chapter 10 brownian motion: the langevin model

Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model In 1827, the botanist R. Brown discovered under the microscope the incessant and irregular motion of small pollen particles suspended in water. He also remarked that small mineral particles behave exactly in the same way (such an observation is impor- tant, since it precludes to attributing this phenomenon to some ‘vital force’ specific to biological objects). In a general way, a particle in suspension in a fluid executes a Brownian motion when its mass is much larger than the mass of one of the fluid’s molecules. The idea according to which the motion of a Brownian particle is a consequence of the motion of the lighter molecules of the surrounding fluid became widespread during the second half of the nineteenth century. The first theoretical explanation of this phenomenon was given by A. Einstein in 1905. The direct experimental checking of the Einstein’s theory led to the foundation of the atomic theory of matter (in particular the measurement of the Avogadro’s number by J. Perrin in 1908). A more achieved theory of Brownian motion was proposed by P. Langevin in 1908. However, slightly before A. Einstein, and in a completely different context, L. Bachelier had already obtained the law of Brownian motion in his thesis entitled “La th´ eorie de la sp´ eculation” (1900). Models having recourse to Brownian motion or to its generalizations are widely used nowadays in financial mathematics. In a more general setting, Brownian motion played an important role in mathematics: histor- ically, it was to represent the displacement of a Brownian particle that a stochastic process was constructed for the first time (N. Wiener, 1923). The outstanding importance of Brownian motion in out-of-equilibrium statistical physics stems from the fact that the concepts and methods used in its study are not restricted to the description of the motion of a particle immersed in a fluid of lighter molecules, but are general and may be applied to a wide class of physical phenomena.

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Page 1: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

Chapter 10

Brownian motion:the Langevin model

In 1827, the botanist R. Brown discovered under the microscope the incessant andirregular motion of small pollen particles suspended in water. He also remarked thatsmall mineral particles behave exactly in the same way (such an observation is impor-tant, since it precludes to attributing this phenomenon to some ‘vital force’ specificto biological objects). In a general way, a particle in suspension in a fluid executesa Brownian motion when its mass is much larger than the mass of one of the fluid’smolecules.

The idea according to which the motion of a Brownian particle is a consequence ofthe motion of the lighter molecules of the surrounding fluid became widespread duringthe second half of the nineteenth century. The first theoretical explanation of thisphenomenon was given by A. Einstein in 1905. The direct experimental checking ofthe Einstein’s theory led to the foundation of the atomic theory of matter (in particularthe measurement of the Avogadro’s number by J. Perrin in 1908). A more achievedtheory of Brownian motion was proposed by P. Langevin in 1908.

However, slightly before A. Einstein, and in a completely different context,L. Bachelier had already obtained the law of Brownian motion in his thesis entitled“La theorie de la speculation” (1900). Models having recourse to Brownian motion orto its generalizations are widely used nowadays in financial mathematics. In a moregeneral setting, Brownian motion played an important role in mathematics: histor-ically, it was to represent the displacement of a Brownian particle that a stochasticprocess was constructed for the first time (N. Wiener, 1923).

The outstanding importance of Brownian motion in out-of-equilibrium statisticalphysics stems from the fact that the concepts and methods used in its study are notrestricted to the description of the motion of a particle immersed in a fluid of lightermolecules, but are general and may be applied to a wide class of physical phenomena.

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236 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

1. The Langevin model

Brownian motion is the complicated motion, of an erratic type, carried out by a‘heavy’1 particle immersed in a fluid under the effect of the collisions it undergoeswith the molecules of this fluid.

The first theoretical explanations of Brownian motion were given, independently,by A. Einstein in 1905 and M. Smoluchowski in 1906. In these first models, the inertiaof the Brownian particle was not taken into account. A more elaborate description ofBrownian motion, accounting for the effects of inertia, was proposed by P. Langevinin 1908. This latter theory will be presented here first.

1.1. The Langevin equation

The Langevin model is a classical phenomenological model. Reasoning for the sakeof simplicity in one dimension, we associate with the Brownian particle’s position acoordinate x. Two forces, both characterizing the effect of the fluid, act on the particleof massm: a viscous friction force−mγ(dx/dt), characterized by the friction coefficientγ > 0, and a fluctuating force F (t), representing the unceasing impacts of the fluid’smolecules on the particle. The fluctuating force, assumed to be independent of theparticle’s velocity, is considered as an external force, called the Langevin force.

In the absence of a potential, the Brownian particle is said to be ‘free’. Its equationof motion, the Langevin equation, reads:


dt2= −mγdx

dt+ F (t), (10.1.1)



dt= −mγv + F (t), v =


dt· (10.1.2)

The Langevin equation is historically the first example of a stochastic differentialequation, that is, a differential equation involving a random term F (t) with specifiedstatistical properties. The solution v(t) of equation (10.1.2) for a given initial conditionis itself a stochastic process.

In the Langevin model, the friction force −mγv and the fluctuating force F (t)represent two consequences of the same physical phenomenon (namely, the collisionsof the Brownian particle with the fluid’s molecules). To fully define the model, we haveto characterize the statistical properties of the random force.

1.2. Hypotheses concerning the Langevin force

The fluid, also called the bath, is supposed to be in a stationary state.2 As regards thebath, no instant plays a privilegiate role. Accordingly, the fluctuating force acting on

1 We understand here by ‘heavy’ a particle with a mass much larger than that of one of the fluid’smolecules.

2 Most often, it will be considered that the bath is in thermodynamic equilibrium.

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The Langevin model 237

the Brownian particle is conveniently modelized by a stationary random process. Asa result, the one-time average3 〈F (t)〉 does not depend on t and the two-time average〈F (t)F (t′)〉 depends only on the time difference t− t′.

Besides these minimal characteristics, the Langevin model requires some supple-mentary hypotheses about the random force.

• Average value

We assume that the average value of the Langevin force vanishes:

⟨F (t)

⟩= 0. (10.1.3)

This hypothesis is necessary to have the average value of the Brownian particle’svelocity vanishing at equilibrium (as it should, since there is no applied external force).

• Autocorrelation function

The autocorrelation function of the random force,

g(τ) =⟨F (t)F (t+ τ)

⟩, (10.1.4)

is an even function of τ , decreasing over a characteristic time τc (correlation time).We set: ∫ ∞

−∞g(τ) dτ = 2Dm2 (10.1.5)

(the signification of the parameter D will be made precise later). The correlation timeis of the order of the mean time interval separating two successive collisions of thefluid’s molecules on the Brownian particle. If this time is much shorter than the othercharacteristic times, such as for instance the relaxation time of the average velocityfrom a well-defined initial value,4 we can assimilate g(τ) to a delta function of weight2Dm2:

g(τ) = 2Dm2δ(τ). (10.1.6)

• Gaussian character of the Langevin force

Most often, we also assume for convenience that F (t) is a Gaussian process. All thestatistical properties of the Langevin force are then calculable given only its averageand its autocorrelation function.5

3 The averages taking place here are defined as ensemble averages computed with the aid of thedistribution function of the bath (see Supplement 10B).

4 See Subsection 2.2.

5 This hypothesis may be justified on account of the central limit theorem: indeed, due to thenumerous collisions undergone by the Brownian particle, the force F (t) may be considered as resultingfrom the superposition of a very large number of identically distributed random functions.

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238 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

2. Response and relaxation

The Langevin equation is a stochastic linear differential equation. This linearity enablesus to compute exactly the average response and relaxation properties of the Brownianparticle.

2.1. Response to an external perturbation: mobility

Assume that an external time-dependent applied force, independent of the coordinate,is exerted on the particle. This force Fext(t) adds to the random force F (t). Theequation of motion of the Brownian particle then reads:


dt= −mγv + F (t) + Fext(t), v =


dt· (10.2.1)

On average, we have:


dt= −mγ


+ Fext(t),⟨v⟩


dt· (10.2.2)

For a harmonic applied force Fext(t) = <e(Fe−iωt), the solution of equation(10.2.2) is, in stationary regime, of the form:⟨


= <e(⟨v⟩e−iωt

). (10.2.3)

We have: ⟨v⟩

= A(ω)F, (10.2.4)

where the quantity:

A(ω) =1m

1γ − iω (10.2.5)

is the complex admittance of the Langevin model.

More generally, for an external force Fext(t) of Fourier transform6 Fext(ω), thestationary solution 〈v(t)〉 of equation (10.2.2) has the Fourier transform:⟨


= A(ω)Fext(ω). (10.2.6)

The average velocity of the Brownian particle responds linearly to the externalapplied force. We can associate with this response a transport coefficient. The Brown-ian particle, if it carries a charge q, acquires under the effect of a static electric field Ethe limit velocity 〈v〉 = qE/mγ. Its mobility µ = 〈v〉/E is thus:7

µ =q

mγ= qA(ω = 0). (10.2.7)

6 For the sake of simplicity, we use the same notation Fext(.) for the force Fext(t) and its Fouriertransform Fext(ω), as well as the same notation 〈v(.)〉 for the average velocity 〈v(t)〉 and its Fouriertransform 〈v(ω)〉.

7 No confusion being possible here with a chemical potential, the drift mobility of the Brownianparticle is simply denoted by µ (and not by µD).

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Response and relaxation 239

2.2. Evolution of the velocity from a well-defined initial value

Assume now that there is no applied external force, and that at time t = 0 theBrownian particle’s velocity has a well-defined value, non-random, denoted by v0:

v(0) = v0. (10.2.8)

The solution of equation (10.1.2) corresponding to the initial condition (10.2.8) reads:

v(t) = v0e−γt +


∫ t


F (t′)e−γ(t−t′) dt′, t > 0. (10.2.9)

The velocity v(t) of the Brownian particle is a random process. In the above definedconditions, this process is not stationary. We will compute the average value and thevariance of v(t) at any time t > 0.

• Average velocity

Since the fluctuating force vanishes on average, we obtain, from formula (10.2.9):⟨v(t)

⟩= v0e

−γt, t > 0. (10.2.10)

The average velocity relaxes exponentially towards zero with a relaxation timeτr = γ−1.

• Velocity variance

The variance of the velocity is defined for instance by the formula:

σ2v(t) =



⟩]2⟩. (10.2.11)

We get, from formulas (10.2.9) and (10.2.10):

σ2v(t) =


∫ t


dt′∫ t


dt′′⟨F (t′)F (t′′)


′)e−γ(t−t′′). (10.2.12)

When the autocorrelation function of the Langevin force is given by the simplifiedformula (10.1.6), we obtain:

σ2v(t) = 2D

∫ t


e−2γ(t−t′) dt′, (10.2.13)

that is:σ2v(t) =

(1− e−2γt), t > 0. (10.2.14)

At time t = 0, the variance of the velocity vanishes (the initial velocity is a non-randomvariable). Under the effect of the Langevin force, velocity fluctuations arise, and thevariance σ2

v(t) increases with time. At first, this increase is linear:

σ2v(t) ' 2Dt, t� τr. (10.2.15)

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240 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

We can interpret formula (10.2.15) as describing a phenomenon of diffusion in thevelocity space. The parameter D, which has been introduced in the definition of g(τ)(formula (10.1.6)), takes the meaning of a diffusion coefficient in the velocity space. Thevariance of the velocity does not however increase indefinitely, but ends up saturatingat the value D/γ:

σ2v(t) ' D

γ, t� τr. (10.2.16)

2.3. Second fluctuation-dissipation theorem

We can also write the variance of the velocity in the form:

σ2v(t) =



⟩2. (10.2.17)

For t � τr, the average velocity tends towards zero (formula (10.2.10)). Equations(10.2.16) and (10.2.17) show that 〈v2(t)〉 then tends towards a limit value D/γ in-dependent of v0. The average energy 〈E(t)〉 = m〈v2(t)〉/2 tends towards the corre-sponding limit 〈E〉 = mD/2γ. Then, the Brownian particle is in equilibrium with thebath.

If the bath is itself in thermodynamic equilibrium at temperature T , the averageenergy of the particle in equilibrium with it takes its equipartition value 〈E〉 = kT/2.Comparing both expressions for 〈E〉, we get a relation between the diffusion coefficientD in the velocity space, associated with the velocity fluctuations, and the frictioncoefficient γ, which characterizes the dissipation:

γ =m

kTD. (10.2.18)

Using formula (10.1.5), we can rewrite equation (10.2.18) in the form:8

γ =1


∫ ∞−∞

⟨F (t)F (t+ τ)

⟩dτ. (10.2.19)

Equation (10.2.19) relates the friction coefficient to the autocorrelation function of theLangevin force. It is known as the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem.9 This the-orem expresses here the fact that the friction force and the fluctuating force represent

8 It will be shown in Subsection 4.3 that this relation can be extended to the case in which theautocorrelation function of the Langevin force is not a delta function but a function of finite widthcharacterized by the correlation time τc, provided that we have τc � τr. See also on this questionSupplement 10A.

9 Generally speaking, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, which can be formulated in differentways, constitutes the heart of the linear response theory (see Chapter 14). In the case of Brownianmotion as described by the Langevin model, the terminology of ‘second’ fluctuation-dissipation theo-rem, associated with formula (10.2.19) for the integral of the random force autocorrelation function,is due to R. Kubo.

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Response and relaxation 241

two aspects of the same physical phenomenon, namely, the collisions of the Brownianparticle with the molecules of the fluid which surrounds it.

2.4. Evolution of the displacement from a well-defined initial position: dif-fusion of the Brownian particle

Assume that at time t = 0 the particle’s coordinate has a well-defined value:

x(0) = x0. (10.2.20)

Integrating the expression (10.2.9) for the velocity between times 0 and t, we get, giventhe initial condition (10.2.20):

x(t) = x0 +v0γ

(1− e−γt) +1m

∫ t


1− e−γ(t−t′)

γF (t′) dt′, t > 0. (10.2.21)

The displacement x(t) − x0 of the Brownian particle is also a random process. Thisprocess is not stationary. We will calculate the average and the variance of the dis-placement as functions of time, as well as the second moment 〈[x(t)− x0]2〉.

• Average displacement

We have: ⟨x(t)

⟩= x0 +


(1− e−γt), t > 0. (10.2.22)

For t� τr, the average displacement 〈x(t)〉 − x0 tends towards the finite limit v0/γ.

• Variance of the displacement

The variance of the displacement x(t) − x0 is also the variance of x(t), defined forinstance by the formula:

σ2x(t) =



⟩]2⟩. (10.2.23)

From formulas (10.2.21) and (10.2.22), we get:

σ2x(t) =


∫ t


dt′∫ t


dt′′⟨F (t′)F (t′′)

⟩[1− e−γ(t−t

′)][1− e−γ(t−t′′)], (10.2.24)

that is, taking for the autocorrelation function of the Langevin force the simplifiedexpression (10.1.6):

σ2x(t) =


∫ t


(1− e−γt′)2dt′. (10.2.25)

When the integration is carried out, we get:

σ2x(t) =


(t− 2

1− e−γt


1− e−2γt

), t > 0. (10.2.26)

Starting from its vanishing initial value, the variance of the displacement increases,first as 2Dt3/3 for t� τr, then as 2Dt/γ2 for t� τr.

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242 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

On the other hand, since x(t)− x0 = x(t)− 〈x(t)〉+ 〈x(t)〉 − x0, we have:⟨[x(t)− x0]2

⟩= σ2

x(t) +v20

γ2(1− e−γt)2, t > 0. (10.2.27)

For t� τr, we therefore have: ⟨[x(t)− x0]2

⟩' 2Dγ2t. (10.2.28)

Formulas (10.2.26) and (10.2.28) show that the Brownian particle diffuses at largetimes. The diffusion coefficient D is related to the diffusion coefficient in the velocityspace D by the formula:

D =Dγ2· (10.2.29)

2.5. Viscous limit

In the first theories of Brownian motion, proposed by A. Einstein in 1905 and M. Smolu-chowski in 1906, the diffusive behavior of the Brownian particle was obtained in asimpler way. In this approach, we consider a unique dynamical variable, the particle’sdisplacement. We do not take into account the inertia term in the equation of motion,which we write in the following approximate form:


dt= F (t). (10.2.30)

The autocorrelation function of the random force is written in the form:⟨F (t)F (t′)

⟩= 2Dη2δ(t− t′). (10.2.31)

Equation (10.2.30), supplemented by equation (10.2.31), describes Brownian motionin the viscous limit, in which the friction is strong enough so that the inertia term maybe neglected.10 The Brownian motion is then said to be overdamped. This description,valid for sufficiently large evolution time intervals, corresponds well to the experimentalobservations of J. Perrin in 1908.

In the viscous limit, the displacement of the Brownian particle can be directlyobtained by integrating equation (10.2.30). With the initial condition (10.2.20), itreads:11

x(t)− x0 =1η

∫ t


F (t′) dt′. (10.2.32)

10 More precisely, equation (10.2.30) can be deduced from the Langevin equation (10.1.2) in thelimit m→ 0, γ →∞, the viscosity coefficient η = mγ remaining finite. Equation (10.2.31) correspondsto equation (10.1.6), written in terms of the relevant parameters D and η.

11 When the force F (t) is modelized by a random stationary Gaussian process of autocorrelationfunction g(τ) = 2Dη2δ(τ), the process x(t) − x0 defined by formula (10.2.32) is called the Wienerprocess (see Chapter 11).

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Equilibrium velocity fluctuations 243

Using the expression (10.2.31) for the random force autocorrelation function, we get,for any t: ⟨

[x(t)− x0]2⟩

= 2Dt. (10.2.33)

In this description, the motion of the Brownian particle is diffusive at any time.

2.6. The Einstein relation

From formulas (10.2.7) and (10.2.29), we obtain a relation between the mobility andthe diffusion coefficient of the Brownian particle,



, (10.2.34)

which also reads, on account of the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem (10.2.18):



q· (10.2.35)

Formula (10.2.35) is the Einstein relation between the diffusion coefficient D, associ-ated with the displacement fluctuations, and the mobility µ, related to the dissipation.The Einstein relation is a formulation of the first fluctuation-dissipation theorem.12 Itmay also be written in the form of a relation between D and η:

D =kT

η· (10.2.36)

3. Equilibrium velocity fluctuations

We are interested here in the dynamics of the velocity fluctuations of a Brownianparticle in equilibrium with the bath. We assume, as previously, that the latter is inthermodynamic equilibrium at temperature T .

To obtain the expression for the velocity of the Brownian particle at equilibrium,we first write the solution v(t) of the Langevin equation for the initial condition13

v(t0) = v0:

v(t) = v0e−γ(t−t0) +


∫ t


F (t′)e−γ(t−t′) dt′. (10.3.1)

We then take the limit t0 → −∞. As shown by formula (10.3.1), the initial value ofthe velocity is ‘forgotten’ and v(t) reads:

v(t) =1m

∫ t

−∞F (t′)e−γ(t−t

′) dt′. (10.3.2)

12 This theorem will be established in a more general way in Subsection 3.4.13 Equation (10.3.1) is thus the generalization of equation (10.2.9) to any initial time t0.

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244 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

In these conditions, at any finite time t, the particle is in equilibrium with the bath.Its velocity v(t) is a stationary random process.14 Since the average value of the ve-locity vanishes at equilibrium, the autocorrelation function of v(t), which we will nowcompute, represents the dynamics of the equilibrium velocity fluctuations.

3.1. Correlation function between the Langevin force and the velocity

To begin with, starting from formula (10.3.2), it is possible to compute the correlationfunction 〈v(t)F (t′)〉:⟨

v(t)F (t′)⟩


∫ t


⟨F (t′′)F (t′)


′′) dt′′. (10.3.3)

When the autocorrelation function of the Langevin force is of the form (10.1.6),equation (10.3.3) reads:⟨

v(t)F (t′)⟩

= 2Dm∫ t

−∞δ(t′ − t′′)e−γ(t−t

′′) dt′′. (10.3.4)

From formula (10.3.4), we get:

⟨v(t)F (t′)


{2Dme−γ(t−t′), t′ < t

0, t′ > t.(10.3.5)

Formula (10.3.5) displays the fact that the Brownian particle velocity at time t is notcorrelated with the Langevin force at a subsequent time t′ > t.

t t'τc



Fig. 10.1 Correlation function between the Langevin force and the velocity atfinite τc.

14 When the force F (t) is modelized by a stationary Gaussian random process of autocorrelationfunction g(τ) = 2Dm2δ(τ), the stationary process v(t) defined by formula (10.3.2) is called theOrnstein–Uhlenbeck process (see Chapter 11 and Supplement 11B).

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Equilibrium velocity fluctuations 245

Actually, the correlation time τc of the Langevin force does not vanish, and theresult (10.3.5) is correct only for |t − t′| � τc. Taking the finite correlation time intoaccount results in the smoothing out of the discontinuity exhibited by formula (10.3.5),the correlation function 〈v(t)F (t′)〉 passing in fact continuously from its maximumvalue to zero over a time interval of order τc. The shape at finite τc of the curverepresenting 〈v(t)F (t′)〉 as a function of t′, the time t being fixed, is shown in Fig. 10.1.

3.2. Equilibrium velocity autocorrelation function

When the velocity v(t) is replaced by expression (10.3.2), the autocorrelation function〈v(t)v(t′)〉 reads: ⟨



∫ t


⟨F (t′′)v(t′)


′′) dt′′. (10.3.6)

If we neglect τc, taking formula (10.3.5) into account, we get:⟨v(t)v(t′)


′|. (10.3.7)

or, setting for convenience t′ = 0 in formula (10.3.7):


⟩=Dγe−γ|t|. (10.3.8)

The decrease of the velocity autocorrelation function is described by an exponentialof time constant τr = γ−1.

Neglecting τc thus yields an autocorrelation function of the velocity at equilibriumin a ‘tent’ shape. Such a function is not differentiable at the cusp. This singularitydisappears when we consider the fact that τc is actually finite. The small |t|-behaviorof the velocity autocorrelation function 〈v(t)v〉 is then parabolic15 (Fig. 10.2).

0 t




Fig. 10.2 Equilibrium velocity correlation function, at vanishing τc (full line), andat finite τc (dotted line).

15 This property will be established later (see formula (10.4.13)).

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246 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

3.3. The regression theorem

When τc is neglected, the evolution for t ≥ t′ of the autocorrelation function 〈v(t)v(t′)〉is thus described by the following differential equation:




⟩= −γ


⟩, t ≥ t′. (10.3.9)

Equation (10.3.9) is of the same form as the differential equation d〈v(t)〉/dt = −γ〈v(t)〉(t ≥ 0) describing the relaxation of 〈v(t)〉 from a well-defined initial value v(t = 0).This property, according to which the velocity fluctuations regress (that is, disappear)according to the same law as the average velocity, is called the regression theorem.

3.4. The first fluctuation-dissipation theorem

The bath being at thermodynamic equilibrium at temperature T , we can make use ofthe relation (10.2.18) between D and γ, and rewrite the equilibrium velocity autocor-relation function given by formula (10.3.8) in the form:



me−γ|t|. (10.3.10)

Using the Fourier–Laplace transformation,16 we deduce from formula (10.3.10) theequality: ∫ ∞



⟩eiωt dt =



1γ − iω

· (10.3.11)

Coming back to the definition (10.2.5) of the complex admittance, we get the identity:

A(ω) =1kT

∫ ∞0


⟩eiωt dt. (10.3.12)

Formula (10.3.12) is the expression for the first fluctuation-dissipation theorem.17 Itrelates the complex admittance describing the response to an external harmonic per-turbation to the equilibrium velocity autocorrelation function. The Einstein relation(10.2.36) corresponds to the particular case of a static external perturbation.

16 The Fourier–Laplace transformation, also called the unilateral Fourier transformation, is definedover the integration interval (0,∞) (in contrast to the ordinary Fourier transformation, defined overthe interval (−∞,∞)). The usual Laplace transformation, also defined over the interval (0,∞), uses,in place of −iω, a complex parameter z.

17 The terminology of ‘first’ fluctuation-dissipation theorem, associated with formula (10.3.12) forthe Fourier–Laplace transform of the equilibrium velocity autocorrelation function, is due to R. Kubo.We can also get this result by applying the Kubo formulas of the general theory of linear response tothe isolated system made up of the Brownian particle coupled with the bath (see Chapter 14).

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Harmonic analysis of the Langevin model 247

4. Harmonic analysis of the Langevin model

The Langevin equation is a linear stochastic differential equation. A standard methodof resolution of this type of equation is the harmonic analysis, which applies to station-ary random processes. The Langevin force F (t) is, by hypothesis, such a process. Thesame is true for the velocity v(t) of the Brownian particle, provided that the particlehas been in contact with the bath for a sufficiently long time to be itself in equilibriumat any finite time t.

Using this method, we will study anew the equilibrium velocity fluctuations anddiscuss in details the case of finite τc.

4.1. Relation between the spectral densities of the random force and of thevelocity

The Fourier transforms F (ω) of the random force, on the one hand, and v(ω) of theBrownian particle’s velocity, on the other hand, are defined by the formulas:18

F (ω) =∫ ∞−∞

F (t)eiωt dt (10.4.1)

and:v(ω) =

∫ ∞−∞

v(t)eiωt dt. (10.4.2)

Given that F (t) and v(t) are stationary random processes, F (ω) and v(ω) are in factobtained by integrating over a large interval of finite width T of the time axis startingfrom any origin, the limit T → ∞ being taken at the end of the calculations. In theframework of the Langevin model, F (ω) and v(ω) are related by the formula:

v(ω) =1m

1γ − iω

F (ω). (10.4.3)

The spectral densities SF (ω) and Sv(ω) are defined by the formulas:

SF (ω) = limT→∞


⟨|F (ω)|2

⟩, Sv(ω) = lim




⟩. (10.4.4)

According to equation (10.4.3), we have:

Sv(ω) =1m2

1γ2 + ω2

SF (ω). (10.4.5)

The spectral density of the Brownian particle’s velocity is thus the product of thespectral density of the random force by a Lorentzian of width ∼ γ.

18 For the sake of simplicity, we use the same notation F (.) for the random force F (t) and its Fouriertransform F (ω), as well as the same notation v(.) for the velocity v(t) of the Brownian particle andits Fourier transform v(ω).

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248 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

According to the Wiener–Khintchine theorem, the spectral density and the au-tocorrelation function of a stationary random process form a Fourier transform pair.The autocorrelation function g(τ) of the random force being a very ‘peaked’ function(of width ∼ τc) around τ = 0, the spectral density SF (ω) is a very ‘broad’ function (ofwidth ∼ τ−1

c ). The bath being at thermodynamic equilibrium, SF (ω) is referred to asthe thermal noise.19

4.2. White noise case

Let us assume that the spectral density SF (ω) is independent of the angular frequency(white noise):

SF (ω) = SF , SF = 2Dm2. (10.4.6)

According to the Wiener–Khintchine theorem, g(τ) is in this case a delta function ofweight 2Dm2 (formula (10.1.6)).

Using once again the Wiener–Khintchine theorem, we then deduce from equation(10.4.5) the velocity autocorrelation function of the particle in equilibrium with thebath: ⟨



∫ ∞−∞


1γ2 + ω2

2Dm2e−iωt dω. (10.4.7)

After doing the integration, we recover formula (10.3.10).

4.3. Generalization to a colored noise

The correlation time τc being finite, the spectral density of the random force is in fact,not a constant, but a function of the angular frequency, decreasing at large angularfrequencies and of width ∼ τ−1

c . Such a noise is said to be colored.

Let us take for instance for SF (ω) a Lorentzian of width ∼ ωc (with ωc = τ−1c ):

SF (ω) = SFω2c

ω2c + ω2

, SF = 2Dm2. (10.4.8)

The Langevin force autocorrelation function has then an exponential form:20

g(τ) = Dm2ωce−ωc|τ |. (10.4.9)

We have, as in the white noise case:∫ ∞−∞

g(τ) dτ = 2Dm2. (10.4.10)

19 We will come back in more detail to the study of the thermal noise (in an electric conductor atequilibrium) in Supplement 10C.

20 Such expressions for SF (ω) and g(τ) may be justified starting from certain microscopic modelsfor the interaction of the Brownian particle with the bath (see Supplement 10B).

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Time scales 249

The autocorrelation function 〈v(t)v〉 is given by:




∫ ∞−∞


1γ2 + ω2

2Dm2 ω2c

ω2c + ω2

e−iωt dω. (10.4.11)

After integration, we get:




ω2c − γ2

(e−γ|t| − γ


). (10.4.12)

The equilibrium velocity autocorrelation function as given by equation (10.4.12) be-haves in a parabolic way for |t| � τc. The cusped singularity at the origin which existswhen τc is neglected is no longer present (Fig. 10.2).

Formula (10.4.12) allows us to show that, even in the case of a colored noise,the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem (10.2.19) still holds, provided that we haveτc � τr (= γ−1). Setting t = 0 in formula (10.4.12), we have indeed:



ωcωc + γ

, (10.4.13)

that is, on account of formula (10.4.10):




ωcωc + γ

∫ ∞−∞

g(τ) dτ. (10.4.14)

The bath being in thermodynamic equilibrium at temperature T , we deduce fromformula (10.4.14), in the limit γ � ωc, the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem(equation (10.2.19)).21

5. Time scales

Thus, as shown for instance by formula (10.4.12), two time scales come into play inthe dynamics of the equilibrium velocity fluctuations of a Brownian particle. The firstone, very short, is the correlation time τc of the random force, whereas the other one,much longer, is the relaxation time τr = γ−1 of the average velocity.22

For the velocity fluctuations to regress (that is, to decrease noticeably), a timeat least of the order of the longest time scale τr is needed. The Brownian particle’svelocity is thus essentially a slow variable. The random force, whose autocorrelation

21 The arguments presented here are approximate. Indeed, it is not fully consistent to take into ac-count the finite correlation time of the random force while retaining the instantaneous character of thefriction term as it appears in the Langevin equation (10.1.2). In the case of colored noise, we must infact write down a generalized Langevin equation with a retarded friction term (see Supplement 10A).

22 Despite the fact that formula (10.4.12) has been established in the particular case of an expo-nential autocorrelation function g(τ), the result concerning the characteristic times of the dynamicsof the equilibrium velocity fluctuations has a more general scope.

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250 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

function decreases over a much shorter time of order τc, is a rapid variable. Thisseparation of time scales, as pictured by the inequality:

τc � τr, (10.5.1)

is crucial in the Langevin model. It can be shown, using microscopic models, thatinequality (10.5.1) is actually verified when the particle under study is much heavierthan the molecules of the fluid which surrounds it. It is only in this case that aparticle moving within a fluid may be qualified as ‘Brownian’ and its evolution properlydescribed by the Langevin equation (10.1.2).

Moreover, in the term in dv/dt involved in the Langevin equation (10.1.2), dtdoes not stand for an infinitesimal time interval but for a finite time interval ∆tduring which a finite change ∆v of the particle velocity takes place. The interval ∆t isnecessarily much longer than the collision time τc, since the evolution of the Brownianparticle’s velocity results from the many collisions that the particle undergoes with thefluid’s molecules. Besides, equation (10.1.2) (averaged) describes the relaxation of theaverage velocity fluctuations, and accounts for a significant evolution only when ∆tremains small as compared to the relaxation time τr. These considerations show thatthe Langevin equation describes the evolution of the velocity of a Brownian particleover a time interval ∆t between τc and τr:

τc � ∆t� τr. (10.5.2)

In the viscous limit, in which interest is focused on the evolution of the Brow-nian particle’s displacement (Einstein–Smoluchowski description), the evolution timeinterval of interest verifies the inequality:

∆t� τr. (10.5.3)

Page 17: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

Bibliography 251


P.M. Chaikin and T.C. Lubensky, Principles of condensed matter physics, Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge, .

S. Chandrasekhar, Stochastic problems in physics and astronomy, Rev. Mod. Phys.15, 1 (). Reprinted in Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes (N. Waxeditor), Dover Publications, New York, .

C.W. Gardiner, Handbook of stochastic methods, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, third edi-tion, .

N.G. van Kampen, Stochastic processes in physics and chemistry , North-Holland,Amsterdam, third edition, .

R. Kubo, M. Toda, and N. Hashitsume, Statistical physics II: nonequilibriumstatistical mechanics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, second edition, .

R.M. Mazo, Brownian motion: fluctuations, dynamics, and applications, OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford, .

F. Reif, Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics, McGraw-Hill, New York,.

R. Zwanzig, Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford,.


L. Bachelier, Theorie de la speculation, Thesis published in Annales Scientifiquesde l’Ecole Normale Superieure 17, 21 (). Reprinted, Editions J. Gabay, Paris,.

A. Einstein, Uber die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Warme geforderteBewegung von in ruhenden Flussigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen, Annalen der Physik17, 549 ().

M. Smoluchowski, Zur kinetischen Theorie der Brownschen Molekularbewegungund der Suspensionen, Annalen der Physik 21, 756 ().

P. Langevin, Sur la theorie du mouvement brownien, Comptes rendus de l’Academiedes Sciences (Paris), 146, 530 ().

J. Perrin, Les atomes, Felix Alcan, Paris, . Reprinted, Flammarion, Paris, .

G.E. Uhlenbeck and L.S. Ornstein, On the theory of the Brownian motion, Phys.Rev. 36, 823 (). Reprinted in Selected papers on noise and stochastic processes(N. Wax editor), Dover Publications, New York, .

Page 18: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

252 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

R. Kubo, The fluctuation-dissipation theorem and Brownian motion, , TokyoSummer Lectures in Theoretical Physics (R. Kubo editor), Syokabo, Tokyo and Ben-jamin, New York, .

R. Kubo, The fluctuation-dissipation theorem, Rep. Prog. Phys. 29, 255 ().

Page 19: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

Supplement 10A

The generalized Langevin model

1. The generalized Langevin equation

1.1. The non-retarded Langevin model

The Langevin model relies on the equation of motion of the Brownian particle, writtenin the form:


dt= −mγv + F (t), v =


dt, (10A.1.1)

where γ denotes the friction coefficient and F (t) the Langevin force. In equation(10A.1.1), the friction force −mγv is fully determined by the instantaneous value of theparticle’s velocity. Also, the correlation time τc of the random force F (t) is consideredas much shorter than the other characteristic times,1 in particular the relaxation timeτr = γ−1 of the average velocity. This model, known as the simple or non-retardedLangevin model,2 is well adapted to the description of the motion of a particle muchheavier than the molecules of the fluid which surrounds it. The inequality γτc � 1 isthen indeed verified.

1.2. Response function of the velocity

According to equation (10A.1.1), the velocity of the particle in equilibrium with thebath reads:

v(t) =1m

∫ t

−∞F (t′)e−γ(t−t

′) dt′. (10A.1.2)

The response function A(t) of the velocity,3 defined by the relation:

v(t) =∫ ∞−∞A(t− t′)F (t′) dt′, (10A.1.3)

1 If we neglect τc, and if we assume that F (t) is a Gaussian process, the evolution of the velocityfrom time t, as described by equation (10A.1.1), depends only on its value at this time, and noton the values it took at prior times. The velocity v(t) is thus in this case a Markov process. Thisproperty remains approximately true if we take into account the finite character of τc, provided thatthe inequality τc � τr is verified (see Chapter 11).

2 The reason for this designation will be made clear later.3 For the sake of simplicity, we use the same notation A(.) for the response function A(t) and its

Fourier transform A(ω).

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254 The generalized Langevin model

is thus:A(t) = Θ(t)

1me−γt. (10A.1.4)

In formula (10A.1.4), Θ(t) denotes the Heaviside function:

Θ(t) ={ 0, t < 0

1, t > 0.(10A.1.5)

The Fourier transform of A(t) is the complex admittance of the Langevin model:

A(ω) =1m

1γ − iω

· (10A.1.6)

In some respects, this description of the motion of a particle immersed within afluid is too schematic. In particular, the friction cannot be established instantaneously.Its setting up requires a time at least equal to the collision time τc of the particle withthe fluid’s molecules. Retardation effects are thus necessarily present in the frictionterm. Their consideration leads to a modification of the form of the equation of motionand, accordingly, of the velocity response function, as well as to a modification of therandom force autocorrelation function.

1.3. The generalized Langevin model

To take into account the retardation effects, we replace the differential equation(10A.1.1) by the following integro-differential equation,


dt= −m

∫ t

−∞γ(t− t′)v(t′) dt′ + F (t), v =


dt, (10A.1.7)

in which the friction force at time t is determined by the values of the velocity at timest′ < t. Equation (10A.1.7) is called the generalized or retarded Langevin equation.

The friction force −m∫ t−∞ γ(t − t′)v(t′) dt′ involves a memory kernel defined by

the function γ(t) for t > 0. It is in fact convenient to consider that the memory kernelγ(t) is defined for any t as a decreasing function of |t|, of width ∼ τc, and such that∫∞−∞ γ(t) dt = 2γ. Introducing the causal or retarded memory kernel γ(t) = Θ(t)γ(t),

we can rewrite equation (10A.1.7) in the following equivalent form:


dt= −m

∫ ∞−∞

γ(t− t′)v(t′) dt′ + F (t), v =dx

dt· (10A.1.8)

The Langevin force F (t) is modelized here, as in the non-retarded Langevin model,by a random stationary process of zero mean. This process is, most often, assumed tobe Gaussian. Since we now take into account the retarded character of the friction,it is necessary, for the consistency of the model, to take equally into account thenon-vanishing correlation time of the random force. Accordingly, we assume that theautocorrelation function g(τ) = 〈F (t)F (t + τ)〉 decreases over a finite time ∼ τc. Incontrast to the non-retarded case, we do not make the hypothesis γτc � 1.

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Harmonic analysis of the generalized Langevin model 255

2. Complex admittance

In the presence of an applied external force Fext(t), the retarded equation of motionof the particle reads:


dt= −m

∫ ∞−∞

γ(t− t′)v(t′) dt′ + F (t) + Fext(t), v =dx

dt· (10A.2.1)

On average, we have:


dt= −m

∫ ∞−∞

γ(t− t′)⟨v(t′)

⟩dt′ + Fext(t),



dt· (10A.2.2)

For a harmonic applied force Fext(t) = <e(Fe−iωt), the solution of equation(10A.2.2) is, in stationary regime, of the form:⟨


= <e(⟨v⟩e−iωt

), (10A.2.3)

with: ⟨v⟩

= A(ω)F. (10A.2.4)

The quantity:

A(ω) =1m

1γ(ω)− iω


is the complex admittance of the generalized Langevin model. In formula (10A.2.5),the generalized friction coefficient γ(ω), defined by the formula:

γ(ω) =∫ ∞


γ(t)eiωt dt, (10A.2.6)

denotes the Fourier–Laplace transform of the memory kernel γ(t) (or the Fourier trans-form of the retarded memory kernel γ(t)). Note that γ(ω = 0) = γ.

More generally, for an external force Fext(t) of Fourier transform Fext(ω), theFourier transform 〈v(ω)〉 of the stationary solution 〈v(t)〉 of equation (10A.2.2) is:⟨


= A(ω)Fext(ω). (10A.2.7)

3. Harmonic analysis of the generalized Langevin model

The generalized Langevin equation (10A.1.8) is a linear stochastic integro-differentialequation, to which we can apply harmonic analysis. Indeed, the initial time in theretarded friction term having been taken equal to −∞, the particle finds itself, at anyfinite time t, in equilibrium with the bath. Its velocity is thus a stationary randomprocess. Both the random force F (t) and the velocity v(t) can be expanded in Fourierseries. The spectral densities Sv(ω) and SF (ω) are related by the formula:

Sv(ω) =1m2

1|γ(ω)− iω|2

SF (ω). (10A.3.1)

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256 The generalized Langevin model

3.1. First fluctuation-dissipation theorem: spectral densities

According to the first fluctuation-dissipation theorem,4 the complex admittance is theFourier–Laplace transform of the equilibrium velocity autocorrelation function:

A(ω) =1kT

∫ ∞0


⟩eiωt dt. (10A.3.2)

The Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation function is thus:∫ ∞−∞


⟩eiωt dt = 2kT <eA(ω), (10A.3.3)

that is, on account of formula (10A.2.5):∫ ∞−∞


⟩eiωt dt =


<e γ(ω)|γ(ω)− iω|2

· (10A.3.4)

Using the Wiener–Khintchine theorem, we deduce from equation (10A.3.4) the spectraldensity of the velocity,

Sv(ω) =2kTm

<e γ(ω)|γ(ω)− iω|2

, (10A.3.5)

then, using formula (10A.3.1), the spectral density of the random force:

SF (ω) = 2mkT <e γ(ω). (10A.3.6)

3.2. Second fluctuation-dissipation theorem

At this stage, using once more the Wiener–Khintchine theorem, we can write, fromformula (10A.3.6), the real part of the generalized friction coefficient in the form of aFourier integral:

<e γ(ω) =1


∫ ∞−∞

⟨F (t)F (t+ τ)

⟩eiωτ dτ. (10A.3.7)

By inverse Fourier transformation, we deduce from equation (10A.3.7) a proportional-ity relation between the memory kernel and the random force autocorrelation function:

γ(τ) =1

mkTg(τ). (10A.3.8)

4 This result can be demonstrated by applying the Kubo formulas of the linear response theoryto the isolated system made up of the particle coupled with the bath (see also Chapter 14).

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An analytical model 257

The decrease of the memory kernel is thus characterized by the correlation time5 τc.

The generalized friction coefficient is proportional to the Fourier–Laplace trans-form of the random force autocorrelation function:

γ(ω) =1


∫ ∞0

⟨F (t)F (t+ τ)

⟩eiωτ dτ. (10A.3.9)

Formula (10A.3.9) constitutes the expression for the second fluctuation-dissipationtheorem in the generalized Langevin model.

4. An analytical model

If we have explicit analytical expressions for the memory kernel and the random forceautocorrelation function, we can derive analytical expressions for the complex admit-tance, and, possibly, for the velocity response function in the generalized Langevinmodel.

4.1. Complex admittance

If the Langevin force autocorrelation function has an exponential form,

g(τ) = Dm2ωce−ωc|τ |, (10A.4.1)

with Dm2 = γmkT , the parameter ωc denoting an angular frequency characteristic ofthe bath, the memory kernel, too, has an exponential form (see formula (10A.3.8)).Coming back to the variable t, we can write:6

γ(t) = γωce−ωc|t|. (10A.4.2)

In the limit ωc → ∞, we recover the expressions corresponding to the non-retardedLangevin equation: g(τ) = 2Dm2δ(τ), γ(t) = 2γδ(t).

According to formula7 (10A.4.2), we have:

γ(ω) = γωc

ωc − iω· (10A.4.3)

5 By contrast, formula (10A.3.8) shows that it is inconsistent to take into account the finitecorrelation time of the random force while retaining the instantaneous character of the friction termas it is displayed in the non-retarded Langevin equation (10A.1.1).

6 Expressions of this type can be obtained in the framework of certain microscopic models of theinteraction of the particle with the bath. This in particular the case in the Caldeira–Leggett model(see Supplement 10B). It is then seen that ωc can be given the significance of an angular frequencycharacteristic of the bath.

7 The generalized friction coefficient γ(ω) is the Fourier transform of the causal function γ(t) =Θ(t)γ(t).

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258 The generalized Langevin model

The corresponding complex admittance reads:

A(ω) =1m



ωc − iω− iω

· (10A.4.4)

The poles of A(ω) give access to the characteristic relaxation times of the averagevelocity from a well-defined initial value. In the weak-coupling case ωc/γ > 4, thesepoles are of the form −iω±, with:

ω± =ωc2


(1− 4γω−1


)1/2]. (10A.4.5)

4.2. The velocity response function

With the model chosen for A(ω) (formula (10A.4.4)), in the case ωc/γ > 4, we have:

A(t) = Θ(t)1m

(1− 4γω−1



ωce−ω−t − ω−


). (10A.4.6)

The expression (10A.4.6) for A(t) has to be compared with the corresponding ex-pression in the non-retarded Langevin model (formula (10A.1.4)). In the generalizedLangevin model, we do not make the assumption γτc � 1. Accordingly, there is noclear-cut separation of time scales between the random force and the velocity of theparticle.

Page 25: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

Bibliography 259


R. Kubo, M. Toda, and N. Hashitsume, Statistical physics II: nonequilibriumstatistical mechanics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, second edition, .

R. Zwanzig, Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford,.


R. Kubo, The fluctuation-dissipation theorem and Brownian motion, , TokyoSummer Lectures in Theoretical Physics (R. Kubo editor), Syokabo, Tokyo and Ben-jamin, New York, .

R. Kubo, The fluctuation-dissipation theorem, Rep. Prog. Phys. 29, 255 ().

Page 26: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

Supplement 10B

Brownian motionin a bath of oscillators

1. The Caldeira–Leggett model

In order to have at our disposal a microscopic basis for the generalized Langevin equa-tion, we can study the dynamics of a free particle interacting with an environmentmade up of an infinite number of independent harmonic oscillators in thermal equilib-rium. In the case of a linear coupling with each environment mode, the effect of theenvironment can be eliminated and the particle’s equation of motion can be estab-lished exactly. After an appropriate modelization, it takes the form of a generalizedLangevin equation in which determined microscopic expressions are assigned to boththe memory kernel and the random force autocorrelation function.

This model of dissipation is known as the Caldeira–Leggett model.1 It is widelyused to describe the dissipative dynamics of classical or quantum systems.

1.1. The Caldeira–Leggett Hamiltonian

Consider a particle of mass m, described by its coordinate x and the conjugate mo-mentum p, evolving in a potential φ(x). The particle is coupled with a bath of Nindependent harmonic oscillators of masses mn, described by the coordinates xn andthe conjugate momenta pn (n = 1, . . . , N). The coupling between the particle and eachoscillator of the bath is assumed bilinear. The Hamiltonian of the global system madeup of the particle and the set of the oscillators to which it is coupled reads:

HC−L =p2

2m+ φ(x) +






(xn −



x)2]. (10B.1.1)

The constants cn measure the strength of the coupling.

In the case of a free particle (φ(x) = 0), the model described by the Caldeira–Leggett Hamiltonian is exactly solvable.2

1 Although it had previously been proposed by other authors, it is after the work of A.O. Caldeiraand A.J. Leggett on decoherence that this model became famous.

2 The same is true for a particle evolving in a harmonic potential (the dissipative dynamics of aharmonic oscillator is studied in Supplement 14A).

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The Caldeira–Leggett model 261

1.2. The dissipative free particle

Using the Hamiltonian (10B.1.1) with φ(x) = 0, we can write the Hamilton’s equationsfor all the degrees of freedom of the global system, that is, for the particle,




m, dp



(xn −




), (10B.1.2)

and, for the bath’s oscillators:



, dpndt

= −mnω2nxn + cnx. (10B.1.3)

Equations (10B.1.3) can formally be solved by considering the particle’s positionx(t) as known. This gives:

xn(t) = xn(t0) cosωn(t− t0) +pn(t0)mnωn

sinωn(t− t0) + cn

∫ t


sinωn(t− t′)mnωn

x(t′) dt′,

(10B.1.4)where t0 denotes the initial time at which the coupling is established. Integratingby parts the integral on the right-hand side of equation (10B.1.4), we can write theequality:

xn(t)− cnmnω2


x(t) =[xn(t0)− cn



cosωn(t− t0) +pn(t0)mnωn

sinωn(t− t0)

− cn∫ t


cosωn(t− t′)mnω2





The equation of motion of the particle coupled with the bath, which, accordingto equations (10B.1.2), is of the form:

mx(t) =∑n


[xn(t)− cn


x(t)], (10B.1.6)

may be reformulated, on account of the equality (10B.1.5), in the form of a closedintegro-differential equation for x(t):

mx(t) +m

∫ t


γ(t− t′)x(t′) dt′ = −mx(t0)γ(t− t0) + F (t). (10B.1.7)

The functions γ(t) and F (t) involved in equation (10B.1.7) are defined in terms of themicroscopic parameters of the model by the formulas:

γ(t) =1m




cosωnt (10B.1.8)

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262 Brownian motion in a bath of oscillators


F (t) =∑n


[xn(t0) cosωn(t− t0) +


sinωn(t− t0)]. (10B.1.9)

In equation (10B.1.7), γ(t) acts as a memory kernel and F (t) as a random force. Using,instead of γ(t), the retarded memory kernel γ(t) = Θ(t)γ(t), we can rewrite equation(10B.1.7) in the following equivalent form:

mx(t) +m

∫ ∞t0

γ(t− t′)x(t′) dt′ = −mx(t0)γ(t− t0) + F (t). (10B.1.10)

Equations (10B.1.7) and (10B.1.10) have been deduced without approximationfrom the Hamilton’s equations (10B.1.2) and (10B.1.3). Both the memory kernel andthe random force are expressed in terms of the parameters of the microscopic Caldeira–Leggett Hamiltonian. In particular, F (t) is a linear combination of the variables xn(t0)and pn(t0) associated with the initial state of the oscillators’ bath (formula (10B.1.9)).If we assume that at time t0 the bath is in thermal equilibrium at temperature T , itsdistribution function is:3

ρB = Z−1 exp[−β∑n

( p2n




)], β = (kT )−1

. (10B.1.11)

The Gaussian character of the distribution (10B.1.11) leads us to consider F (t) as arandom stationary Gaussian process, characterized by its average and its autocorrela-tion function:4 { ⟨

F (t)⟩

= 0⟨F (t)F (t+ τ)

⟩= mkTγ(τ).


1.3. The spectral density of the coupling

The equations of motion (10B.1.7) or (10B.1.10) do not allow us, per se, to describe anirreversible dynamics. This is only possible if the number N of the bath’s oscillatorstends towards infinity, their angular frequencies forming a continuum in this limit.

A central ingredient in the model is the Fourier transform of the retarded memorykernel γ(t). We calculate it by attributing to ω a small imaginary part ε > 0 and byletting ε tend towards zero at the end of the calculation. We thus first define:

γ(ω + iε) =∫ ∞


γ(t)eiωte−εt dt, ε > 0, (10B.1.13)

3 This is the classical distribution function of the bath in the phase space. The quantum general-ization will be outlined in Section 3.

4 The averages involved here are computed with the aid of the bath’s distribution function(10B.1.11).

Page 29: Chapter 10 Brownian motion: the Langevin model

The Caldeira–Leggett model 263

then the Fourier transform5 γ(ω):

γ(ω) = limε→0+

γ(ω + iε). (10B.1.14)

Proceeding in this way, from the expression for γ(t),

γ(t) = Θ(t)1m




cosωnt, (10B.1.15)

we obtain that for γ(ω):

γ(ω) =i







ω − ωn + iε+

1ω + ωn + iε

)· (10B.1.16)

We deduce6 in particular from equation (10B.1.16):

<e γ(ω) =π





[δ(ω − ωn) + δ(ω + ωn)

]. (10B.1.17)

At this stage, we generally introduce the spectral density of the coupling with theenvironment, defined for ω > 0 by the formula:

J(ω) =π




δ(ω − ωn), ω > 0. (10B.1.18)

For ω > 0, we have the relation:

<e γ(ω) =J(ω)mω· (10B.1.19)

In the continuum limit, the quantities <e γ(ω) and J(ω) may be considered as contin-uous functions of ω.

5 We thus define the Fourier transform of γ(t) in the distribution sense. This procedure is com-monly used when computing the generalized susceptibilities as Fourier transforms of the responsefunctions (see Chapter 12).

6 We make use of the relation:



x+ iε= vp


x− iπδ(x),

where the symbol vp denotes the Cauchy principal value.

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264 Brownian motion in a bath of oscillators

1.4. Ohmic dissipation

The dynamics of the particle coupled with the bath is determined by the above definedspectral density. In particular, the large-time dynamics is controlled by the behaviorof J(ω) at low angular frequencies. In many cases, this behavior is described by apower law of the type J(ω) ∝ ωδ. The exponent δ > 0 is most often an integer, whosevalue depends on the dimensionality of the space corresponding to the consideredenvironment.7

The value δ = 1 is especially important. Indeed, in this case, the equation ofmotion of the particle coupled with the bath contains a friction term proportional tothe velocity (in a certain limit).8 The corresponding dissipation model is known as theOhmic model.9 It is defined by the relations:

J(ω) = mγω (ω > 0), <e γ(ω) = γ. (10B.1.20)

The expressions (10B.1.20) for J(ω) and <e γ(ω) are only valid at low angular fre-quencies. Indeed, the spectral density does not in fact increase without bounds, but itdecreases towards zero as ω →∞. To account for this behavior, we write, in place ofthe relations (10B.1.20), the formulas:

J(ω) = mγωfc


)(ω > 0), <e γ(ω) = γfc


), (10B.1.21)

in which fc(ω/ωc) is a cut-off function tending towards zero more rapidly than ω−1

as10 ω →∞. We often choose for convenience a Lorentzian cut-off function:





ω2c + ω2

· (10B.1.22)

We then have:

J(ω) = mγωω2c

ω2c + ω2

(ω > 0), <e γ(ω) = γω2c

ω2c + ω2

· (10B.1.23)

In this case, the memory kernel is modelized by an exponential function of time con-stant ω−1

c :γ(t) = γωce

−ωc|t|. (10B.1.24)

The corresponding modelization has to be done on the Langevin force autocorrelationfunction, which yields: ⟨

F (t)F (t+ τ)⟩

= mkTγωc e−ωc|τ |. (10B.1.25)

7 The exponent δ may possibly take non-integer values, for instance in the case of an interactionwith a disordered or fractal environment.

8 This limit is the infinitely short memory limit (see Subsection 1.6)9 The reason for this designation will be made clear in Subsection 1.6.

10 The angular frequency ωc characterizes the width of the angular frequency band of the bathoscillators effectively coupled with the particle.

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Dynamics of the Ohmic free particle 265

1.5. The generalized Langevin equation

Let us now come back to the equation of motion (10B.1.10). Its right-hand side in-volves, besides the Langevin force F (t), a term −mx(t0)γ(t − t0) depending on theparticle’s initial coordinate. In the Ohmic model, the function γ(t) decreases over acharacteristic time ∼ ω−1

c . The quantity γ(t− t0) is thus negligible if ωc(t− t0)� 1.Mathematically, this condition can be fulfilled by taking the limit t0 → −∞. Then theparticle’s initial coordinate does not play any role in the equation of motion, whichtakes the form of the generalized Langevin equation:



∫ +∞

−∞γ(t− t′)v(t′) dt′ = F (t), v =


dt· (10B.1.26)

1.6. Infinitely short memory limit

The memory kernel of the Ohmic model admits an infinitely short memory limitγ(t) = 2γδ(t), which may for instance be obtained by taking the limit ωc → ∞ inequation (10B.1.24). The corresponding limit must be taken in the Langevin forceautocorrelation function (formula (10B.1.25)), which then reads 〈F (t)F (t + τ)〉 =2mkTγ δ(τ).

In this limit, equation (10B.1.26) takes a non-retarded form:


dt+mγv(t) = F (t), v =


dt· (10B.1.27)

The formal similarity between the non-retarded Langevin equation (10B.1.27) andOhm’s law in an electrical circuit11 justifies the designation of Ohmic model given tothe dissipation model defined by the spectral density (10B.1.20).

2. Dynamics of the Ohmic free particle

2.1. The velocity autocorrelation function

Since the Langevin force F (t) may be considered as a stationary random process,the same is true of the solution v(t) of equation (10B.1.26). Therefore we can useharmonic analysis and the Wiener–Khintchine theorem to determine the equilibriumvelocity autocorrelation function:⟨




∫ ∞−∞

<e γ(ω)|γ(ω)− iω|2

e−iωt dω. (10B.2.1)

In the Ohmic model with a Lorenzian cut-off function, we have:

γ(ω) = γωc

ωc − iω, (10B.2.2)

11 The analogy with an electrical problem will be studied in more details in the Supplement 10Cdevoted to the Nyquist theorem.

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266 Brownian motion in a bath of oscillators

so that equation (10B.2.1) takes the form:



∫ ∞−∞


(γωc − ω2)2 + ω2ω2c

e−iωt dω. (10B.2.3)

Consider the case ωc/γ > 4, which corresponds to a weak coupling between the particleand the bath. We can then write:



(1− 4γω−1


)−1/2∫ ∞−∞


ω2 + ω2−− 1ω2 + ω2


)e−iωt dω, (10B.2.4)


ω± =ωc2


(1− 4γω−1


)1/2]. (10B.2.5)

After the integration, we have:




(1− 4γω−1



ωce−ω−|t| − ω−


). (10B.2.6)

In the infinitely short memory limit ωc → ∞, we retrieve the result of the non-retarded Langevin model: ⟨



me−γ|t|. (10B.2.7)

2.2. The time-dependent diffusion coefficient

The time-dependent diffusion coefficient D(t) is defined by:

D(t) =12d


⟨[x(t)− x]2

⟩, t > 0. (10B.2.8)

It is obtained by integration of the velocity autocorrelation function:

D(t) =∫ t



⟩dt′. (10B.2.9)

The limit value at large times of D(t) is, at any non-vanishing temperature, the Ein-stein value D = kT/η of the diffusion coefficient. This result holds regardless of thevalue, finite or not, of ωc.

In the non-retarded model, we have:

D(t) =kT


(1− e−γt

), t > 0. (10B.2.10)

The time-dependent diffusion coefficient increases monotonically towards its limit.

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The quantum Langevin equation 267

3. The quantum Langevin equation

The Caldeira–Leggett model may be extended to the quantum case. To this end, wehave to take into account the quantum character of the noise and to modify accordinglythe spectral density SF (ω) of the random force. We write:12

SF (ω) = hω cothβhω

2m<e γ(ω). (10B.3.1)

The memory kernel being independent of the temperature, its modelization by an expo-nential (formula (10B.1.24)) may be maintained in the quantum case, which amountsto keep the expression (10B.1.23) for <e γ(ω). However, the relation (10B.1.12) be-tween the memory kernel and the random force autocorrelation function has to bemodified. Equation (10B.1.26), which is still formally valid, is then referred to as aquantum Langevin equation. It allows us to describe at any temperature, includingT = 0, the dynamics of the Ohmic free particle.

The main characteristics of the dynamics are the following:13 below some crossovertemperature linked to the bath, the description of the dynamics in terms of Brownianmotion, that is, with well-separated time scales for the random force, on the one hand,and for the particle’s velocity, on the other hand, becomes inadequate. Indeed, at largetimes, both the random force autocorrelation function and the velocity autocorrelationfunction exhibit a long negative time tail ∝ −t−2.

3.1. Velocity autocorrelation function

The detailed study of the velocity autocorrelation function shows that there is acrossover temperature Tc = hω−/πk (or Tc = hγ/πk in the infinitely short mem-ory limit), above and below which 〈v(t)v〉 displays qualitatively different behaviors.For T > Tc, 〈v(t)v〉 is positive at any time. Despite the existence of quantum correc-tions, this regime may be qualified as classical. For T < Tc, 〈v(t)v〉 is first positive,then vanishes, and eventually becomes negative at large times. This regime is qualifiedas quantal.

3.2. Time-dependent diffusion coefficient

For T > Tc, D(t) increases monotonically towards its limit kT/η. However, for T < Tc,D(t) first increases, then passes through a maximum, and eventually slowly decreasestowards kT/η. Thus, in the quantum regime, the time-dependent diffusion coefficientmay exceed its stationary value. The diffusive regime is only attained very slowly, thatis, after a time t � tth (the ‘thermal time’ tth = h/2πkT is a time linked to thetemperature, all the longer as the temperature is lower).

12 Equation (10B.3.1) constitutes the quantum formulation of the second fluctuation-dissipationtheorem (see Chapter 14). It is the quantum generalization of the classical expression for the noisespectral density:

SF (ω) = 2mkT <e γ(ω),

which is obtained by Fourier transformation of formula (10B.1.12) for 〈F (t)F (t+ τ)〉.13 The detailed calculations, fairly intricate, will not be reproduced here.

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268 Brownian motion in a bath of oscillators

At T = 0, D(t) passes through a maximum at a time tm ∼ γ−1. For γt � 1, wehave:

DT=0(t) ∼ h



, γt� 1. (10B.3.2)

The diffusion is then logarithmic:

⟨[x(t)− x]2

⟩∼ 2


πmlog γt, γt� 1. (10B.3.3)

The curves representing D(t) (and the corresponding classical diffusion coefficient) asa function of γt for different temperatures are plotted in Fig. 10B.1.

T = 2Tc

T = Tc

T = Tc/2

T = 0









02 4 6 8 100

Fig. 10B.1 The coefficient D(t) (in dashed lines, its classical counterpart).

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Bibliography 269


U. Weiss, Quantum dissipative systems, World Scientific, Singapore, third edition,.

R. Zwanzig, Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford,.


I.R. Senitzky, Dissipation in quantum mechanics. The harmonic oscillator, Phys.Rev. 119, 670 ().

G.W. Ford, M. Kac, and P. Mazur, Statistical mechanics of assemblies of coupledoscillators, J. Math. Phys. 6, 504 ().

P. Ullersma, An exactly solvable model for Brownian motion, Physica 32, 27, 56,74, 90 ().

A.O. Caldeira and A.J. Leggett, Quantum tunnelling in a dissipative system,Ann. Phys. 149, 374 ().

V. Hakim and V. Ambegaokar, Quantum theory of a free particle interacting witha linearly dissipative environment, Phys. Rev. A 32, 423 ().

C. Aslangul, N. Pottier, and D. Saint-James, Time behavior of the correlationfunctions in a simple dissipative quantum model, J. Stat. Phys. 40, 167 ().

A.J. Leggett, S. Chakravarty, A.T. Dorsey, M.P.A. Fisher, A. Garg, andW. Zwerger, Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system, Rev. Mod. Phys. 59, 1().

G.W. Ford and M. Kac, On the quantum Langevin equation, J. Stat. Phys. 46, 803().

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Supplement 10C

The Nyquist theorem

1. Thermal noise in an electrical circuit

The charge carriers in a conductor in thermodynamic equilibrium are in a state ofpermanent thermal agitation. This thermal noise manifests itself in particular throughfluctuations of the potential difference existing between the extremities of the conduc-tor.

The thermal noise in a linear electrical system was experimentally studied byJ.B. Johnson in 1928. These measurements allowed him to establish that the varianceof the fluctuating potential difference is proportional to the electric resistance and tothe temperature of the conductor (it depends neither on the shape of the latter noron the material which it is made of). From the theoretical point of view, the relationbetween the variance of the fluctuating potential difference, the resistance of the con-ductor, and the temperature was established by H. Nyquist in 1928 (Nyquist formula).The experimental checking of the Nyquist formula allowed for the determination ofthe Boltzmann constant. The thermal noise in a conductor is also designated as theJohnson noise or as the Nyquist noise.

The Nyquist theorem can be extended to a general class of linear dissipativesystems other than electrical ones. Historically, it constitutes one of the first statementsof the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.1

2. The Nyquist theorem

Consider an electrical circuit made up of a resistance R and an inductance L in se-ries. Under the effect of thermal agitation, the electrons of the circuit give rise to afluctuating current I(t). We represent the interactions responsible for this current bya fluctuating potential difference V (t). We assume that the circuit is linear, in otherwords, that the relation between I(t) and V (t) is given by Ohm’s law.

1 In a general way, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem expresses a relation between the admittanceof a linear dissipative system and the equilibrium fluctuations of relevant generalized forces (seeChapter 14).

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The Nyquist theorem 271

2.1. Ohm’s law

In the absence of an external potential difference, Ohm’s law reads:


dt+RI = V (t). (10C.2.1)

Interestingly, equation (10C.2.1) is formally analogous to the Langevin equation ofBrownian motion:


dt+mγv = F (t). (10C.2.2)

The correspondence between equations (10C.2.1) and (10C.2.2) relies on the usualanalogies between electrical quantities and mechanical ones:

L←→ m


L←→ γ

I(t)←→ v(t)

V (t)←→ F (t).


By analogy with the hypotheses made about the Langevin force, we assume thatthe fluctuating potential difference V (t) is a centered stationary random process, withfluctuations characterized by a correlation time τc. We denote by g(τ) = 〈V (t)V (t+τ)〉the autocorrelation function of V (t) and set:∫ ∞

−∞g(τ) dτ = 2DL2. (10C.2.4)

If τc is much shorter than the other characteristic times, such as for instance therelaxation time τr = L/R, we assimilate g(τ) to a delta function of weight 2DL2:

g(τ) = 2DL2δ(τ). (10C.2.5)

2.2. Evolution of the current from a well-defined initial value

If, at time t = 0, the current is perfectly determined and equals I0, its expression at atime t > 0 is:

I(t) = I0e−t/τr +


∫ t


V (t′)e−(t−t′)/τr dt′, t > 0. (10C.2.6)

The average current is given by:⟨I(t)

⟩= I0e

−t/τr , t > 0. (10C.2.7)

The variance of the current evolves with time as:

σ2I (t) = Dτr(1− e−2t/τr ), t > 0. (10C.2.8)

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272 The Nyquist theorem

It saturates at the value Dτr for times t� τr. In this limit 〈I2〉 = Dτr.It can be shown2 that at equilibrium the average value L〈I2〉/2 of the energy

stored in the inductance is equal to kT/2. Once this result is established, we canfollow step by step the approach adopted in the Brownian motion context to derivethe second fluctuation-dissipation theorem. At equilibrium, we have 〈I2〉 = kT/L and〈I2〉 = Dτr as well. We deduce from the identity of both expressions for 〈I2〉 therelation:



kTD, (10C.2.9)

which also reads, on account of the expression for τr and of formula (10C.2.4):

R =1kT

∫ ∞0

⟨V (t)V (t+ τ)

⟩dτ. (10C.2.10)

Formula (10C.2.10) relates the resistance R of the circuit to the autocorrelation func-tion of the fluctuating potential difference. It constitutes the expression in the presentproblem for the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem.

2.3. Spectral density of the thermal noise: the Nyquist theorem

The problem can also be solved by harmonic analysis. The spectral density SV (ω)of the fluctuating potential difference is the Fourier transform of the autocorrrelationfunction of V (t).

In the context of the Nyquist theorem, we rather use, instead of SV (ω), thespectral density JV (ω), defined for positive angular frequencies and related to SV (ω)by:

JV (ω) =

2SV (ω), ω ≥ 0

0, ω < 0.(10C.2.11)

2 This property results from the aforementioned analogy between electrical quantities and mechan-ical ones. It can also be directly demonstrated by considering the current as a macroscopic variableof the system. The probability P (I)dI for the current to have a value between I and I + dI is:

P (I) dI ∼ exp(−




where ∆F is the variation of the free energy with respect to its value at vanishing current. A globalmotion of the charges giving rise to a current I, but leaving their relative states of motion unchanged,has a negligible effect on their entropy. We thus have ∆F = ∆E = LI2/2, so that:

P (I) ∼ exp(−





The average energy stored in the inductance is thus:


2L〈I2〉 =



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The Nyquist theorem 273

We can rewrite formula (10C.2.10) in the equivalent form:

JV (ω = 0) = 4RkT. (10C.2.12)

If we assume that the autocorrelation function of the fluctuating potential differ-ence is a delta function, the associated spectral density is independent of the angularfrequency: thermal noise is white. If this autocorrelation function has a width ∼ τc,the associated spectral density is constant up to angular frequencies ∼ τc−1:

JV (ω) = 4RkT, ω � τc−1. (10C.2.13)

Formula (10C.2.13) constitutes the Nyquist theorem.3

2.4. Generalization to any linear circuit

The complex admittance of the considered circuit is:

A(ω) =1

R− iLω· (10C.2.14)

The complex impedance Z(ω) = 1/A(ω) has an ω-independent real part R. For a moregeneral linear circuit, the real part of Z(ω) may depend on the angular frequency. Itis thus denoted R(ω). The Nyquist theorem then reads:

JV (ω) = 4R(ω)kT, ω � τc−1. (10C.2.15)

The Nyquist theorem is very important in experimental physics and in electronics.It provides a quantitative expression for the noise due to thermal fluctuations in alinear circuit. Therefore it plays a role in any evaluation of the signal-to-noise ratiowhich limits the performances of a device. The spectral density of the thermal noiseis proportional to the temperature. We thus reduce the noise of thermal origin bylowering the temperature.

2.5. Measurement of the Boltzmann constant

The variance of the fluctuating current is given by the integral:⟨I2(t)



∫ ∞0

|A(ω)|2JV (ω) dω, (10C.2.16)

that is, on account of the Nyquist theorem (10C2.13):⟨I2(t)



∫ ∞0

|A(ω)|2R(ω) dω. (10C.2.17)

3 In practice the correlation time τc of the fluctuating potential difference is ∼ 10−14 s. Thespectral density of the thermal noise is thus constant up to angular frequencies ∼ 1014 s−1.

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274 The Nyquist theorem

The values of R(ω) and of |A(ω)|2 are determined experimentally. The measurementof 〈I2(t)〉 thus allows us in principle to obtain the value of the Boltzmann constant.

In practice, we are more interested in the variance of V (t). We measure the contri-bution 〈V 2(t)〉ω to the variance of the angular frequencies belonging to a given range(ω, ω + ∆ω) of positive angular frequencies:

⟨V 2(t)



2πJV (ω)∆ω. (10C.2.18)

Using the Nyquist theorem (10C.2.13), we get:

⟨V 2(t)


=2πR(ω)kT∆ω. (10C.2.19)

The measurement of the ratio 〈V 2(t)〉ω/R(ω) allows us experimental access to thevalue of the Boltzmann constant.

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Bibliography 275


R. Kubo, M. Toda, and N. Hashitsume, Statistical physics II: nonequilibriumstatistical mechanics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, second edition, .

F. Reif, Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics, McGraw-Hill, New York,.


J.B. Johnson, Thermal agitation of electricity in conductors, Phys. Rev. 32, 97().

H. Nyquist, Thermal agitation of electric charge in conductors, Phys. Rev. 32, 110().

R. Kubo, The fluctuation-dissipation theorem and Brownian motion, , TokyoSummer Lectures in Theoretical Physics (R. Kubo editor), Syokabo, Tokyo and Ben-jamin, New York, .

R. Kubo, The fluctuation-dissipation theorem, Rep. Prog. Phys. 29, 255 ().