chapter 28— the contemporary western world

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  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


    From Cold War to Post-

    Cold War

    By the 1970s, American-

    Soviet relations had

    entered a new phrase,

    known as *dentente

    relaxation of tensions and

    improved relations

    between the two


    1979new period of East-

    West confrontation

    The Cold War Intensifies

    Soviet Union invaded*Afghanistanwanted to

    restore a pro-Soviet regimethere, which the United

    States viewed as an act ofexpansion

    Jimmy Carter placed anembargo on the Soviets

    *Ronald Reagan (1980)evil empire and a

    military buildup and a newarms race and gave military

    aid to the Afghan rebels

    End of the Cold War

    The accession of *Mikhail

    Gorbachev New


    His willingness to rethink

    Soviet foreign policyled to

    stunning changes

    Agreement with the United

    States in 1987 (Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty)

    to eliminate intermediate-

    range nuclear weapons

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    By 1990, both countries

    knew that their military

    budgets would cause

    internal problems

    Peaceful revolutionary

    movement swept

    through Eastern Europe

    in 1989

    Reunification ofGermany on Oct. 3, 1990

    a symbol of the Cold


    Upheaval in the

    Soviet Union

    The Brezhnev Era

    Alexei Kosygin and *LeonidBrezhnev replaced him

    The right of the Soviet Unionto intervene if communism

    was threatened in anotherCommunist state (*Brezhnev


    The Soviet Union began toallow more access to Westernstyles of music, dress, and art

    *dissidentsspoke outagainst the regimewere still


    Continued to emphasize

    heavy industry

    Collective farmers had

    no incentive to work


    Unequal system: Party

    and state leaders

    leaders of the army and

    secret police (KGB)enjoyed a high standard

    of living

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    Gorbachev and


    Gorbachev began anew era ofglasnost, or

    openness in publicdiscussions of Soviet


    The basis of thesereforms was

    *perestroika, orrestructuringaneconomic policy

    Communist Partyconference elected aparliament (1988)

    Congress of PeoplesDeputies

    Allowed non-Communistparties to organize.

    Constitutional provisionfor Communist Party as

    leading role

    Soviet Union Presidency

    The End of the Soviet Union

    92 ethnic groups and 112different languages

    Nationalist movementemerged throughout the

    republics of the SovietUnion

    Army, government, KGB,

    and military industriesthe possible breakup of theSoviet Union would meanan end to their privileges

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    Arrested Gorbachev (1991)

    Russian Republic formed

    for complete independence

    *Boris Yeltsin, the new

    president and was

    committed to a free market

    economy (2 terms)

    *Vladimir Putin (2000)

    launched reforms to boost

    growth and budget



    1.Discuss how the Cold War endedafter leadership changed in the

    Soviet Union

    2. Identify policies of Gorbachevthat contributed to the

    disintegration of the Soviet Union

    3. Explain how conversion from asocialist to a free-market economy

    created many problems in theformer Soviet states


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


    Eastern Europe


    1. Describe Gorbachevs

    policy of not givingmilitary support to

    Communist governments

    and how it created the

    opportunity for revolution

    2. Characterize the massive

    demonstrations thatpeacefully ended some

    Communist regimes and

    the violence that ended


    Revolutions in

    Eastern Europe

    After Gorbachev

    refused to intervene

    militarily in Eastern

    Europe, revolutions

    broke out

    throughout Eastern


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World



    In 1980, a worker named*Lech Walesa organized a

    national trade unionknown as Solidarity

    After a new wave ofdemonstrations in 1988,the Polish regime agreed

    to free parliamentaryelections

    A new government waselected, ending 45 years

    of Communist rule inPoland

    1990, Walesa was chosenas presidentRapid free-

    market reforms led to

    severe unemployment andpopular discontent

    1995, AleksanderKwasniewski (a formerCommunist) defeated

    Walesa and becamepresidentcontinued

    movement to free market


    Soviet troops crushed the

    reform movement in

    Czechoslovakia in 1968

    1988 and 89, mass

    demonstrations took place



    In December 1989, the

    Communist government


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 28 The Contemporary Western World


    *Vaclav Havel, a writer who

    had played an important

    role in bringing down the

    Communist government

    became new president

    Czechoslovakia faced old

    ethnic conflictsCzechs

    and Slovaks agreed to

    peaceful division of the


    Czech Republic and


    Romania Nicolae Ceausescu ruledRomania with an iron grip, usingsecret police to crush all dissent

    He pushed for rapid

    urbanization, especially aprogram that called forbulldozing of entire villages

    In 1989, the secret policemurdered thousands of men,

    women, and children who werepeacefully demonstrating

    Ceausescu was captured andexecutednew government was

    quickly formed

    German Reunification



    surrendered to

    popular pressure by

    opening its entire

    border with the West

    The Berlin Wall wastorn downa symbol

    of the Cold War

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    The Disintegration of


    At the end of the


    Yugoslavia was

    caught up in the



    sweepingEastern Europe

    Calls for Independence

    In 1990, the Yugoslavrepublics of Slovenia,

    Croatia, *Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia

    began to lobby forindependence

    *Slobodan Milosevic whobecame leader of the

    Yugoslav republic of Serbiain 1987

    Serb minorities persistedYugoslavian army began afull assault against Croatia

    The War in Bosnia Early in 1992, the Serbs turned theirguns on Bosnia-Herzegovina

    Many Bosnians were Muslims andthus experienced *ethnic cleansing

    By 1995, 250,000 Bosnians had beenkilled and two million others wereleft homeless; 1995, NATO beganbombing Bosnian and Croatian


    Serbs signed a formal peace treaty,splitting Bosnia into a loose unionof a Serb republic and a Muslim-

    Croat federation

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    The War in Kosovo

    A new war erupted in 1998over *Kosovo. In 1974, thecommunist leader Tito had

    made Kosovo an *autonomousor self-governing province

    within Yugoslavia

    In 1989, Slobodan Milosevicstripped Kosovo of its

    autonomyKosovo LiberationArmy (KLA)

    Serb forces began to massacreof ethnic Albanians


    1. Describe Gorbachevs

    policy of not givingmilitary support to

    Communist governments

    and how it created the

    opportunity for revolution

    2. Characterize the massive

    demonstrations thatpeacefully ended some

    Communist regimes and

    the violence that ended


    Europe and North America

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    1. Discuss how Western

    European nations moved

    to united their economies

    after 1970

    2. Identify the domestic

    problems that arose in the

    United States, GreatBritain, France, Germany,

    and Canada

    Winds of Change in

    Western Europe

    Between the early 1950s and late

    1970s, Western Europeexperienced virtually full


    By the early 1980s, an economic

    downturn led to dramatic

    increase in the price of oil

    following the Arab-Israeli

    conflictinstability in the


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    The Western European

    nations moved toward a

    greater union of their


    expanded including

    dozens of other countries

    In 1994, the EEC turned

    into the principle

    organization within the

    even more solidifiedEuropean Union (EU)

    and use of the Euro

    Uncertainties in France

    Frances deterioratingeconomic situation in the 70s

    led to a shift to the leftpolitically

    The Socialist leader, FrancoisMitterrand led this change;

    In 1993, Frenchunemployment stood at 10.6


    The move to the right inFrance was strengthened

    when the conservativemayor of Paris

    From West Germany to


    In 1969, the Social Democrats(Moderate Socialist party),

    replaced the Christian Democratsas the leading party in West


    With a population of 79 millionpeople, the new Germany became

    the leading power in Europe

    Eastern Germany cost moremoney to rebuild than the Western

    portion originally believed

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    The collapse of the

    economy also led to

    increasing attacks on


    In 1992, over 440,000

    immigrants came to

    Germany seeking refuge

    Attacks against foreigners

    by right-wing extremists

    especially young neo-Nazis who believed in

    Hitlers idea of pure

    Aryan race

    Great Britain and Thatcherism

    Between 1964 and 79, GreatBritains Conservative Party andLabour Party alternated being in


    Intense fighting between Catholicsand Protestants in *Northern


    In 1979, the Conservatives came topower under *Margaret Thatcher

    *Thatcherism improved the Britisheconomic situationattempt at a

    flat-rate tax

    The US Domestic Scene

    Nixon and Watergate

    *Richard Nixon (1968)

    believed that law and order

    issues and a slowdown in

    racial desegregation wouldappeal to southern whites

    Used illegal methods to gain

    political information about his

    opponentsNixons zeal ledto the Watergate scandal

    (installing electronic listeningdevices)

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    The Carter Administration

    Vice President Gerald Fordbecame president when Nixon


    Jimmy Carter was electedfollowing the Nixon debacle

    Crisis erupted when 52Americans were held hostage

    by Iranian government of

    Ayatollah Khomeini

    He was unable to gain therelease of the American


    The Reagan Revolution

    Reagan cut back on the welfare

    state by decreasing spending

    on food stamps, school lunchprograms, and job programs

    Led to the largest peacetime

    military buildup in US history

    The spending policies of theReagan administration

    produced record government

    budget deficits*budget


    The Clinton and Bush Years

    George Bush, Reagans vicepresident, succeeded him as president

    Democrat Bill Clinton to be electedpresident in 1992

    but his second term wasovershadowed by changes of

    presidential misconduct

    George W. Bush, son of the first

    President Bush, won the presidencyin 2000 in a very close electionfollowing 2001, he directed hisattention to fighting terrorism

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    In 1993, Canada approved

    the North American Free

    Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    along with the United

    States and Mexico

    The purpose was to make

    trade easier and more

    profitable by establishingguidelines for cooperation

    between the countries


    1. Discuss how Western

    European nations movedto united their economies

    after 1970

    2. Identify the domestic

    problems that arose in the

    United States, Great

    Britain, France, Germany,

    and Canada

    Western Society and Culture

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    1. Relate how

    technological and

    scientific advances have

    created a global society

    2. Discuss artistic trends

    that reflect how the

    emerging global societyled to a blending of

    cultural forms and ideas

    Changes in Womens Lives

    Since 1970, the number of womenin the work force has continued to


    Greater access to universitiesenabled more women to pursue

    careers in such fields as law,medicine, and government

    1960s and 70s, the womensliberation movement

    Gender stereotyping,Contraception, and social and

    economic equality

    Women joined the

    antinuclear movement

    chaining themselves

    to the fence of an

    American military


    In the 1990s, backlash

    advocated a return to

    traditional values and

    gender roles


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    The Growth of Terrorism

    Acts of terror have become aregular aspect if modern

    Western society; killing civiliansto achieve their political goals

    Militant nationalists who wantto create their own state orexpand national territory

    Irish Republic Army (IRA),

    whose goal is to unite*Northern Ireland which was

    under the control of GreatBritain

    State-sponsored terrorismoccurs when one state openly

    supports terrorism againstanother: Iraq, Syria, North Korea

    Some states secretly financeorganizations or provide a safe

    place for terrorists to hide ortrain

    September 11, 2001al-Qaedaand the four hijacked plane

    Osama bin Laden; strictinterpretation of the Quran trying

    to create a pure Islamic society

    George W. Bush vowed to

    fight terrorism and led a

    coalition of nations in a war

    against the Taliban in


    Afghan forces opposed to

    the Taliban led the ground

    attack and and helped force

    it out of the capital, Kabul

    The united nationssponsored talks among rival

    Afghan groups to decide a

    new government

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    The Department ofHomeland Security

    created to protect the unitedStates from terrorism and

    respond to any futureattacks

    During 2002, the Bushadministration focused on

    the dangers from *weaponsof mass destructionnuclear, chemical, and

    biological weapons

    Iraq had repeatedly violatedthe required UN resolutions

    Saddam Hussein had to giveup the nations weapons of

    mass destruction in the early90s and had to submit to

    inspections in 2003

    Iraq was not meeting theUNs terms, resulting in the

    war in Iraq

    Baghdad fell quickly; theprolonged stay by American

    and British troops to establisha interim government andcombat guerrilla warfare

    embittered some


    1. Relate how

    technological and

    scientific advances have

    created a global society

    2. Discuss artistic trends

    that reflect how the

    emerging global society

    led to a blending of

    cultural forms and ideas