chapter 13 written language. purposes for assessing written language general education monitors...

Chapter 13 Written Language

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Page 1: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Chapter 13

Written Language

Page 2: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Purposes for Assessing Written Language

General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition

Special education usually assesses spelling and other areas as needed

Page 3: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Skill Areas Oral language precedes written language Reading usually precedes written language Whole language approach integrates Includes mechanical skills and composition

skills Composition includes 3 or more stages:

Planning Writing Evaluating

Page 4: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Current Practice

Most assessment tools emphasize mechanical skills

The number of tests have increased Informal assessment strategies are a


Page 5: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Strategies for Assessing Spelling

Broad Range Achievement Tests WRAT–3 uses recall tasks PIAT–R/NU uses recognition tasks Woodcock-Johnson III uses both recall

(spelling) and recognition (editing)

Page 6: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Test of Written Spelling–4 (TWS–4)

Page 7: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Informal Techniques for Spelling Assessment

Work sample analysis Spelling inventories Criterion-referenced tests Observation Clinical interviews

Page 8: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Strategies for Assessing Handwriting

Zaner-Bloser Evaluation Scales Observation and error analysis Handwriting inventories Criterion-referenced instruments Test of Legible Handwriting (TOLH)

Page 9: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Test of Legible Handwriting (TOLH)

Page 10: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Strategies for Assessing Composition

Test of Written Language–3 (TOWL–3) Test of Adolescent Language–3(TOAL–3) Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery–

Revised Mather-Woodcock Group Writing Tests

(GWT) Test of Written Expression (TOWE)

Page 11: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Test of Written Language–3 (TOWL–3)

Page 12: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Informal Techniques

Rating scales and checklists Writing sample analysis Criterion-referenced tests Observations Clinical interviews Portfolios

Language Arts Assessment Portfolio (LAAP)

Page 13: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Within the Classroom

Types of skills emphasized Amount of time devoted to writing

instruction Social relationships among students and

teachers Physical environment

Page 14: Chapter 13 Written Language. Purposes for Assessing Written Language General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition Special education

Answering the Assessment Questions Informal strategies are required Evaluated in relation to estimated intellectual

performance Specific learning abilities influence the

acquisition of written language skills Classroom behavior and achievement problems

interfere with writing skills Writing proficiency required for other areas Present level of performance must be
