporary Period.

3003.8.3 I can determine how the conflict of Gatsby impacts the characters.

3003.8.5 I can analyze characters to determine their roles/functions in Gatsby.

3003.8.16 I can identify specific symbols in Gatsby.

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CHAPTER 3-4 QUIZ 1. How does Gatsby interact with the guests? 2. What does Nick wear to the party in Chapter 3? 3. What phrase does Gatsby repeatedly use to address

Nick and others? 4. In what country did Gatsby receive a medal "For

Valour Extraordinary"? 5. For how long has Gatsby been pursuing Daisy?

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Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply (58).

Double Standard?

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CHARACTERS Chauffeur – wears robin’s egg blue Stage Twins – women in yellow dresses; knew Jordan

previously Owl eyes – drunkard with large spectacles who sits in

Gatsby’s library He was “BROUGHT” by a woman named Roosevelt Was in the car that hit the wall

Gatsby German spy/killed a man Introduced to him

Jordan – distrusting of Gatsby Loves large parties (intimate) Find out that she is dishonest She is a rotten driver

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SETTING Gatsby Jazz Party (All summer long)

Eight servants and a gardener (cleaning up the mess) 5 crates of oranges and lemons (machine 200/hr) Lights (Gatsby place looked like a Christmas tree) Buffets “Harlequin designs” Important people

Library – real books Not a cardboard façade Books are uncut though showing us that they are only for appearances

“Conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with an amusement park” (41)”

Yellow Cocktail Music

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How do the Gatsby parties compare to events/parties of today’s society?

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SYMBOL: AUTOMOBILE Dominant symbol in Chapter 3 Extreme wealth of the Rolls Royce—omnibus bearing

people to and from the party Green leather seats (64)

Parked five deep in the driveway Car accident at the party with “Owl Eyes” (blames the

mechanics) Who was driving? Foreshadowing???

Jordan leaving a borrowed car unattended (57)

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Possible repeated message of T. J. Eckleburg billboard sign? Watching, spying, looking for something

We are witnessing all this through Nick’s eyes (narration)

We are seeing that Prohibition is not working for America How do today’s teens treat rules?

Gatsby was standing on the marble steps over his guests in looking around in approval. Guests – All eyes on Gatsby

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Meyer Wolfsheim – a business connection of Gatsby’s who uses Gatsby as a front man; fixed the 1919 World Series; small flat-nosed Jew

Klipspringer – Gatsby’s boarder…seems like he lives there all the time

Gatsby – nephew to Von Hindenburg and second cousin to the devil

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GATSBY EXPLAINED Son of wealthy people in the Midwest (San Francisco???)

Inherited money States he is Oxford educated Worked his way around Europe

Live in all the capitals Extravagant trips

WWI Received a medal from “Little Montenegro” For Valour Extraordinary

Picture from Oxford with his buddies Tells him he is going to asks “huge” favor of him later on with Jordan Wolfsheim says that Gatsby is one you want to take home to your

mother or sister.

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WEALTH ALLUSION AGAIN Sunday morning party with lots of

important names Luncheon with Wolfsheim

Nick is getting closer to the truth of how Gatsby makes his money.

Gatsby gets pulled over by the cop Money is power Above the law

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SYMBOL: AUTOMOBILE AGAIN Gatsby’s car – gods chariot

Rich cream color and green leather conservatory (64) Bright with nickel Swollen here and there Monstrous length Triumphant hat boxes, supper boxes, tool boxes Terraced with a labyrinth of windshields that mirrored a dozen suns Fenders spread like wings as it drove through the valley of ashes

Daisy’s white roadster Hearse Limousine

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FAVOR What was the favor? What do you foreshadow will
