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Chapter 6 Galaxies Lloyd• Astronomy for Earthlings

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Chapter 6


Lloyd• Astronomy for Earthlings


Left to right: Antlia dwarf galaxy, (top) Hercules galaxy cluster, (bottom) Large Magellanic

Cloud, M83 (spiral galaxy in Hydra), Hanny’s Verwoop

Before 1920, astronomers conceived of the Universe as being filled with stars. In 1917, Shapley

showed that the stars of the Milky Way peter out beyond about 100.000 light-years, beyond

which seemed to lie nothing but emptiness. Then Hubble discovered (1) that the region beyond

is filled with millions of “island universes” or galaxies like our own Milky Way, and (2), that the

Universe of galaxies is expanding. We live in a Universe filled with galaxies. Why that is so is one

of the biggest questions in astronomy today.


Hubble spent the rest of his career studying the galaxies. The first thing a scientist does when

encountering a new phenomenon is to classify the different forms he sees. Hubble classified the

galaxies into two major types, elliptical and spiral, with a third type, irregular galaxies, serving

as a catch-all to include all the galaxies that didn’t fall neatly into one of the other of the two main


Elliptical galaxies

Elliptical galaxies are round galaxies. They are round in three dimensions, like a melon. Some

are spherical, like a cantaloupe, while others are elongated like a watermelon. He used the sym-

bol “E0” to describe a cantaloupe-shaped galaxy, and “E5” to describe a watermelon-shaped

galaxy. E7 looks like a cigar! Types E1, E2, E3, and E4 specify intermediate shapes. An ellipse,


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by the way, is a flattened circle. Planet orbits are ellipses. Stars that orbit about one another also

move in ellipses. The frequent occurrance of ellipses in astronomy accounts for the use of the

terem “elliptical” to describe this class of galaxies.

Elliptical galaxies showed no evidence of structure. They contain stars and little else. They vary

considerably in size: the largest have trillions of stars; the smallest only a few million stars. The

small galaxies are called dwarf elliptical or dwarf spheroidal galaxies. These small galaxies are

by far the most abundant in the universe, but because they are small and faint, you don’t see them

much in photographs of galaxy clusters. At the other extreme, giant elliptical galaxies, contain-

ing trillions of stars, are the largest galaxies of all, but are rare.

Elliptical galaxies have little gas or dust out of which new stars can be made; consequently, the

stars that they contain are all old. Hot, bluish stars, as we shall see later, don’t live long, so they

aren’t found in elliptical galaxies. The old stars that are found in them tend to be yellowish in

color, so the galaxies as a whole are yellowish in color.

Examples of elliptical galaxies. Left to right: IC1101, (top) M49, (bottom) M110, M32 (satellite

of the Andromeda Galaxy), M87 in Virgo

Spiral galaxies

Spiral galaxies are disk galaxies: they are flat as a pancake. The disk contains the spiral arms

that give these galaxies their awe-inspiring beauty. In the center of the galaxies is a thicker,

roundish region rather like a small elliptical galaxy. This is the central bulge.

Spiral galaxies vary in the shape of their spiral arms and the size of their central bulges. Hubble

gave the label “Sa” to galaxies with large bulges and tightly-wound spiral arms. “Sc” galaxies

have small central bulges and open, well-defined spiral arms. Type Sb is intermediate.


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Like elliptical galaxies, spiral galaxies come in different sizes, containing from billions of stars to

trillions of stars. Unlike elliptical galaxies, there are no dwarf spiral galaxies. It seems you need at

least a few billion stars to make a spiral galaxy.

Examples of spiral galaxies. Left to right: the Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31), (top) M74 in

Pisces, (bottom) M101 in Ursa Major, NGC3370, NGC5866.

The central bulge of a spiral galaxy is like a little elliptical galaxy in that it contains little gas or

dust and has little star formation. The spiral arms, on the other hand, are rich in gas and dust,

which continually form new star clusters. Some of the new stars that form in the arms are massive,

hot, stars that blaze in blue light. As a result, spiral arms are bluish in color. In color photo-

graphs, you see pinkish regions strung out along the spiral arms; these are nebulae, gas clouds

illuminated by hot stars. You will also see many dark dust lanes lining the insides of the arms. If

the galaxy is seen edge-on, the dust forms a dark band going straight through the galaxy. These

are the signs of active star formation.

About a third of the spiral galaxies have a straight section going through the central bulge called

simply a bar. These galaxies are therefore called barred spiral galaxies. A surprising discovery

of the last twenty years was that our own galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy. Hubble assigned types

SBa, SBb, and SBc. The Milky Way galaxy, if we could see it from the outside, might be classified



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Barred spiral galaxy NGC7424

A special kind of galaxy is the lenticular galaxy. (“Lenticular” means lens-shaped.) This is a

cross between a spiral galaxy and an elliptical galaxy. A lenticular galaxy (type S0) looks like an

elliptical galaxy that has somehow acquired a large disk without spiral arms. One of the most fa-

miliar galaxies to amateurs, the Sombrero Galaxy (M104) is an excellent example of this kind.

The Sombrero Galaxy (M104) in Virgo

After classifying the galaxies as elliptical, normal spiral, and barred spiral, he arranged his types

into a pattern known as the Hubble sequence, shown in the famous “tuning fork” diagram.

Hubble imagined that this was an evolutionary sequcnce; that is to say, galaxies started out as

elliptical galaxies and “grew up” to become spiral or barred spiral galaxies. We now know that

this idea was mistaken. We now know that spiral galaxies are born that way. The reason some

galaxies became elliptical and some become spiral is that spiral galaxies start out with more rota-

tion motion (angular momentum).


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The “Tuning Fork” Diagram of Edwin Hubble.

Irregular Galaxies

Many galaxies resemble neither spiral galaxies nor elliptical galaxies. Not knowing what else to

do, Hubble simply called them irregular galaxies. Today we realize they fall into two groups,

dwarf galaxies and colliding galaxies.

“Dwarf” means small. (In fairy tales, a dwarf is a little person, The most famous is the story of

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.) English-speaking astronomers got into the habit of using

this word to describe small stars; so it was natural to start calling small galaxies dwarf galaxies.

(Incidentally, in fairy tales, two of them are “dwarves,” but astronomers always say “dwarfs.”)

Dwarf irregular galaxies are galaxies that probably started out as dwarf ellipticals but came too

close to a giant spiral or elliptical galaxy. The gravity of the giant galaxy distorts the dwarf galaxie

and often triggers a wave of star formation. Many dwarf irregular galaxies show large star forma-

tion regions. Galaxy clusters are rich in dwarf galaxies, so this kind of interaction is frequent.


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NGC6822 in Sagittarius, a dwarf irregular in the Local Group.

Large galaxies can distort each other if they come close enough together. A famous example is

the pair M81 and M82 in Ursa Major. The gravity of M82 has bent the spiral arms of M82 out of

shape, while the gravity of M81 has caused a burst of star formation on M82. Frequent supernovas

have expelled high-speed gasses from M82 that make it resemble an exploding cigar. Such a gal-

axy is called a starburst galaxy.

M81 (bottom) and M82 (top) in Ursa Major, seen in ultraviolet light. (GALLEX.)

Galaxies in clusters are close enough together that they frequently collide with other galaxies

during their lifetime. When they do so, the individual galaxies become wildly distorted, with long


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streamers of stars drawn out of the galaxies, as seen in the famous Antennae galaxies. Ulti-

mately, the galaxies will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy.

The Antennae galaxies


Galaxies seldom occur alone; most are found in galaxy clusters. Some galaxy clusters are small,

having only a few members, whilst others are quite large, the largest containing thousands of in-

dividual galaxies, each having billions of stars. A typical galaxy cluster has a mix of spiral and el-

liptical galaxies, both outnumbered by the numerous dwarf galaxies. A hot thin gas fills the space

between the galaxies. This gas is so hot that it gives off X-rays. Since X-rays don’t penetrate the

Earth’s atmosphere, astronomers weren’t aware of this gas until the space age. Now we know that

it most clusters there is more matter in the form of gas than there is in the form of galaxies and

stars. Even more mass is in the form of the mysterious dark matter, about which more later.

The nearest rich cluster is the Virgo galaxy cluster, located about 50 million light-years away in

the direction of the constellations Virgo and Coma Berenices. It contains about 2500 galaxies.

Since the cluster is relatively close, many of its members can be seen in small amateur telescopes.

The month of May finds amateurs spending entire evenings hopping from one galaxy to another

in the Virgo cluster. About four times father away is a much richer cluster, the Coma cluster,

containg at least 10.000 galaxies. By chance, it lies in the constellation Coma Berenices, adja-

cent to Virgo.


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Part (a small part!) of the Virgo galaxy cluster. (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope)

The Local Group

The Milky Way galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy, and about 30 smaller galaxies compose a small

cluster called simply the Local Group. It’s not very impressive as galaxy clusters go, but it’s

home! The Local Group naturally divides into two sub-groups, one centered on the Andromeda

Galaxy and the other centered on the Milky Way. The Andromeda group includes a medium-

sized spiral galaxy, M33 in the constellation Triangulum. There are no large elliptical galaxies in

the Local Group, but there are several medium-sized ellipticals, all satellites of the Andromeda

Galaxy, M31. These include M32, a fine elliptical containing a few billions stars that appears as a

fuzzy “star” in photographs of M31.


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The Local Group (

After M33. the next largest galaxy in the Local Group is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). It

and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) are satellites of the Milky Way. The LMC is located

about 150,000 light-years from the Sun, while the SMC is about 1 ! times as far. The LMC has a

straight section in the middle; it appears to be a barred spiral galaxy that got too close to the

Milky Way, which tore its spiral arms away. Both the LMC and the SMC are close to the South

Celestial Pole as seen from Earth. so neither can be seen from most of the U.S. The got their

name because they first came to the attention of European astronomers when they were seen by

the crew of Magellan’s ship as it was sailing around Africa. in 1520.


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The Magellanic Clouds


As we saw in Chapter 4, Hubble discovered that the Universe is expanding, causing the other

galaxies to move away from ours. Actually, we should speak of whole galaxy clusters, since the

expansion of space does not disrupt galaxy clusters or the galaxies themselves, which can hold

themselves together by gravity. Galaxy clusters, however, are only weakly attracted to other gal-

axy clusters, and the continual expansion of space inevitably drags them apart.

Hubble’s Law says that the farther away a galaxy, the faster it is receding from us. Mathemati-


v = H0(distance)

where v is the speed of recession. H0 is Hubble’s constant. It is a number that says how fast space

is expanding at the present time. (The expansion rate changes with time, so Hubble’s constant is

not really constant!) H0 is the slope of the straight line in Hubble’s diagram of speed vs. distance.

It is obtained by measuring the recession speed and the distance of many galaxies.


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The spectra of five galaxies, showing Hubble’s Law. The middle band of light is the spectrum;

the white lines are comparison lines produced in the telescope. Note the two dark lines in the

spectrum, the H and K lines of calcium. In the more distant galaxies, these lines are shifted far

to the red end of the spectrum.

The recession speed v is measured using the Doppler effect. First, the astronomer measures the

redshift of the galaxy:

z = (change in wavelength)/(original wavelength)

Why the letter z is used for this quantity is anyone’s guess; perhaps all the other letters were used

up. Whatever the reason, z is the letter that astronomers always use to denote the redshift. The


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redshift, according to the Doppler effect, is the speed of recession of the galaxy measured as a

fraction of the speed of light, so that the speed is just:

v = zc

where c = 300,000 km/s, the speed of light.

Hubble’s Law: velocity vs. distance is a straight-line relation: velocity increases with distance.

Mpc = megaparsec.

Determining the distance to the galaxy is the difficult part. In general, one must find a standard

candle in the galaxy and then apply the inverse square law to calculate the distance. Once this is

done for a good sample of galaxies going out to a fair distance, then the slope of Hubble’s line

can be calculated. This is H0. Once H0 is known, then the distance to other galaxies—galaxies so

distance that standard candles cannot be seen in them—can be calculated by using Hubble’s Law


(distance) = v/H0


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Using this method, the distance to millions of remote galaxies has been measured.


Even a casual glance at a star atlas shows that the galaxies and galaxy clusters are not spread uni-

formly over the sky. By the 1970s it was realized that galaxy clusters themselves group into larger

clusters called superclusters. During the 1980s and 90s, as astronomers systematically surveyed

space out to greater and greater distances (redshifts), an astonishing pattern was revealed: the

galaxy clusters are strung out along lines or walls hundreds of millions of light-years long. In be-

tween the strings and walls are vast regions containing few galaxies: these are the voids. One of

the challenges of theoretical astronomy today is to explain how the Universe went from the

smooth hot gas of the Big Bang to the clumpy structure of walls and voids that we see today.

Galaxy formation

Galaxies are the creations of the force of gravity. As we have seen, when the Universe was a half

million years old and was just cooling to the point that hydrogen atoms formed, space was a hot,

smooth gas. And yet the hydrogen was in a sense a minor constituent of the Universe, for most of

the matter then (as now) was the dark matter, whose precise nature we do not know. Evidently,

however, gravity was able to start clumps in the dark matter, regions of space with slightly more

dark matter than average, while other regions had slightly less dark matter. The hydrogen (and

helium) was in turn attracted to the dense clumps of dark matter, so it started to clump as well. It

was the case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer: as time went by the dentse

clumps became denser and denser, while the thin regions became thinner and thinner.

The next few hundred million years are known as the Dark Ages, for the hydrogen gas was now

too cool to give off visible light, while there were no stars yet to create light. During this period

the Universe was truly dark. But important events were taking shape. The dense clumps grew and

became denser and denser until a threshold was crossed and some clumps became dense enough

to form stars.

The details of the formation of the first stars and galaxies are a topic of much current research.

Astronomers have got good results from massive computer calculations which show the smooth

Universe of the Big Bang transforming into the superclusters and voids that we see today. The

big thing holding us back today is our ignorance of the dark matter. To this day, the dark matter


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has not been directly detected, so its properties cannot be measured. Believe it or not, but as-

tronomers infer the properties of the dark matter by adjusting the dark matter in their models so

that the Universe comes out looking like what we see today.

One of the reasons for building the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was to see galaxies when the

Universe was young. The HST has succeeded spectacularly in doing so. It has shown us that the

earliest galaxies were small and irregular in shape, nothing like the giant galaxies we see today.

The light from these galaxies has been shifted far into the red and even the infrared by the expan-

sion of space. To see even farther back in time, it will be necessary to look at rather long infrared

wavelengths, beyond the capability of the HST. This is the main reason for building the Webb

Space Telescope (WST). The WST (if it ever gets off the ground) will, we hope, enable astrono-

mers to peer back in time to the era when the first stars began to shine. It should help answer the

question, how did the galaxies form?

Early galaxies seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. These galaxies are seen as they were

during the first billion years or so of the Universe. They appear small and irregular in shape,

unlike the great spiral and elliptical galaxies we see today in the Universe. The light from

these galaxies has been highly redshifted by the cosmic expansion.


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