chapter 3-ii –protein structure and function · 2017-04-03 · protein structure and function 3.4...

GBME, SKKU Molecular & Cell Biology H.F.K. Chapter 3-II – Protein Structure and Function

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Page 1: Chapter 3-II –Protein Structure and Function · 2017-04-03 · Protein Structure and Function 3.4 Regulating Protein Function •Proteins may be regulated at the level of protein



Chapter3-II– ProteinStructureandFunction

Page 2: Chapter 3-II –Protein Structure and Function · 2017-04-03 · Protein Structure and Function 3.4 Regulating Protein Function •Proteins may be regulated at the level of protein

Activesiteoftheenzymetrypsin.• Enzymes(proteinsorRNAs)catalyzemakingorbreakingsubstratecovalentbonds.• (a)Trypsin (serineprotease)activesite:

• Substrate-bindingpocket – bindsspecificsubstrate• Catalyticsite– containssidechainsofthecatalytictriadSer-195,Asp-102,andHis-57thatbreakspeptidebonds.

• Insomeenzymes,thecatalyticandsubstrate-bindingsitesoverlap;inothers,thetworegionsarestructurallydistinct.

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Substratebindingintheactivesiteoftrypsin-likeserineproteases.• (a)Trypsinactivesite:

• Substrateformsatwo-strandedβsheetwithtrypsin’ssubstrate-bindingsite.

• Trypsinbindingsitepocketbindssubstratearginine(R3)sidechain–

• EnzymeAsp-189negativechargestabilizessubstrateArg positivelychargedguanidinium group.

• Bindingalignsthesubstrateargininepeptidebondforhydrolysiscatalyzedbytheenzyme’sactive-sitecatalytictriad(sidechainsofSer-195,His-57,andAsp-102).

• (b)Bindingpocket substratespecificity:


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• Trypsin– bindssubstrate(+)charged arginineandlysinesidechains.• Chymotrypsin– bindslarge,hydrophobicsidechainssuchasphenylalanine.• Elastase– bindssmallsidechainssuchasglycineandalanine.

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• (a)EScomplex:Ser-195hydroxyloxygenattacksthecarbonylcarbonofthesubstrate’stargetedpeptidebond(yellow).


2 3


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• (b)Tetrahedralintermediatetransitionstate:enzyme’soxyanionholestabilizessubstrateoxygennegativecharge.



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An oxyanion hole is apocket inthe active site ofan enzyme that stabilizes transition state negative charge ona deprotonated oxygen or alkoxide.


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• (b)Tetrahedralintermediatetransitionstate:enzyme’soxyanionholestabilizessubstrateoxygennegativecharge.



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• (c)Peptidebondbrokenbyadditionalelectronmovements:

• releaseofoneoftheNH2−P2 reactionproducts

• formationoftheacylenzyme(ESʹcomplex)



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• (d)Solventwateroxygenattackstheacylenzymecarbonylcarbon.

• [IfthepHistoolow:theHis-57sidechainisprotonatedandcannotparticipateincatalysis.]



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• (e)Formationofasecondtetrahedralintermediate



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• (f)Additionalelectronmovements:•breaktheSer-195–substratebond(formationoftheEPcomplex)

• (inset)His-57sidechainheldintheproperorientationbyhydrogenbondingtotheAsp-102sidechainfacilitatescatalysisbywithdrawinganddonatingprotonsthroughoutthereaction

• releasetheP1−COOHreactionproduct


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pKa =~6.8TrypsinproteaseCytosol:pH~7.2


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Assemblyofenzymesintoefficientmultienzyme complexes.



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3.4RegulatingProteinFunction• Proteinsmayberegulatedatthelevelofproteinsynthesis,proteindegradation,orthroughnoncovalentorcovalentinteractions.

• Proteinsmarkedfordestructionwithapolyubiquitintagbyubiquitinligasesaredegradedinproteasomes.

• Severalallostericmechanismsactasswitches,reversiblyturningproteinactivityonandoff.

• Higher-orderregulationincludestheintracellularcompartmentationofproteins.

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Ubiquitin- andproteasome-mediatedproteolysis.

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• Enzyme+regulatorysubunit



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• Tetramerichemoglobin:fouroxygen-bindingsites

• Saturation– allfoursitesloadedwithoxygen.• P50 - pO2 atwhichhalftheoxygen-bindingsitesareoccupied.

• LargechangeinoxygenboundoverasmallrangeofpO2 valuespermitsefficientunloadingofoxygeninperipheraltissuessuchasmuscle.

• Sigmoidalcurve– indicativeofcooperativebinding– bindingofoneoxygenmoleculeallosterically(cooperatively)influencesthebindingofsubsequentoxygens

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ConformationalchangesinducedbyCa2+ bindingtocalmodulin.

• Ca2+ bindingchangescalmodulinconformation–hydrophobicsidechainsbecomemoreexposedtosolvent

• Ca2+/calmodulincomplexwrapsaroundconservedsequencesinexposedhelicesofvarioustargetproteins,alteringtheiractivity.

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TheGTPase switch.

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• Kinases:• transferterminalphosphategroupfromATPtospecificS/TorYOHgroups

• activatesomeproteins,inactivateothertypesofprotein

• Mostkinasescanphosphorylatemultipledifferenttargetproteins.

• Phosphatases:• hydrolyzephosphategroupoffprotein–

• inactivatessomeproteins,activatesothertypesofproteins

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3.5Purifying,Detecting,andCharacterizingProteins• Proteinscanbeisolated fromothercellcomponentsonthebasisofavarietyofphysicalandchemicalproperties.

• Proteinscanbedetectedandquantifiedbyvariousassaysandspecificantibody recognition.

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Boeing747:3,854 rpm

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HomogenizationIn cellbiology or molecularbiology research, homogenization isaprocesswherebyabiologicalsampleisbroughttoastatesuchthatallfractionsofthesampleareequalincomposition.


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Sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate particles in a sample, for various purposes. Ultrasonic frequencies (>20 kHz) are usually used, leading to the process also being known as ultrasonication or ultra-sonication.

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sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS)

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• sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS)

- -- -

- --

SDS– detergentfordenaturationoftheprotein+DTTorbeta-MeE


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• Isoelectricfocusing (IEF)isanelectrophoretictechniquefortheseparationofproteinsbasedontheir isoelectric point(pI).ThepI isthepHatwhichaproteinhasnonetchargeandthus,doesnotmigratefurtherinanelectricfield.

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Twosteps!• Step1:Isoelectricfocusing

• Step2:SDS-PAGEseparatesproteinsingelbasedonmolecularweight.

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LC-MS?Massspectrometry (MS)isananalyticaltechniquethationizes chemicalspecies andsortsthe ions basedontheir mass-to-chargeratio.


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• Step1:Pulsesoflaserlightionizeaproteinorpeptidemixturethatisabsorbedonametaltarget(matrix-assisted).

• Step2–3:Anelectricfieldacceleratestheionsinthesampletowardthedetector.

• Thetimeittakesaniontoreachthedetectorisproportionaltothesquarerootofthemass-to-charge(m/z)ratio.

• Results:Smallerionswiththesamechargemovefaster(shortertimetothedetector).

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• Peptidemassfingerprinting (PMF)(alsoknownas proteinfingerprinting)isananalyticaltechniquefor protein identificationinwhichtheunknownproteinofinterestisfirstcleavedintosmaller peptides,whoseabsolutemassescanbeaccuratelymeasuredwitha massspectrometer suchas MALDI-TOF or ESI-TOF.

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• Toppanel:MassspectrumofamixtureofthreemajorandseveralminorpeptidesfromthemouseH-2classIhistocompatibilityantigenQ10αchain.

• TheMS/MSspectrum(product-ionspectrum)providesdetailedstructuralinformation,includingpeptidesequenceinformation.

• peptidesequence(FIIVGYVDDTQFVR)deduction– fromthevaryingsizesoftheproductions,understandingthatpeptidebondsareoftenbrokeninsuchexperiments,knownm/zvaluesforindividualaminoacidfragments,anddatabaseinformation

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Threecommonlyusedliquidchromatographic techniquesseparateproteinsonthebasisofmass,charge,oraffinityforaspecificbindingpartner.


• Column– porousbeads

• Columns– beadswitheitherapositivecharge(shownhere)oranegativecharge

• Column– beadstowhichaspecificantibodyiscovalentlyattached

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• LC-MS/MSidentificationoforganelleproteins:Thinkthestepstoidentifyoneproteinexpressedinaspecificorganelle.

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3.6Proteomics• Proteomics– systematicstudyofabundance,modifications,interactions,localization,andfunctionsofallorsubsetsofproteinsinwhole-organism,tissue,cellular,andsubcellularbiologicalsystems.

• Methodsusedforproteomicanalysesinclude2Dgelelectrophoresis,density-gradientcentrifugation,andmassspectrometry.

• Resultsrevealvarioustypesofproteomes.

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Discussionwithfriends• PleaseexplainthereasonwhylowpHinactivatestrypsinproteasebasedonenzymereaction.

• SeethemostactivepHs oflysosomalhydrolaseandchymotrypsin.HowcanyouexplaintheinvertedU-shapeactivityofeachenzyme.

• Ifoneproteinwasubiquitinated,whatkindofproteinbandchangedoyouseeontheSDS-PAGE?FindonepaperinPubmed site,‘Synapticproteindegradationunderliesdestabilizationofretrievedfearmemory.'

• Pleaseexplainthegraphwithallostericmechanisms

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Pubmed sitesearch

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pKa ofaminoacids&pI

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HistidinepKa &pI1



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A.AspKa valuesAminoacid pKa1 pKa2 pKa3 pI

Glycine 2.34 9.60 --- 5.97

Alanine 2.34 9.69 --- 6.00

Valine 2.32 9.62 --- 5.96

Leucine 2.36 9.60 --- 5.98

Isoleucine 2.36 9.60 --- 6.02

Methionine 2.28 9.21 --- 5.74

Proline 1.99 10.60 --- 6.30

Phenylalanine 1.83 9.13 --- 5.48

Tryptophan 2.83 9.39 --- 5.89

Asparagine 2.02 8.80 --- 5.41

Glutamine 2.17 9.13 --- 5.65

Serine 2.21 9.15 --- 5.68

Threonine 2.09 9.10 --- 5.60

Tyrosine 2.20 9.11 --- 5.66

Cysteine 1.96 8.18 --- 5.07

Asparticacid 1.88 9.60 3.65 2.77

Glutamicacid 2.19 9.67 4.25 3.22

Lysine 2.18 8.95 10.53 9.74

Arginine 2.17 9.04 12.48 10.76

Histidine 1.82 9.17 6.00 7.59

•The pKa values and the isoelectronic point, pI, are given below for the 20 a-amino acids.•pKa1= a-carboxyl group, pKa2 = a-ammonium ion, and pKa3 = side chain group.

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• Conformationalselection(toppathway):disorderedprotein(PUMA)transientlyadoptsitsboundstatestructure,whichthenbindstothewell-orderedbindingpartner(MLC1).

• Inducedfit(bottompathway):disorderedproteinbeginstobindtothewell-orderedpartnerandthenisinducedtoformtheorderedconformationbycompletingbindinginteractions.

• >30percentofeukaryoticproteinsarepredictedtohaveatleastonedisorderedsegmentof50ormoreconsecutiveresidues.

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