chapter 2 - car parking...chapter 2 - car parking 3.2.1 purpose (1) the access and parking...

RPS V7.1 - 2016 Part 11 - Planning Scheme Policy 3 - Contributions and Security Bonding - Chapter 2 - Page 5 Chapter 2 - Car Parking 3.2.1 Purpose (1) The access and parking requirements of the planning scheme detail that the local government may accept payment in-lieu of the provision of on-site car parking spaces. (2) The purpose of this policy is to - (a) determine the circumstances under which payment in-lieu of car parking will be accepted by the local government; (b) determine the amount for payment; (c) set out the requirements for the implementation of payment in-lieu of car parking provision. 3.2.2 Applicability (1) Applications for payment in-lieu of parking requirements will be considered for - (a) areas shown in Schedule B, Maps 1-3; or (b) specific commercial, sport and recreation, tourist and community uses that are within - (i) 400 metres of a local or neighbourhood centre; or (ii) 800 metres of a major or district centre; or (c) other areas as resolved by the local government from time to time. (2) In general, parking required by a particular development is provided on-site. However, there are circumstances where the provision of shared and consolidated car parking at strategic locations in a centre will serve a broader community interest. (3) Development applications will be assessed individually in relation to the eligibility for payment in- lieu of car parking. (4) Payments will generally be accepted only from developments that are - (a) non-residential; (b) located in centres, as approved by the local government; (c) located at sites where - (i) access to the site is undesirable; or (ii) access will not be granted by the local government or State Government agencies; (iii) as a result no on-site car parking provision is proposed; or (iv) in the opinion of the local government, it is impractical or undesirable to provide the full number of car parking spaces on-site. 3.2.3 Contributions (1) With the growth in a range of semi-urban and urban activities in major centres and some lower order centres of the City, parking demand in these centres is growing while the opportunities for additional supply is constrained. The supply is constrained due to ever increasing land value and associated developments. (2) A shared and consolidated car parking strategy is being promoted throughout all centres in order to address - (a) the imbalance between the demand and supply of car parking; (b) to support existing businesses; (c) to offer opportunities for continued economic growth with the more efficient provision of essential access and car parking facilities in centres. (3) This policy represents a mechanism to implement the shared and consolidated car parking strategy of the local government.

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Page 1: Chapter 2 - Car Parking...Chapter 2 - Car Parking 3.2.1 Purpose (1) The access and parking requirements of the planning scheme detail that the local government may accept payment in-lieu

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Chapter 2 - Car Parking

3.2.1 Purpose (1) The access and parking requirements of the planning scheme detail that the local government

may accept payment in-lieu of the provision of on-site car parking spaces. (2) The purpose of this policy is to -

(a) determine the circumstances under which payment in-lieu of car parking will be accepted by the local government;

(b) determine the amount for payment; (c) set out the requirements for the implementation of payment in-lieu of car parking provision.

3.2.2 Applicability (1) Applications for payment in-lieu of parking requirements will be considered for -

(a) areas shown in Schedule B, Maps 1-3; or (b) specific commercial, sport and recreation, tourist and community uses that are within -

(i) 400 metres of a local or neighbourhood centre; or (ii) 800 metres of a major or district centre; or

(c) other areas as resolved by the local government from time to time. (2) In general, parking required by a particular development is provided on-site. However, there are

circumstances where the provision of shared and consolidated car parking at strategic locations in a centre will serve a broader community interest.

(3) Development applications will be assessed individually in relation to the eligibility for payment in-

lieu of car parking. (4) Payments will generally be accepted only from developments that are -

(a) non-residential; (b) located in centres, as approved by the local government; (c) located at sites where -

(i) access to the site is undesirable; or (ii) access will not be granted by the local government or State Government agencies; (iii) as a result no on-site car parking provision is proposed; or (iv) in the opinion of the local government, it is impractical or undesirable to provide the full

number of car parking spaces on-site.

3.2.3 Contributions (1) With the growth in a range of semi-urban and urban activities in major centres and some lower

order centres of the City, parking demand in these centres is growing while the opportunities for additional supply is constrained. The supply is constrained due to ever increasing land value and associated developments.

(2) A shared and consolidated car parking strategy is being promoted throughout all centres in order

to address -

(a) the imbalance between the demand and supply of car parking; (b) to support existing businesses; (c) to offer opportunities for continued economic growth with the more efficient provision of

essential access and car parking facilities in centres. (3) This policy represents a mechanism to implement the shared and consolidated car parking

strategy of the local government.

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(4) The policy enables the local government to determine the amount of payment from development applications seeking relief in on-site car parking requirements as set out in Part 9 - Schedule 1 - Access and Parking.

3.2.4 Definitions (1) Agreement - means an agreement between the local government and an owner applying for off

street car parking relief. (2) Committee - means the relevant Committee of the local government for the City. (3) Owner - means an owner or authorised agent applying for relief from the requirement to provide

off-street car parking. (4) Parking facility - means an off-street surface car parking area, or structures, lot or garage where

motor vehicles, including cycles, may be parked or stored temporarily.

3.2.5 Authority (1) The local government may authorise agreements with owners and occupants of buildings or

structures that will provide car parking relief, to the extent set out in the agreements. These agreements are in accordance with the requirements of the planning scheme for the provision and maintenance of on-site parking facilities. Owners may be exempted if specified in the agreements from the necessity of providing or maintaining such parking facilities.

(2) Where a portion, or the entire car parking requirement as specified in Part 9 - Schedule 1 - Access

and Parking -

(a) is not proposed to be provided on the site of the proposed development; or (b) is deemed by the local government to be inappropriate;

the developer will be required by the local government to provide payment in-lieu of car parking for

the number of parking bays not provided on the development site.

3.2.6 General Provisions (1) Each agreement authorised under section 3.2.5(1) will provide for the payment to the local

government of a sum of money as calculated by the contribution formula in Schedule A at the time the agreement is executed, or at such other times as is thereby provided.

(2) In the event of an owner or occupant being able to satisfy the local government that they are

unable to make payment in a lump sum in accordance with section 3.2.6(1), the agreement mentioned in section 3.2.6(1) will provide for a rate of payment to be determined by the local government based on an interest rate which is the prime rate at the time the agreement is executed.

(3) The formulas set forth in Schedule A for determining the payment are subject to annual review by

the local government. (4) Construction cost for car parking space and per square metre land value will also be subject to

annual review. In the event a regular review is not undertaken, the consumer price index (CPI) will be applied to determine the new price of construction cost and land value. The revision of rates is done annually on 1

st July.

(5) In the event that an owner or occupant who has entered into such an agreement does not

commence construction of the building for which a building permit was issued within two (2) years of issue - (a) the agreement is null and void and all rights, exemptions and privileges derived by the owner

or occupant under the agreement will cease;

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(b) twenty (20) percent of the sum calculated in accordance with section 3.2.6(1) will be retained by the local government;

(c) any balance paid in excess of that amount will be refunded to the owner or occupant. (6) The sums retained by the local government under section 3.2.6(4)(b) will remain in the fund

mentioned in section 3.2.9(1). (7) Each agreement authorised under section 3.2.5(1) will contain a description of the premises

sufficient for registering in a proper register. (8) When registered, the amounts payable under such agreement, until paid, will be lien upon the

premises described and will be collected by the local government in the same manner and with the same remedies as provided for the collection of rates.

(9) Nothing in this policy will be interpreted to provide or vest any owner with a special right, privilege

or interest of any kind in any parking facility which may result from this policy. (10) Applications for payment in-lieu of parking requirements will only be considered within the area

described in Schedule B.

3.2.7 Application (1) Every owner or occupant will make a written application in the form and in a manner approved by

the local government. (2) The procedure for processing an application for payment in-lieu of parking contributions is

established by the Committee and will be integrated with the development application assessment process.

3.2.8 Local Government - Responsibilities (1) The local government will collect and manage all monies payable under agreements made in

accordance with the provisions of this policy and where such monies are paid, other than by a lump sum, the local government will specify, for inclusion in the agreement prior to final approval by the local government, the number, frequency and amount of installments together with any interest.

(2) On full payment of the money to be paid under any registered agreement, the Committee will

inform the local government of the fact and will recommend to the local government that the owner or occupant be released from the provisions of the agreement.

(3) A certificate is issued stating that the money paid under the agreement is fully paid, and is

registered in the appropriate register maintained by the local government.

3.2.9 Parking Reserve Fund (1) All money paid, or paid pursuant to any such agreement, is collected into a special account known

as the Parking Reserve Fund and the monies in the special fund will be expended only for the provisions of new public off-street parking facilities.

(2) The auditor in their annual report will report on the activities and position of the special account

described in section 3.2.9(1).

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Schedule A - Payment in-lieu-of Car Parking Contribution Formula (1) The owner or occupant provides capital towards public parking based on one of the two following

formulas. The formulas take into consideration the variation in land costs throughout the City and current estimated construction costs of one parking space in either a parking structure or in a surface car parking facility. It is assumed that an average car parking space requires 31.25m

2 of

land in a surface facility, equivalent to parking space yield rate of 32 per 1000m2 of gross land

area, and 35.75m2 of land in a parking structure, equivalent to the parking yield rate of 28 spaces

per 1000m2 of gross land area.

(2) The applicant will enjoy no right of ownership in such a parking space to the cost of which they

have contributed. There is no guarantee that the local government will build a parking space at any particular time or that it will build it in a location that will be of advantage to the applicant. Further, if the parking space is built near the applicant’s use it will be utilised for public parking and will not be allocated to the individual use of the applicant in any way.

(3) Depending upon the nature or size of developments, and size of parking relief, contribution on

land is proposed to vary from 75 percent to 100 percent, and contribution on construction to vary from 75 percent to 90 percent of actual land sale price and the cost of construction. In general, lower contribution is suggested for smaller development and higher contribution for large scale development.

(4) Payment in-lieu of car parking policy is a mechanism to implement the local government’s shared

and consolidated car parking (SACP) strategy. Accordingly, the formulas reduce the parking space charge by SACP factor, varying from 50 percent to 100 percent, as a matter of policy to give effect to consolidating car parking spaces in a more desirable location. This reduction is also meant to encourage developers to share on-site car parking spaces for use by general public and not just by their customers, thereby allowing efficient use of car parking spaces in the centre.

Parking Space in Car Parking Structures (1) The formula to determine the owner’s contribution takes into consideration land costs and current

estimated costs of one car space, averaging 35.75m2 per space, in a multi-level parking structure -

(a) for any project requiring relief for 1 - 4 parking spaces -

CIL = [{(C x 0.75) + (L x 35.75 x 0.75)/S} x Pf] x P

(75 percent of construction cost and 75 percent of land cost)

(b) for a major renovation or addition to an existing building requiring relief for 5 - 20 parking

spaces -

CIL = [{(C x 0.80) + (L x 35.75 x 0.90)/S} x Pf] x P

(80 percent of construction cost and 90 percent of land cost)

(c) for a new development requiring relief for 5 - 20 parking spaces -

CIL = [{(C x 0.80) + (L x 35.75 x 1.00)/S} x Pf] x P

(80 percent of construction cost and 100 percent of land cost)

(d) for any development requiring relief for more than 20 parking spaces -

CIL = [{(C x 0.90) + (L x 35.75 x 1.00)/S} x Pf] x P

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(90 percent of construction cost and 100 percent of land cost). Note - Where - L = estimated land cost as determined by recent sales, per square metre of retail or office

commercial land within 1000 metres of the proposed development; 35.75 = the number of square metres required for developing one parking space in a hypothetical multi

storey car parking facility; C = current estimated cost of constructing one parking space in a hypothetical multi storey car

parking facility; Pf = shared and consolidated car parking (SACP) strategy factor; P = number of parking spaces for which payment in lieu of parking is desired; S = number of storeys or levels in the parking structure; CIL = cash in lieu of parking payment. Parking Space in Surface Car Park (1) The formula to determine the owner’s or occupant’s contribution takes into consideration land

costs and current estimated costs of one car space, averaging 31.25m2 per space, in a surface car

park -

(a) for any project requiring relief for 1 - 4 parking spaces -

CIL = [{(C x 0.75) + (L x 31.25 x 0.75)} x Pf] x P

(75 percent of construction cost and 75 percent of land cost)

(b) for a major renovation or addition to an existing building requiring relief for 5 - 20 parking spaces -

CIL = [{(C x 0.80) + (L x 31.25 x 0.90)} x Pf] x P

(80 percent of construction cost and 90 percent of land cost)

(c) for a new development requiring relief for 5 - 20 parking spaces -

CIL = {[(C x 0.80) + (L x 31.25 x 1.00)} x Pf] x P

(80 percent of construction cost and 100 percent of land cost)

(d) for any development requiring relief for more than 20 parking spaces -

CIL = {[(C x 0.90) + (L x 31.25 x 1.00)} x Pf] x P

(90 percent of construction cost and 100 percent of land cost)

Note - Where - L = estimated average land cost as determined by recent sales or valuation, per square metre of

retail or office commercial land within 1000 metres of the proposed development; 31.25 = the number of square metres required to develop one parking space in a hypothetical surface

parking facility; C = current estimated cost of constructing one parking space in a hypothetical surface parking

facility; Pf = shared and consolidated car parking (SACP) strategy factor; P = number of parking spaces for which payment in lieu of parking is desired; CIL = cash in lieu of parking payment.

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Schedule B - Policy Area Map 1 - Cleveland Contribution Area

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Map 2 - Capalaba Contribution Area

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Map 3 - Wellington Point Contribution Area

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Note - Unit Rates of Construction and Land The following table, which does not form part of the policy, indicates an estimate of the unit rates of construction cost and land cost relevant to some centres or locations identified currently for implementing payment in-lieu of car parking policy. These unit rates are to be reviewed and updated annually. Table 1 - Unit Rates for 2004/2005 Financial Year

Location Map ID Unit Rate of

Construction (per space)

Land Value (Sqm)

Cleveland CLV 1 $14644 $714

Cleveland $4035 $433

Capalaba CAP 1 $14470 $426

Capalaba $4035 $300

Wellington Point WPT 1 $14470 $370

Wellington Point $4035 $315

Other $4035 As per valuation

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