chapter 7: times of plenty, times of hardship lesson 1: an industrial nation

Chapter 7: Times of Plenty, Times of Hardship Lesson 1: An Industrial Nation

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Chapter 7: Times of Plenty, Times of Hardship

Lesson 1: An Industrial Nation

Assembly Line

system in which workers stand in one place and put parts together as the pieces go by on a moving belt

an example: The Model T car

Mass Production

the making of large quantities of goods that are exactly alike

Mass Media

public forms of communication that reaches large audiences

example: radio

Lesson 2: The Roaring Twenties


ban on the sale of alcohol

Eighteenth Amendment

amendment that outlawed the making, sale, and transporting of alcoholic beverages

Twenty-first Amendment

amendment that ended Prohibition


musical form that was influenced by African American traditions

Harlem Renaissance

period in which artists used writing, music, and painting to share their ideas and feelings about life for African Americans

Lesson 3: The Good Times End


the condition of being out of work

Stock Marketplace where stocks are bought and sold

Great Depression

worst period of economic hardship in United States history

Credit A way to Borrow Money

Lesson 4: The New Deal

New Deal

programs to help the country out of the Great Depression

Social Security

program that provides monthly payments to the elderly, disabled, and unemployed


long period without rain

Dust Bowl

area of the Great Plains affected by dust storms

Migrant worker

a worker who moves from place to place to harvest crops

inflation is rapid rise in prices