chapter 7 nobody wins

Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Nobody wins Nobody wins Oxford English 8A Oxford English 8A

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Chapter 7 Nobody wins. Oxford English 8A. 1. What are the two cartoon characters doing?. They are floating around. 2.Where are they now?Can you guess?. Maybe they are in a spaceship. 3.Can they stand on the ground of spaceship?. No, there is no gravity (重力). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 7 Nobody wins

Chapter 7Chapter 7Nobody winsNobody wins

Oxford English 8AOxford English 8A

Page 2: Chapter 7 Nobody wins

1. What are the two cartoon characters doing?They are floating around.

2.Where are they now?Can you guess?Maybe they are in a spaceship.

3.Can they stand on the ground of spaceship?No, there is no gravity (重力)

4. Do you weigh more in a spaceship?No we have no weight.

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1, Which is the biggest planet?

2, Which is the farthest planet from the sun?

3, Which planet shines the most bright?

4, Which planet is the nearest to the sun?





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Period1: Period1: Reading Reading I.What do you know I.What do you know about?about?

1.1. The planet that shines in the sky most brightly is___. The planet that shines in the sky most brightly is___. A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Venus A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Venus

2.2. As the moon goes round the earth, it causes___. As the moon goes round the earth, it causes___. A) the sea to move B) rain to fall C) winds to blow A) the sea to move B) rain to fall C) winds to blow

3.3. If you travel in space, you will find that you body___. If you travel in space, you will find that you body___. A) weighs less B)has no weight C)weighs more A) weighs less B)has no weight C)weighs more

4.4. The first man to travel in space, Yuri Gagarin, was___. The first man to travel in space, Yuri Gagarin, was___. A) American B) German C) Russia A) American B) German C) Russia

5. The fastest thing in space is light .light travels at a speed of 300,005. The fastest thing in space is light .light travels at a speed of 300,000 km per___. 0 km per___. A) second B) minute C) hour A) second B) minute C) hour

1.1. The planet that shines in the sky most brightly is___. The planet that shines in the sky most brightly is___. A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Venus A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Venus

2.2. As the moon goes round the earth, it causes___. As the moon goes round the earth, it causes___. A) the sea to move B) rain to fall C) winds to blow A) the sea to move B) rain to fall C) winds to blow

3.3. If you travel in space, you will find that you body___. If you travel in space, you will find that you body___. A) weighs less B)has no weight C)weighs more A) weighs less B)has no weight C)weighs more

4.4. The first man to travel in space, Yuri Gagarin, was___. The first man to travel in space, Yuri Gagarin, was___. A) American B) German C) Russia A) American B) German C) Russia

5. The fastest thing in space is light .light travels at a speed of 300,005. The fastest thing in space is light .light travels at a speed of 300,000 km per___. 0 km per___. A) second B) minute C) hour A) second B) minute C) hour






Try this quiz ,choose the right answers

Page 7: Chapter 7 Nobody wins

II. Pre-readingII. Pre-reading

Review the ending of part one of Review the ending of part one of Nobody Wins..

Discuss in groups: Discuss in groups: How can Captain King How can Captain King and his crew members escape from Gork’s caand his crew members escape from Gork’s cave? If you are Captain King, what will you dve? If you are Captain King, what will you do next?o next?

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Page 9: Chapter 7 Nobody wins

Some clues :Some clues :

Will Captain King escape from Gork?Will Captain King escape from Gork? How many of his crew will escape from GoHow many of his crew will escape from Go

rk?rk? What will happen to Gork?What will happen to Gork? Will Gork’s friends be tricked by Captain Will Gork’s friends be tricked by Captain

King?King? Will Gork’s kangaroos help Captain King?Will Gork’s kangaroos help Captain King?

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1.1. Captain King___escape from Gork. Captain King___escape from Gork. a) will b) will not a) will b) will not

2.2. ___of his crew escape from Gork. ___of his crew escape from Gork. a) All b) Most c) None a) All b) Most c) None

3.3. Gork will ___. Gork will ___. a) be killed b) be hurt c) become a prisoa) be killed b) be hurt c) become a prisonerner

4.4. Gork’s friends will___. Gork’s friends will___. a)try to save him b)be tricked by Captain Ki a)try to save him b)be tricked by Captain Kingng

5.5. Gork’s kangaroos will help ___. Gork’s kangaroos will help ___. a) Captain King b) Gork a) Captain King b) Gork






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A. Students read the text silently for a few A. Students read the text silently for a few minutes,and then check their guesses.minutes,and then check their guesses.

B. Listen to the tape recording .Do the B. Listen to the tape recording .Do the ‘true or false’ questions about the text.‘true or false’ questions about the text.

Reading procedure:

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True\falseTrue\false Gork took a long time to fall asleep.( )Gork took a long time to fall asleep.( ) Captain King took out a laser torch to begin his eCaptain King took out a laser torch to begin his e

scape plan. ( )scape plan. ( ) Captain King used the laser torch to kill Gork.( )Captain King used the laser torch to kill Gork.( ) Captain King’s eye was hurt by the laser torch.( Captain King’s eye was hurt by the laser torch.(

) ) Gork’s friends didn’t understand what Gork sGork’s friends didn’t understand what Gork s

aid.( )aid.( ) The crew escaped from the cave on the kangarooThe crew escaped from the cave on the kangaroo

s’ backs.( )s’ backs.( ) The crew of Captain King all died at dawn.( )The crew of Captain King all died at dawn.( )








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Group discussion

Imagine that you are Captain king and his crew,and to produce an escape lane ,After the discussion,one member from each group should discribe the group’s plan.

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ConsolidationConsolidation :: Write a short story about alien---GorWrite a short story about alien---Gor

k’s visiting the earth.k’s visiting the earth. Finish exercises D and E.Finish exercises D and E.

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Period2Period2 :: Vocabulary:Vocabulary: laser: laser: a device that produces a very powerful bea device that produces a very powerful be

am of light am of light eg. The laser beam cut a hole in the steel door in a eg. The laser beam cut a hole in the steel door in a

few minutesfew minutes snoresnore: breathe noisily while sleeping : breathe noisily while sleeping eg.We knew Dad was asleep because we could heaeg.We knew Dad was asleep because we could hea

r him snoring.r him snoring. attract:attract: pull something/someone towards some pull something/someone towards some

thingthingattraction attraction (n.), (n.), attractiveattractive(a.)(a.)

eg.Last night’s concert was able to attract a big ceg.Last night’s concert was able to attract a big crows.rows.

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escapeescape:get away from a place to :get away from a place to freedomfreedom

interruptinterrupt: speak before someone else : speak before someone else had finished speaking/ doing had finished speaking/ doing somethingsomething

crewcrew aim ataim at

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Do exercise C1Do exercise C1 、、 C2C2

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Words and expressionsWords and expressionslie-lay-lain lie-lay-lain 躺 躺 lie down lie down lie-lied-lied lie-lied-lied 说谎说谎lay-laid-laid lay-laid-laid 孵,放置孵,放置fall-fell-fallen/fall asleepfall-fell-fallen/fall asleepescape from…escape from…aim…at…aim…at…wide/narrowwide/narrowfree(adj)-freedom(n.)free(adj)-freedom(n.)safe(adj)-safety(n.)safe(adj)-safety(n.)panic(v.)-panic(n.)panic(v.)-panic(n.)silent-silentlysilent-silently

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1. lay down on his bed : 躺倒在他的床上

lie-lay-lain v. lie-lay-lain v. 躺 躺 lie down lie down lie-lied-lied v. lie-lied-lied v. 说谎说谎 

lie n.lie n. 谎话,谎言 谎话,谎言 tell a lietell a lie

2.immediately (adv.) at once/without delay.  立即地

When the fire alarm rang, they left the building immed


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4.feel sleepy :  感到困的 feel + adj : feel 在这里是感官动词,

此外还有 look, smell, taste, sound  

He felt tired so he didn’t go to the party.  

feel sth : 摸……   The doctor felt his forehead.  

3.fall asleep : 睡着的,入睡 be asleep 

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5.snoring(v.)breathing noisily while sleeping. 打鼾   eg.We knew Dad was asleep because we could hear him snoring.  

snore:( v. ) 打鼾( n  )鼾声

6.laser : (n.) a device that produces a very powerful beam of light.  激光 eg.The laser beam cut a hole in the steel door in a few minutes.  

Page 22: Chapter 7 Nobody wins a plastic case  在一个塑料盒里8.attract : (v.) pull something/someone towards something. 吸引   eg.Last night’s concert was able to attract a big crowd.  

eg.The light attracted a lot of insects.  

attractive:(adj.) means good to look at.  

eg.She wears very attractive clothes.  

eg.Your suggestion sounds attractive.   attraction(n.) 吸引力,魅力

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9. use sth to do 用某物做某事   used to do sth=often did sth  过去常常做某事 be used to sth/doing sth 习惯于做某事   be used to do sth ……被用来做  

10. escape : (v.) get away from a place to freedom.  逃跑 escape from…

eg.The thief tried to escape from jail, but the police caught him.  

eg.They escaped from the burning house.  

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11.interrupted : (v.) spoke before someone else had finished speaking/doing something.打断

eg.I was talking to Ann on the phone when my mother interrupted to say that dinner was ready.

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12. too + adj/adv + to do sth: 太……不能

so…that + 否定句

not + adj/adv( 反义词) + enough to do

eg.He was too excited to say a word.

eg.We’ve too weak to open the door.

eg.We aren’t strong enough to open the door.

eg.We are so weak that we can’t open the door.

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13. hiding among the kangaroos : 藏在袋鼠中间

among : 在三者或三者以上的中间

between : 在两者之间

The teacher is sitting among his students.

I stand between Mary and Helen.


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14. aimed the torch at : 用手电照向


1.pointed something at someone

eg.Mary aimed her camera at the bird and snapped the picture.

2. intended to

eg.I aimed to become a doctor before I was 30.

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16. pressed the button 按按钮17. beam : (n.) ray of light 光线eg. The beam of light from her torch lit up the path in front of her.

laser beam激光光束

18. went out (v.) stopped shining/burning. 熄灭、扑灭eg. He poured water on the fire, and the fire went out.

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19. attacked : (v.) started to hurt someone or damage something. 攻击

The police dogs attacked the robber, who fell to the ground.

He was attacked by words

attack sb 攻击某人

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20. by this time 到这时为止

by… “ …… ”表示 到 为止 (用于完成时态 )) eg.She has realized his mistakes by now.

eg.The workers had built ten buildings by last month.

eg.Tom had learned 3 thousands words by last year.

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21. crew : (n.) group of people who work on a ship or plane. 人群 The ship sank, but the crew and passengers were all saved.

Crew can be followed by singular or plural verb.

The crew is/are ready.

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22. called his…to come out : …叫他的 出去

23.hopped through the narrow opening : 跳着穿过狭窄的开口


24.felt their backs with his hands : 用他的手触摸他的背

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25.(be) done for(v.) :

killed/destroyed/badly hurt 完蛋(通常用于被动)

Those plants will be done for if you don’t water them soon.

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26.panic:(v.) show great fear. ( panicked)

恐惧、害怕The crowd in the cinema began to panic when they smelled smoke.

Don’t panic.

panic (n.) means strong, wild fear.

I got into a panic when I found the door was locked.

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27.freedom : (n.)being free; not being a prisoner; being able to say/go/do what you want.自由During holidays, they enjoy freedom from homework.

We have freedom of speech.

free (adj.)

(a)自由的 , 空闲的 Will you be free tomorrow?

(b) 免费的 I got the tickets for free.

freely (adv.)

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28.eventually : (adv) in the end/after a time/at last/finally 最后

eventual (adj.)--eventually (adv.)

Lily practiced running every day and eventually became the school’s best runner.

30.move silently towards the house


silent (adj.)—silently (adv.)

Page 37: Chapter 7 Nobody wins : (n.) freedom from danger. 安全 Firemen broke into the burning flat and led the children out to safety.

I am worried about the safety of the children.

safe (adj.) 安全的 The boy tried to hide himself in a safe place.

safely (adv.) 安全地 After the war, her husband came back safely.

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figure : (n.) the shape of a living body 人形 In the distance, he could see a figure standing on a hill and waving to him.

figure also means:

1/ a number

Write the figure 2 on the board.

2/ a diagram/picture in a book

(usually abbreviated to fig.)

See fig.12 on page92.

3/ a shape

She skated in the figure of an eight.

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Listening :Listening :

Time references:Time references: The simple present tense(often)The simple present tense(often) The simple past tenseThe simple past tense The future tenseThe future tense

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Period 3: languagePeriod 3: language

PrepositionsPrepositions Some/anySome/any Somebody,someone,somethingSomebody,someone,something

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In, insideIn, inside Out of, outsideOut of, outside On, on top of…On, on top of… On the left of, on the right ofOn the left of, on the right of AboveAbove 在…正上方在…正上方 , , overover 在…上方在…上方 UnderUnder 在…正下方在…正下方 , , belowbelow 在…下方在…下方 Beside, close to, next toBeside, close to, next to

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Differences between Differences between onon and and aboveabove


1)on the top of1)on the top of

2)Fixed, drawn, or written on the 2)Fixed, drawn, or written on the side or surface of something.side or surface of something.

Above: higher than, not touchingAbove: higher than, not touching

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in front of…in front of… 在…前方在…前方 /in the front of…/in the front of…在某物的前端在某物的前端

opposite opposite 在对面在对面 behind behind 在后面在后面 BetweenBetween 在两者之间、在两者之间、 amongamong 在三者在三者


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Exercise:Exercise: Exercise A saying where people are Exercise A saying where people are

(next to, in front of, behind, between)(next to, in front of, behind, between) Exercise BExercise B Exercise C saying about Exercise C saying about

amounts(some,any)amounts(some,any) Using somebody, someone, something:Using somebody, someone, something:

somebody, anybodysomebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, everybody, nobodysomething, anythingsomething, anything, everything, , everything, nothingnothingsomeone, anyonesomeone, anyone, everyone, , everyone, no oneno one

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Period 4 Speaking: (PPeriod 4 Speaking: (P100100))

/s/,/z/,/iz/ are the three common ending /s/,/z/,/iz/ are the three common ending sounds of plural nouns.sounds of plural nouns.

~/t/,/k/,/p/~/t/,/k/,/p/ /s//s/ ~/g/,/m/,/g/,/d/,/u:/,/a:/,/i:/,/ou/ ~/g/,/m/,/g/,/d/,/u:/,/a:/,/i:/,/ou/ /z/z

// /s/,/t∫/,/z/,/d/s/,/t∫/,/z/,/d /Ʒ/Ʒ /iz//iz/

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Playing cardsPlaying cards

Group work: S1 takes out a Group work: S1 takes out a card, S2 reads it. Compete who card, S2 reads it. Compete who reads better.reads better.

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Speak up(PSpeak up(P101101)) Have a discussion about the event. Have a discussion about the event.

Ss give reasons to each other for all Ss give reasons to each other for all the things they choose.the things they choose.

““Shall we take…?”Shall we take…?”

Yes, let’s take that/those.Yes, let’s take that/those.

We need …because we must…We need …because we must…

We must…We must…

Therefore, we need to take…Therefore, we need to take…

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First,/firstly…First,/firstly… Second,/secondly…Second,/secondly… Third,/thirdly…Third,/thirdly… Then,..Then,.. Next,…Next,… After that,…After that,… Lastly,/finally,…Lastly,/finally,…

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Period 5:Using English_ The Period 5:Using English_ The contents pagecontents page

Pre-task: Pre-task:

a. bring some books of English versions to a. bring some books of English versions to class.class.

b. learn what the contents page isb. learn what the contents page is

c. use contents page to find information.c. use contents page to find information. Practise:P102Practise:P102

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Period 6:Writing (P103)Period 6:Writing (P103)

Using the simple past tense Using the simple past tense to write a write a report.

Paying more attention to Paying more attention to the irregular verbs.the irregular verbs.

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Verbs:Verbs: Regular verbs:Regular verbs:

~ ed~ ed (enter-entered(enter-entered follow-followed)follow-followed)~(e)d~(e)d (die-died(die-died arrive-arrived)arrive-arrived)~(~( 元音元音 ) yed) yed (( play-played, enjoy-enjoyeplay-played, enjoy-enjoyedd ))~(~( 辅音)辅音) ied ied (( study-studied, try-triedstudy-studied, try-tried ))~~ 重读闭音节、一个辅音字母结尾,双写这个重读闭音节、一个辅音字母结尾,双写这个辅音字母+辅音字母+ eded (( hop-hoppedhop-hopped ))

Irregular verbs: Irregular verbs: (( 见不规则动词表)整理出一定的规律(见不规则动词表)整理出一定的规律( aaaaaa ,,abaaba ,, abb, abcabb, abc 等)等)

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Period 7:More oral practicePeriod 7:More oral practice

Divide ss into groups of three,(group work)Divide ss into groups of three,(group work) Using the past tense,the present tense,the fUsing the past tense,the present tense,the f

uture tense to design a passage about the viuture tense to design a passage about the village life. (15m)llage life. (15m)

Change the ss’ work, correct mistakesChange the ss’ work, correct mistakes Show and read three of the passages to the Show and read three of the passages to the

classclass Teacher evaluates the ss’ work.Teacher evaluates the ss’ work.