chapter 17: history of english references · 2017-05-24 · chapter 17: history of english...

CHAPTER 17: HISTORY OF ENGLISH REFERENCES Austen, J. (1817/2003) Northanger Abbey, London: Penguin Books. Baugh, A. and Cable, T. (2013) A History of the English Language, 6th edn, London: Routledge. Bragg, M. (2003) The Adventure of English 500AD to 2000: The Biography of a Language, London: Hodder and Stoughton. Bryson, B. (1990) Mother Tongue, London: Penguin. Cameron, K. (1996) English Place Names, 2nd edn, London: B.T. Batsford. Chaucer, G. (1995) [C15] The Canterbury Tales, Ware: Wordsworth Editions. Crystal, D. (2003) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 2nd edn, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, D. (2010) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 3rd edn, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Culpeper, J. and Kadar, D.Z. (2010) Historical (Im)Politeness, Bern: Peter Lang. Freeborn, D. (1992) From Old English to Standard English: A Course Book in Language Variation Across Time, Basingstoke: Macmillan. Fromkin, V., Rodman, R. and Hyams, N. (2011) An Introduction to Language, 9th edn, Boston MA: Wadsworth. Graddol, D., Leith, D., Swann, J., Rhys, M. and Gillen, J. (eds) (2007) Changing English, London: Routledge. Hogg, R. (2002) An Introduction to Old English, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Horobin, S. and Smith, J. (2002) An Introduction to Middle English, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Knowles, E. (2010) How to Read a Word, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Leith, D. (1997) A Social History of English, 2nd edn, London: Routledge. Lewis, M.P. (ed.) (2009) Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th edn. Online. Retrieved 20 October 2012 from McCrum, R., Cran, W. and MacNeil, R. (1992) The Story of English, revised edn, London: Faber and Faber.

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Chapter 17: history of english referenCes

austen, J. (1817/2003) Northanger Abbey, london: penguin Books.

Baugh, a. and Cable, t. (2013) A History of the English Language, 6th edn, london: routledge.

Bragg, M. (2003) The Adventure of English 500AD to 2000: The Biography of a Language, london: hodder and stoughton.

Bryson, B. (1990) Mother Tongue, london: penguin.

Cameron, K. (1996) English Place Names, 2nd edn, london: B.t. Batsford.

Chaucer, g. (1995) [C15] The Canterbury Tales, Ware: Wordsworth editions.

Crystal, D. (2003) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 2nd edn, Cambridge: Cambridge University press.

Crystal, D. (2010) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 3rd edn, Cambridge: Cambridge University press.

Culpeper, J. and Kadar, D.Z. (2010) Historical (Im)Politeness, Bern: peter lang.

freeborn, D. (1992) From Old English to Standard English: A Course Book in Language Variation Across Time, Basingstoke: Macmillan.

fromkin, V., rodman, r. and hyams, n. (2011) An Introduction to Language, 9th edn, Boston Ma: Wadsworth.

graddol, D., leith, D., swann, J., rhys, M. and gillen, J. (eds) (2007) Changing English, london: routledge.

hogg, r. (2002) An Introduction to Old English, edinburgh: edinburgh University press.

horobin, s. and smith, J. (2002) An Introduction to Middle English, edinburgh: edinburgh University press.

Knowles, e. (2010) How to Read a Word, oxford: oxford University press.

leith, D. (1997) A Social History of English, 2nd edn, london: routledge.

lewis, M.p. (ed.) (2009) Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th edn. online. retrieved 20 october 2012 from

McCrum, r., Cran, W. and Macneil, r. (1992) The Story of English, revised edn, london: faber and faber.

Chapter 17: history of english referenCes2

o’Driscoll, t. (2010) Epilogue in Culpeper, J. and Kadar, D.Z. Historical (Im)Politeness, Bern: peter lang.

oxford english Dictionary (1973) The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, oxford: Clarendon.

shakespeare, W. (1996) [1604] Hamlet, london: penguin.

singh, i. (2005) The History of English: A Student’s Guide, london: hodder arnold.

Watts, r.J. and trudgill, p. (eds) (2002) Alternative Histories of English, london: routledge.

Wikipedia online. retrieved 8 august 2012 from: