chapter 10 overall audit plan and audit program

10 - 1 Copyright 2003 Pearson Education Canada Inc. CHAPTER 10 Overall Audit Plan and Audit Program

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CHAPTER 10 Overall Audit Plan and Audit Program. obtain information about client’s legal obligations. obtain background information. preplan. Steps in audit planning. perform preliminary analytical procedures. set materiality, and assess acceptable audit risk and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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CHAPTER 10Overall Audit

Plan and Audit Program

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Steps in audit planningSteps in audit planning


setmateriality, and

assess acceptableaudit risk andinherent risk

understandinternal control

and assesscontrol risk


obtain information about client’s legal obligations

developoverall audit

plan and auditprogram

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control

The auditormust focus on both

design and operationof internal controls.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control

The auditor’sunderstanding of in-

ternal control must besupported by evidence.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls


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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls

Tests ofcontrols examinethe effectiveness

of internalcontrol design and operation.

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EXAMPLES:- enquiries of client personnel

Tests ofcontrols examinethe effectiveness

of internalcontrol design and operation.

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EXAMPLES:- enquiries of client personnel- examination of docu- ments, records, and reports

Tests ofcontrols examinethe effectiveness

of internalcontrol design and operation.




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EXAMPLES:- enquiries of client personnel- examination of docu- ments, records, and reports- observe control- related activities

Tests ofcontrols examinethe effectiveness

of internalcontrol design and operation.

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EXAMPLES:- enquiries of client personnel- examination of docu- ments, records, and reports- observe control- related activities- re-perform client procedures

Tests ofcontrols examinethe effectiveness

of internalcontrol design and operation.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls

How are thesetwo types of

tests related?

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls

Tests of controlsare designed, in part, to

determine whether the au-ditor’s understanding of in-ternal control is accurate.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls

For efficiency,tests of controls and sub-

stantive tests of transactionsare frequently performed

at the same time.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls- analytical procedures


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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls- analytical procedures

Analytical proceduresuse comparisons and relation-ships to determine reasonable-

ness of balances.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls- analytical procedures- tests of details of balances


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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls- analytical procedures- tests of details of balances

Tests of detailsof balances examine monetary

misstatements in details offinancial statement accounts.

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What are the different What are the different types of audit tests?types of audit tests?

- procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control- tests of controls- analytical procedures- tests of details of balances

The primary emphasisof this type of test isthe balance sheet.

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- inspection - confirmation - documentation- observation - enquiries of client - reperformance - analytical procedures

As discussed in chapter 6, there are sixAs discussed in chapter 6, there are six

types of evidence types of evidence

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- physical examination - confirmation - documentation (vouching)- observation - enquiries of client - reperformance - analytical procedures

types of evidence types of evidence

What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control ?

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control

- documentation- observation - enquiries of client - reperformance

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

tests of controls ?types of audit testtypes of audit test

types of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

- documentation- observation - enquiries of client - reperformance

tests of controls

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

analyticalprocedures ?

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??


- enquiries of client - analytical procedures

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

tests of detailsof balances ?

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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What What types of evidencetypes of evidence are produced are producedby the different by the different types of audit teststypes of audit tests??

- physical examination- confirmation- documentation- enquiries of client - reperformance

tests of detailsof balances

types of audit testtypes of audit testtypes of evidencetypes of evidenceproduced by testproduced by test

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The types of audit testsThe types of audit testsvary in their vary in their relative costsrelative costs..

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The types of audit testsThe types of audit testsvary in their vary in their relative costsrelative costs..

Which typeof audit test is

most expensive?

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The types of audit testsThe types of audit testsvary in their vary in their relative costsrelative costs..

Tests of detailsof balances are the most ex-

pensive type of audit test, e.g.,confirmations, physical


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The types of audit testsThe types of audit testsvary in their vary in their relative costsrelative costs..

Which typeof audit test is

least expensive?

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The types of audit testsThe types of audit testsvary in their vary in their relative costsrelative costs..

Analytical proceduresare least expensive because of the

relative ease of calculating andcomparing, particularly if

software is employed.

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What is theevidence mixevidence mix??

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What is theevidence mixevidence mix??


of the four typesof audit tests used

in the audit of a cycle

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What is theevidence mixevidence mix??


of the four typesof audit tests used

in the audit of a cycle

In general, if the auditorassesses the controls andaccounting system as relatively effective, the mix will involve more tests of controls and less substantive tests.

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What is theevidence mixevidence mix??


of the four typesof audit tests used

in the audit of a cycle

Conversely, if the auditorassesses the controls andaccounting system as relatively ineffective, the mix will involve less tests of controls and more substantive tests.

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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

The audit program is the set of detailedinstructions for the entire collection of

evidence for an audit.

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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

The audit program is the set of detailedinstructions for the entire collection of

evidence for an audit.includes:

- procedures to perform enquiries examination

of documentsand recordsanalytical



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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

The audit program is the set of detailedinstructions for the entire collection of

evidence for an audit.includes:

- sample sizes$ $

$$ $$


$ $ $

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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

The audit program is the set of detailedinstructions for the entire collection of

evidence for an audit.includes:

- items to select$ $

$$ $$


$ $ $

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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

The audit program is the set of detailedinstructions for the entire collection of

evidence for an audit.includes:

- timing of tests$ $

$$ $$


$ $ $

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What is an What is an audit audit programprogram??

The audit program is the set of detailedinstructions for the entire collection of

evidence for an audit.

Many programshave a separate set of subaudit programs foreach transaction cycle.

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The audit program for most The audit program for most audits is designed in three parts.audits is designed in three parts.

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The audit program for most The audit program for most audits is designed in three parts.audits is designed in three parts.

testsof controls

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The audit program for most The audit program for most audits is designed in three parts.audits is designed in three parts.

testsof controls


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The audit program for most The audit program for most audits is designed in three parts.audits is designed in three parts.

testsof controls


tests ofdetails ofbalances

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As discussed in Chapter 5, an audit As discussed in Chapter 5, an audit can be divided into can be divided into four phasesfour phases..


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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

As discussed in Chapter 5, an audit As discussed in Chapter 5, an audit can be divided into can be divided into four phasesfour phases..

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setmateriality, and

assess acceptableaudit risk andinherent risk

understandinternal control

and assesscontrol risk





obtain information about client’s legal obligations

developoverall audit

plan and auditprogram

I. Plan and designan audit approach.

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An audit can be divided An audit can be divided into into four phasesfour phases..


I. Plan and designan audit approach.

II. Perform testsof controls.

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II. Perform testsof controls.



Does theauditor plan to

reduce the assessedlevel of control


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II. Perform testsof controls.



Does theauditor plan to

reduce the assessedlevel of control


Perform testsof controls

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II. Perform testsof controls.



Does theauditor plan to

reduce the assessedlevel of control


Perform testsof controls

Assess the likelihood ofmisstatements in thefinancial statements

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An audit can be divided An audit can be divided into into four phasesfour phases..

I. Plan and designan audit approach.

II. Perform testsof controls.

III. Perform analyt-ical procedures and

tests of details ofbalances.


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III. Perform analyt-ical procedures and

tests of details ofbalances.

Considering the assessedlikelihood of financial state-ment misstatements (low,medium, high, unknown):

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III. Perform analyt-ical procedures and

tests of details ofbalances.

Considering the assessedlikelihood of financial state-ment misstatements (low,medium, high, unknown):

Perform analyticalprocedures

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III. Perform analyt-ical procedures and

tests of details ofbalances.

Considering the assessedlikelihood of financial state-ment misstatements (low,medium, high, unknown):

Perform analyticalprocedures

Perform testsof key items

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III. Perform analyt-ical procedures and

tests of details ofbalances.

Considering the assessedlikelihood of financial state-ment misstatements (low,medium, high, unknown):

Perform analyticalprocedures

Perform testsof key items

Perform additionaltests of details

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An audit can be divided An audit can be divided into into four phasesfour phases..

I. Plan and designan audit approach.

II. Perform testsof controls.

III. Perform analyt-ical procedures and

tests of details ofbalances.

IV. Complete theaudit and issue an

audit report.

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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

IV. Complete theaudit and issue an

audit report.

Review for contingent liabilities

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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

IV. Complete theaudit and issue an

audit report.

Review for contingent liabilities

Review for subsequent events

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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

IV. Complete theaudit and issue an

audit report.

Review for contingent liabilities

Review for subsequent events

Accumulatefinal evidence

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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

IV. Complete theaudit and issue an

audit report.

Review for contingent liabilities

Review for subsequent events

Accumulatefinal evidence

Evaluate results

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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

IV. Complete theaudit and issue an

audit report.

Review for contingent liabilities

Review for subsequent events

Accumulatefinal evidence

Evaluate results

Issue audit report

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I. Plan and designan audit approach.

Review for contingent liabilities

Review for subsequent events

Accumulatefinal evidence

Evaluate results

Issue audit reportCommunicate with audit

committee and management