chapter 11 text mining in multimedia

Chapter 11 TEXT MINING IN MULTIMEDIA Zheng-Jun Zha School of Computing, National University of Singapore [email protected] Meng Wang School of Computing, National University of Singapore [email protected] Jialie Shen Singapore Management University [email protected] Tat-Seng Chua School of Computing, National University of Singapore [email protected] Abstract A large amount of multimedia data (e.g., image and video) is now avail- able on the Web. A multimedia entity does not appear in isolation, but is accompanied by various forms of metadata, such as surround- ing text, user tags, ratings, and comments etc. Mining these textual metadata has been found to be effective in facilitating multimedia in- formation processing and management. A wealth of research efforts has been dedicated to text mining in multimedia. This chapter provides a comprehensive survey of recent research efforts. Specifically, the survey focuses on four aspects: (a) surrounding text mining; (b) tag mining; (c) joint text and visual content mining; and (d) cross text and visual content mining. Furthermore, open research issues are identified based on the current research efforts. Keywords: Text Mining, Multimedia, Surrounding Text, Tagging, Social Network © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 361 C.C. Aggarwal and C.X. Zhai (eds.), Mining Text Data, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3223-4_11,

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Chapter 11


Zheng-Jun ZhaSchool of Computing, National University of Singapore

[email protected]

Meng WangSchool of Computing, National University of Singapore

[email protected]

Jialie ShenSingapore Management University

[email protected]

Tat-Seng ChuaSchool of Computing, National University of Singapore

[email protected]

Abstract A large amount of multimedia data (e.g., image and video) is now avail-able on the Web. A multimedia entity does not appear in isolation,but is accompanied by various forms of metadata, such as surround-ing text, user tags, ratings, and comments etc. Mining these textualmetadata has been found to be effective in facilitating multimedia in-formation processing and management. A wealth of research efforts hasbeen dedicated to text mining in multimedia. This chapter provides acomprehensive survey of recent research efforts. Specifically, the surveyfocuses on four aspects: (a) surrounding text mining; (b) tag mining;(c) joint text and visual content mining; and (d) cross text and visualcontent mining. Furthermore, open research issues are identified basedon the current research efforts.

Keywords: Text Mining, Multimedia, Surrounding Text, Tagging, Social Network

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 361 C.C. Aggarwal and C.X. Zhai (eds.), Mining Text Data, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3223-4_11,



Figure 11.1. Illustration of textual metadata of an embedded image in a Web page.

1. Introduction

Lower cost hardware and growing communications infrastructure (e.g.Web, cell Phones, etc.) have led to an explosion in the availability ofubiquitous devices to produce, store, view and exchange multimedia en-tities (images, videos). A large amount of image and video data are nowavailable. Take one of the most popular photo sharing services Flickr 1

as example, it has accumulated several billions of images. Another ex-ample is Youtube 2, which is a video sharing Web site that is hostingbillions of videos. As the largest photo sharing site, Facebook 3 currentlystores hundreds of hundreds of billions of photos.

On the other hand, a multimedia entity does not appear in isola-tion but is accompanied by various forms of textual metadata. One ofthe most typical examples is the surrounding text appearing around theembedded images or videos in the Web page (See Figure 11.1). Withrecent proliferation of social media sharing services, the newly emerg-ing textual meatadata include user tags, ratings, comments, as well as



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Figure 11.2. Illustration of textual metadata of an image on a photo sharing Website.

the information about the uploaders and their social network (See Fig-ure 11.2). These metadata, in particular the tags, have been found to bean important resource for facilitating multimedia information process-ing and management. Given the wealth of research efforts that has beendone, there have been various studies in multimedia community on themining of textual metadata. In this chapter, a multimedia entity refersto an image or a video. For the sake of simplicity and without lost ofgenerality, we use the term image to refer to multimedia entity for therest of this chapter.

In this chapter, we first review the related works on mining surround-ing text for image retrieval as well as the recent research efforts thatexplore surrounding text for image annotation and clustering in Sec-tion 2. In Section 3, we provide a literature review on tag mining andshow that the main focus of existing tag mining works includes three as-pects: tag ranking, tag refinement, and tag information enrichment. In



Figure 11.3. A taxonomy consisting of the research works reviewed in this chapter.

Section 4, we survey the recent progress in integrating textual metadataand visual content. We categorize the exiting works into two categories:the fusion of text and visual content as well as visual re-ranking. InSection 5, we provide a detailed discussion on recent research on crosstext and visual content mining. We organize all the works reviewed inthis chapter into a taxonomy as shown in Figure 11.3. The taxonomyprovides an overview of state-of-the-art research and helps us to identifyopen research issues to be presented in Section 6.

2. Surrounding Text Mining

In order to enhance the content quality and improve user experience,many hosting Web pages include different kinds of multimedia entities,like image or video. These multimedia entities are frequently embeddedas part of the text descriptions which we called the surrounding text.While there is no standard definition, surrounding text generally refersto the text consisting of words, phrases or sentences that surrounds orclose to the embedded images, such as those that appear at the top,below, left or right region of images or connected via Web links. Theeffective use of surrounding texts is becoming increasingly importantfor multimedia retrieval. However, developing effective extraction algo-rithm for the comprehensive analysis of surrounding text has been a verychallenging task. In many cases, automatically determining which pageregion is more relevant to the image than the others could be difficult.Moreover, how large the region nearby should be considered is still anopen question. Further, the quality of surrounding texts could be lowand inconsistent. These problems make it very hard to directly applythe surrounding text information to facilitate accurate retrieval. Thus,refinement process or combining it with other cues is essential.

The earliest efforts on modeling and analyzing surrounding texts tofacilitate multimedia retrieval occurred in the 1990s. AltaVista’s A/V


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Photo Finder applies textual and visual cues to index image collec-tions [1]. The indexing terms are precomputed based on the HTMLdocuments containing the Web images. With a similar approach, theWebSeer system harvests the information for indexing Web images fromtwo different sources: the related HTML text and the embedded im-age itself [12]. It extracts keywords from page title, file name, caption,alternative text, image hyperlinks, and body text titles. A weight iscalculated for each keyword based on its location inside a page. InPICITION system [40], an interesting approach is developed to exploitboth textual and visual information to index a pictorial database. Imagecaptions are used as an important cue to identify faces appearing in arelated newspaper photograph. The empirical study based on a data setcontaining 50 pictures and captions obtained from the Buffalo Newsand the New Y ork T imes is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of thePICITION system. While the system can be successfully adopted for ac-cessing photographs in newspaper or magazine, it is not straightforwardto apply it for Web image retrieval.

In [39], Smith and Chang proposed the WebSeek framework designedto search images from the Web. The key idea is to analyze and classifythe Web multimedia objects into a predefined taxonomy of categories.Thus, an initial search can be performed to explore a catalog associatedwith the query terms. The image attribute (e.g., color histogram forimages) is then computed for similarity matching within the category.

Besides its efficacy in image retrieval, surrounding text has been ex-plored for image annotation recently. Feng et al. presented a boot-strapping framework to label and search Web images based on a setof predefined semantic concepts [9]. To achieve better annotation ef-fectiveness, a co-training scheme is designed to explore the associationbetween the text features computed using corresponding HTML docu-ments and visual features extracted from image content. Observing thatthe links between the visual content and the surrounding texts can bemodeled via Web page analysis, a novel method called Iterative Simi-larity Propagation is proposed to refine the closeness between the Webimages and their annotations [50]. On the other hand, it is not hard tofind that images from the same cluster may share many similar char-acteristics or patterns with respect to relevance to information needs.Consequently, accurate clustering is a very crucial technique to facili-tate Web multimedia search and many algorithms have recently beenproposed based on the analysis of surrounding texts and low level visualfeatures [3][13][34]. For example, Cai et al. [3] proposed a hierarchicalclustering method that exploits visual, textual, and link analysis. Awebpage is partitioned into blocks, and the textual and link information



of an image are extracted from the block containing that image. By us-ing block-level link analysis techniques, an image graph is constructed.They then applied spectral techniques to find a Euclidean embedding ofthe images. As a result, each image has three types of representations:visual feature, textual feature, and graph-based representation. Spectralclustering techniques are employed to cluster search results into variousclusters. Gao et al. [13] and Rege et al. [34] used a tripartite graph tomodel the relations among visual features, images and their surroundingtext. The clustering is performed by partitioning this tripartite graph.

3. Tag Mining

In newly emerging social media sharing services, such as the Flickrand Youtube, users are encouraged to share multimedia data on theWeb and annotate content with tags. Here a tag is referred to as adescriptive keyword that describes the multimedia content at semanticor syntactic level. These tags have been found to be an important re-source for multimedia management and have triggered many innovativeresearch topics [61][51][38][36]. For example, with accurate tags, the re-trieval of multimedia content can be easily accomplished. The tags canbe used to index multimedia data and support efficient tag-based search.Nowadays, many online media repositories, such as Flickr and Youtube,support tag-based multimedia search. However, since the tags are pro-vided by grassroots Internet users, they are often noisy and incompleteand there is still a gap between these tags and the actual content ofthe images[20][26][48]. This deficiency has limited the effectiveness oftag-based applications.

Recently, a wealth of research has been proposed to enhance the qual-ity of human-provided tags. The existing works mainly focus on the fol-lowing three aspects: (a) tag ranking, which aims to differentiate the tagsassociated with the images with various levels of relevance; (b) tag re-finement with the purpose to refine the unreliable human-provided tags;and (c) tag information enrichment, which aims to supplement tags withadditional information [26]. In this section, we present a comprehensivereview of existing tag ranking, tag refinement, and tag information en-richment methods.

3.1 Tag Ranking

As shown in [25], the relevance level of the tags cannot be distin-guished from the tag list of an image. The lack of relevance informationin the tag list has limited the application of tags. Recently, tag rankinghas been studied to infer the relevance levels of tags associated with an


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Figure 11.4. Examples of of tag refinement. The left side of the figure shows theoriginal tags while the right side shows the refined tags. The technique is able toremove irrelevant tags and add relevant tags to obtain better description of multimediacontents.

image. As a pioneering work, Liu et al. [25] proposed to estimate tagrelevance scores using kernel density estimation, and then employ ran-dom walk to boost this primary estimation. Li et al. [22] proposed adata driven method for tag ranking. They learned the relevance scoresof tags by a neighborhood voting approach. Given an image and oneof its associated tag, the relevance score is learned by accumulating thevotes from the visual neighbors of the image. They then extended thework to multiple visual spaces [23]. They learned the relevance scoresof tags and ranked them by neighborhood voting in different featurespaces, and the results are aggregated with a score fusion or rank fusionmethod. Different aggregation methods have been investigated, such asthe average score fusion, Borda count and RankBoost. The results showthat a simple average fusion of scores is already able to perform closedto supervised fusion methods like RankBoost.

3.2 Tag Refinement

User-provided tags are often noisy and incomplete. The study in [20]shows that when a tag appears in a Flickr image, there is only about a50% chance that the tag is really relevant, and the study in [38] showsthat more than half of Flickr images are associated with less than threetags. Tag refinement technologies are proposed aiming at obtaining more



accurate and complete tags for multimedia description, as shown in Fig-ure 11.4.

A lot of tag refinement approaches have been developed based onvarious statistical learning techniques. Most of them are based on thefollowing three assumptions.

The refined tags should not change too much from those providedby the users. This assumption is usually used to regularize the tagrefinement.

The tags of visually similar images should be closely related. Thisis a natural assumption that most automatic tagging methods arealso built upon.

Semantically close or correlative tags should appear with high cor-relation. For example, when a tag “sea” exists for an image, thetags “beach” and “water” should be assigned with higher confi-dence while the tag “street” should have low confidence.

For example, Chen et al. [6] first trained a SVM classifier for each tagwith the loosely labeled positive and negative samples. The classifiers areused to estimate the initial relevance scores of tags. They then refinedthe scores with a graph-based method that simultaneously considers thesimilarity between images and semantic correlation among tags. Xuet al. [52] proposed a tag refinement algorithm from topic modelingpoint of view. A new graphical model named regularized latent Dirichletallocation (rLDA) is presented to jointly model the tag similarity andtag relevance. Zhu et al. [64] proposed a matrix decomposition method.They used a matrix to represent the image-tag relationship: the (i, j)-th element is 1 if the i-th image is associated with the j-th tag, and 0otherwise. The matrix is then decomposed into a refined matrix plus anerror matrix. They enforced the error matrix to be sparse and the refinedmatrix to follow three principles: (a) let the matrix be low-rank; (b) iftwo images are visually similar, the corresponding rows are with highcorrelation; and (c) if two tags are semantically close, the correspondingvectors are with high correlation. Fan et al. [8] grouped images witha target tag into clusters. Each cluster is regarded as a unit. Theinitial relevance scores of the clusters are estimated and then refined bya random walk process. Liu et al. [24] adopted a three-step approach.The first step filters out tags that are intrinsically content-unrelatedbased on the ontology in WordNet. The second step refines the tagsbased on the consistency of visual similarity and semantic similarity ofimages. The last step performs tag enrichment, which expands the tagswith their appropriate synonyms and hypericum.


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Figure 11.5. (a) An example of tag localization, which finds the regions that thetags describe. (b) An illustration of tag information enrichment. It first finds thecorresponding region of the target tag and then analyze the properties of the region.

3.3 Tag Information Enrichment

In the manual tagging process, generally human labelers will onlyassign appropriate tags to multimedia entities without any additionalinformation, such as the image regions depicted by the correspondingtags. But by employing computer vision and machine learning tech-nologies, certain information of the tags, such as the descriptive regionsand saliency, can be automatically obtained. We refer to these as taginformation enrichment.

Most existing works employ the following two steps for tag informationenrichment. First, tags are localized into regions of images or sub-clipsof videos. Second, the characteristics of the regions or sub-clips areanalyzed, and the information about the tags is enriched accordingly.Figure 11.5 (a) illustrates the examples of tag localization for imageand video data. Liu et al. [28] proposed a method to locate image tagsto corresponding regions. They first performed over-segmentation todecompose each image into patches and then discovered the relationshipbetween patches and tags via sparse coding. The over-segmented regionsare then merged to accomplish the tag-to-region process. Liu et al.extended the approach based on image search [29]. For a tag of thetarget image, they collected a set of images by using the tag as query



with an image search engine. They then learned the relationship betweenthe tag and the patches in this image set. The selected patches areused to reconstruct each candidate region, and the candidate regions areranked based on the reconstruction error. Liu et al. [27] accomplishedthe tag-to-region task by regarding an image as a bag of regions andthen performed tag propagation on a graph, in which vertices are imagesand edges are constructed based on the visual link of regions. Feng etal. [10] proposed a tag saliency learning scheme, which is able to ranktags according to their saliency levels to an image’s content. They firstlocated tags to images’ regions with a multi-instance learning approach.In multi-instance learning, an image is regarded as a bag of multipleinstances, i.e., regions [58]. They then analyzed the saliency values ofthese regions. It can provide more comprehensive information whenan image is relevant to multiple tags, such as those describing differentobjects in the image. Yang et al. [55] proposed a method to associatea tag with a set of properties, including location, color, texture, shape,size and dominance. They employed a multi-instance learning methodto establish the region that each tag is corresponding to, and the regionis then analyzed to establish the properties, as shown in Figure 11.5 (b).Sun and Bhowmick [41] defined a tag’s visual representativeness basedon a large image set and the subset that is associated with the tag. Theyemployed two distance metrics, cohesion and separation, to estimate thevisual representativeness measure.

Ulges et al. [43] proposed an approach to localize video-level tags tokeyframes. Given a tag, it regards whether a keyframe is relevant as alatent random variable. An EM-style process is then adopted to estimatethe variables. Li et al. [21] employed a multi-instance learning approachto accomplish the video tag localization, in which video and shot areregarded as bag and shot, respectively.

By supplementing tags with additional information, a lot of tag-basedapplications can be facilitated, such as tag-based image/video retrievaland intelligent video browsing etc.

4. Joint Text and Visual Content Mining

Beyond mining pure textual metadata, researchers in multimediacommunity have started making progress in integrating text and con-tent for multimedia retrieval via joint text and content mining. The in-tegration of text and visual content has been found to be more effectivethan exploiting purely text or visual content separately. The joint textand content mining in multimedia retrieval often comes down to findingeffective mechanisms for fusing multi-modality information from textual


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metadata and visual content. Existing research efforts can generally becategorized into four paradigms: (a) linear fusion; (b) latent-space-basedfusion; (c) graph-based fusion; and (d) visual re-ranking that exploitsvisual information to refine text-based retrieval results. In this section,we first briefly review linear, latent space based, and graph based fusionmethods and then provide comprehensive literature review on visual re-ranking technology.

Linear fusion combines the retrieval results from various modalitieslinearly [18][4][31]. In [18], visual content and text are combined in bothonline learning stage with relevance feedback and offline keyword propa-gation. In [31], linear, max, and average fusion strategies are employed toaggregate the search results from visual and textual modalities. Changet al. [4] adopted a query-class-dependent fusion approach. The criti-cal task in linear fusion is the estimation of fusion weights of differentmodalities. A certain amount of training data is usually required forestimating these weights. The latent space based fusion assumes thatthere is a latent space shared by different modalities and thus unify dif-ferent modalities by transferring the features of these modalities into theshared latent space [63][62]. For example, Zhao et al. [63] adopted theLatent Semantic Indexing (LSI) method to fuse text and visual content.Zhang et al. [62] proposed a probabilistic context model to explicitlyexploit the synergy between text and visual content. The synergy is rep-resented as a hidden layer between the image and text modalities. Thishidden layer constitutes the semantic concepts to be annotated througha probabilistic framework. An Expectation-Maximization (EM) basediterative learning procedure is developed to determine the conditionalprobabilities of the visual features and the words given a hidden conceptclass. Latent space based methods usually require a large amount oftraining samples for learning the feature mapping from each modalityinto the unified latent space. Graph based approach [49] first builds therelations between different modalities, such as relations between imagesand text using the Web page structure. The relations are then utilized toiteratively update the similarity graphs computed from different modal-ities. The difficulty of creating similarity graphs for billions of imageson the Web makes this approach insufficiently scalable.

4.1 Visual Re-ranking

Visual re-ranking is emerging as one of the promising technique forautomated boosting of retrieval precision [42] [30] [55]. The basic func-tionality is to reorder the retrieved multimedia entities to achieve theoptimal rank list by exploiting visual content in a second step. In par-



ticular, given a textual query, an initial list of multimedia entities isreturned using the text-based retrieval scheme. Subsequently, the mostrelevant results are moved to the top of the result list while the less rel-evant ones are reordered to the lower ranks. As such, the overall searchprecision at the top ranks can be enhanced dramatically. According tothe statistical analysis model used, the existing re-ranking approachescan roughly be categorized into three categories including the clusteringbased, classification based and graph based methods.

Cluster analysis is very useful to estimate the inter-entity similarity.The clustering based re-ranking methods stem from the key observationthat a lot of visual characteristics can be shared by relevant images orvideo clips. With intelligent clustering algorithms (e.g., mean-shift, K-means, and K-medoids), initial search results from text-based retrievalcan be grouped by visual closeness. One good example of clusteringbased re-ranking algorithms is an Information Bottle based scheme de-veloped by Hsu et al. [16]. Its main objective is to identify optimalclusters of images that can minimize the loss of mutual information.The cluster number is manually configurated to ensure the each clus-ter contains the same number of multimedia entities (about 25). Thismethod was evaluated using the TRECVID 2003-2005 data and signif-icant improvements were observed in terms of MAP measures. In [19],a fast and accurate scheme is proposed for grouping Web image searchresults into semantic clusters. For a given query, a few related semanticclusters are identified in the first step. Then, the cluster names relatingto query are derived and used as text keywords for querying image searchengine. The empirical results from a set of user studies demonstrate animprovement in performance over Google image search results. It is nothard to show that the clustering based re-ranking methods can work wellwhen the initial search results contain many near-duplicate media docu-ments. However, for queries that return highly diverse results or withoutclear visual patterns, the performance of the clustering-based methodsis not guaranteed. Furthermore, the number of clusters has large impacton the final effectiveness of the algorithms. However, determining theoptimal cluster number automatically is still an open research problem.

In the classification based methods, visual re-ranking is formulated asa binary classification problem aiming to identify whether each searchresult is relevant or not. The major process for result list reorderingconsists of three major steps: (a) the selection of pseudo-positive andpseudo-negative samples; (b) use the samples obtained in step (a) totrain a classification scheme; and (c) reorder the samples according totheir relevance scores given by the trained classifier. For existing classifi-cation methods, pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) is applied to select the


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training examples. It assumes that: (a) a limited number of top-rankedentities in the initial retrieval results are highly relevant to the searchqueries; and (b) automatic local analysis over the entities can be veryhelpful to refine query representation. In [54], the query images or videoclip examples are used as the pseudo-positive samples. The pseudo-negative samples are selected from either the least relevant samples inthe initial result list or the databases that contain less samples relatedto the query. The second step of the classification based methods aim totrain classifiers and a wide range of statistical classifiers can be adopted.They include the Support Vector Machine (SVM) [54], Boosting [53] andListNet [57]. The main weakness for the classification based methods isthat the number and quality of training data required play a very im-portant role in constructing effective classifiers. However, in many realscenarios, the training examples obtained via PRF are very noisy andmight not be adequate for training effective classifier. To address thisissue, Fergus et al. [11] used RANSAC to sample a training subset witha high percentage of relevant images. A generative constellation modelis learned for the query category while a background model is learnedfrom the query “things”. Images are re-ranked based on their likeli-hood ratio. Observing that discriminative learning can lead to superiorresults, Schroff et al. [35] first learned a query independent text basedre-ranker. The top ranked results from the text based re-ranking arethen selected as positive training examples. Negative training examplesare picked randomly from the other queries. A binary SVM classifieris then used to re-rank the results on the basis of visual features. Thisclassifier is found to be robust to label noise in the positive training setas long as the non-relevant images are not visually consistent. Bettertraining data can be obtained from online knowledge resources if the setof queries restricted. For instance, Wang et al. [44] learned a generativetext model from the query’s Wikipedia 4 page and a discriminative im-age model from the Caltech [15] and Flickr data sets. Search results arethen re-ranked on the basis of these learned probability models. Someuser interactions are required to disambiguate the query.

Graphs provide a natural and comprehensive way to explore complexrelations between data at different levels and have been applied to awide range of applications [59][46][47][60]. With the graph based re-ranking methods, the multimedia entities in top ranks and their associa-tions/dependencies can be represented as a collection of nodes (vertices)and edges. The local patterns or salient features discover using graph




analysis are very helpful to improve effectiveness of rank lists. In [16],Hsu et al. modeled the re-ranking process as a random walk over the con-text graph. In order to effectively leverage the retrieved results from textsearch, each sample corresponds to a “dongle” node containing rankingscore based on text. For the framework, edges between “dongle” nodesare weighted with multi-modal similarities. In many cases, the struc-ture of large scale graphs can be very complex and this easily makesrelated analysis process very expensive in terms of computational cost.Thus, Jing and Baluja proposed a VisualRank framework to efficientlymodel similarity of Google image search results with graph [17]. Theframework casts the re-ranking problem as random walk on an affinitygraph and reorders images according to the visual similarities. The fi-nal result list is generated via sorting the images based on graph nodes’weights. In [42], Tian et al., presented a Bayesian video search re-rankingframework formulating the re-ranking process as an energy minimizationproblem. The main design goal is to optimize the consistency of rank-ing scores over visually similar videos and minimize the disagreementbetween the optimal list and the initial list. The method achieves aconsistently better performance over several earlier proposed schemeson the TRECVID 2006 and 2007 data sets. The graph based re-rankingalgorithms mentioned above generally do not consider any initial super-vision information. Thus, the performance is significantly dependenton the statistical properties of top ranked search results. Motivated bythis observation, Wang et al, proposed a semi-supervised framework torefine the text based image retrieval results via leveraging the data dis-tribution and the partial supervision information obtained from the topranked images [45]. Indeed, graph analysis has been shown to be a verypowerful tool for analyzing and identifying salient structure and usefulpatterns inside the visual search results. With recent progresses in graphmining, this research stream is expected to continue to make importantcontributions to improve visual re-ranking from different perspectives.

5. Cross Text and Visual Content Mining

Although the joint text and visual content mining approaches de-scribed above facilitate image retrieval, they require that the test imageshave associated text modality. However, in some real world applications,images may not always have associated text. For example, most surveil-lance images/videos in in-house repository are not accompanied withany text. Even on social media Website such as the Flickr, there exista substantial number of images without any tags. In such cases, joint


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Figure 11.6. An illustration of different types of learning paradigms using imageclassification/clustering in the domains of apple and banana. Adapted from [56].

text and visual content mining cannot be applied due to missing textmodality.

Recently, cross text and visual content mining has been studied in thecontext of transfer learning techniques. This class of techniques empha-sizes the transferring of knowledge across different domains or tasks [32].Cross text and visual content mining does not require that a test imagehas an associated text modality, and is thus beneficial to dealing with theimages without any text by propagating the semantic knowledge fromtext to images 5. It is also motivated by two observations. First, visualcontent of images is much more complicated than the text feature. Whilethe textual words are easier to interpret, there exist a tremendous seman-tic gap between visual content and high-level semantics. Second, imageunderstanding becomes particularly challenging when only a few labeledimages are available for training. This is a common challenge, since itis expensive and time-consuming to obtain labeled images. On the con-trary, labeled/unlabeled text data are relatively easier to collect. Forexample, millions of categorized text articles are freely available in Web

5Cross text and visual content can also facilitate text understanding in special cases bypropagating knowledge from images to text.



text collections, such as Wikipedia, covering a wide range of topics fromculture and arts, geography and places, history and events, to naturaland physical science. A large number of Wikipedia articles are indexedby thousands of categories in these topics [33]. This provides abundantlabeled text data. Thus, it is desirable to propagate semantic knowledgefrom text to images to facilitate image understanding. However, it isnot trivial to transfer knowledge between various domains/tasks due tothe following challenges:

The target data may be drawn from a distribution different fromthe source data.

The target and source data may be in different feature spaces (e.g.,image and text) and there may be no correspondence betweeninstances in these spaces.

The target and source tasks may have different output spaces.

While the traditional transfer learning techniques focus on the dis-tribution variance problem, the recent proposed heterogenous transferlearning approaches aim to tackle both the distribution variance andheterogenous feature space problems [56][7][65][33], or all the three chal-lenges listed above [37]. Figure 11.6 from [56] presents an intuitive illus-tration of four learning paradigms, including traditional machine learn-ing, transfer learning across different distributions, multi-view learningand heterogenous transfer learning. As we can see, heterogenous trans-fer learning is usually much more challenging due to the unknown cor-respondence across the distinct feature spaces. In order to learn theunderlying correspondence for knowledge transformation, a “semanticbridge” is required. The “semantic bridge” can be obtained from theco-occurrence information between text and images or the linkage in-formation in social media networks. For example, while the traditionalwebpages provide the co-occurrence information between text and im-ages, the social media sites contain a large number of linked informationbetween different types of entities, such as the text articles, tags, posts,images and videos. This linkage information provide a “semantic bridge”to learn the underlying correspondence [2].

Most existing works exploit the tag information that provide text-to-image linking information. As a pioneering work, Dai et al. [7] showedthat such information can be effectively leveraged for transferring knowl-edge between text and images. The key idea of [7] is to construct acorrespondence between the images and the auxiliary text data withthe use of tags. Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) modelis employed to construct a latent semantic space which can be used for


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transferring knowledge. Chen et al. [56] proposed the concept of hetero-geneous transfer learning and applied it to improve image clustering byleveraging auxiliary text data. They collected annotated images fromthe social web, and used them to construct a text to image mapping.The algorithm is referred to as aPLSA (Annotated Probabilistic La-tent Semantic Analysis). The key idea is to unify two different kindsof latent semantic analysis in order to create a bridge between the textand images. The first kind of technique performs PLSA analysis on thetarget images, which are converted to an image instance-to-feature co-occurrence matrix. The second kind of PLSA is applied to the annotatedimage data from social Web, which is converted into a text-to-image fea-ture co-occurrence matrix. In order to unify those two separate PLSAmodels, these two steps are done simultaneously with common latentvariables used as a bridge linking them. It has been shown in [5] thatsuch a bridging approach leads to much better clustering results. Zhuet al. [65] discussed how to create the connections between images andtext with the use of tag data. They showed how such links can be usedmore effectively for image classification. An advantage of [65] is that itexploits unlabeled text data instead of labeled text as in [7].

In contrast to these methods that exploit tag information to link im-ages and auxiliary text articles, Qi et al. [33] proposed to learn a “trans-lator” which can directly establish the semantic correspondence betweentext and images even if they are new instances of the image data with un-known correspondence to the text articles. This capability increase theflexibility of the approach and makes it more widely applicable. Specifi-cally, they created a new topic space into which both the text and imagesare mapped. A translator is then learned to link the instances acrossheterogeneous text and image spaces. With the resultant translator,the semantic labels can be propagated from any labeled text corpus toany new image by a process of cross-domain label propagation. Theyshowed that the learned translator can effectively convert the semanticsfrom text to images.

6. Summary and Open Issues

In this chapter, we have reviewed the active research on text mining inmultimedia community, including surrounding text mining, tag mining,joint text and visual content mining, and cross text and visual contentmining. Although research efforts in this filed have made great progressin various aspects, there are still many open research issues that need tobe explored. Some examples are listed and discussed as follows.



Joint text and visual content multimedia ranking

Despite the success of visual re-ranking in multimedia retrieval, visualre-ranking only employs the visual content to refine text-based retrievalresults; visual content has not been used to assist in learning the rank-ing model of search engine, and sometimes it is only able to bring inlimited performance improvements. In particular, if text-based rankingmodel is biased or over-fitted, re-ranking step will suffer from the errorthat is propagated from the initial results, and thus the performanceimprovement will be negatively impacted. Therefore, it is worthwhileto simultaneously exploit textual metadata and visual content to learna unified ranking model. A preliminary work has been done in [14],where a content-aware ranking model is developed to incorporate visualcontent into text-based ranking model learning. It shows that the in-corporation of visual content into ranking model learning can result in amore robust and accurate ranking model since noise in textual featurescan be suppressed by visual information.

Scalable text mining for large-scale multimedia man-agement

Despite of the success of existing text mining in multimedia, mostexisting techniques suffer from difficulties in handling large-scale multi-media data. Huge amount of training data or high computation powersare usually required by existing methods to achieve acceptable perfor-mance. However, it is too difficult, or even impossible, to meet thisrequirement in real-world applications. Thus there is a compelling needto develop scalable text mining techniques to facilitate large-scale mul-timedia management.

Multimedia social network mining

In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of multimedia socialnetwork communities like Napster 6, Facebook 7, and Youtube, wheremillions of users and billions of multimedia entities form a large-scalemultimedia social network. Multimedia social networking is becomingan important part of media consumption for Internet users. It bringsin new and rich metadata, such as user preferences, interests, behaviors,social relationships, and social network structure etc. These informa-tion present new potential for advancing current multimedia analysis



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techniques and also trigger diverse multimedia applications. Numerousresearch topics can be explored, including (a) the combination of conven-tional techniques with information derived from social network commu-nities; (b) fusion analysis of content, text, and social network data; and(c) personalized multimedia analysis in social networking environments.


This work was in part supported by A*Star Research Grant R-252-000-437-305 and NRF (National Research Foundation of Singapore) Re-search Grant R-252-300-001-490 under the NExT Center.


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