chapter 10 shipment. contents 1. revision 2. new lecture 3. exercises 4. drills

Chapter 10 Shipment

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Page 1: Chapter 10 Shipment. Contents 1. Revision 2. New Lecture 3. Exercises 4. Drills

Chapter 10 Shipment

Page 2: Chapter 10 Shipment. Contents 1. Revision 2. New Lecture 3. Exercises 4. Drills


1. Revision 1. Revision

2. New Lecture 2. New Lecture

3. Exercises 3. Exercises

4. Drills 4. Drills

Page 3: Chapter 10 Shipment. Contents 1. Revision 2. New Lecture 3. Exercises 4. Drills


• Questions:• 1. What are those different modes of payment?

• 2. What are the differences between L/C and Remittance or Collection? What is the first choice of the exporter?

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New Lecture

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Background• Shipment is a very important part of a business


• Shipment can be made by many ways. (by land, inland waterway, sea or air)

• Shipment covers a wide range of work. (booking shipping space, chartering ships, making customs declaration, etc,)

• When negotiating shipment, the shipping time is the key point.

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Purposes of Letters Concerning Purposes of Letters Concerning ShipmentShipment

• urging shipment

• sending shipping instructions

• amending shipping clauses

• sending shipping advice

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• A shipping adviceA shipping advice (装运通知)(装运通知) usually contains usually contains the following points:the following points:

the date and number of bill of lading ( B/L, 提单 )         the date and number of the contract         the names of commodities and their quality and value         the name of the carrying vessel         the name of the shipping port/loading port ( 装货港 )         the estimated time of departure (EDT,预定起航日期 )         the name of the destination port ( 目的港 )         the estimated time of arrival (ETA,预定到港日期 ) a list of the relevant shipping documents ( 货运单据 ) thanks for patronage 惠顾

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Letters regarding shipment mainly include the following:

• Discussing terms of shipment or asking for amendment to terms of shipment.

• Giving shipping instructions to the seller.

• Urging an early, immediate or punctual shipment.

• Sending shipping advice and/or shipping documents

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Three parties involved in the movement Three parties involved in the movement of the goods:of the goods:

the consigner( 发货人 ) — who sends the goods

the carrier( 承运人 )— who carries them

the consignee( 收货人 )— who receives them at the destination.

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• In writing a letter concerning shipment, the following In writing a letter concerning shipment, the following structure is still applicable:structure is still applicable:

1. Open the letter in a positive way. Especially when negative information is conveyed, great care should be taken.

2. Explain the problem in great detail to try to persuade the reader into accepting the request or to make the reader fully aware of the request.

3. Close the letter by expressing good wishes to encourage the reader to cooperate.

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Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4



Time of




Shipping Advice:Transshi

pment and


Inability to

Meet Shipment

Date Demand

Urging for Prompt


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Section1 Inquiring about Time of Shipment and Mode Letter 1

Dear Sirs,

As informed you by fax on 6th March, we have booked shipping space on S/S “West Wind” for the first lot under our contract No. 9420. The ship is scheduled to arrive in Melbourne at the end of this month.

For future instructions, you should get in touch with① the S&W Company, our shipping agents in Melbourne.

We consider it our duty to remind you of the time limit of shipment②as stipulated in our contract, say 15th March. We hope you will see toit that③ the goods are duly taken on board. If not, dead freight ordemurrage④ should be on your account. Yours truly,X X X

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Language Points1. get in touch with 与……联系 e.g. In the past two decades, these two companies regularly got touch with each other.                 在过去的 20年里,这两家公司联系密切。 2. the time limit of shipment 装船截止日期

3. see to it that 务必,一定 e.g. We hope that you will see to it that the quality will meet our customers’ requirements.                希望你们一定保证质量能满足我们顾客的要求。

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Language Points4. demurrage 滞期费               在 FOB交货条件下,若买方采用航次租船运输,且已派船接货,而卖方未能及时备好货物付运,因而延长了船舶在港停泊待装时间,这对于船主来说,不仅增加了港口费用的开支,而且也降低了船舶周转率。对于此种损失,船主会要求承租人(买方)支付赔偿金,即滞期费。

5. 按照国际贸易惯例,卖方只要将符合合同规定的货物在装运港交由承运人装运完毕,取得清洁已装船提单( clean on board B/L)即完成了交货。装运日期(交货日期)以提单日期为准。

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Section1 Inquiring about Time of Shipment and Mode

Letter 2Dear Sirs,

A deal we have recently closed requests us to ship a large quantity of chemical fertilizer to Pickwick during the next ten months. We should be very grateful if you would charter for us a suitable ship, about 4,000 metric tons’ cargo capacity. We are due to ship our first lot at Port Tianjin before 20th March.

When you find a satisfactory ship, please inform us of the details without delay. Then we will fax you the confirmation of the time charter . ① Yours sincerely,X X X

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Language Points

1. time charter 定期租船     该函适用于租船运输方式,其特点是:船期及船线不固定,由货主与船主签订租船合同并议定运费或租金。通常用于大批货物的运输。

     租船运输又分为:定期租船( time charter)和航次租船(又称程租船 voyage charter)。定期租船是船主将船舶出租一段时间,交由承租人运输货物。航次租船是由船主提供船舶,在指定港口之间运输指定货物一个或数个航次。

charter v. 包租 charter a ship/ charter flight e.g. The charter flight of Taiwan-based Eva Airways arrived in Shanghai on Friday afternoon with 308 passengers on board. The flight returned to Taipei later on Friday.           台湾长荣航空公司的一架包机共搭乘 308名乘客,于周五下午           抵达上海,之后又于当天飞回台北。

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Section1 Inquiring about Time of Shipment and Mode

Letter 3Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your email of Oct. 3, from which we understand that you have booked our order for three Model 230 machines. Our confirmation of order will be forwarded to you in a few days.

Since the purchase is made on FOB basis, you are to ship the goods from Liverpool on ①a steamer to be designated by us .②

As soon as the shipping space is booked, we shall advise you of the name of the steamer, on which the goods are to go forward. For further instructions, please contact our forwarding agents, ABC Company, Liverpool, who have hitherto taken care of ③shipments from you.

As some parts of the machines are susceptible to shock, the machines must be packed in seaworthy cases capable of withstanding rough handling. The bright metal parts shouldbe protected from water and dampness in transit by a coating of slush compound that will keep out dampness, but will not liquefy and run off under changing weather conditions .④

We trust that the above instructions are clear to you and that the shipment will give the users entire satisfaction. Yours faithfully,X X X

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Language Points1. FOB: FREE ON BOARD (… named port of shipment)——装运港船上交货(……指定装运港)是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在指定装运港将货物交至买方指定的船上,并负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。 FOB术语也就是我们通常所说的“离岸价格”。

     除 FOB外,常用的装运港交货的贸易术语还有: CIF: COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(… named port of


CFR: COST AND FREIGHT (… named port of destination)


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Language Points2. Since the purchase is made on FOB basis,you are

to ship the goods from Liverpool on a steamer to be designated by us.


3. hitherto adv. 迄今;至今 e.g. We thank you for the support you have hitherto accord to us, and trust still to maintain our friendly business relation. 感谢过去您的支持,相信您仍会保持我们之间的            友好业务关系。

4. under changing weather conditions 在气候多变的情况下

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Section2 Shipping Advice: Transshipment & Partial

• What is a Transshipment?• Transshipment or Transhipment is the shipment of goods or

container to an intermediate destination, and then from there to yet another destination.

• One possible reason is to change the means of transport during the journey (for example from ship transport to road transport), known as transloading. Another reason is to combine small shipments into a large shipment, dividing the large shipment at the other end. Transshipment usually takes place in transportation hubs. Much international transshipment also takes place in designated customs areas, thus avoiding the need for customs checks or duties, otherwise a major hindrance for efficient transport.

• Note that transshipment is generally considered as a legal term. An item handled (from the shipper's point of view) as a single movement is not generally considered transshipped, even though it may in reality change from one transport to another at several points. Previously it was often not distinguished from transloading since each leg of such a trip was typically handled by a different shipper.

• Transshipment is normally fully legitimate and an everyday part of the world's trade. However, it can also be a method used to disguise intent, as is the case with illegal logging, smuggling or grey market goods.

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Section2 Shipping Advice: Transshipment & Partial

• What is a partial shipment?

• Deliver the goods


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Section2 Shipping Advice: Transshipment & PartialLetter 1


We are pleased to advise you that we have completed the shipment in accordance withthe stipulations set forth in captioned Letter of Credit, the shipment was effected on April 16 by m.v. “Acropolis”. It is learned from shipping company that the ship is scheduled ①to arrive at yourport on or about June 20.

We are sending you under cover one set of duplicate shipping documents so that you ②may make all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods when they duly ③arrive at your port. Invoice three copies Packing List two copies Inspection Certificate of Quality two copies④ Insurance Policy one copy Bill of Loading two copies⑤

We trust the above shipment will reach you in sound condition and expect to receive your

further orders before long.

We appreciate the business you’re been able to secure for us and assure you that all your

future correspondence enquires and orders will continue to receive our careful attention.

Yours truly, X X X

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Language Points1. m.v.: motor vehicle 运输工具,此处指轮船

2. shipping documents 运输单据

3. take delivery of the goods 提取货物 e.g. When can you take delivery of the new car? 你们什么时候能把新车交货呢? on delivery 送达时,交货时

4. certificate of quality /inspection certificate of quality 质量检验证

5. bill of loading 提货单(缩写为 B/L) 

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Section2 Shipping Advice: Transshipment & Partial

Letter 2Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter of July 22 requesting us to shipall the 20 sets of Safety Pin Machine in one lot in September. Unfortunately we are unable to comply with your wishes.

When we offered the machines it was expressly stated that shipment would be effected in October. If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment of ten machines in September and the remaining ten in October. We hope thisarrangement will be agreeable to you. Please email us your confirmation so that we can request the manufacturers to expedite delivery.① Yours faithfully, X X X

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Language Points1. expedite vt. 加快;促进;发出  e.g. We will expedite shipment as much as possible.


expedite adj. 畅通的;迅速的;方便的 e.g. We shall, by stressing network enlargement, form

a convenient, expedite, high-efficiency, safe

comprehensive traffic and transport system.

以扩大网络为重点,形成便捷、通畅、 高效、安全的综合交通运输体系。

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Section2 Shipping Advice: Transshipment & Partial

Letter 3Dear Sirs,We acknowledge with thanks, in receipt of your letter of September 5, asking us to advance the shipment of your order for cotton piece goods to October 20.

As per your order No.578, the shipment is to be made in November. If you desire an earlier delivery, we can only deliver 60 cases in October and the remainder in November.

On receiving your letter, we immediately contact the shipping company. We are advised①that because direct vessel, either liner or tramp, sailing for your port are few and far between , the shipping space has been fully booked up to the end of October. In the ② ③ ④circumstances, we regret being unable to meet your request.

In general, the fright for transshipment from Hong Kong is higher than that from the U.K or Continental port, but XXX Line now agrees to the same freight, the detailed rates of which ⑤are shown on the appendixes to this letter. If you wish to have our goods transshipped at ⑥Hong Kong, your L/C must reach us well before the shipment month so as to enable us to book space with the Line’s agents.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times, we remain. Please email us your onfirmation

as soon as possible. Yours very truly,X X X

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Language Points1. contact sb 或 make contact with sb. 与某人联系 e.g. I finally made contact with him in Paris. 我最后跟他在巴黎签了合同。

2. …direct vessels, either liner or tramp, sailing for port are few and far between …


either liner or tramp 不论是班轮还是不定期货轮 few and far between “ 稀少”,并无两者之间遥


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Language Points3. space n. 空位 v. 把…分割开 (out) e.g. Please open L/C as soon as possible so that we may book shipping (freight) space. 请尽快开信用证以便我们可以订到舱位。 If partial shipment is allowed, we will space out consignments over two months. 如允许分批装运,我方将在两个月之内分期装运货物。

4. bookings n. 订货 e.g. Owing to heavy bookings , we can’t accept fresh orders at present. 由于大量订货,我们目前不接受新订单。

5. shipping line 船公司,航业公司

6. appendices = appendixes 附录,附件(复数)

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Section3 Inability to Meet Shipment Date DemandLetter 1


Referring to our previous letters, we wish to call your attention to the fact ①that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment under the captioned contract.

As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of early delivery.

Under the circumstances, it is obviously impossible for us to again extend L/C No. 2450, which expires on 10th August, and we feel it our duty to ②remind you of this matter again.

As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned,we hope you will let us have your fax shipping advice without further delay.

Yours truly,X X X

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Language Points1. referring to 根据 e.g. Referring to the contract, the freight

should be on your account.


2. extend L/C 延期信用证

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Section3 Inability to Meet Shipment Date DemandLetter 2

Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of January 10, 2009 and also your L/C No. DC-125.

In regard to the port of loading, we wish to point out we cannot ship the shirts from Qingdao, China, because our manufacture is in Shenyang, China, close to Dalian ports, China. In order to reduce the domestic transportation cost, it is best to choose a port of loading that is close to

the origin of the goods①, which is a generally accepted principle②.

Therefore, we request that you change the port of loading from Qingdao Port, China to Dalian Port, China.

As to the latest date for shipment, we regret to inform you that February 28, 2009 is too tight③, as there is a seven-day holiday in-between during the Spring Festival of China in the end of January, 2009, it is impossible for us to get the goods ready before February 28.

Meanwhile, please also have the expiry date of the L/C extended until March 5, 2009 to leave us enough time for presenting the documents to the bank for negotiation.

Thank you for your cooperation in advance and look forward to your amendment advice.

Yours sincerely,X X X

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Language Points

1. the origin of the goods 货物原产地

2. a generally accepted principle 普遍被接受的原则

3. time is too tight 时间太紧

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Section3 Inability to Meet Shipment Date Demand

Letter 3Dear Sirs,

We regret very much your letter of November 1, 2009 urging immediate and punctual shipment of Christmas Candles. We are, of course, aware that your goods are long overdue, but work at the plant was suspended for several weeks because of earthquakes.①

However, we have been doing everything in our power to deliver ②the goods within a week, and now are arranging for shipment. In the meantime we offer you our apologies for the inconvenience the delay has caused

Yours faithfully,X X X

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Language Points

1. suspend 中止 e.g. Trade with that country was

suspended for ten years.

和那个国家的贸易中断了 10 年。

2. in our power 尽我们的能力

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Section4 Urging for Prompt ShipmentLetter 1

Dear Sirs,

Referring to our contract No.C173, we are surprised that up to now we have no news from you about the captioned consignment. As we all know, the contracted shipment has been already one month overdue.

Deedless to say, you must have met some difficulties in carrying out the contract. But the sales season is coming and we are in urgent need of this consignment. Would you please let us know the earliest time we will receive them.

Your failure in delivering the goods has involved in considerable trouble. If you could not effect shipment at the end of this month, we would have to ①cancel the contract and reserve the right to claim for loss.

Please reply by return.

Yours faithfully,X X X

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Language Points

1. effect shipment 装船,发货 time of delivery, date of delivery 交货期 装运期,即卖方履行合同交货的时间。装


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Section4 Urging for Prompt ShipmentLetter 2

Dear Sirs,

With reference to our previous letters , we regret to remind you that up to the present moment no advice has been received from you about the shipment under the captioned contract .

We have impressed upon you the necessity of delivery within seven days ①from the date of the order. Sixteen days have elapsed and the goods are notstill received. Our present stock of these goods is exhausted and we are②unable to meet our customers’ demands. In the event of being unable to ③supply us we shall be compelled to cancel the order .

As the undertaking of your representative to effect prompt delivery causedus to decide in your favor and reject more favorable tenders from elsewhere,we must insist on your standing by his statement .

Under the circumstance , we feel it our duty to remind you of this matter ④again. We trust that you will make every effort to prevent our taking a step⑤which would be as unwelcome to us as to you. We hope to have your emailshipping⑥ advice without fail⑦ .Yours truly,

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Language Points1. impress on/upon (with) : fix deeply (on the mind, memory) 使铭记 e.g. His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话给我留下了深刻的映像。

2. (be) in stock 有存货,有现货 (be) out of stock 无存货,缺货 3. in the event of : fact of a thing happening 事情发生的事实 in the event of his death 如果他死去 4. in/under the circumstances 在此情况下,情形既然如此 in/under no circumstances 决不,无论在任何情况下均不

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Language Points5. make an effort to do sth /make every

effort to do sth 尽力干…… e.g. I will make every effort to help you.


6. shipping n. 装运 shipping advice 装船 / 发货通知 shipping agents 装运 / 发货代理人 shipping company 轮船公司 shipping container 船运集装箱

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Language Points shipping documents 装运单据 shipping instructions 装运要求 / 须知 shipping marks 唛头 shipping order 装运单,下货纸 shipping space 船位,载位

7. without fail 务必,一定 e.g. You may rest assured that we will

ship the goods next week without fail.


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Section4 Urging for Prompt ShipmentLetter 3

Dear Miss Wang,

With reference to Sales Contract No. 102 covering 1000 cartons of Christmas Candles, we wish to invite your attention to the fact that shipment should be effected in October.

However, up to now, we have not received any information about it. As Christmas season is drawing near and our customers are in urgent need of these candles during the Christmas holiday, you are requested to effect punctual shipment so that we can catch the busy season . In case you ①fail to ship the goods according to the stipulations of the Contract No. 102and the covering L/C No. A436, we will have to lodge a claim against you

② for the losses sustained by us. In that case, repeat orders will be ③impossible.

Please inform us immediately whether you have shipped the goods or not so that we can make some arrangements in advance.

Yours sincerely,X X X

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Language Points1. busy season 旺季

2. lodge a claim against 向……索赔损失

3. sustain 蒙受,经受 e.g. The sea wall sustained the shock

of waves.


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Glossary1• a forwarding agent 运输代理人• a freight agent/ a carrier 承运人• a shipping agent 船务代理人• Mate’s receipt 大副收据• shipping order 装传单• delivery order/dandy note 提货单• shipping advice 装船通知• parcel receipt 包裹收据• demurrage 滞期费• dead freight 空舱费

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Glossary2• foul bill 不清洁提单• Bill of Lading B/L 提单• on board B/L 已装船提单• shipped B/L 已装船提单• transshipment B/L 转船提单• straight B/L 记名提单• open B/L 不记名提单• bearer B/L 不记名提单• order B/L 指示提单• indorse a complete set of bills of lading 背书转让全套提单

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Glossary3• captioned 标题下的 • without further delay 不再拖延• illustrated catalogue 图解目录• port of loading 装运港• date for shipment 装运期• forwarding shipment 远期装运• prompt shipment 即期装运• immunity of carrier 承运人豁免• FOB ( Free on Board) 船上交货(指定装运港)价格

• C & F ( Cost and Freight ) 成本加运费(指定目的港)价格

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Glossary4• captioned consignment 标题下的订单 • needless to say 不用说 • the sales season 旺季 • in urgent need of 急需 • reserve the right 保留…权利 • claim for loss 索赔• urge 促进,力促,催促• dispatch money 速遣费• carriage prepaid 运费预付• be drawing near 即将到来

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Exercises• Choose the best to complete each of the following

sentences.1. It is important that the goods for delivery as stipulated

in the contract. A. be completed B. are completed C. will be completed D. have been completing 2. Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we wish to our

prompt and careful attention at all times. A. make sure to you B. assure you of C. make you sure of D. assure of you for

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3. We are enclosing a full set of copy documents this shipment.

A. regarding for B. refer to C. as for D. covering

4. The effectuation of shipment signifies the seller’s fulfillment of the obligation to .

A. entertain the order B. take delivery of the goods

C. execute the order D. work out the contract

5. Please make your best efforts to get the goods dispatched next week .

A. without delay B. with least possible C. with no fails D. with the least possible delay

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•Some useful expressionsSome useful expressions• Bill of Lading (B/L)   提单 • clean Bill of Lading   清洁提单 /无纠纷提单 • loading list   装船单• foul Bill of Lading不清洁提单 /有不良批注提单 • Unloading/discharging/landing   卸货• carriage expense   运费• carriage free   免收运费

Page 50: Chapter 10 Shipment. Contents 1. Revision 2. New Lecture 3. Exercises 4. Drills

Drills•Some useful Some useful expressionsexpressions

• carriage paid   运费已付 • carriage forward   运费待付• over-shipment   多装 • short-shipment   少装• forward shipment   远期装运 • near shipment   近期装运 • prompt shipment   即期装运

Page 51: Chapter 10 Shipment. Contents 1. Revision 2. New Lecture 3. Exercises 4. Drills

Drills•Some useful expressionsSome useful expressions• shipping advice:装船通知 seller---buyer : goods on board

• shipping instruction:装船须知 buyer—seller: the name of ship and its sailing date

• charter a ship: 租船• book the shipping space: 订舱位• regular shipping liner: 班轮• direct liner/steamer: 直达轮船

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•Some useful Some useful expressionsexpressions

• Customs 作“海关”解释,常用复数形式

关税 Customs duty

海关官员 Customs officer

关税配额 Customs quota

海关放行 Customs clearance

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Drills航运方式( 1)班轮运输        liner transport                船期表           sailing schedule          班轮运价表    liner's freight tariff

( 2)租船 Charter             定程租船 voyage ( trip ) charter               单程航次 single voyage charter

回程航次 round voyage charter           定期租船  time charter

( 3)国际多式联运 international multimodal transport

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Drills• What are the respective responsibilities

related to Shipment for the seller or the buyer ?

• Buyer:• 1. charter a ship and book the shipping space• 2. send a shipping instruction to the seller

• Seller:• 1. bear all the charges up to the time the goods are on the hooks• 2. inform the buyer the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, loading port and the estimated date

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