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Chapter metrics for: "Information Architecture for Organizations: An Ontological Approach" Authored by: Maurício B. Almeida, Christiano P. Pessanha and Renata Barcelos Published in the book: Ontology in Information Science Edited by: Ciza Thomas Tracking your book metrics is an important aspect of the post publishing process. You worked hard editing your book, and IntechOpen metrics allow you to examine the reach of your published content. Metrics demonstrate the engagement surrounding your book, which is important in uncovering potential opportunities for collaboration and examining the impact the published research is having within the scientific community. Your Performance Metrics report outlines the following: 1. Cumulative downloads by countries/time frame 2. Cumulative downloads by countries 3. Cumulative downloads by time frame Chapter performance metrics

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Chapter metrics for:"Information Architecture for Organizations: An Ontological Approach"Authored by: Maurício B. Almeida, Christiano P. Pessanha and Renata Barcelos

Published in the book:Ontology in Information ScienceEdited by: Ciza Thomas

Tracking your book metrics is an important aspect of the postpublishing process. You worked hard editing your book, andIntechOpen metrics allow you to examine the reach of yourpublished content. Metrics demonstrate the engagementsurrounding your book, which is important in uncoveringpotential opportunities for collaboration and examining theimpact the published research is having within the scientificcommunity.Your Performance Metrics report outlines the following:

1. Cumulative downloads by countries/time frame2. Cumulative downloads by countries3. Cumulative downloads by time frame

Chapter performance metrics

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1. Cumulative Downloads By Countries/Time Frame (Total: 200)

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Fr a n c eFr a n c eMa y 18 J un 18 J ul 18 Aug 18 Sep 18







Information Architecture for Organizations: An Ontological Approach

2. Cumulative Downloads By Countries (Total: 200)

U nite d S ta te s o f Am e ri c aU nite d S ta te s o f Am e ri c aD e nm a rkD e nm a rk

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C hi naC hi na

Un ite d S ta te s o f A me r ic aUn ite d S ta te s o f A me r ic a

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Information Architecture for Organizations: An Ontological Approach

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3. Cumulative Downloads By Time Frame (Total: 200)

Ma y 18 J un 18 J ul 18 Aug 18 Sep 18 Oct 180





Information Architecture for Organizations: An Ontological Approach