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Chapter 21 Distributed System Security Copyright © 2008

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Chapter 21

Distributed System SecurityCopyright © 2008

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• Issues in Distributed System Security• Message Security• Authentication of Data and Messages• Third-Party Authentication

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Issues in Distributed System Security

• Kinds of security threats in distributed OSs:– Leakage of message contents– Tampering of message contents– Stealing use of resources without authorization– Denial of service to authorized users

• Leakage and tampering are threats to message security• Threats addressed through two means:

– Message security techniques– Authentication of remote users

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Security Mechanisms and Policies

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Security Attacks in Distributed Systems

• Additionally, security attacks can be classified into: – Passive attacks and active attacks

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Message Security

• Approaches to message security can be:– Link-oriented

• Tends to be expensive– Cost depends on the number of links over which a message


– End-to-end• Approach assumed in following discussions

• Three approaches to message security:– Private (or secret) key encryption– Public key encryption– Session keys

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Message Security (continued)

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Distribution of Encryption Keys

• KDC: Key distribution center– For public key encryption, KDC maintains a directory

containing public keys of all entities in the system– When session keys are used, KDC generates a new

session key on demand

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Distribution of Public Keys

• Steps – Step 1: Pi → KDC : EUkdc

(Pi, Pj)

– Step 2: KDC → Pi : EUi (Pj, Uj)

Encryption is employed merely to prevent message tampering

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Distribution of Session Keys

• Steps– Step 1: Pi → KDC : Pi, Pj

– Step 2: KDC → Pi : EVi(Pj, Ski,j, EVj(Pi,Ski,j))

– Step 3: Pi → Pj : EVj(Pi, Ski,j), ESKi,j

(< message >)

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Preventing Message Replay Attacks

• Message replay attack: intruder copies messages passing over network and “plays them back” later– Replayed message may mislead recipient into taking

wrong or duplicate actions• May affect data consistency• May reveal confidential information

• Solution: use challenge-response protocol to check whether message exchange is in real time– Steps: challenge, response, detect

Pj → Pi : ESKi,j(n)

Pj → Pi : ESKi,j(n+1)

• Challenge string n is called a nonce

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Mutual Authentication

• Processes in a communication session should validate each other’s identity at start of session– Defeats masquerading attacks

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Authentication of Data and Messages

• Authenticity: requires process to verify that data was originated/sent by a claimed person or process– And that it has not been tampered with by intruder

• Latter aspect implies integrity of data

• To ensure integrity, use a hash or message digest– One-way hash function for which a birthday attack is

infeasible• Certification authority (CA) provides information

concerning encryption keys used by persons or processes in a secure manner

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Certification Authorities and Digital Certificates

• A certification authority (CA):– Assigns public and private keys to an entity

• After ascertaining its identity by using some means of physical verification

• Keys are valid for a specific period of time– Acts like a key distribution center– Keeps a record of keys assigned by it– Issues public key certificates

• Used to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks

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Certification Authorities and Digital Certificates (continued)

• A public key certificate includes:– Serial number of the certificate– Owner’s distinguished name (DN)

• DNS name of the owner, and owner’s name, unit, locality, state, and country in a textual form

– Identifying information of owner• E.g., address

– Owner’s public key– Date of issue and date of expiry, and issuer’s DN– Digital signature on the above information by CA

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Message Authentication Codes and Digital Signature

• A message authentication code (MAC) is used to check the integrity of data– A one-way hashing function is used to obtain a message

digest of data– It is encrypted using a secret key known only by sender

and intended recipient• A digital signature is used to verify authenticity of data

– This identification is non-repudiable– Can also be used to detect any modifications of data after

the data was created or sent by a process– Both are achieved through use of private keys

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Message Authentication Codes and Digital Signature (continued)

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Third-Party Authentication

• How does a server know whether a process wishing to act as its client was created by an authorized user?– Require each server to authenticate every user through a

password• Inconvenient

– Use a third-party authenticator and a secure arrangement• Kerberos uses an authentication database• SSL decentralized

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• Developed in project Athena at MIT• Kerberos authentication server (KAS) uses an

authentication data base• Authorization is performed by giving tickets to

processes– A ticket is like a capability, it authorizes a process to use

a service– It contains the process and server ids, a session key for

communication, and the lifetime over which it is valid• At log in time, each process gets a ticket to a ticket

granting server (TGS); TGS generates tickets for other servers

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Kerberos (continued)

• When a process wishes to use a server• It submits a ticket for the server and an authenticator

containing a time-stamp encrypted with the session key• Server checks validity of ticket, extracts the session key

and checks the authenticator to ensure that the request is made in ‘real time’

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Kerberos (continued)

• Initial authentication:

• Obtaining ticket for server:

• Obtaining service:

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Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

• SSL is a message security protocol providing authentication and communication privacy

• Works on top of a reliable transport protocol such as TCP/IP

• Transport layer security (TLS) protocol is based on SSL 3.0

• Two phases:– SSL handshake protocol– SSL record protocol

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Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

• Handshake protocol:– Performs server authentication– Selection of session’s cryptographic algorithms– (Optionally) performs client authentication– Enables client and server to generate shared secret

• Used to generate session keys• Record protocol:

– <m, MACm> securely sent using a session key, where m is text of message

• To avoid man-in-the-middle attacks, certificate is verified and challenge-response protocol used to authenticate client

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• Intruders can launch a variety of attacks: leakage, tampering, masquerading, or denial of service– Leakage/tampering are threats to message security

• Solution: Use encryption– Private, public and session keys– Session keys are typically used

• Message replay attacks can be avoided using challenge-response protocol

• Third-party authenticators: Kerberos, SSL• Digital signature: used to verify authenticity of data

– Public key certificate used to securely distribute public key