chapter 7 new

The New Immigrants Through the Golden Door 19th-20th centuries millions of immigrants am to the US Came for many reasons “birds of passage” – immigrants who came temporarily to earn $ and return home.

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The Americans Chapter 7


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The New Immigrants

Through the Golden Door19th-20th centuries millions of immigrants am to

the USCame for many reasons

“birds of passage” – immigrants who came temporarily to earn $ and return home.

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•1870-1910•20 million came to the U.S.

•Many came to escape religious persecution• increased population

• independence

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Chinese and Japanese

•1851-1883•300,000 Chinese arrived

•Seek fortunes in gold• helped build railroads

• worked farming, mining, and domestic service

• 1882 Chinese immigration was limited by Congress.

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West Indies and Mexico


•People from W. Indies came because jobs were scarce.

•Mexicans came because work was scarce and political turmoil at home.

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Life in the New Land

• Immigrants faced new adjustments to a sometimes

unfriendly culture.

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Most traveled by steamshipTrip lasted 1-3 weeksImmigrants were usually crowded below in the cargo holdUsually slept in lice infested bedsDisease spread quicklyMany died on the ship


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Processing took 5 or more hours.

- must pass a physical exam.

- - government inspectors checked documents and questioned immigrants

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Ellis Island

• Immigrants had to pass inspection at immigration stations.

• 1st was Castle Garden in NY and later moved to Ellis Island.

17 million immigrants passed through its facilities.

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Immigrants could not have been convicted of a felony in

the past.

Must be able to work.

Needed to have some money.

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Angel Island

Located on the West Coast

Immigrants processed were mostly Chinese.

1910 – 1940 50,000 immigrants entered the U.S. through Angel Island.

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Immigrants here endured:

Harsh questioning

Long detention in ramshackle

conditions while they waited to see

if they would be admitted or not.

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Competition for Survival

• Many immigrants sought people who:

– shared their cultural values– Practiced their religion– Spoke their native language– They thought of themselves as – Americans

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• Immigrants pooled their money together to:– Build churches

• Social clubs• Old people’s homes• Orphanages• Cemeteries• Start newspapers

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Native born people often disliked immigrants and viewed them as a threat to the American

way of life.

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Immigration Restrictions

• Many Americans saw America as a melting pot – mixture of different cultures and races who blended together by abandoning their native languages and customs.

• Many immigrants did not want to give up their cultures.

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Response to Immigration

Nativism – favoritism to native-born Americans

Gave rise to anti-



Led to a demand for immigration restrictions.

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Nativists – considered themselves


Accepted British, German, and Scandinavian immigrants.

Did not accept

Slavs, Latin, and

Asiatic immigrants.

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• Rejected religious beliefs more than their ethnic backgrounds.

• Did not want Catholics or Jews because they thought they would undermine democratic institutions.

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• 1887 – The American Protective Association was formed.• Anti-Catholic

Many colleges, businesses, and social clubs refused to admit Jews.

• 1897 - Congress passed a bill requiring a literacy test for immigrants.

• Must read 40 or more words in English or in their own language to be admitted.

• President Cleveland vetoed

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• 1873- pressure to restrict Asian immigration.• Jobs were scarce• Asians would work for less• 1882- Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act

– Closed immigration for 10 yrs.– Extended in 1892– Finally restricted indefinitely– Not repealed until 1943

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The Gentlemen’s Agreement

• 1906 - Japanese children were segregated and placed in separate schools.– Japan protested the treatment of its emigrants.– Gentlemen’s Agreement- 1907-1908

• Japan agreed to limit emigration of unskilled workers to the U.S. in exchange for desegregation.

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The Challenges of Urbanization

• 1870 – 1920 the urban population changed from 10 million to 54 million.

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Urban Opportunities

• Urbanization – – growth of cities– Mostly regions of the

Northwest and Midwest.

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Immigrants Settle in Cities

• Cities were the cheapest and most convenient place to live.

• Offered unskilled workers steady jobs.

• 1910 – more than ½ the total population of 18 major cities included immigrants.

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Americanization Movement

• Designed to assimilate people to the dominate culture.

• Sponsored by government and by concerned citizens.

• Education was provided to help w/assimilation• Many immigrants still did not want to change• Ethnic communities became overcrowded.

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Migration From Country to City

• New farm equipment = less workers needed• People moved to the city to find work• Many farmers who lost their livelihoods were

African Americans

– 1890-1910 – 200,000 moved north and west

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African-American Migration

• Many moved to escape:– racial violence– economic hardship– political oppression– Segregation– Discrimination

• Found all of these things in the northern cities also.

• Job competition between black and white.

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Urban Problems

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• 2 options:

– 1. House on outskirts of town.

• Transportation problems

– 2. Rent cramped rooms in a boarding house in central city.

• 2-3 families may live in one house

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5 cent rooms

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Men’s Dwellings

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Women’s Dwellings

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Immigrant Family Dwelling

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Jacob Riis

U.S. journalist and social reformer.

Wrote that the multi-family urban dwellings called tenements, were

overcrowded and unsanitary.

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• Mass transit – transportation systems designed to move large numbers of people along fixed routes.

• enabled workers to travel easier.

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San Francisco – 1st street cars were invented.

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• Problem of safe drinking water• NY and Cleveland built water works• 1860’s residents still had inadequately piped

water or none at all.• NY homes seldom had indoor plumbing

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– Residents had to collect water in pails from faucets on the street.

– Water improvements were needed to control cholera and typhoid fever.

• 1870 – filtration of water was introduced.• 1908 – chlorination was introduced.

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• Garbage multiplied in streets.

• Sewage flowed in open gutters.

• Factories spewed smoke• Trash collection was not

dependable.• 1900’s sewer lines were

developed.• Sanitation departments

were created.

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• Pickpockets and thieves flourished.

• 1844 NY – 1st organized police force.– Too small for much


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• Occurred due to lack of water.

• 1870s-1880s – a fire occurred in almost every large American city.

• Causes:– Wood dwellings. Use of

candles, kerosene heaters.

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• Firemen were volunteers and not always available.

• 1853 – Cincinnati, Ohio established the first fire


• 1900s – most cities had them.

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Reformers Mobilize

• The Settlement

House Movement –

Social Gospel


– Preached salvation

through service to

the poor.

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Settlement Houses

• Community centers established by reformers.

• In slum neighborhoods.• Provided assistance to

people in the area, especially immigrants.

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Many settlement workers lived at the houses so they could learn 1st hand of urbanization problems and help create solutions.

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-Run by college-educated, middle-class women.

-Provided educational, cultural, and social services.

Sent visiting nurses into the homes of the sick.

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1886 -Charles Stover and Stanton Coit founded settlement houses in NY.

1889 – Jane Addams and Ellen Gates founded Chicago’s Hull House.

Jane Addams Hull House

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1910 – about 400 settlement houses were operating in cities across the country.

Helped cultivate social responsibility toward the urban poor.

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Section 3

Politics in the Guilded Age

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Mark Twain

• Wrote a book called the Guilded Age.

• Describes the glittering exterior of the age, but hides a political core and growing gap between few rich and many poor.

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The Emergence of Political Machines

• Government – inefficient• Cities – rapid growth• Receptive to the political machine

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The Political Machine

• an organized group that controlled the activities of a political party in a city.

• Offered services to voters and businesses in exchange for political or financial support.

• Gained control of govts. In Baltimore, NY, San Francisco, and other major cities.



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Elected Candidates

City Boss

Controlled activities of political party throughout

the city.

Ward BossHelped poor

Gained support by doing favors or

providing services Precinct Workerscaptains

Gained voter support of city-block or neighborhood.

Reported to ward boss

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Role of The Political Boss

• Controlled access to municipal jobs and business licenses.

• Influenced courts and other municipal agencies.

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Roscoe Conkling

• NY• Used power to build:

– parks – Sewer systems– Water works

• Gave money to schools, hospitals, and orphanages.

• Could provide government support for

new businesses.

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Immigrants and the Machine

• Many precinct captains and political bosses were 1st or 2nd generation immigrants.

• Few educated beyond grammar school.

• Understood immigrants

• Entered politics at the bottom and worked their way up.

• Helped immigrants w/naturalization, housing, and jobs.

• Immigrants gave them votes in exchange.

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Big Jim PendergastIrish saloonkeeper

Precinct captain -> Democratic city boss in Kansas City by aiding Italian, African American, and Irish workers.

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Municipal Graft and Scandal

• Some turned to fraud• Party faithfuls voted many times using fake

names.• Once the machine candidate was in office, it

could take advantage of graft.– Graft - the illegal use of political influence for

personal gain.

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Advantages of Graft

• Granted favors to businesses in return for cash

• Accepted bribes to allow activities, such as gambling, to flourish.

• Police rarely interfered because they were hired and fired by political bosses.

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Tweed Ring Scandal

• William M. Tweed –– “Boss Tweed”

– Head of Tammany Hall – a NY Democratic political machine.

– Led the Tweed Ring – a group of corrupt politicians that defrauded the city.

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• One scheme involved the construction of the NY courthouse.

– Taxpayers paid $13 million, but the actual cost of construction was $3 million.

– The difference went into the pockets of Tweed and his followers.


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Thomas Nast

• Political cartoonist

• Helped arouse public outrage against Tammany Hall’s graft and the Tweed Ring

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“A Group of Vultures Waiting for the Storm to ‘Blow Over’—‘Let Us Prey

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• Tweed - was indicted on 120 counts of fraud and extortion and sentenced to 12 years in jail– His sentence was later reduced to 1 year.

– He was quickly arrested again and escaped from jail.

– He was captured in Spain when officials recognized him from a Thomas Nast cartoon.

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Civil Service Replaces Patronage

• Patronage Spurs Reform –

– Patronage – giving of government jobs to people who helped the candidate get elected

– Reforms began to press for patronage to end• They wanted a merit system for hiring.

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Reform Under Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur

• Rutherford B. Hayes – elected in 1876– Could not get Congress to support reform– Elected independents to his cabinet– Set up a commission to investigate the nation’s

customhouses– As a result of investigation, Hayes fired 2 of NY’s

top officials employed by the customhouse.– Angered Republicans and Roy Conklin and his


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• When Hayes decided not to run for re-election a fight broke out at the Republican convention between the Stalwarts and reformers.

• They decided on an independent candidate, James A. Garfield.

• The Republicans nominated Chester A. Arthur for V.P.

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• 7/2/1881 – President Garfield walked through the Washington D. C. train station and was shot two times by a mentally unstable lawyer named Charles Guiteau, whom Garfield had turned down for a job.


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• Garfield lived until September 19.

• Chester A. Arthur became president and despite his ties to the Stalwarts, he turned reformer when he became president.– His first message to Congress urged legislators to

pass a civil service law.

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Pendleton Civil Service Act

• 1883• Authorized a bipartisan civil service

commission to make appointments to federal jobs through a merit system based on candidates’ performance on an exam.

• 1901 – more than 40% of all federal jobs had been classified as a civil service positions.

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Good – government officials became more honest and efficient.

Bad – politicians turned to other sources for donations.

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Business Buys Influence

• Politicians turned to wealthy businessmen for campaign contributions.

• The alliance between government and business became stronger than ever.

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• Big business– Wanted government to raise tariffs to protect it

from foreign competition.

– Democratic govt. did not want to raise tariffs because they increased prices.

– 1884 – Dem. Won presidential election – Grover Cleveland.

– He tried to lower tariffs, but could not get support from Congress.

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• 1888 – Benjamin Harrison was elected president.– He had about 100,000 less popular votes than

Cleveland, but had the majority of electoral votes.– McKinley Tariff Act – 1890

• Raised tariffs to highest level yet.

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• 1892 – Cleveland was elected again.

– The only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms.

– He supported a bill for lowering the McKinley tariff, but refused to sign it because it provided for a federal income tax.

– 1894 – The Wilson Gorman Tariff became law without the president’s signature.

– When McKinley became president he raised tariffs once again.