chapter 6 analyzing consumer market

TOP 10 Learning Questions for Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer Markets Valderas, Cristina Krastle December 15, 2011

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Page 1: Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer Market

TOP 10 Learning Questions for

Chapter 6Analyzing Consumer


Valderas, Cristina KrastleDecember 15, 2011

Page 2: Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer Market

1. ____ is the study of how individuals select, buy, use and dispose of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants.a. Consumer Behaviourismb. Consumer Attitudec. Consumer Marketd. Market Researche. Market Demand

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What Influences Consumer Behavior?

Cultural Factors

Social Factors

Personal factors

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Consumer Behaviourism

- the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experience to satisfy their needs and wants.

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1. ____ is the study of how individuals select, buy, use and dispose of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants.a. Consumer Behaviourismb. Consumer Attitudec. Consumer Marketd. Market Researche. Market Demand

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2. ____ the process by which we select, organize and interpret information inputs.a. Motivationb. Perceptionc. Learningd. Decision Processe. Selection

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Selective Attention

Selective Retention

Selective Distortion

Subliminal Perception

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Perception is the process by which we select, organize, and interpret

information inputs to create meaningful picture of the world. It not only depend

on the physical stimuli, but also its relationship to the surrounding.

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2. ____ the process by which we select, organize and interpret information inputs.a. Motivationb. Perceptionc. Learningd. Decision Processe. Selection

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3. Which of the following is false?Based of Freud’s Theory:

a. Behaviour is guided by subconscious motivations.

b. Psychological forces shapes people’s behaviour

c. A person cannot fully understand his / her motivations.

d. People will react only to its stated capabilities.

e. Deeper motives affects people’s decision.

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Freud’s Theory

Behavior is guided by



Maslow’s Hierarchy of


Behavior is driven by lowest,

unmet need

Herzberg’s Tow-Factor


Behavior is guided by motivating

and hygiene factors

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Based on Kotler and Keller:

Freud’s Theory states that consumer decisions are being affected not just by the stated capabilities of the product but also by the psychological motives of the person.

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3. Which of the following is false?Based of Freud’s Theory:

a. Behaviour is guided by subconscious motivations.

b. Psychological forces shapes people’s behaviour

c. A person cannot fully understand his / her motivations.

d. People will react only to its stated capabilities.

e. Deeper motives affects people’s decision.

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4. Subcultures include the following except:

a) Nationalitiesb) Religionsc) Demographicsd) Racial Groupse) Geographic regions

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Racial Groups

Geographic Groups

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Subcultures are factors that can affect or influence the buying behaviour of consumers.

Demographic relates to the balance of a population in regards to density and capacity for expansion or decline.

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4. Subcultures include the following except:

a) Nationalitiesb) Religionsc) Demographicsd) Racial Groupse) Geographic regions

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5. Which of the following statements are true?

a. Paying attention to the information will give us stronger association in memory.

b. Memory is just a constructive process.c. We integrate new information which

depends on the structure and complexity.d. The presence of other product will not

interfere with another.e. Memory can often be a reconstructive


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Key Psychological Processes

Motivation Perception

Learning Memory

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Memory is a constructive process because we don’t remember information completely and accurately. It will undergo in the process of memory encoding and memory retrieval.

Often, it can be reconstructive due to intervening factors or events.

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5. Which of the following statements are true?

a. Paying attention to the information will give us stronger association in memory.

b. Memory is just a constructive process.c. We integrate new information which

depends on the structure and complexity.d. The presence of other product will not

interfere with another.e. Memory can often be a reconstructive


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6. Self – development and realization is an example of:

a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needsb. Freud’s Theoryc. Herzberg’s Theoryd. Purchase Decisione. Selective Attention

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Freud’s Theory

Behavior is guided by



Maslow’s Hierarchy of


Behavior is driven by lowest,

unmet need

Herzberg’s Tow-Factor


Behavior is guided by motivating

and hygiene factors

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Self actualization needs is the highest among Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. His theory explains people will satisfy their basic needs before moving to the next – important need.

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6. Self – development and realization is an example of:

a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needsb. Freud’s Theoryc. Herzberg’s Theoryd. Purchase Decisione. Selective Attention

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7. Appliance warranty is an example of:

a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needsb. Freud’s Theoryc. Herzberg’s Theoryd. Purchase Decisione. Selective Attention

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Freud’s Theory

Behavior is guided by



Maslow’s Hierarchy of


Behavior is driven by lowest,

unmet need

Herzberg’s Tow-Factor


Behavior is guided by motivating

and hygiene factors

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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory involved dissatisfiers (factors that cause dissatisfaction) and satisfiers (causes satisfaction). Without the dissatisfiers, it will not be enough to motivate satisfiers.

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7. Appliance warranty is an example of:

a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needsb. Freud’s Theoryc. Herzberg’s Theoryd. Purchase Decisione. Selective Attention

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8. Wanting to buy a new house is part of:

a. Problem Recognitionb. Information Searchc. Evaluationd. Purchase Decisione. Post purchase Decision

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Consumer Buying Process

Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation Purchase Decision Postpurchase Behavior

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Problem recognition starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or a need triggered by internal or external stimuli.

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8. Wanting to buy a new house is part of:

a. Problem Recognitionb. Information Searchc. Evaluationd. Purchase Decisione. Post purchase Decision

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9. Packaging is an example of:

a. Evaluationb. Problem Recognitionc. Post purchase Decisiond. Information Searche. Purchase Decision

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Consumer Buying Process

Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation Purchase Decision Postpurchase Behavior

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Information Sources is divided into four groups:

Personal – family, friends, neighbors, etc.Commercial – advertising, display,

packagingPublic – mass media, consumer – rating

organizationsExperiential – handling, examining and use

of the product

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9. Packaging is an example of:

a. Evaluationb. Problem Recognitionc. Post purchase Decisiond. Information Searche. Purchase Decision

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10. Location is part of:

a. Evaluationb. Problem Recognitionc. Post purchase Decisiond. Information Searche. Purchase Decision

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Consumer Buying Process

Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation Purchase Decision Postpurchase Behavior

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Evaluation of Alternatives

Consumers consider different factors before making a decision or a choice. First, if it will meet their needs, the benefit they will get from the product and its attributes.

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10. Location is part of:

a. Evaluationb. Problem Recognitionc. Post purchase Decisiond. Information Searche. Purchase Decision

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TOP 10 Learning Questions for

Chapter 6Analyzing Consumer


Valderas, Cristina KrastleDecember 15, 2011