chapter 19, sections 1 and 2 government and society and economic growth

Chapter 19, Sections 1 and 2 Government and Society and Economic Growth

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Chapter 19, Sections 1 and 2

Government and Society


Economic Growth

Postwar Reforms in Japan

• US General Douglas MacArthur was put in charge of the Japanese Occupation. His goal was to destroy Japan’s militarism and build a democratic government.

Building Democracy

• A new Constitution in 1947 stripped the emperor of his power and gave it to the Diet (the elected legislature). The emperor remained a figurehead.

Occupation in Japan Ends

• In 1952, the occupation ended. When the Communists took over China (1949) and the Korean war broke out, the US needed Japan as an ally against communism in Asia.

Changing Social Patterns

The head of the family no longer has legal authority over other members. The nuclear family

has replaced extended family because of tiny apartments.

Education in Japan

The competition for the best schools is fierce. Many attend juku (cram schools) that prepare them to take the entrance exams for the elite


Twice a year elaborately presented gifts are given to employers, clients and teachers.

Gift-giving is elaborate and strengthens loyalty and friendship. This is important to the way the

Japanese do business.

During the 50’s and 60’s factories were rebuilt with the latest technology. Japan captured new markets and recaptured old ones. This was the

Japanese economic miracle.

In 1973, OPEC quadrupled the price of oil. Japan went into conservation mode. They reduced oil usage and built nuclear power generators and

used non-petroleum fuels.

Shift to High-tech industries

• Japan switched from high energy-usage industries to industries based on highly-specialized technology like electronics. Since the 70’s they have led in TVs CD players, VCRs, radios, and stereo equipment.

Japan also developed fuel-efficient cars that found buyers around the globe. They are the

world’s largest producer of automobiles.