chapter 4 job talent mcqs hrm

Chapter 4: Job Analysis Multiple Choice 1. _____ is the procedures through which one determines the duties associated with positions and the characteristics of people to hire for those positions. a. Job description b. Job specification c. Job analysis d. Job context e. None of the above (c; easy) 2. The information resulting from job analysis is used for writing _____. a. job descriptions b. work activities c. work aids d. job context e. performance standards (a; easy) 3. Which of the following types of information can be collected via a job analysis?

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hrm chapter 4 job talent mcqs


Chapter 4: Job Analysis

Multiple Choice

1._____ is the procedures through which one determines the duties associated with positions and the characteristics of people to hire for those positions.a.Job descriptionb.Job specificationc.Job analysisd.Job contexte.None of the above(c; easy)

2.The information resulting from job analysis is used for writing _____.a.job aidsd.job contexte.performance standards(a; easy)

3.Which of the following types of information can be collected via a job analysis? activitiesb.human behaviorsc.performance standardsd.job contexte.all of the above(e; moderate)

4.Information regarding job demands such as lifting weights or walking long distances is included in the information about _____ an HR specialist may collect during a job activitiesb.human behaviorsc.machines, tools, equipment, and work aidsd.performance standardse.job context(b; moderate)

5.Information regarding how, why, and when a worker performs each activity is included in the information about _____ an HR specialist may collect during a job activitiesb.human behaviorsc.machines, tools, equipment, and work aidsd.performance standardse.job context(a; moderate)

6.Information regarding the quantity or quality levels for each job duty is included in the information about _____ an HR specialist may collect during a job activitiesb.human behaviorsc.machines, tools, equipment, and work aidsd.performance standardse.job context(d; moderate)

7.Information regarding job-related knowledge or skills and required personal attributes is included in the information about _____ an HR specialist may collect during a job activitiesb.human behaviorsc.human requirementsd.performance standardse.job context(c; moderate)

8.Information regarding matters such as physical working conditions and work schedule is included in the information about _____ an HR specialist may collect during a job activitiesb.human behaviorsc.machines, tools, equipment, and work aidsd.performance standardse.job context(e; moderate)

9.There are _____ steps in doing a job analysis.a.threeb.fourc.fived.sixe.ten(d; easy)

10.Deciding how to use the resulting information is the _____ step in doing a job analysis.a.firstb.secondc.thirdd.fourthe.fifth(a; moderate)

11.The first step in conducting a job analysis is _____.a.deciding how to use the informationb.reviewing relevant background informationc.selecting representative positionsd.collecting data on job activitiese.developing a job description and job specification(a; moderate)

12.12. Reviewing relevant background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions is the _____ step in doing a job analysis.a.firstb.secondc.thirdd.fourthe.fifth(b; moderate)

13.The second step in conducting a job analysis is _____.a.deciding how to use the informationb.reviewing relevant background informationc.selecting representative positionsd.collecting data on job activitiese.developing a job description and job specification(b; moderate)

14.Selecting representative positions to use in the job analysis is the _____ step in the process.a.firstb.secondc.thirdd.fourthe.fifth(c; moderate)

15.The third step in conducting a job analysis is _____.a.deciding how to use the informationb.reviewing relevant background informationc.selecting representative positionsd.collecting data on job activitiese.developing a job description and job specification(c; moderate)

16.Collecting data on job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job is the _____ step in the job analysis process.a.firstb.secondc.thirdd.fourthe.fifth(d; moderate)17.The fourth step in conducting a job analysis is _____.a.deciding how to use the informationb.reviewing relevant background informationc.selecting representative positionsd.collecting data on job activitiese.developing a job description and job specification(d; moderate)

18.Verifying the job analysis information with the worker performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor is the _____ step in the job analysis process.a.firstb.secondc.thirdd.fourthe.fifth(e; moderate)

19.The fifth step in conducting a job analysis is _____.a.deciding how to use the informationb.reviewing relevant background informationc.verifying the job analysis informationd.collecting data on job activitiese.developing a job description and job specification(c; moderate)

20.Developing a job description and job specification is the _____ step in the job analysis process.a.secondb.thirdc.fourthd.fifthe.sixth(e; moderate)

21.The final step in conducting a job analysis is _____.a.deciding how to use the informationb.reviewing relevant background informationc.selecting representative positionsd.collecting data on job activitiese.developing a job description and job specification(e; moderate)

22.A(n) _____ shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from the job being analyzed.a.organization chartb.process chartc.value chaind.job previewe.job description(b; moderate)23.Which term refers to a written statement that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job?a.job specificationb.job analysisc.job reportd.job descriptione.job context(d; moderate)

24.A _____ summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting the job done.a.job specificationb.job analysisc.job reportd.job descriptione.job context(a; moderate)

25.Which of the following is included in the job specifications?a.personal qualitiesb.traitsc.skillsd.required backgrounde.all of the above(e; easy)

26.Which of the following methods is used to gather job analysis data?a.interviewsb.questionnairesc.observationd.all of the abovee.none of the above(d; moderate)

27.Who is interviewed by managers collecting job analysis data?a.individual employeesb.groups of employees with the same jobc.supervisors who know the jobd.all of the abovee.none of the above(d; moderate)

28.Which of the following is not an advantage of using interviews to collect job analysis data? is simple to useb.some information may be exaggerated or is quick to collect can identify uncommon, but important can be used to explain need for job analysis(b; moderate)

29.Interviews often include questions about _____.a.supervisory responsibilitiesb.job dutiesc.educationd.experiencee.all of the above(e; easy)

30.In addition to identifying the specific duties associated with a job, a job analysis should also seek to identify the _____.a.length of time an employee has held the positionb.order of importancec.frequency of occurrenced.all of the abovee.b and c only(e; difficult)

31.For which of the following jobs is direct observation not recommended to collect data used in a job analysis?a.assembly-line workerb.accounting clerkc.engineerd.receptioniste.salesperson(c; difficult)

32.A _____ is the time it takes to complete a job.a.job weekd.shifte.none of the above(b; moderate)

33.The average cycle time is a(n) depends on the specific job(e; easy)

34.When workers change what they would normally do because they are being watched, _____ has occurred.a.proactivityb.reactivityc.cyclingd.divertinge.none of the above(b; moderate)

35.Which two data collection methods are frequently used together? observation and interviewingb.questionnaires and direct observationc.interviewing and questionnairesd.diaries and interviewinge.most are used individually(a; difficult)

36.Jin records every activity she participates in at work along with time in a log. This approach to data collection for job analysis is based on observationd.questionnairese.supervisor verification(a; easy)

37.Which of the following is considered a qualitative approach to job analysis?a.position analysis questionnaireb.interviewsc.Department of Labor approachd.functional job analysise.all are qualitative approaches(b; difficult)

38.Which of the following is considered a quantitative approach to job analysis?a.interviewsb.diariesc.Department of Labor observatione.questionnaires(c; difficult)

39.What form of data collection involves recording work activities in a log? observationd.questionnairese.none of the above(b; easy)

40.Which of the following is not one of the basic activities included in a position analysis questionnaire?a.performing skilled activitiesb.being physically activec.operating equipmentd.processing informatione.all are included in a position analysis questionnaire(e; moderate)

41.The _____ assigns a quantitative score to each job based on its decision-making, skilled activity, physical activity, equipment operation, and information-processing characteristics. a.Department of Labor Procedureb.position analysis questionnairec.functional job analysisd.log approache.all of the above(b; moderate)

42.Which quantitative job analysis technique can be conducted online?a.position analysis questionnaireb.Department of Labor Procedurec.functional job analysisd.all of the abovee.none of the above(a; difficult)

43.Which of the following is included in a functional job analysis?a.the extent to which specific instructions are necessary to perform the taskb.the extent to which reasoning and judgment are required to perform the taskc.the mathematical ability required to perform the taskd.the verbal and language facilities required to perform the taske.all of the above(e; moderate)

44.Most job descriptions contain sections that cover _____.a.job summaryb.standards of performancec.working conditionsd.all of the abovee.none of the above(d; easy)

45.One uses information from the _____ to write a job specification.a.job summaryb.job identificationc.job descriptiond.standards for performancee.job advertisement(c; moderate)

46.What type of information is contained in the job identification section of a job description?a.job titleb.job summaryc.relationships statementd.major functions or activitiese.all of the above(a; difficult)47.Which section of a job description should define the limits of the jobholders authority, direct supervision of other personnel, and budgetary limitations? a.job identificationb.job summaryc.relationshipsd.responsibilities and levels(d; moderate)

48.When is an employer required to make a reasonable accommodation for a disabled individual?a.any time a disabled individual applies for a positionb.employers are only encouraged to make reasonable accommodationsc.when a disabled individual has the necessary skills, education, and experience to perform the job, but cant because of the jobs current structured.when it would present an undue hardship e.when the job function is essential(c; moderate)

49.Job duties that employees must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation, are called _____.a.essential job functionsb.job requirementsc.primary job activitiese.all of the above(a; easy)

50.The job specification takes the job description and answers the question, _____?a.What human traits and experience are required to do this job wellb.When will the supervisor be completely satisfied with a workers workc.What are the four main activities making up this jobd.How many other employees are available to perform job functionse.What are the performance standards for the job(a; difficult)

51.When filling jobs with untrained people, the job specifications may include _____.a.quality of trainingb.length of previous servicec.previous job performanced.physical traitse.all of the above(d; moderate)

52.Which of the following work behaviors is considered generic or important to all jobs?a.industriousnessb.intelligencec.experienced.moralitye.motivation(a; moderate)53.All of the following work behaviors are considered generic or important to all jobs except _____.a.thoroughnessb.attendancec.experienced.schedule flexibilitye.industriousness(c; moderate)

54._____ means assigning workers additional same-level activities, thus increasing the number of activities they perform.a.Job rotationb.Job enrichmentc.Job assignmentd.Job enlargemente.Job adjustment(d; easy)

55._____ means systematically moving workers from one job to another.a.Job rotationb.Job enrichmentc.Job assignmentd.Job enlargemente.Job adjustment(a; easy)