chapter 13 & 14 the middle ages. mixed bag life in europe the church people crusade s 100 200...

CHAPTER 13 & 14 The Middle Ages

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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CHAPTER 13 & 14

The Middle Ages

Mixed Bag

Life in Europe

The Church

People Crusad


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Mixed Bag

A court for people who went againstChristianity where they were often tortured

Answer: Inquisition

Mixed Bag200

The effort by the Spanish to drive the Muslims out of their land

Answer: The Reconquista

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A farming system where one field would lie stagnant for a year

Answer: Three field farming

Mixed Bag400

Expansion of trade and new ways of doing business

Answer: The Commercial Revolution

Mixed Bag500

During the Norman Conquest he went in to England and claimed the land as his

Answer: William the Conqueror

Life in Europe 100

Which disease spread throughout Europe on fleas living on rats, killing 1/3 of all people in Europe

Answer: The “Black Death” or the Bubonic Plague

Life in Europe 200

He married Eleanor of Aquitaine in order to expand his land in France

Answer: Henry II

Life in Europe 300

Answer: gothic

A new style of Architecture that came out – lots of light let in through stained glass?

Life in Europe 400

This document forced the king to give certain rights and freedoms to the people

Answer: The Magna Carta

Life in Europe 500

He was a scholar who believed that only Jesus should have the final say –not the pope

Answer: John Wycliffe

The Church 100

The selling of positions within the church

Answer: Simony

The Church 200

Was burned at the stake for committing heresy

Answer: Jan Hus

The Church 300

A holy war

Answer: Crusade

The Church 400

This group of people went around to spread Christianity?

Answer: Friars

The Church 500

When two popes were elected and it led to division within the church

Answer: power: the Great Schism

People 100

King of England who joined the Third Crusade to fight Saladin

Answer: Richard the Lion Hearted

People 200

Who encouraged the first Crusade in the Holy Land?

Answer: Pope Urban the II

People 300

This Muslim leader fought off King Richard the Lionhearted and kept Jerusalem under Muslim control

Answer: Saladin

People 400

What king angered his nobles, leading to the signing of the Magna Carta?

Answer: King John

People 500

Merchant class town dwellers were known as

Answer: Burghers


This Crusade resulted in the signing of a truce and an agreement to allow Christian pilgrims to visit Jerusalem

Answer: Third Crusade


This Crusade resulted in the capture of Jerusalem

Answer: First Crusade


This crusade failed in its goal of recapturing the Crusader state of Edessa from the Turks

Answer: Second Crusade


The amount of Crusades that took place?

Answer: 10 (but this answer does vary!)


The Crusade that resulted in the looting of Constantinople by Western Christians

Answer: Fourth Crusade