chapter 4, lesson 1 early christianity it matters because… christianity is one of the world’s...

Chapter 4, Lesson 1 Early Christianity It Matters Because… Christianity is one of the world’s major religions and continues to influence people around the globe.

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Chapter 4, Lesson 1Early Christianity

It Matters Because…Christianity is one of the world’s major religions and continues to influence people around the globe.

Judaism and the Roman Empire

• Roman Empire allowed Jews to practice their religion

• Rome ruled Jews with “iron hand”• Jews hoped God would rescue them from

Roman rule

Control by Romans• Rome controlled Judah, but allowed

Jewish kings to rule it• In A.D. 6, Rome renamed Judah “Judea”

and replaced the Jewish king with a Roman governor (procurator)

• Jerusalem remained the Jewish Holy City

Jewish Revolts

• Zealots – group of Jews who believed they should fight for their freedom

• Zealots rebelled, were crushed, A.D. 66• Romans destroyed Temple in Jerusalem,

center of Jewish worship

Jewish Revolts• After Jerusalem fell in A.D. 70, about 1000

Jews held the Masada fortress for almost 2 years

• When Masada fell, only 2 women and 5 children remained inside

• Rest of the Jewish defenders committed suicide rather than surrender

• Masada now a symbol of Jewish heroism

• Another unsuccessful rebellion in 132 led Rome to force all Jews to leave Jerusalem

• By 700, Jews had settled across Europe and into central Asia

• Judaism as a faith remained alive even though Jews were scattered across the world

Jewish Revolts

Jesus of Nazareth• Grew up in small town called Nazareth• About A.D. 30, Jesus traveled around Judea

teaching people his ideas about God’s love• 12 men traveled with Jesus, called his disciples• Jesus performed many miracles of healing and

taught a message of love, unselfishness, and forgiveness

• Taught using parables, telling stories about how God wanted his people to live

How Did Christianity Begin?• People reacted strongly to Jesus’

message• Positively and negatively• Stories about Jesus, his teachings, and

miracles spread• Jewish religious leaders and Roman

officials feared Jesus and his influence• Together, Jewish and Roman leaders

plotted Jesus’ betrayal and death

Jesus’ Betrayal• On the Jewish holiday Passover, Jesus

and his disciples shared a meal now known as The Last Supper

• Jesus then went to a garden to pray• He was betrayed by one of his disciples

and arrested by Roman officials

Jesus’ Death & Resurrection• Jesus was put on trial and the Jewish leaders

and people ordered his execution• Jesus was crucified, nailed to a wooden cross,

where he hung until he died• Crucifixion was a common way Romans

executed criminals and political rebels• Three days after his death, Jesus rose back to

life• Roman guards and many of his followers

found an empty tomb

Who Were the Apostles?• Early Christian leaders who spread Jesus’ message• Performed miracles in Jesus’ name, converted

many to the faith• Started churches across the Mediterranean• Began calling Jesus “Christ” – the Anointed One• Peter, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, started the

church in Rome• Peter was also crucified, upside down

Paul of Tarsus• Jewish leader who persecuted Christians• Paul was converted to Christianity after a miracle

encounter with Jesus• Paul traveled throughout the Mediterranean and

Asia minor• Started churches and wrote letters that became

more than half of the New Testament• Many of his letters written from prison• Executed in Rome, believed to be stoned to death

Basic Christian Beliefs• One God and His Son is Jesus• People can gain salvation from sin and Hell by

accepting Jesus and the sacrifice of His life• Salvation means eternal life in Heaven, a place with

no sadness or problems• Christianity spread quickly after Jesus’ death because

of the message of love, peace and eternal life• The Pax Romana and Roman roads made it easier to

spread Jesus’ message