chapter 2 a1

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  • 8/14/2019 Chapter 2 A1


    Chapter 2


    Presented in this chapter are the research design, the subject and

    respondents, the instrument, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical

    treatment of the data.


    A Descriptive-Correlation Method of research was employed in this study.

    It is a design to estimate the proficiency to which different variables are related to

    one another in the population or sample of interest. (Humol, 2008)

    The term descriptive implies the attempt to describe the extent of revised

    curriculum and academic performance of the students. In correlation research, it

    involves collecting data to determine relationships between two variables.

    This design was adopted since the main problem of the study is to identify

    if there is a significant relationship between the implementation of revised

    curriculum and the academic performance of BSN2 students of St. Marys


    Research Subject

    The subjects of this study were the BSN2 students who were evaluated by

    their clinical instructors in their clinical performances during their clinical

    exposures. The respondents of the study were the first year nursing students of

    St. Marys College, Tagum City. They belong to different sections. Section A has

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    39 students; section B has 41 students, with a total of 80 students. They were

    chosen on the basis of stratified random sampling. This sampling technique was

    used in order to get the exact representation of respondents of this study.

    Using the Slovins Formula, a sample of 67 student-respondents were

    taken. Table 1 shows the sample size of the population and the distribution of

    respondents by gender and section using stratified random sampling.



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    Table 1

    Distribution of Student-Respondents




    Male Female



    Male FemaleTOTAL

    A 9 30 39 35

    B 7 34 41 37

    TOTAL 16 64 80 15 55 67


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    Research Instrument

    The research instrument used in gathering the data was a researcher-

    made questionnaire using a Likert scale. The questionnaire was made brief but

    concise for easy understanding of the respondents. Each indicator under the

    independent variable contains five (5) questions.

    The questionnaire was checked by the research director and went through

    final checking and validation for purpose of content-validity. The corrections and

    suggestions were incorporated in the final draft of the questionnaire.

    On another view, the academic performance of the second year nursing

    students was acquired through their RLE grade composing of two categories: the

    skills, knowledge and attitude in the skills laboratory during return


    The respondents level of perception were rated using the following scale:

    For Pre-conference Strategies on Antenatal Concept

    Parameter Limit Descriptive Equivalent

    4.50 5.00 Always

    3.50 4.49 Often

    2.50 3.49 Sometimes

    1.50 2.49 Seldom

    1.00 1.49 Never

    The 5-scale scoring has the following qualitative descriptions:


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    5 Always This means that the indicator embodied in the item was very

    much evident or always observed.

    4 Often This means that the indicator embodied in the item was

    oftenly evident or observed.

    3 Sometimes This means that the indicator embodied in the item was very

    much relatively evident in most cases.

    2 Seldom This means that the indicator embodied in the item was

    acknowledged to be present but only slightly felt.

    1 Never This means that the indicator embodied in the item was

    almost non-evident.

    Data Gathering Procedure

    The researchers undertook the following procedures in order to gather

    data needed for the study:

    The permission was sought from the School President of St. Marys

    College, Tagum City. Upon the approval of the School President, the researchers

    forwarded it to the Program Head of the Nursing Department. Then, a week after

    the approval was the administration of the questionnaires to the student-

    respondent to the different sections of the first year student nurses. It was done

    personally by the researchers. Instructions were given to ensure that the

    questions would be answered honestly, clearly, and completely. Retrieval of the

    questionnaires was done immediately after the administration. The researchers

    then collated and tabulated all responses given by the respondents. Responses


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    were tabulated in an excel files and was submitted to the statistician for statistical

    treatment and analyses to answer the problems raised in the first chapter of this


    Statistical Treatment

    To answer the questions proposed in this study, the data were subjected

    to statistical treatment. The following statistical operations were used:

    Average Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the extent of the revised

    curriculum and the level of clinical performance of the students in sub-problems 1

    and 2.

    Mean. It is the average of the set of data used to determine the extent of the

    revised curriculum and the level of academic performance of the students in sub-

    problems 1 and 2. This answered 1and 2.

    t- test. This was used to determine the significant relationship between the

    extent of revised curriculum and the level of academic performance of the


    Pearson r or Product Moment Correlation. This is a method used to compare

    the degree of linear relationship of two variables. This text was used to determine

    the degree of linear relationship between the extent of the implementation

    revised curriculum and the level of academic performance of the students in sub-

    problem number 3.
