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Life Processes

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SOMIA SHARMA Bachelors in Medical Technology

• 4.5 years of teaching experience.


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Batch 3 Biology - Grade 10

(English)Date 22-Sep-2021



# Student nameTotal








Time Taken


1 HARSH JHA 10 10 21 00:21

2 ADITYA JAIN 10 10 34 00:34

3 Rachana J S 10 10 41 00:41

4 R Dhanush kumar 10 10 49 00:49

5 sanskar santosh goni 10 10 70 01:10

6 Manvitha.B 10 10 88 01:28

7 Ashima dutta 10 10 106 01:46

8 Shraddha 10 10 114 01:54

9 Chandana Kallam 10 10 117 01:57

10 Diya S Kharvi 10 10 397 06:37

11 AKSHAY RAJ 10 9 94 01:34

12 Anam Siddiqui 10 9 95 01:35

13 sana 10 9 127 02:07

14 Simran 10 8 55 00:55

15 A. Harishvimal 10 8 64 01:04

16 Vedica Puri 10 8 93 01:33

17 Vanshika 10 8 163 02:43

18 SHUBHAM KHAMKAR 10 8 216 03:36

19 pritha 10 8 314 05:14

20 Harmeet 10 7 9 00:09

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Today’s Topic

Quiz on Modes of Nutrition

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A. Autotrophic Nutrition

In which mode an organism derives its nutrition from the body of

another organism without killing it?

B. Holozoic Nutrition

D. Symbiotic NutritionC. Parasitic Nutrition

In parasitic mode of nutrition, the parasite derives its nutrition from

the host by absorbing the nutrients directly from its body. It does not

kill the host as that would stop its own nutrition. The host eventually

dies of inadequate nutrients required for its own survival.

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A. Autotrophic Nutrition

The mode of nutrition found in fungi is

B. Holozoic Nutrition

D. Saprophytic NutritionC. Parasitic Nutrition

In saprophytic nutrition, the fungi grows on dead and decaying

organic matter and derives nutrients from it.

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A. Heterotrophic Nutrition

The mode of nutrition found in Amoeba is

B. Holozoic Nutrition

D. Saprophytic NutritionC. Parasitic Nutrition

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ContentIn Steps in Holozoic Nutrition

Ingestion- process of intake of food

Digestion- conversion of complex food particles into simple absorbable form

Absorption- process of absorption of nutrients into the blood for further use

Assimilation- Utilization of absorbed nutrients to meet energy requirements

for metabolic activities

Egestion- Removal of excretory waste materials outside the body

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A. Convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates

Which of the following statement about the autotrophs is incorrect?

B. Store carbohydrates in the form of starch

D. Constitute the first trophic level in food chain

C. Synthesize glucose in the absence of sunlight

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A. Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba

Which of the following groups of organisms show extracellular digestion?

B. Yeast, Mushroom, bread mold

D. Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm

C. Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta

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In extracellular digestion, the organism releases digestive secretions to

digest the food outside the body. The digested food is then ingested and

assimilated inside the body. Example- fungi

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A. True

The digestion of food in humans starts from stomach.

B. False

The process of digestion in humans starts from mouth and ending in

the small intestine.

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A. Heterotrophs are capable of converting carbon

dioxide and water into carbohydrates

Select the correct statement.

B. Heterotrophs utilize solar energy for photosynthesis

D. Heterotrophs do not synthesize their own food.

C. Heterotrophs synthesize their own food.

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A. Mitochondria

In Amoeba, food is digested in the

B. Food vacuole

D. Contractile vacuoleC. Chloroplast

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A. Breakdown of proteins

Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will get affected if the

amylase is lacking in the saliva?

B. Breakdown of Fats

D. Absorption of VitaminsC. Breakdown of Carbohydrates

Saliva contains enzyme salivary amylase which is responsible for the

breakdown of starch into simple sugar molecules.

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A. Complex proteins

A few drops of iodine solution were added to rice water. The solution

turned blue-black in color. This indicates that rice water contains

B. Simple proteins

D. StarchC. Fats

Starch when reacts with iodine solutions turns it into blue-black color.

This test is performed to check the presence of starch in food.

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A. True

Proteins in food are converted into peptides by the enzyme pepsin.

B. False

Pepsin is secreted by the gastric glands in the stomach.

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Assertion: HCl secreted by the gastric glands reduce the pH in the stomach.

Reason: Acidic pH is essential for the action of pepsin.

A. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the

correct explanation of assertion (A).

B. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but the reason (R) is not

the correct explanation of assertion (A).

C. Assertion (A) is true but the reason (R) is false.

D. Assertion (A) is false but the reason (R) is true.

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A. Duodenum

Which of the following receives bile from the liver?

B. Gall bladder

D. PancreasC. Jejunum

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Assertion: Digestion of fats is completed in duodenum.

Reason: Duodenum receives secretions from both liver and pancreas.

A. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the

correct explanation of assertion (A).

B. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but the reason (R) is not

the correct explanation of assertion (A).

C. Assertion (A) is true but the reason (R) is false.

D. Assertion (A) is false but the reason (R) is true.

Emulsification of fats occurs in liver using bile salts.

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A. Stomach

In which part of the alimentary canal is the food is finally digested?

B. Mouth cavity

D. Small intestineC. Large intestine

Small intestine receives partially digested food from stomach and

digestive secretions from the liver and pancreas. The intestinal

enzymes finally breakdown the food into simplest form.

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Assertion: Small intestine performs the complete digestion of food.

Reason: Partially digested food from stomach along with secretions

from liver and pancreas enter the small intestine for complete digestion.

A. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the

correct explanation of assertion (A).

B. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but the reason (R) is not

the correct explanation of assertion (A).

C. Assertion (A) is true but the reason (R) is false.

D. Assertion (A) is false but the reason (R) is true.

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A. True

The villi present in the intestinal wall helps in digestion of food.

B. False

Villi helps in absorption of the nutrients into the blood vessels.

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A. Stomach

The exit of unabsorbed food is regulated by

B. Anus

D. Anal sphincterC. Small intestine

Anal sphincter is a ring of muscles that regulate the opening and

closing of anus thus regulating the bowel function.

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Anal Sphincter

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A. True

Fibres present in the food do not have any role in the process of


B. False

Fibres are not digested during the process of digestion, but they help

to increase the bulk of the waste to be excreted out of the body.

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A. True

Physical digestion of food occurs only in the mouth.

B. False

Physical digestion of food occurs in mouth, stomach and small intestine.

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A. Pepsin

The inner lining in the stomach is protected by one of the following

from hydrochloric acid. Choose the correct one.

B. Salivary amylase

D. BileC. Mucus

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A. Trypsin digests proteins and lipase carbohydrates

Choose the correct function of the pancreatic juice.

B. Trypsin digests emulsified fats and lipase proteins

D. trypsin digests proteins and lipase emulsified fats

C. Trypsin and lipase digest fats

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ContentDigestive Secretions


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A. Mitochondria

The site of photosynthesis in the green plants

B. Golgi body

D. Cell wallC. Chloroplast

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A. Water

Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from

B. Chlorophyll

D. GlucoseC. Carbon dioxide

During photosynthesis, the absorbed light energy splits the water

molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen gas is released out of

the stomata.

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A. Glycogen

The cellular energy reserve in autotrophs comes from

B. Starch

D. Fatty acidC. Protein

During photosynthesis, there is synthesis of glucose as the carbohydrate

source. But glucose is water soluble and cannot be retained as energy

reserve. Therefore, many glucose molecules are combines together to

form starch which is stored as an energy source.

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A. Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll

Choose the event that does not occur in photosynthesis.

B. Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates

D. Conversion of light energy to chemical energy

C. Oxidation of carbon to carbon dioxide

The photosynthetic reaction uses carbon dioxide as the raw material

which is reduced to glucose a carbohydrate.

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A. Oxygen

The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon

B. Temperature

D. Concentration of CO2C. Water in guard cells

Amount of water present in the guard cells regulate the opening and closing

of stomata. When excess water is present, the guard cells swell and forcibly

open the stomatal pore, while in case of less water the guard cells shrink

closing the stomatal pore.

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Match the following.


Autotrophic nutrition Amoeba

Heterotrophic nutrition Green plant

Parasitic nutrition Fungi

Digestion of food in vacuoles Humans

Saprophytic nutrition Leech


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Match the following.


Autotrophic nutrition Amoeba

Heterotrophic nutrition Green plant

Parasitic nutrition Fungi

Digestion of food in vacuoles Humans

Saprophytic nutrition Leech


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Fill in the blanks.

a) __________is the longest part of the alimentary canal.

b) Small intestine receives secretion from ________ and _________.

c) Entry and exit of gases in green plants occur through __________.

d) _________regulate the opening and closing of stomata in plants.

e) __________secreted by the gastric glands in stomach acts on proteins.

f) ___________movement of alimentary canal moves the food in the


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Fill in the blanks.

a) Small intestine is the longest part of the alimentary canal.

b) Small intestine receives secretion from liver and pancreas.

c) Entry and exit of gases in green plants occur through stomata.

d) Guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomata in plants.

e) Pepsin secreted by the gastric glands in stomach acts on proteins.

f) Peristaltic movement of alimentary canal moves the food in the intestine.

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Match the terms.


Trypsin Pancreas

Amylase Liver

Bile Gastric glands

Pepsin Saliva

Small Intestine

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Match the terms.


Trypsin Pancreas

Amylase Liver

Bile Gastric glands

Pepsin Saliva

Small Intestine

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ContentContentDescribe the process of photosynthesis in plants.

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• Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants prepare their food.

• It is an autotrophic mode of nutrition.

• The raw materials used are carbon dioxide and water.

• During photosynthesis the chlorophyll in plants absorb sunlight.

• The light energy absorbed the plants is converted into chemical energy,

• The end products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

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Explain the process of nutrition in Amoeba.

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• Amoeba shows heterotrophic mode of


• It surrounds and engulfs the food particle

by forming by pseudopodia.

• The engulfed food is taken inside the food

vacuole and digested.

• The undigested food is expelled out of the

body by egestion.

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What will happen if the gastric glands do not secrete mucus?

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• Gastric glands in stomach release hydrochloric acid, enzyme pepsin and


• Mucus protects the inner lining of stomach from the action of hydrochloric

acid and enzyme pepsin.

• If mucus is not released, it will lead to erosion of inner lining of stomach,

leading to acidity and ulcers.

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Why does the maximum absorption of food occur in the small intestine?

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• Gastric glands in stomach release hydrochloric acid, enzyme pepsin and


• Mucus protects the inner lining of stomach from the action of hydrochloric

acid and enzyme pepsin.

• If mucus is not released, it will lead to erosion of inner lining of stomach,

leading to acidity and ulcers.

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ContentContentLabel the parts.




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ContentContentDraw the diagram of an open and closed stomata.

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ContentContentDraw the diagram of an open and closed stomata.

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Thank you!