chapter 3 how do people adapt to their environment?

Chapter 3 How do people adapt to their environment?

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Page 1: Chapter 3 How do people adapt to their environment?

Chapter 3

How do people adapt to their environment?

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Stone Age

Used stones to make tools and weapons

Paleolithic means “old stone” or Old Stone Age

2,500,000 B.C. – 8,000 B.C.

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Moved from place to place to survive and search for food

No roads, farms, or villagesMoved in groups of 20-30Hunter – gatherers

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Searched for buffalo, bison, wild goats, reindeer, fish, nuts, berries, fruits, wild grains, green plants.

Men hunted large animals far from camp – used clubs to kill or pushed animals off a cliff. Then learned to make tools or weapons. They also set traps.

Women stayed at camp-usually near water- and watched after the kids and searched for nuts, berries, and grains.

Men and women worked together equally.

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Tools & methods to perform tasks

Made devices from hard stone called “flint”

Made spears, bows, arrows, and fishhooks

Used animal hides for clothing and shelter or stayed in caves

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FIRE – used for warmth, light, to scare off wild animals, chase animals from bushes, and cooking

Used by rubbing two pieces of wood together to cause friction.

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Language & Art

Paleolithic people started expressing themselves through spoken word, like we use today, and art.

There was still NO WRITTEN word. Paleolithic people expressed ideas through cave drawings (symbols, drawings, ect)

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Ice Ages

Long periods of extreme cold

Threatened the lives of humans

They had to learn to use more fat in their diet

Made sturdier shelters and warmer clothes during these extreme cold times

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Ice Ages

As the ice pieces grew larger, the sea levels lowered, exposing a strip of dry land that connected Asia to North America. This was known as a “land bridge”

The land bridge was used by people and animals to travel and settle in different regions

The ice age forced Paleolithic people to adapt to their environment by changing their thinking. It lasted 90000 years and ended between 9000-8000 BC.

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Neolothic Age: The Agricultural Revolution

The Neolithic Age began when some, not all people began staying in one place to grow grains and vegetables; domesticate or tame animals for human use (transporting goods, providing meat, milk, or wool

Neolithic age lasted been 8000-4000 BC

Neolithic means “new stone”: stone tools were created and used during this time

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Agricultural Revolution

Systematic farming (growing food on a regular basis) is known as Agricultural Revolution

Being able to grow a constant food supply allowed people to settle communities because the population was growing at a faster rate.

Some historians consider the Agricultural Revolution to be the most important event in human history

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Farming Timeline

Who When Plants AnimalsSW Asia 8000 BC Wheat/Barley Pigs, goats, cows,


Nile River 6000 BC Wheat/Barley

India 8000-5000 BC Wheat/Barley

Africa 6000 BC Yams/bananas

China 6000 BC Millet/rice Dogs, Pigs

Central America 7000-5000 BC Squash/potatoes Chicken, Dogs

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Life in the Neolithic Age

People settled in villages near plants and water (especially rivers)

They built permanent homesJericho is one of the oldest Neolithic

CommunitiesCatahuyuk – Story Time!

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Life in Neolithic Age As populations grew so did food supplies

Increased food supplies allowed communities to trade certain foods for others.

It also allowed for people to take on or specialize in different jobs other than farming

Weapon making

Jewelry making

Pottery to store grains

Basket/clothes making

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Life in the Neolithic Age

Gender Roles

Men Women

`Worked in fields`Farmed and herded


`bore children`made clothes,

`managed supplies,`performed other tasks

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Tools Created


Sickles to cut grain

Millstones to grind flour

Some regions began working with copper

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Tools Created


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Emerging Empires

By the beginning of the Bronze Age, communities were widespread.

4 great river valley civilizations were formed by the year 3000 BC

1. Mesopotamia

2. Egypt

3. India

4. China

All great civilizations share similar characteristics

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Shared Characteristics

Developed cities and formed governments

First governments formed were known as monarchy’s (ruled by a King or Queen)

Created armies

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Early people believed that god’s were responsible for a communities survival

Rulers claimed that their power came from approval of god’s

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Social Structure

Based on the type of work a person did and the amount of power or wealth they had.

Highest Middle Lowest

Rulers, priests, government officials, warriors

Farmers, artisans, craftspeople

Enslaved people who were captured in war

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Writing and Art

People used symbols instead of letters and words to keep accurate records and preserve stories

Artists created paintings and sculptures portraying gods and forces of nature

Massive buildings were designed as places of worship or burial tombs for kings