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  • 8/12/2019 Chapter_2_Part2_DT Signals & Systems.pdf


    Chapter 2 - Discrete-Time

    Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing

    Discrete-Time Signals.

    Discrete-Time Systems.

    Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems.

    Implementation of DT Systems.

    (PART II)

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing

    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems


    In this section we will analyze the Linear Time-Invariant

    (LTI) systems.

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    Two methods are presented in for analyzing the response of a

    system to a given input:

    Direct Solution of the Input-Output Equation (or

    difference equation).

    Signal Decomposition (Convolution).

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    System Input output equation:

    The general input output equation for any system:

    where F[ ] denotes some functions of the quantities.

    We can rewrite the general input output equation as

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1

    N M

    k kk k L

    y n a n y n k b n x n k= =

    = +

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 0

    N M

    k kk k

    y n a n y n k b n x n k= =

    = +

    where akand bkare constantparameters

    If the system is casualL = 0, so the equation:

    This system is linear , time-variantsystem. Thissystem called Adaptive Linear System.

    Note that both a andbvary with time

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    ( ) ( ) ( )1 0

    N M

    k kk k

    y n a y n k b x n k= =

    = +

    If a and b are constant over time, then the previous equationfurther simplifies into the general equation for causal, Linear,Time-Invariant(LTI) Systems:

    Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems:

    Note: akand bkare independent of time (n) or simplyconstant for all time n.

    Input, Output Equation is called Difference Equation.

    The order for the LTI system is N.

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    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    System Interconnections:



    y(n) = T2{y1(n)} = T2{T1{x(n)}}

    y1(n) = T1{x(n)}

    Tc= T2T1T1T2

    Specifically, for LTISystems: T2T1 = T1T2

    y1(n) = T

    1{x(n)} y

    2(n) = T


    y3(n) = y1(n)+y2(n) = T1{x(n)} + T2{x(n)}

    y(n)= (T2+ T1)x(n)

    Tp= (T2+ T1)

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    Non-linear Difference Equation:

    Difference Equations can also describe non linear systems:

    ( ) ( )y n A x n B= +

    ( ) ( )y n x n=

    ( ) ( ) ( )22 3y n x n x n=

    ( ) ( ) ( )( )3 logy n x n x n= +

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    Signal Decomposition:

    Decompose input into weighted basis functions:

    Generally we choose the basis

    functions and compute ck.

    ( ) ( )k kk

    x n c x n=

    Decomposition to Impulses:Decompose input sequenceto sum of unit samples.

    ( ) { }3,5,2,1x n =

    ( ) { } ( )1 3,0,0,0 3x n n= =

    ( ) { } ( )2 0,5,0,0 5 1x n n= = ( ) { } ( )3 0,0,2,0 2 2x n n= =

    ( ) { } ( )4 0,0,0,1 3x n n= =

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 2 3 4x n x n x n x n x n= + + +

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3 5 1 2 2 3x n n n n n = + + +


    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    2.3.1. System Analysis Techniques:

    Decomposition to Impulses:

    ( ) ( ) ( )3


    x n x k n k=


    ( ) ( ) ( )k

    x n x k n k


    ( ) ( ) ( ),k kc x k x n n k = =

    We can write the followingequation for the previousexpression:

    In general form


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    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Convolution Summation:

    ( ) ( ) ( )k

    x n x k n k

    = =

    ( ) ( ) ( )kk

    y n x k h n


    Consider the following system:

    Recall input can be decomposedas follows:


    If Tsystem is Linear:

    Impulse Response:

    Useless, infinite set of responses:(dependent on both n and k)


    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    )}({),( knTknh = )}({)( knTknh =

    )(),( knhknh =

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Convolution Summation:

    Impulse Response

    Note if system is time invariant



    For LTI systems, the convolution sum is as follows:

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) * ( ) ( ) * ( )k k

    y n h k x n k x k h n k h n x n x n h n

    = =

    = = = =

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Convolution Summation Calculation:

    Graphical method:

    To calculate y(n0) using the convolution summation, do

    the following steps:

    Folding: Fold h(k) about k = 0 to obtain h(-k).

    Shifting: Shift h(-k) by n0to the right (left) if n0is

    positive (negative), to obtain h(n0k)

    Multiplication: Multiply x(k) by h(n0k) to obtain the

    product sequence x(k)h(n0k)

    Summation: Sum all the values of the product

    sequence x(k)h(n0k) to obtain the value of the output

    at time n = n0

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Graphical Convolution Example

    Consider the following input and impulse response

    { }( ) 1,2,1, 1h n =

    { }( ) 1,2,3,1x n =

    Input Sequence Impulse Response

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    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Graphical Convolution Example Cont.

    Folded Impulse Shifted Impulse

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Graphical Convolution Example Cont.

    Multiply input by folded shifted h(n):

    Product Sequence x(k)h(n-k):

    ( ) ( ) ( )3


    1 1 1 4 3 8k

    y x k h k=

    = = + + =

    Sum of Product Sequence:

    ( )1y ( )0y

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Mathematical Convolution Example

    Consider the following input and impulse responsex(n) = [5 ,2 , 4 , -1] h(n) = [5 , 2 , 4 , -1]

    y[0] y[1] y[2] y[3] y[4] y[5] y[6]

    25 20 44 6 12 -8 1



    5 2 4 -1

    5 25 10 20 -5

    2 10 4 8 -2

    4 20 8 16 -4

    -1 -5 -2 -4 1

    y(n) = [25, 20 , 44 , 6 , 12 , -8 , 1]

    Note:The convolution of two FINITE-LENGTH sequences is that if

    x(n) is of length L1and h(n) is of length L2, y(n) = x(n)*h(n) will be

    of length : L = L1+ L2-1

    x(n) = [4 ,2 , 3 , -1] h(n) = [2 , 3 , 4 , -1]

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Convolution Properties

    ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( )ky n x k h n k x n h n


    = =

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )x n h n h n x n =

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )k k

    x k h n k h k x n k

    = = =

    Convolution Symbol:

    Convolution is Commutative:

    Convolution is Distributive:

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 2 1 2h n x n x n h n x n h n x n + = +

    Convolution is Associative:

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 2 2 33 1x n x n x n x n x n x n =

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    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Useful Geometric Summation Formulas

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Causal Linear Time-Invariant Systems

    An LTI system is Causal IFF its impulseresponse is 0 for negative values of n. ( ) 0, 0h n for n= 0:

    For example if x(n) = anu(n) the particular solution will

    be in the form:

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    The Particular Solution:

    The particular solution to a DE for different several inputs:

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems


    Determine the total solution for n 0 of a DT system characterized

    by the following difference equation:

    For x(n) = u(n) assuming the initial conditions of

    y(-1) = 0 and y(-2) = 0.


    For x(n) = u(n)

    Particular solution:

    Substitute thissolution into the DE

    ( ) 2nx n =

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Example: (cont.)

    Homogenous solution:

    ( ) ny n = 025.0 )2( = nn

    0)25.0( 2)2( = n


    0)5.0)(5.0( =+ n

    ny )5.0()(1 =nny )5.0()(2 = )()()( 2211 nyAnyAnyh +=


    h AAny )5.0()5.0()( 21 +=



    The homogenous solution


    5.02 =

  • 8/12/2019 Chapter_2_Part2_DT Signals & Systems.pdf


    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Example: (cont.)

    Total Solution:

    The total solution is:

    at n = 0 and n = 1

    The solution is:

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Difference Equations:

    Zero-Input & Zero-State Response:

    An alternate approach to determining the totalsolution of DE.

    )()()( nynyny zszi +=yzi(n) : zero-input response

    yzs(n) : zero-state response

    yzi(n)is obtained by solving DE by setting the input x(n) = 0.

    yzs(n)is obtained by solving DE by applying the specified input

    with all initial conditions set to zero(0).

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Determining Impulse Response:

    Given a LTI system in the form of a

    difference equation,

    For LTI Systems:

    For input:

    ( )n ( )h nLTI

    zero state

    ( ) ( ) ( )1


    k k

    k Lk

    y n a y n k b x n k


    = +

    ( ) ( )x n n=

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Case 1 Non Recursive Systems

    For unit impulse input, output:

    For non recursive system:Expanding above:

    Impulse Response:

    Impulse Response:

    Length = M+L+1 (FIR)

    ( ) ( )M

    kk L

    h n b n k =


    ( ) ( )y n h n=

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 0 1... 1 0 1 ...L Mh n b n L b n b b n b n M = + + + + + + + +

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )0 1 1;... 0 ; 1 ; 1 ;..M Lh M b h b h b h b h L b = = = = =

    ( ) { }1 0 1,... , , ,...,L Mh n b b b b b =

    Impulse response is same as coefficients in difference equation

    ( ) ,kh k b for L k M = " "

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    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.3. Analysis of DT Linear Invariant Systems

    Case 2 Recursive Systems

    Procedure for finding Impulse Response given recursivedifference equation:

    Find Homogeneous Solution:

    ( ) 1 1 2 2 ...n n n

    h N Ny n C C C = + + +

    ( ) ( )x n n= 1 2, ,..., NC C Clet and compute

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.4. implementation of DT Systems

    Structure for the Realization of LTI Systems:

    Here, the LCCDE structure for the realizationof systems isdescribed, additional structures for these system will introduce inlater chapters.

    Consider the first-order system:

    Direct Form I Structure

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.4. implementation of DT Systems

    Structure for the Realization of LTI Systems:

    The previous system can be viewed as 2 LTI systems in cascade,the first is a non-recursivesystem described by the equation:

    Whereas the second is a recursivesystem described by theequation:

    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.4. implementation of DT Systems

    Structure for the Realization of LTI Systems:

    If we interchangethe order of the recursive and non-recursivesystems, we obtain an alternative structurefor the realization ofthe system described previously:

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    Discrete-Time Signals & Systems

    Digital Signal Processing


    2.4. implementation of DT Systems

    Structure for the Realization of LTI Systems:

    Direct Form II Structure

    Minimizing the 2 delayin the structure form Ito 1 delayinstructure form II.