chapter 8 - william allan kritsonis, phd - lecture notes - decision making

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• Presenter: William Allan Kritsonis,PhD

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Leadership, Management and Polic

• !ducational administrator is theleader and manager

• Leadership and management are"oth needed to "e a successfuladministrator

• Leadership and management areN#T e$clusi%e functions in education

• Leadership and management aresimilar "ut not direct correlation

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 The Person in Charge: An !thicalPerspecti%e

•  Administrative leader- A paradigm of the organi&ation'smoral architecture, a true e$emplar of the communit'sethics and sense of decorum( Sets ideals and sharedprofessional %ision a"o%e personal con%enience(

Manager- )orks *ith others to organi&e sstems of datacollection, e%aluation, and accounta"ilit aimed atorgani&ational e+cienc( ses appeals to accounta"ilit toreinforce clearl articulated pu"lic o"-ecti%es and goals(

• Boss- .irst and foremost, relies on formal authorit to get

su"ordinates in line( Ma use techni/ues of intimidation,"oth su"tle and o%ert( 0nsists on personal loalt andgetting the -o" done right a*a, *ith no complaint( 0f theassigned person cannot get the -o" done right the 1rsttime, the "oss *ill 1nd someone *ho can(

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 The person in charge: An ethicalPerspecti%e

•  Administrative Leader- !le%ates school and

district moral architecture through e$ample,polic and protocol(

• Manager- Sustains the le%el of moralarchitecture necessar to sustain currentoperational e+cienc in the organi&ation(

• Boss- Tends to "ring organi&ational architectureto it's lo*est le%el " creating a 2might makesright3 am"iance(

Properly trained educational administrator knows what education is about,whereas a person whose training is limited to efcient managerial skills will

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• Ma keep a district a4oat "ut a small amountof educational %alue produced

• MBAs run a cost5e6ecti%e organi&ation, and

kno*s little to none a"out education, facultde%elopment, the theor and practice ofteaching, student learning and de%elopmentand the idea of education as a 7reat

Con%ersation(• Administrators of the MBA nature are onl

helping set the stage for their o*nreplacement

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• A person in a position to control othersthrough institutionall formali&ed %ariance issocial roles

Administrator gets too comforta"le• At times educational institutions need a direct

approach8 someone to direct to*ard a speci1cneed or action

•  The ends of an educational organi&ation aredemocratic and inclusi%e that "ossiness as anadministrati%e stle should "e an e$ception

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Leadership: mo%ing BeondManagement

• A successful administrator must "lend commandstle(

9democratic en%ironment "ut kno*s *hen to "ecome a"oss

9not all details call for immediate attention

9"alanced approach "et*een a %ariet of leadershipstles, details and 2"ig picture3

• 0n creation polic al*as "egin " thinking 2*hat

is the polic meant to do39no"le intentions are N#T enough

9must "ring together polic purpose, practicalconstraints and likel conse/uences

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Leadership: mo%ing BeondManagement cont(

•  The administrator must decide *hether a polic isto "e implemented

• 0n the end the administrator is held accounta"le8failure or success

• Administrati%e secrec, o"stinac,authoritarianism, and prickliness in the face ofcriticism are each far more likel to causepro"lems for an administrator in the long run than

is implementation of a less5than optimal polic(

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Start *ith Polic ;e%ie*, Not People;e%ie*

• Process and polic make or "reak anorgani&ation(

• After assessment and e%aluation,defecti%e processes or polic should"e 1$ed(

• Change in process and polic is thesource of institutional impro%ement(

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Deming's Social andManagerial 0dealism and Sche<er's Pragmatism

• Deming decries management that relies on "oss5like "eha%ior for getting things done(

• People *ho *ork harder *hen the are led ratherthan pushed "ecause people follo* "est thosethe admire, respect, and honor(

• Deming surmised, leaders must de%elop a fulland appropriate repertoire of %irtues(

• Deming's moralism is resolute "ut not a"solute

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Deming's Moralism

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Deming's Moralism

Advice Explanation Example

!liminate .ear .ears that stmie trust,openness, caring and discussion

 Tell an emploee ho* to furtherde%elop *ithout critici&ing hise6orts

!liminate "arriers Practices and policies that inhi"itcooperati%e sta6 re4ection,planning, re5en%isioning and


Create teacher discussion groupsto meet on a regular "asis

!liminate /uotas Beha%ior prods that push or pullsta6 to*ard performancemarkers

Making -o" continuance and anre*ard dependent on a singlenum"er lessens the likelihood ofcreati%e pro"lem sol%ing

De%elop pride Commitment to high5/ualitperformance

Sho* through our o*n e$amplethat ou ne%er settle for 2goodenough3 "ut instead al*as

stri%e for genuine e$cellence(

Ma$imi&e leadership Leadership that respects sta6and prompts them to follo* =andnot merel follo* along *ith>together in a shared %ision

?a%e an end5of5semester"rainstorming session chaired "a teacher and attend " alladministrators

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7etting one's Ducks in a;o*

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7etting one's Ducks in a;o*

•  The process of getting read to sol%e a pro"lem ormeet a challenge(

• .or a pro"lem to "e recogni&ed it must "e framed insome tpe of content

• Data collection is %er important• Data collection and re%ie* are comprehensi%e and

parsimonious *hen all rele%ant data are collected andthere is no *asted e6ort or e$pense collecting thedata

•  The num"ers D# matter8 the matter so much thatadministrators must put much e6ort into identifing*hat num"ers ought to "e collected and prioriti&ed inpro"lem sol%ing challenges

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 The Point of Polic : 7etting Better all the Time

• Circumstances surrounding an organi&ation are "ound tochange(

• 0n a *ell5*orking organi&ation e%erone is contri"uting(

• 0n a de1cientl run organi&ation there is a pro"lem *ithorgani&ational polic, planning and protocols(

• Dismissing su"ordinates to repair an operational glitch in anorgani&ation forces the appearance of another "ottlenecksome*here else in the organi&ation

• 0nstead of dismissing personnel at the 1rst indication oforgani&ational *eakness(

•  The administrator must ha%e "oth the integrit and the moralcourage to make di+cult decisions, make amends *henthings go *rong, and al*as "e prepared to step for*ard*ith a plan to make things right(

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No Child Left Behind: A Source of !%aluation and AssessmentBlunders

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No Child Left Behind: A Source of !%aluation and AssessmentBlunders

• students score on standardi&ed test are often usedto e%aluate indi%idual teachers, administratorsultimatel schools, districts, and e%en the state andnational educational sstems(

•  The e%aluation practices of NCLB are far morecommensura"le *ith ho* one might imaginee%aluating propagandists, salespeople or marketingpersonnel rather than educators(

)hate%er might "e the "est *a to e%aluateeducators' success in educational undertakings, itsurel cannot "e " the percentage of a studentaggregate scores on standardi&ed test(

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Making Theor ;esponsi%e toPractice

• Nurture respect for e%er participant in e%er aspect ofthe educational process(

• Demonstrate again and again that the pursuit of "othkno*ledge and understanding is to "e admired(

 Teach students the epistemic foundations of %ariousdisciplines and 1elds of creati%e in/uir(

• !ncourage teachers to mo%e "eond the /uestion 2)h3to t*o additional /uestions 2?o* do ou kno*3 and2)hat do ou mean " the term@@@@@@3

• !nsure that students come to understand that *hen themake pu"lic claims to kno*, the undertake an o"ligationto -ustif and o6er grounds for such claims *hen asked" fello* truth seekers(

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• Create moti%ational programs

• !ncourage principals to sponsor 2principalseminars3 on a regular "asis in order to

demonstrate to facult, sta6 and studentsthat the li%e a life of thinking and learning

• 0nclude in e%erda announcements someintellectual, artistic, scienti1c, or phsical1tness achie%ement " a person on thenational or *orld scale

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• Nurture Teacher circles(

• De%elop moti%ational schemes forsho*ing students that intelligent andno%el /uestions are as important tothe ad%ance of the 7reatcon%ersation as is sharing

acceptance for a "it of ne*l -usti1eddata(