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Chapter 6 Process Synchronization Copyright © 2008

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Chapter 6

Process SynchronizationCopyright © 2008

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• What is Process Synchronization?• Race Conditions• Critical Sections• Control Synchronization and Indivisible Operations• Synchronization Approaches• Structure of Concurrent Systems

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Introduction (continued)

• Classic Process Synchronization Problems• Algorithmic Approach to Implementing Critical Sections• Semaphores• Monitors• Case Studies of Process Synchronization

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What is Process Synchronization?

• The term process is a generic term for both a process and a thread

• Processes that do not interact are independent processes

• Process synchronization is a generic term for the techniques used to delay and resume processes to implement process interactions

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Race Conditions

• Uncoordinated accesses to shared data may affect consistency of data

• Consider processes Pi and Pj that update the value of ds through operations ai and aj , respectively:

Operation ai : ds := ds + 10; Let fi(ds) represent its result

Operation aj : ds := ds + 5; Let fj(ds) represent its result

– What situation could arise if they execute concurrently?

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An Example of Race Condition

Race conditionsin cases 2 and 3

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Race Conditions (continued)

• Race conditions in Figure 6.2 are prevented by ensuring that operations ai and aj of Definition 6.2 do not execute concurrently– This is called mutual exclusion

• Data access synchronization is coordination of processes to implement mutual exclusion over shared data

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Critical Sections

• Mutual exclusion is implemented by using critical sections (CS) of code

• Using CSs causes delays in operation of processes– Process must not execute for too long inside CS

– Process must not make system calls while in the CS that might put it in blocked state

– Kernel must not preempt a process that is engaged in executing a CS

• We use a dashed box in the code to mark a CS

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Critical Sections (continued)

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Properties of a Critical Section Implementation

• The progress and bounded wait properties together prevent starvation

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Control Synchronization and Indivisible Operations

• Interacting processes need to coordinate their execution with respect to one another, to perform their actions in a desired order– Requirement met through control synchronization

– Signaling is a general technique of control synchronization

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Control Synchronization and Indivisible Operations (continued)

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Control Synchronization and Indivisible Operations (continued)

• Naive signaling in previous example does not work– Pi may face indefinite blocking in some situations

• Use indivisible or atomic operations instead

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Control Synchronization and Indivisible Operations (continued)

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Synchronization Approaches

• Looping versus Blocking• Hardware Support for Process Synchronization• Algorithmic Approaches, Synchronization Primitives,

and Concurrent Programming Constructs

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Looping versus Blocking

• Busy wait:

• A busy wait has many consequences– Cannot provide the bounded wait property– System performance degradation due to looping– Deadlock– Priority inversion

• Typically addressed through the priority inheritance protocol

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Looping versus Blocking (continued)

• To avoid busy waits, a process waiting for entry to a CS is put in blocked state– Changed to ready only when it can enter the CS

• Process decides to loop or block– Decision is subject to race conditions. Avoided through

• Algorithmic approach• Use of computer hardware features

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Hardware Support for Process Synchronization

• Indivisible instructions– Avoid race conditions on memory locations

• Used with a lock variable to implement CS and indivisible operations

– entry_test performed with indivisible instruction• Test-and-set (TS) instruction• Swap instruction

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Hardware Support for Process Synchronization (continued)

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Algorithmic Approaches, Synchronization Primitives, and

Concurrent Programming Constructs• Algorithmic Approaches

– For implementing mutual exclusion

– Independent of hardware or software platform• Busy waiting for synchronization

• Synchronization Primitives– Implemented using indivisible instructions

– E.g., wait and signal of semaphores• Problem: can be used haphazardly

• Concurrent Programming Constructs– Monitors

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Structure of Concurrent Systems

• Three key components:– Shared data

• Application data used and manipulated by processes • Synchronization data

– Operations on shared data• Convenient unit of code which accesses and manipulates

shared data– A synchronization operation is on synchronization data

– Interacting processes

• A snapshot of a concurrent system is a view of the system at a specific time instant

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Structure of Concurrent Systems (continued)

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Example: Snapshots of a Concurrent System

(a) Pi performs operation check_aj(b) Pi is blocked; Pj performs operation post_aj(c) post_aj activates Pi; Pj exits post_aj

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Classic Process Synchronization Problems

• A solution to a process synchronization problem should meet three important criteria:– Correctness

– Maximum concurrency

– No busy waits

• Some classic problems:– Producers-Consumers with Bounded Buffers

– Readers and Writers

– Dining Philosophers

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Producers-Consumers with Bounded Buffers

• A solution must satisfy the following:1. A producer must not overwrite a full buffer

2. A consumer must not consume an empty buffer

3. Producers and consumers must access buffers in a mutually exclusive manner

4. (Optional) Information must be consumed in the same order in which it is put into the buffers

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Producers-Consumers with Bounded Buffers (continued)

• Suffers from two problems:– Poor concurrency and busy waits

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Producers-Consumers with Bounded Buffers (continued)

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Producers-Consumers with Bounded Buffers (continued)

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Readers and Writers

• A solution must satisfy the following:1. Many readers can perform reading concurrently

2. Reading is prohibited while a writer is writing

3. Only one writer can perform writing at any time

4. (optional) A reader has a nonpreemptive priority over writers─ Called readers preferred readers–writers system

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Readers and Writers (continued)

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Dining Philosophers

• Design processes to represent the philosophers so that each philosopher can eat when hungry and none dies of hunger– Solution shouldn’t suffer from deadlocks or livelocks

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Dining Philosophers (continued)

• Prone to deadlocks and race conditions, unless:– If right fork is unavailable, release left fork, retry later

• It suffers from livelocks

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Dining Philosophers (continued)

• Problem: loop causes a busy wait condition

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Algorithmic Approach to Implementing Critical Sections

• Two-Process Algorithms• n-Process Algorithms

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Two-Process Algorithms

• Violates the progress condition

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Two-Process Algorithms (continued)

• Violates mutual exclusion condition• Can lead to deadlock

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Turn is effective only when Both processes try to enter

CS at the same time

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Two-Process Algorithms (continued)

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n-Process Algorithms

Contains a certain form of unfairness since processes do not enter their CSs in the same order in which they requested entry to a CS.

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(number[j],j) < number[i],i) if number[j] < number[i], or number[j] = number[i] and j < i

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• Also called counting semaphores due to operations on S

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Uses of Semaphores in Concurrent Systems

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Uses: Mutual Exclusion

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Uses: Bounded Concurrency

• Implemented by initializing a semaphore sem_c to c

• Every process wishing to perform opi performs a wait(sem_c) before performing opi and a signal(sem_c) after performing it

• Up to c processes can concurrently perform opi

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Uses: Signaling between Processes

• Race conditions cannot arise because the wait and signal operations are indivisible

• Binary semaphore: Can have values 0 and 1 only

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Producers-Consumers Using Semaphores

• Avoids busy waits since semaphores are used to check for empty or full buffers

• Total concurrency in system is 1

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Example: Producers-Consumers with a Single Buffer through Semaphores

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Producers-Consumers Using Semaphores (continued)

• Solution to n-buffer producers–consumers problem:

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Readers-Writers Using Semaphores

• Significance of counters: – runread: Number of readers reading – totread: Number of readers wishing to read or reading – Similarly runwrite and totwrite

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Implementation of Semaphores

Implementations of wait and signal:• Kernel-Level: Through system calls• User-Level: System calls only to block/activate• Hybrid: Combination of the two

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• A monitor type resembles a class in a language like C++ or Java– Contains declarations of shared data– Its procedures encode operations that manipulate shared

data and implement process synchronization• A condition is a situation of interest in a monitor• A condition variable is associated with a condition • A process executing a wait operation on condition variable

is blocked until some process performs a signal operation

• In a concurrent system, processes share data by creating a monitor object– We call it simply monitor

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Example: Monitor Implementation of a Binary Semaphore

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Example: Producers-Consumers Using Monitors

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Monitors in Java

• A Java class becomes a monitor type when the attribute synchronized is associated with one or more methods in the class

• An object of such a class is a monitor• Each monitor contains a single unnamed condition

variable– Can lead to busy waits in an application that has many


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Case Studies of Process Synchronization

• Synchronization of POSIX Threads• Process Synchronization in Unix• Process Synchronization in Linux• Process Synchronization in Solaris• Process Synchronization in Windows

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Synchronization of POSIX Threads

• POSIX threads provide:– Mutexes for mutual exclusion

• A mutex is a binary semaphore

– Condition variables for control synchronization between processes

• An OS may implement POSIX threads as kernel-level threads or user-level threads

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Process Synchronization in Unix

• Unix system V provides a kernel-level implementation of semaphores– Name of a semaphore is called a key

• Key is associated with an array of semaphores• Processes share a semaphore by using the same key

• Unix SVR4 keeps track of all operations performed by a process on each semaphore used by it– Performs an undo on them when process terminates– It helps to make programs more reliable

• Unix 4.4BSD places a semaphore in shared memory areas and uses a hybrid implementation

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Process Synchronization in Linux

• Linux has Unix-like semaphore for user processes• Also provides semaphores for use by the kernel:

– Conventional semaphore• Uses efficient kernel-level implementation scheme

– Reader–writer semaphore

• Kernels older than 2.6 implemented mutual exclusion in the kernel space through system calls

• 2.6 kernel has a fast user space mutex called futex– Uses a hybrid implementation

– Provides time-bound wait operation

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Process Synchronization in Solaris

• Interesting features:– Reader–writer semaphores

• Analogous to the one in Linux

– Adaptive mutexes• Useful in a multiprocessor OS

– Uses the priority inheritance protocol to reduce synchronization delays

– Data structure called a turnstile• Holds information concerning threads that are blocked on a

mutex or reader–writer semaphore– Used for synchronization and priority inheritance

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Process synchronization in Windows

• Dispatcher object is embedded in every object over which synchronization is needed– It can be in signaled/nonsignaled state

– Dispatcher objects used in process, file, etc. (next slide)

• Provides spinlock, queued spinlock, fast mutex and push locks

• Vista provides a reader-writer lock

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Process Synchronization in Windows

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• Process synchronization is a generic term for data access synchronization and control synchronization

• A race condition occurs when actions of concurrent processes may have unexpected consequences– Avoided through mutual exclusion

• Avoidance of race conditions is a primary issue in process synchronization

• Critical section: section of code that accesses some shared data in a mutually exclusive manner

• Synchronization achieved through: indivisible instructions, semaphores, monitors