chapters 18 & 19 review topics these are some of the things you...

Chapters 18 & 19 Review Topics These are some of the things you need to go into your notes and highlight. You need to understand: What the event is Who is the person Why is it/he important How did it effect _______ Keep in mind this is not everything you can use. There are flashcards on the website too. If you have any questions, email me and I will get back to you with an answer. There will be multiple questions on each point, make sure you go over all of them! 1950s trends – housing, population shifts . . . . . Baby Boom Beat Movement Benjamin Spock Civil War in China Commuting Conglomerate Containment Covert Operations in Middle East and Latin America Dixiecrats East and West Germany Eisenhower and Civil Rights Eisenhower Doctrine Franchise GI Bill of Rights HUAC Interstate Highway Act Iron Curtain John Foster Dulles Jonas Salk Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Khrushchev Korean War Loyalty Review Board Marshall Plan Mass Media McCarthyism NATO Open Skies Potsdam Conference Sputnik Stalin Truman Doctrine Truman’s presidency U-2 Flights United Nations Warsaw Pact Yalta Conference NATO/Warsaw Map

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Page 1: Chapters 18 & 19 Review Topics These are some of the things you … · 2019-09-25 · Why is it/he important How did it effect

Chapters 18 & 19 Review Topics

These are some of the things you need to go into your notes and highlight. You need to understand:

● What the event is ● Who is the person ● Why is it/he important ● How did it effect _______

Keep in mind this is not everything you can use. There are flashcards on the website too. If you have any questions, email me and I will get back to you with an answer. There will be multiple questions on each point, make sure you go over all of them!

● 1950s trends – housing,

population shifts . . . . . ● Baby Boom ● Beat Movement ● Benjamin Spock ● Civil War in China ● Commuting ● Conglomerate ● Containment ● Covert Operations in Middle East

and Latin America ● Dixiecrats ● East and West Germany ● Eisenhower and Civil Rights ● Eisenhower Doctrine ● Franchise ● GI Bill of Rights ● HUAC ● Interstate Highway Act ● Iron Curtain ● John Foster Dulles ● Jonas Salk ● Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

● Khrushchev ● Korean War ● Loyalty Review Board ● Marshall Plan ● Mass Media ● McCarthyism ● NATO ● Open Skies ● Potsdam Conference ● Sputnik ● Stalin ● Truman Doctrine ● Truman’s presidency ● U-2 Flights ● United Nations ● Warsaw Pact ● Yalta Conference ● NATO/Warsaw Map

Page 2: Chapters 18 & 19 Review Topics These are some of the things you … · 2019-09-25 · Why is it/he important How did it effect

Terms You Should Know

FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower's efforts and policies towards improving civil rights •Supreme Court cases that are linked towards civil rights •

Plessy v. Ferguson ◦Brown v. Board of Education ◦Etc. ◦

Communist satellite nations •Communist pressures on smaller outside nations •

Truman Doctrine ◦Mass media v. Mass culture •Civilian rights, Brown v. Board of Education, and the Little Rock challenge •

Eisenhower ◦Federal troops ◦Oral Fabius ◦Executive Order 10730 ◦

HUAC •Hollywood Ten ◦

Housing following WW2 •Baby Boom •A-Bomb v. H-Bomb •

Effects of the A-Bomb on international relations ◦Mexican immigration during WW2 ◦

Union conflicts, gains, and losses after the Great Depression and after WW2 •Braceros •

American G.I. Forum ◦Defense spending after WW2 •

How does the U.S. Avoid another depression after WW2, unlike it did with WW1? ◦Foreign policy after WW2 •

Marshall Plan ◦Truman Doctrine ◦Etc. ◦

Constitution as a living document •NATO •

North Atlantic Pact ◦Warsaw Pact ◦United Nations ◦

Supreme Court cases addressing the communist scare and the fear of national security •Schneck v. U.S. (1919)◦

Page 3: Chapters 18 & 19 Review Topics These are some of the things you … · 2019-09-25 · Why is it/he important How did it effect

Desegregation of . . . •Military ◦Schools ◦

Cold War origins •Life in the 1950's •

recreation ◦Family life ◦Suburban ◦Marketing ◦Poverty ◦Native Americans ◦Atomic scare ◦African-Americans ◦

2nd Great Migration ‣A. Randolph •Military segregation •

Interstate Highway Act •Towns ◦Motels ◦Commerce ◦5th Amendment (..."property shall not be taken for public use, without just compensation.") ◦

Aid to Europe after WW2 •Berlin Airlift ◦Lessons learned from the mistakes of the Versailles Treaty ◦

Iron Curtain •Churchill ◦

Sputnik •space race ◦NASA ◦

Women in the military •Truman ◦WAC ◦Executive order 9981 ◦

Marshall Plan •