chapter 1 no excuses keith

From Zero to Million$ Inspirational Success Stories in... Network Marketing Find your “WHY” that makes you cry i

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From Zero to Million$Inspirational Success Stories

in...Network Marketing

Find your “WHY” that makes you cry

Niels Noel Luis Christensen


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hat is your story? If someone makes a movie out of your life will the movie inspire people or

depress people? If you think your life will inspire continue doing what you’re doing and aim for higher and higher success in life. The more successful you become, the more creative you will become and inspire and help others.


If your life’s movie will depress people…it’s now time to think and take a hard look at yourself. Are the results in the different aspects of your life – your faith, family, friends, fitness and finances what you want? If not, you have 2 choices.

The first is do NOTHING and hope and pray a miracle will happened and your life will change. The second is to do SOMETHING no matter how small towards the direction of your dreams. The ironic thing is when you pray and hope for a miracle…the miracle never comes. But when you do something…no matter how small and you take an action step everyday towards achieving your dreams, your life will become a miracle.

The stories you are about to read are stories of miracles. These stories prove that life can be lived as if everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein said that.


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These stories, you are about to read are inspirational stories of triumph over adversities. These stories are stories that prove that stumbling blocks can be turned into stepping stones. These stories shows that successful people are the same as you and I. They have fears, they struggle, they make mistakes and they fail too. But each time they fail they pick themselves up, they lick their wounds and they try again…and again…and again…and again…and they try again until they win. Napoleon Hill said: “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits”.

But here’s a word of warning for you: once you read these inspirational stories you will realize you HAVE NO EXCUSES for failure anymore. You will realize you are responsible for your success or failure no one else to blame but yourself.

If you’re uneasy with the idea of taking FULL responsibility for your life then return this book where you bought it. This book is NOT for you. If you are looking to blame someone else for your failures or lack of results…this book is not for you. If you are looking for a quick fix…a quick solution to your problems…if you’re looking for the next get rich quick scheme…then this book is NOT for you. If you abhor working and you think that money should magically appear from the sky to fall onto your lap this book is NOT for you.

But if you’re willing to do what the people interviewed in this book have done…if you’re wiling to do the work required no matter what…if you’re willing to spend a lot of time learning the business…if you’re willing to get your hands dirty then by all means read this book. Devour it. Absorb it.

All the stories you are about to read are true stories, from real people, real struggles, real failures, real lives. The names in the book have not been changed and I am so grateful having the opportunity to interviewed these amazing people, that I have learned so much from and continue learning, growing due to their enthusiasm and unwavering faith in people.

Imagine these successful people in this book are talking with you directly. Listen to their advice with your


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heart and engrave their advice in your mind. Then get off your behind and go to work. And work everyday…even when you don’t feel like doing so. If you do … will succeed.

Dedicated to your success

Niels Noel Luis Christensen


I want to personal thank you...

dedicate this book to everyone who has had the courage and commitment to pursue their most

inner desire and dreams, with passion, enthusiasm and perseverance. These people are part of the 3 % which have dedicated their lives to greatness, becoming the best they can be.


By your example you have shown the rest of us that whatever your desire, hopes and dreams are. Believe in yourself have unwavering faith, determination and commitment, your dream life will come true. I want acknowledge my gratitude to those amazing heart loving people that I had the chance to interview. Be inspired by, listen to their stories and accomplishment, without YOU this book would not have been written, THANK YOU.


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To my mother and father for loving me unconditionally even though I didn’t listen for your advice because of my stubbornness. I love you of all my heart.

To my sister Lene and brother in law Flemming for being my best friends.

To Bonnie and Robert Butwin, thanks for your amazing insight into the world of network marketing.

To Art Jonak, for arranging this incredible MLM cruise, creating the possibility to associated and introducing me to the people in the group.To Jordan Adler for your inspiring advice.

To Shannon D. Denniston, to listen to your story, knowledge and insights, WOW

To Rod Cook and Marcy Cook, telling about your diverse life and life path.

To Keith McEachern for really nailing down the issue that there are no excuse. Thanks for your straight forward way of looking at things and not judging other people but inspiring them to find their true potentials.

To Ken Seto, thanks for sharing your story, I will from now on always ask myself, who do I associate with.

To Ken Dunn for your amazing life change, thanks for sharing. Thanks for your support and advice for publishing.

To Travis & Summer, you guys are just incredible, deep respect for your life journey you absolute deserve the best.

To Lior Skaler, thanks for really nailing down the human behavior and how to inspire and empower people.


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To Dakota Rea, amazing what a burning desire for improvement can do, you´re a living example for made the impossible the possible. Touching story, right from your heart.

To Nikita Gromyko, your relax way of handling this business is in daring.

To Juan Carlos Barrios, such a pleasure knowing you and have the chance to be around you. Feeling your energy and the effect you have on people, very inspiring, thanks.

To Tom Big Al Schreiter for your direct guidance and humor.

To Richard for our fantastic mastermind at the beach at St. Marteen. Fantastic advice and insight into the “publishing world”

To Stephan Iscoe for your amazing and creative way of looking at marketing, thanks thousand falls for your incredible advice.

Further more thanks to all you amazing people that I had the chance to associated with on the MLM cruise, that has supported me introduced me to seven figure income earners and your inspiring insights. Todd and Carla Falcon, Josephine Gross, Ed and Nancy Euken, Alex W. Fraser, John klarskov, Lyudmila Abdurakhmanova, Tom and Donna Helm, Trace , John.

To Bob Proctor for giving me feedback and writing the foreword for this book. Further thanks to Gina for handling all communications.


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Chapter 1

No Excuses

e just finished lunch when I saw the guy in the Hawaiian shirt approached us. I was so glad he

was walking in my direction. “So you’re having interviews. How is it going?” he asked me with a slight smile on his face. “It’s great!” I said and I continued“…...I want to interview you.” I lied.

It wasn’t great. Two BIG network marketers whom I were hoping to interview just turned me down. I was feeling depressed from the rejection of these 2 big earners. So I was pleasantly surprised when the guy in the Hawaiian responded when I could interview him he responded: “Right now.”

“I want to see some sun though” he demanded. So I followed him as he walked outside on the deck of the cruise ship.


I boarded a cruise ship to interview these successful network marketers. Flew all the way from Malmoe, Sweden.

When we went outside, it was a cloudy day and there wasn’t much sun. But a few minutes into the interview I realized the message that one can derive from Keith McEachern’s story – the guy in the Hawaiian shirt – is as bright as the sun. The bright clear message is this: “There are NO excuses!”

By the time you finish reading Keith’s story you will


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realize that whatever excuse you have for failing in network marketing is just that – an excuse and it is A LOUSY EXCUSE at that (the truth is all excuses are LOUSY!). If you’re good in making excuses…as I said in the Introduction…I will be perfectly happy if you just close this book and return it. This book is NOT for you. But if you take responsibility for your life…by all means read this chapter, be inspired and learn from Keith’s story.

My Jaw Dropped When Keith Told Me His Darkest Secret

“I built my first network marketing company from prison.” Keith said matter of factly. My jaw dropped. I was not expecting anything like this. I was speechless as well. “I was a former marijuana smuggler. The truth is it was not about the money. I met this Caribbean girl and she wanted to smuggle marijuana and I helped her.” Keith continued with some embarrassment in his voice. Then he explained, “But I realized the mistake so I started straightening my life and broke up with this girl. I told my soon to be wife about this because she deserved to know the truth about me living a double life.”

Apparently it took the federal government 7 years to track him down but when they did they took everything from him. His fiancé then later his wife stayed by his side all throughout his darkest hour.

“I found out from the judge that I had 24 days to set my life in order prior to me going to prison.” Keith explained. He joined a Network Marketing company just before getting caught. “So I called 1,500 people before going to prison. I spent 20 hour days, I looked like shit after wards and I told my wife ‘Honey, don’t worry about me. I will get enough rest in prison’” he said with a chuckle. I laughed.

Then his face looked serious. “you have to have a “Why” that makes you cry” he said. “And my “Why”


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is I don’t want to see my wife and kids go hungry.” And this “Why” propelled him to do the impossible. Just before he went to prison he managed to recruit 44 people in his down-line.

But the truth is it was not easy and he did not let his people do all the work. Even while he was in prison he worked tirelessly in building his business. He was not allowed to make calls in prison but he found a way to prospect using the telephone.

The Phone Room

“One of the things I’ve learned is the importance of knowing what is valuable to people.”“I realized the warden we had at the time measures how good his prison is by how shiny the floors are” he explained. One of the “eye sores” or problem areas in prison was the “phone room”. The inmates and prisoners would throw their trash everywhere. They would stick their gums by the phone and throw it on the floor. It was a mess.

Keith was pretty handy so he volunteered to clean the phone room. He stripped the floor bare and put several layers of wax while buffing it in between. It took him a long time to do this but the benefit of this was that the floors are now so easy to clean. The gum and trash and scuff marks come off easily. Before he “rejuvenated” the floors it takes 4 hours to clean it. Now it only takes 1 hour. Even though it was “illegal” for an inmate to use the telephone and make personal much less “business” calls, Keith did so anyway.

He used his remaining 3 hours a day in calling prospects. He did 3 way calls with his up-line and called his wife to handle the paperwork to close the deals. Slowly but surely he built his down-line. His Why was so strong he risked getting found out and being thrown in the “Hole”. He was eventually found out and he got thrown in the hole but Keith did it again and again.

Before you say you have no time to call prospects


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remember Keith’s “The Phone Room” story.Keith told me one thing I will never forget: “The real

measure of a person is the degree to which he takes full responsibility.” And he lives those words not just say them. He never blamed the fact he was in prison. He never made not being allowed to make phone calls an excuse. Despite these limitations, he pushed on and persevered when most people would just quit.

The warden eventually saw that Keith was different from the other prisoners. He was handy and very responsible. In 13 months Keith was transferred to a work cadre where he helped improve and renovate again. Seven months later the warden decided to transfer him to a half-way house but since there was no half-way house available they allowed Keith to stay in a house under a “Home Confinement” sentence. This was actually excellent for Keith as this gave him even more time to spend on his now growing network marketing business. While being 26 months in prison, Keith built a network marketing organization that provided him a whopping $20,000 a month in passive income (this was back in the 80s!).

“After I came out of prison I worked like a mad man. My income grew from $20,000 a month to $250,000 a month in just a few years” Keith said with a big smile on his face. My jaw dropped again. But this time it dropped not out of shock but out of admiration. This unassuming man in a Hawaiian shirt makes more money than 97% of the people on the planet and you will never have guessed it with the way he carries himself…in the way he speaks and definitely not with his Hawaiian shirt.

“Saddling Up”

I asked Keith this question: “Why do most people who join network marketing fail while a few people like you succeed?” His answer is so true but the way he answered it will make me remember his answer forever.


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He told me that before you ride a horse you need to put a saddle on the horse’s back. “Most people are always “saddling up”. They will put the saddle on and they will say ‘Hmm…it’s not that sunny today so I will not ride the horse…May be tomorrow I will.’ When tomorrow comes, he will saddle up again…May be even sit on the horse but he will say ‘Hmm…May be the trail is not clear so I will clear the trail first before I ride the horse.’ And when that is done…by tomorrow, he will saddle up again and will have yet another excuse.”

“Most people are always just ‘saddling up’ and they don’t dare just ride the horse” Keith explained. Most people are always getting ready. “you don’t have to know everything you need to know in order to do it (the business). You just have to believe you can do it” these are powerful words from a man who acts in a massive way even if his ‘saddle is not yet ready’.

Keith’s Second and Third Best Ways to Generate Prospects

I asked him “Keith what are ways for you to generate leads?” I was a little disappointed with his answer, “Make a list of people…” and in my mind I thought he would say the standard answer of ‘Make a list of 100 friends and family’.

But instead he said “Make a list of people whom you have done business with in the past and those relatives who have helped you financially before.” He then explained something amazing “I don’t recruit family and friends. Most network marketers say that you should start with family and friends BUT it does not work.” He continued, “you want to start first with people in your community whom you have done business with in the past. Start with your real estate agent, your barber, your plumber. Anyone whom you have paid for a service is someone who might be open to a network marketing opportunity.” He then explained that relatives who were


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willing to lend you money or gave you money are also more open to joining your network marketing opportunity. They know you and trust you enough to help you financially and if you mention your direct sales business chances are they will be open to at least listen to you.

“I am also good with the 3-ft circle” Keith continued. “Most of these so-called network marketing ‘experts’ will tell you DO NOT prejudge people as to whom the business is suited for. I say you cannot NOT prejudge. In fact you should use your intuition so you don’t deal with someone whom you know just won’t work the business.” Keith is so different from the mold and his results shows it.

Keith went on to explain that he looks for those people with “attitude” or those with personality. He looks for that bagger at the grocery store who times himself and tries to beat his fastest time to bag groceries. He looks for people who dare to be different and then he asks them a provocative question after he establishes some rapport with them which is “When is it that you are going to become the person you are meant to be?” He makes people understand they have unrealized potential and this makes them feel good. This is when he will then ask the question, “Have you found an opportunity that allows you to achieve your dreams or are you still open-minded?” He will then use this question as a way to introduce them to his network marketing opportunity.

The Bulletin Board

Even though making a list of people you’ve done business with and befriending people in your 3-feet circle sounds great. Nothing will compare with the power of a simple lead generation technique that Keith has perfected over the years. I call it “The Bulletin Board Technique”. Keith said jokingly, “When you go to a barber shop, or a restaurant or even a church and you


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see a bulletin board where small business owners can post their advertisement and business cards…and it’s neatly organized, I’ve cleaned it and organized it. I clean up half the bulletin boards in all of America.” Keith laughed at his own joke. And I smiled but the confusion on my face might have been apparent and Keith had to explain what he meant…

“On the bulletin boards, small business owners post their ads and their business cards. They’re doing marketing so they’re selling something. I collect their names and phone numbers and I call them. I tell them: “I am building a multimillion dollar business and I am building a massive sales organization in your area.” Just mentioning this prompts the prospects to ask him “What do you do?” This in turn becomes a good seaway for Keith to talk about his MLM business. The Bulletin Board technique turned out to be very profitable for Keith so much so that when I asked him what will he do differently to his network marketing business if he can do it all over again he said “I will do the bulletin board clean up technique much sooner.”

How to Make $100,000 Per Phone Call…?

“I have this colleague of mine…” Keith slowly explained “…whom I want to be part of a new network marketing company I joined.” But this colleague of his reasoned that this new network marketing company would not survive and he gave Keith good reasons as to why it should not work. This colleague of his also lied about the money he was making in the network marketing company he was part of. In fact, at one point he did not even have the money to pay for his house and Keith volunteered to help him with his lodging issues. Keith followed up this man calling him 27 times over the next 9 years. Keith did not give up. On the 27 th

phone call…finally this colleague of Keith confessed about his financial difficulties and he joined the network marketing company of Keith. Over the next 2 years this


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colleague of Keith built an organization that made Keith $2.7 Million! Given that Keith made 27 phone calls…he made $100,000 per phone call.

Next time you’re afraid of following up your prospects think about the $ you’re losing because you’re not willing to make that phone call!

What if The 1101st Phone Call Is a “YES!”?

I asked Keith, “How do you keep yourself motivated?” I explained that some network marketers specially beginners get discouraged easily and a lot of them give up too early. Keith said “Dry spells are natural. In one case I made 1,100 presentations and all of them said “NO”.” He then explained that he got a list of 1,800 people and he called 1,100 of them. One by one all of these 1,100 people said NO to his sales presentation. Instead of getting discouraged he figured since he has made successful sales presentations before, the problem is “THEM” not him. His strong self belief carried him through this long “dry spell” and his 1101st

presentation turned into a sale.

What about you? How much do you believe in you?


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No Excuses

From Zero to Million$ Strategy:

Saddle up and just ride “the horse” Find your “WHY” that makes you cry Clean up bulletin boards Don't take rejection personally DO NOT prejudge people, you never know people

change it could be a million dollars hitter. Take action regardless of your circumstances.