chapter 1(human resource development)

Human Resource Development Human Resource Development Concept of HRD Human Resource Development in the organizational context is a process by which the employees of an organization are helped, in a continuous and planned way, to: Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles; Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit own inner potentials for their own and /or organizational developmental purposes; Develop an organizational culture in which supervisor-subordinate relationships, teamwork, and collaboration among sub-units are strong and contribute to the professional well being, motivation and pride of employees. In 1970 Len Nadler published his now-classic book Developing Human Resources, in which he coined the term "human resource development" (HRD). HRD integrates training, education, and

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Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development

Concept of HRDHuman Resource Development in the organizational context is a process by which the employees of an organization are helped, in a continuous and planned way, to:Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles;Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit own inner potentials for their own and /or organizational developmental purposes;Develop an organizational culture in which supervisor-subordinate relationships, teamwork, and collaboration among sub-units are strong and contribute to the professional well being, motivation and pride of employees.

In 1970 Len Nadler published his now-classic book Developing Human Resources, in which he coined the term "human resource development" (HRD).

HRD integrates training, education, and development of employees.

HRD provided purpose and direction for the continued growth and organized learning to provide the possibility of performance change.

In 1987 Patricia McLagan proposed the following narrative definition of HRD:

HRD is the integrated use of training and development, career development, and organization development to improve individual

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Labour was considered as a cost but now they are considered as an investment from which returns can be expected.

HRD is based on a new concept of man; a new concept of power; and new concept of organization.

New concept of man- Based on his shifting and complex needs

Initially strict supervision was there. Labours were treated as liability. Labours were not well educated and not technically sound. Productivity came down after doing the same work repeatedly.Tech. and spread of education catalysed the promotion of HRD.(Binny textiles- initially 80,000 workers were there before 1991; but now there are only 5000 workers of which only 250 are involved in production.)

New concept of power- based on collaborative co-determinationEarlier there was a continuous conflict between the workers and the employers because of the clash of interest. The workers wanted maximization of wage gains and job security whereas the employers wanted max. of profits and minimization of labour costs. The employer also wanted a free hand in hiring and firing of workers. Under the HRD system the employers accepted employees as collaborators (who works together). Realized the symbiotic relation between the two.

New concept of organization- based on democratic principles and social justiceEquality between the management and the workers.There is not discrimination between the employees.

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Human Resource Development aims at developing a variety of competencies of employees and developing a culture in the organization to utilize these competencies and contribute to organizational growth

HRD Belief-systemHuman resources are the most important assets of any organizationUnlike other resources, human resources can be developed and increased to an unlimited extentA healthy climate, characterized by the values of openness, enthusiasm, trust, mutuality, and collaboration is essential for developing human resourcesHRD can be planned and monitored in ways that are beneficial both to the individual and to the organizationEmployees feel committed to their work and organization if the management perpetuates a sense of belongingEmployees are likely to have this feeling if the organization provides for their basic needs and for their higher needs through appropriate management style and systemsEmployee commitment is increased with the opportunity to discover and use one’s capabilities and potential in one’s workIt is every manager’s responsibility to ensure the development and utilization of the capabilities of subordinates, to create a healthy and motivating work climate, and to set examples for subordinates to follow.

Significance of HRD HRD is needed by any organization that wants to be dynamic and growth-oriented or to succeed in a fast-changing environment. Organizations can become dynamic and grow only through the efforts and competencies of their human resources. Personnel polices can keep the morale and motivation of the employees high, but these efforts are not enough to make the organization dynamic and take it to new directions. Employee capabilities must continuously be acquired, sharpened and used. For this purpose, an

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enabling organizational culture is essential. When employees use their initiative, take risks, experiment, innovate, and make things happen, the organization may be said to have an enabling culture.Even an organization that has reached its limit in terms of growth needs to adapt to the changing environment. No organization is immune to the need for processes that help to acquire and augment its capabilities for stability and renewal.

HRD as a SystemThe components or elements of HRD are:Individual GrowthOrganizational DevelopmentWork Output

Individual Growth- Human resources development system in any organization focuses on the individual and his growth.- Its aim is to develop human resources to their highest potential so that the organisational goals are achieved.- Human growth occurs through learning newer and newer responses to deal with problems that are encountered in one’s own environment- Learning is retained when one becomes aware of results achieved.- If individual growth is aimed then people need two things- new challenges and knowledge of their achievement

Orgaisational Development- Organizational growth & development takes place through learning ways to cope with its environment- Organisation has many inputs- man, machinery material, and money.- All the inputs properly managed leads to the orgaisational growth.- Organisation cannot develop in isolation

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- It can develop only when there is a congruence between organizational needs and individual needs

Work and Work Output- Work refers to the setting up of work goals, activities geared towards attainment of these goals, feedback on performance, appraisal of work performance, involvement in decision making process, work and quality of work life- Work output refers to enlarged responsibilities, productivity improvement, rewards for productivity improvement and goal attainment

HRD : a FunctionThe basic aim of HRD is behavioral and attitudinal change of the employees that facilitates attainment of organizational change. This involves three things1. formulation of appropriate programmes2. implementation of the programmes3. evaluation

HRD MechanismsThe goal of HRD system is to develop:the capabilities of each employee as an individual;the capabilities of each individual in relation to his or her present role;the capabilities of each employee in relation to his or her expected future role;the dyadic relationship between each employee and his or her supervisor;the team spirit and functioning in every organizational unit;collaboration among different units of the organization;the organization’s overall health and self-renewing capabilities which, in turn, augment the enabling capabilities of individuals, dyads, teams, and the entire organization.Objectives of HRD are accomplished through the following

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process mechanisms:Performance AppraisalPotential Appraisal and DevelopmentFeedback and Performance CoachingCareer PlanningTrainingOrganization Development or Research and Systems DevelopmentRewardsEmployee Welfare and Quality of Work LifeHuman Resource Information

Performance AppraisalUnder the HRD system, Performance Appraisal is aimed at:understanding the difficulties of the employees and finding ways to reduce them;understanding the strengths and weaknesses of employees and helping them to overcome their shortcomings and build on their capabilities;helping the employees to be aware of their positive contributions;encouraging the employees to accept more responsibilities and challenges;helping the employees acquire new skills and capabilities;planning for effective utilization of the talents of the employees.During the appraisal meetings, the supervisor and subordinates share their observations and concerns. Such discussions help to develop mutual understanding and the data thus generated are reported to higher management and are used in making decisions about individual employee development as well as developmental needs of the work-group of the entire organization.Potential Appraisal and DevelopmentIn the organization that subscribes to HRD, the potential (career enhancement possibilities) of every employee is assessed periodically. Such assessment is used for development planning as well as future placement within the organization. Under this system, it is assumed that the organization is growing

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continuously. It may be expanding in scale, diversifying its operations, introducing technological changes, or entering new markets. A dynamic and growing organization needs to continually review its its structure and systems, creating new roles and assigning new responsibilities. Capabilities to perform new roles and responsibilities must continually be developed among the employees. The identification of employee potential to ensure the availability of people to do different jobs helps to motivate employees in addition to serving organizational needs. Feedback and Performance CoachingKnowledge of one’s strength helps one to become more effective, to choose situations in which one’s strengths are required, and to avoid situations in which one’s weaknesses can create problems. This also increases the satisfaction level of an individual. Often, people do not recognize their strengths. Supervisors in an HRD system have the responsibility for ongoing observation and feedback to subordinates about their strengths and their weaknesses, as well as for guidance in improving performance capabilities.Career PlanningPeople perform much better when they feel trusted and see meaning in what they are doing. In the HRD system, corporate plans are not kept secret. Long range plans are made known to the employees. They are helped to prepare for change whenever situation so warrants. In fact, the employees facilitate change. Major changes are discussed at all levels to increase employees’ understanding and commitment.Most people want to know the possibilities of their own growth and career opportunities. Because managers and supervisors have information about the growth plans of the company, it is their responsibility to transmit information to their subordinates and to assist them in planning their careers within the organization. Of course, the plans may not become a reality, but all are aware of the possibilities and are thus prepared for them. Training

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Training is linked with performance appraisal and career development. Employees generally are trained on the job through special in-house training programmes. For some employees (including managers), outside training may be utilized to enhance, update or develop specific skills. This is especially valuable if the outside training can provide expertise, equipment, or sharing of experiences that are not available within the organization.In-house training programmes are developed by in-house trainers or consultant hired for the purpose and periodic assessments are made of the training needs within the organization. The effects of all the training programmes are monitored and added to the data concerning training needs. Managers and employees who attend in-house or outside training events also are expected to submit proposals concerning any changes they would like to suggest on the basis of their new knowledge.Organization Development or Research and Systems DevelopmentThis function includes research to ascertain the psychological health of the organization. This generally is accomplished by means of periodic employee surveys. Efforts are made to improve the organizational health through various means in order to maintain a psychological climate that is conducive to productivity. The OD or systems experts also help any department or unit in the company that is having problems such as absenteeism, low production, interpersonal conflicts, or resistance to change. These experts also refine and develop various systems within the organization to improve their functioning.Rewards Rewarding employee performance and behaviour is an important part of HRD. Appropriate rewards not only recognize and motivate employees they also communicate the organization’s values to them. In HRD systems, innovations and use of capabilities are rewarded in order to encourage the acquisition and application of positive attitudes and skills. Typical rewards include certificates of appreciation, newsletter announcements, increase in salary, bonus,

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special privileges and desired training. Promotions generally are not considered as rewards because these are based on appraisals of potential whereas rewards are based on performance. Rewards may be given to teams, departments, and other units within the organization as well as to individuals.Employee Welfare and Quality of Work LifeEmployees at lower levels in the organization usually perform relatively monotonous tasks and have fewer opportunities for promotion or change. This particularly is true in developing countries. In order to maintain their work commitment and motivation, the organization must provide some welfare benefits such as medical insurance, disability insurance, holidays, etc.Quality of Work Life programmes generally focus on the environment within the organization and include basic physical concerns such as heating and air conditioning, lighting, safety, precautions, additional physical amenities such as food and beverages, recreation, and psychological and motivational factors such as flexible working hours, freedom to suggest changes or improvements, challenging work and varying degree of autonomy. HRD systems focus on employee welfare and quality of work life by continually examining employee needs and meeting them to the extent feasible. Job enrichment programmes, educational subsidies, recreational activities, health and medical benefits, etc. generate a sense of belonging.Human Resource InformationAll appropriate information about employees should be stored in a central human resource database. This includes all basic information about each employee, training programmes attended, performance records, potential appraisals, and accomplishments. These data are utilized whenever there is a need to identify employees for consideration special projects, additional training or higher level jobs.

What is Career?Career is a sequence of positions occupied by a person during his

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life time.Career does not apply any advancement nor success or failure.Therefore any work, whether paid or unpaid, pursued over an extended period of time, can constitute a career.

Individual Career Development versus Organisational Career development

Organisational Career development involves tracking career paths. Management seeks information so it can direct and monitor the progress of minorities and women and to ensure capable managerial and technical talent will be available to meet the organization’s needs. It looks at individuals filling the needs of the organization.

Individual Career Development focuses on assisting individuals to identify their major career goals and to determine what they need to do to achieve these goals. Thus the focus is entirely on the individual and includes his o her career outside the organization as well as inside.Assuming that an organization already provides extensive employee and management development programs, why should it need to consider a career development program as well?A long-term career focus should increase the organization’s effectiveness in managing its human resources. Following are the positive results that can accrue from a well designed career development program.1. Ensures Needed talent will be availableWorking with individual employees to help them better align their needs and aspirations with those of the organization will increase the probability that the right people will be available to meet the organization’s changing staffing requirements.

2. Improve the Organization’s ability to attract and retain high-

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talent personnel

3. Reduced Employee Frustration

External versus Internal Dimensions to a CareerEvery individual’s career has two dimensions or components:External dimension (is realistic and objective)Internal Dimension ( represents the individual’s subjective perceptions)

External dimension in a career represents the objective progression of steps through a given occupation. Each of the steps in the career is objective and explicit.

The internal dimension in a career is a subjective concept of progression. This concept may be vague, as when one has the general ambition to “get ahead.”

Importance of these two dimensions of career

The major influence on the individual’s attitudes and behavior will not be objective reality, but rather their subjective perception of their career relative to their expectations.So, regardless of what an organization may be objectively doing to develop the careers of its employees, successful career development demands that attention also be given to how employees perceive their career relative to their expectations.

Career Stages1. ExplorationThe exploration period ends for most of the people in their mid twenties as they make the transition from school to work.From an organizational point of view this stage has the least relevance since it occurs prior to employment.

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2. EstablishmentThe establishment period begins with the search for work and includes getting the first job, being accepted by peers, learning the job, and gaining the first tangible evidence of success or failure in the real world.

3. Mid- CareerThis is the time where individuals may continue their prior improvements in performance, level-off, or begin to deteriorate.Mistakes carry greater penalties as the individual is no longer seen as a learner.

4. Late Career5. Decline

Methods to make Organizational Career Development More Effective1. Challenging Initial JobsThere is an increasing body of evidence indicating that employees who receive especially challenging job assignments in their career do better on later jobs.Thus initial challenges, particularly if they are successfully met, stimulate a person to perform better.

2. Understanding of Career OptionsThis involves the dissemination of the information about the various promotional avenues and the qualifications and experience required to occupy those positions.

3. Assessment CentersAssessment Centers is used as a selection device, a management development device as well as a career development device.By putting people through assessment centers we obtain observable evidence of their ability to do certain job

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Additionally, in his role as an assessor, an individual learns how to observe behavior carefully, to make inferences from observations, and to give feedback to the assessee.

4. Career CounselingA career counseling dialogue must contain the following four elements:

a. The employee’s goals, aspirations, and expectations with regard to is or her own career for the next five years or longer.

b. The manager’s view of the opportunities available and the degree to which the employee’s aspirations are realistic and match up with the opportunities available.

c. Identification of what the employees would have to do in the way of further self development to qualify for new opportunities.

d. Identification of the actual next steps in the form of plans for new development activities or new job assignments that would prepare the employee for further career growth.

5. Career Development workshopsCareer development workshop is a training program designed to assist workers in managing their careers.

6. Continuing Education and Training7. Periodic Job Changes8. Sabbaticals

Methods to make Individual’s Career Development More EffectiveIndividual’s career development requires people to become knowledgeable of their own needs, values, and personal goals. This can be achieved through a three-step, self-assessment process:Identify and organize your skills, interests, work-related needs and

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valuesConvert these inventories into general career fields and specific job goalsTest these possibilities against the realities of the organization or job market.

Strategies for formulation of human resource development programmesFocus on enabling capabilities: problem solving skills, diagnostic abilities.Balancing adaptation and change in the organizational culture: HRD managers must be sensitive towards resistance to change by the employees.Attention to contextual factors: organizational culture, size of the organization, technology, existing skills, employee potentials, availability of external support system.Building linkages with other functions: long range corporate plans, budgeting and finance, marketing, production, etc.Balancing specialization and diffusion of functions: line managers should be involved in HRD planning and implementation. Management should leave the job of human resource development to experts alone.Establishing the identity of HRD: HRD function should be recognized as such with a designated officer and distinct responsibility; multiple responsibilities produce several kinds of conflicts.Ensuring respectability for the function: both credibility and usefulness depends on this.Developing monitoring mechanisms: systematic monitoring is required to review progress and level of effectiveness.Building feedback and reinforcement mechanism: systematic feedback loops should be evolved so that appropriate HRD interventions can be made and consolidated.Balancing external and internal expertise: consultants may be

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called for expertise that may be required occasionally while internal capabilities should be developed if the expertise is required on long term basis. However, there is a great risk in case overuse of either external or internal expertise. If the company depends on consultants too much, employees will reflect withdrawal of efforts and be less interested in coming up with ideas. On the other hand, if consultants are discouraged, they may remain in dark about innovative and best practices that are important for competitive advantage.