chapter 13 pest management. objectives: prevent and control pests know signs of pest infestation and...

Chapter 13 Pest Management

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Chapter 13Pest Management

Objectives: Prevent and control pests Know signs of pest infestation and activity Know how to store pesticides correctly Know how to select a Pest Control Operator



Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management

An integrated pest management program uses prevention measures to keep pests from entering the operation and control measures to eliminate those that do get inside.

A pest control operator (PCO) is a licensed pest control professional that will put your integrated pest management program in place.

Pest Management

Three rules of pest prevention:

1. Deny pests access to the operation

2. Deny pests food, water, and shelter

3. Work with a licensed Pest Control Operator (PCO)


Pest Prevention

To keep pests from entering with deliveries: Check deliveries before they enter the operation

o Refuse shipments if pests or signs of pests (egg cases, body parts) are found


Make sure all of the points where pests can access the building are secure: Screen windows and vents Seal cracks in floors and walls, and around

pipes Install air curtains (also called air doors or

fly fans) above or alongside doors


Pest Prevention

Pest Prevention

Deny pests shelter: Throw out garbage quickly and correctly Keep containers clean and in good condition Keep outdoor containers tightly

covered Clean up spills around containers

immediately Store recyclables correctly

o Keep recyclables in clean, pest-proof containerso Keep containers as far away from the building as

regulations allow


Pest Prevention

Deny pests shelter: Store food and supplies quickly and correctly

o Keep them away from walls and at least six inches (15 cm) off the flooro Rotate products (FIFO) so pests cannot settle and breed

Clean the operation thoroughlyo Clean up food and beverage spills immediatelyo Clean break rooms after useo Keep cleaning tools and supplies clean and dry


Pest Control

Contact your PCO immediately if you see these or any other pest-related problems: Feces Nests Damage on products, packaging, and the

facility itself


Grounds and Outdoor Dining Areas

To protect outdoor customers from pests: Mow grass, pull weeds, remove standing water, and pick up litter Cover outdoor garbage containers Remove dirty dishes and uneaten food from tables and clean them quickly Do not allow people to feed wildlife Locate electronic insect eliminators (“zappers”) away from food and

serving areas Call the PCO to remove hives and nests

Identifying Pests: Cockroaches

Cockroaches: Carry bacteria, viruses, and parasite eggs Live and breed in places that are:

o Darko Moisto Hard-to-clean

If you see them in daylight, you may have a major infestation

Identifying Pests: Cockroaches

Signs of a cockroach infestation include: A strong oily odor Droppings similar to grains of pepper Capsule shaped egg cases

o Brown, dark red, or blacko Leathery, smooth, or shiny

Identifying Pests: Rodents

Signs of a rodent infestation include: Signs of gnawing Droppings

o Shiny and black (fresh)o Gray (old)

Tracks Nesting materials

o Paper, cloth, hair, feathers or grass Holes

o In quiet placeso Near food and watero Next to buildings

How to Choose a PCO

Before choosing a PCO: Talk to other foodservice managers, check references Make sure the PCO is licensed or certified Ask the PCO if they belong to any professional organizations Ask for proof of insurance Require a written contract Weigh all factors, not just price

Working with a Pest Control Operator (PCO)

Your PCO should: Help you develop an integrated approach to pest management Stay up-to-date on new equipment and products Provide prompt service to address problems as they occur Keep records


Your PCO treatment plan should include:

• Exactly what treatment(s) will be used for each area or problem and the potential risks involved

• Dates and times of each treatment

• Steps you can take to control pests

• Any building defects that may be a barrier to prevention and control measures

• Timing of follow-up visits, including plans for the PCO to access the treatment and suggest alternate treatments if pests reappear

Using and Storing Pesticides

When pesticides will be applied: Wait until you are closed for business and employees are offsite Remove food and movable food-contact surfaces Cover equipment and immovable

food-contact surfaces

Afterwards: Wash, rinse, and sanitize food-contact surfaces

Using and Storing Pesticides

If pesticides will be stored on the premises: Keep them in their original containers Lock them in cabinets away from areas where food is prepared and stored Store aerosol or pressurized spray cans in a cool place Dispose of them as per local regulations Keep corresponding MSDS on the premises