chapter 6: medieval europe the early middle ages feudalism kingdoms and crusades the church and...

Chapter 6: Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Feudalism Kingdoms and Crusades The Church and Society The Late Middle Ages

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Page 1: Chapter 6: Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Feudalism Kingdoms and Crusades The Church and Society The Late Middle Ages

Chapter 6: Medieval Europe

The Early Middle AgesFeudalismKingdoms and CrusadesThe Church and SocietyThe Late Middle Ages

Page 2: Chapter 6: Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Feudalism Kingdoms and Crusades The Church and Society The Late Middle Ages

Europe in the 600’sEurope in the 600’sEurope in the 600’sEurope in the 600’s

Page 3: Chapter 6: Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Feudalism Kingdoms and Crusades The Church and Society The Late Middle Ages

The Early Middle Ages

After the fall of Rome, came a period called the Middle Ages, or Medieval times

It is a fitting name for the period that lies between ancient and modern times

Geography influenced where medieval Europeans settled and what they did

The Franks, Angles, and Saxons of Western Europe built new societies and defended them against Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings

The Catholic Church spread Christianity through Western Europe

Page 4: Chapter 6: Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Feudalism Kingdoms and Crusades The Church and Society The Late Middle Ages


The Vikings, and other groups of barbarians, spread fear and destruction throughout Europe

During the Middle Ages, people looked to nobles to protect them

Feudalism developed in Europe in the Middle Ages Feudalism was based on landowning, loyalty and

the power of armored knights on horseback Knights followed a code of chivalry and lived in

castles, while peasants lived in simple houses and worked hard all year long

Increased trade led to growth of towns and cities and the rise of guilds and city governments

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FeudalismFeudalism FeudalismFeudalismA political, economic, and social system based on loyalty and military service

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The Road to KnighthoodThe Road to KnighthoodThe Road to KnighthoodThe Road to Knighthood




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A Medieval CastleA Medieval Castle A Medieval CastleA Medieval Castle

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Parts of a Medieval CastleParts of a Medieval CastleParts of a Medieval CastleParts of a Medieval Castle

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The Medieval ManorThe Medieval ManorThe Medieval ManorThe Medieval Manor

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Life on the Medieval ManorLife on the Medieval ManorLife on the Medieval ManorLife on the Medieval Manor

SerfsSerfs at work at work

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The Pope Crowned Charlemagne (Charles the The Pope Crowned Charlemagne (Charles the Great) The Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800Great) The Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800

This officially created a new Roman EmpireThis officially created a new Roman Empire

The Pope Crowned Charlemagne (Charles the The Pope Crowned Charlemagne (Charles the Great) The Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800Great) The Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800

This officially created a new Roman EmpireThis officially created a new Roman Empire

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Charlemagne’s EmpireCharlemagne’s Empire Charlemagne’s EmpireCharlemagne’s Empire

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Kingdoms and Crusades

England developed a system in which the king’s power was limited by Parliament

French kings called the Capetians conquered lands held by the English in western France and set up France’s first parliament

After Mongols destoyed the Kievan state, the rulers of Moscow built a new Russian state

Crusaders from Europe captured Jerusalem but were later driven out by the Muslims

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The Church and Society

Kings and popes had a powerful effect on the lives of medieval people, as did religion

Religion helped to shape the culture of Medieval Europe

The Catholic Church played an important role in medieval Europe and used its power to uphold its teachings

Church and government leaders supported learning and the arts in medieval Europe

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The Late Middle Ages

A terrible plague, known as the Black Death, swept through Europe in the 1300’s, killing millions

Western Europe was devastated by war in the 1300’s and 1400’s, as England and France fought each other and Spain and Portugal fought against the Muslims