chapter 1 introductionintroduction 1 scope of the chapter purposes of the autopsy autopsy techniques...

Introduction 1 Scope of the Chapter Purposes of the autopsy Autopsy techniques Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicine that directs its efforts to the scientific study of the human body after death. The objectives of the autopsy include: the evaluation of clinical diag- noses; the detection and diagnosis of unsuspect- ed diseases; the study of the cause, nature, and development of disease; determination of the cause of death; assisting in the assessment of the validity, value, and appropriateness of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; provision of infor- mation to families, physicians, and society; qual- ity assurance in medicine; and medical education and training. The autopsy is a professional activ- ity that requires the application of extensive knowledge and technical ability to the art and science of its performance and interpretation. The autopsy makes major contributions to the elucidation of disease pathogenesis by providing the observations for construction of pathogenetic hypotheses. While the initial idea usually origi- nates from a single autopsy, the examination of the hypothesis depends on the study of a number of examples, which, it is hoped, will demonstrate the steps in the sequence of development of a lesion or process. Well-performed autopsies can make substantial contributions to the advance- ment of medicine. The postmortem examination must be sys- tematic; it must be as complete as custom or law will allow or as the goals of the autopsy dictate, and a proper technique of examination is manda- tory. Technique in the performance of an autopsy, as in many other endeavors, is not synonymous with a rigid system. Technique comes to be an individual matter, compounded of experience, judgment, and manual skill. Individual tech- niques may differ in detail even though their underlying principles and purposes are identical. The procedures must be sufficiently flexible to adapt to the demands of the individual case, and the prosector should prepare for the unusual case by acquiring dexterity in alternate techniques. Autopsy Techniques A number of general and specific autopsy tech- niques have been described, and a bibliography citing many of these has been assembled. 1 The four major autopsy techniques differ chiefly in the methods used in removal of the organs and the order in which they are opened. The history of the development of these techniques has been discussed. 2,3 Individual differences in the ap- proach to the autopsy are generally only minor variations of one of the following procedures. Knowledge of these different techniques is useful, allowing one to keep an open mind to the various ways of performing an autopsy. Virchow Technique In the Virchow technique, the organs are re- moved one by one and dissected as removed. This approach is good for demonstrating pathological change in individual organs, especially in high- risk autopsies or where permission is limited to one organ. This organ can be immediately removed and examined. The disadvantage of this technique is that relationships between various organs may be hard to interpret. Chapter 1 Introduction We must turn to nature itself, to the observations of the body in health and disease, to learn the truth. — Hippocrates

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Page 1: Chapter 1 IntroductionIntroduction 1 Scope of the Chapter Purposes of the autopsy Autopsy techniques Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicine that directs its efforts to the scientific

Introduction 1

Scope of the Chapter

❍ Purposes of the autopsy ❍ Autopsy techniques

Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicinethat directs its efforts to the scientific study of thehuman body after death. The objectives of theautopsy include: the evaluation of clinical diag-noses; the detection and diagnosis of unsuspect-ed diseases; the study of the cause, nature, anddevelopment of disease; determination of thecause of death; assisting in the assessment of thevalidity, value, and appropriateness of diagnosticand therapeutic procedures; provision of infor-mation to families, physicians, and society; qual-ity assurance in medicine; and medical educationand training. The autopsy is a professional activ-ity that requires the application of extensiveknowledge and technical ability to the art andscience of its performance and interpretation.

The autopsy makes major contributions to theelucidation of disease pathogenesis by providingthe observations for construction of pathogenetichypotheses. While the initial idea usually origi-nates from a single autopsy, the examination ofthe hypothesis depends on the study of a numberof examples, which, it is hoped, will demonstratethe steps in the sequence of development of alesion or process. Well-performed autopsies canmake substantial contributions to the advance-ment of medicine.

The postmortem examination must be sys-tematic; it must be as complete as custom or lawwill allow or as the goals of the autopsy dictate,and a proper technique of examination is manda-tory. Technique in the performance of an autopsy,

as in many other endeavors, is not synonymouswith a rigid system. Technique comes to be anindividual matter, compounded of experience,judgment, and manual skill. Individual tech-niques may differ in detail even though theirunderlying principles and purposes are identical.The procedures must be sufficiently flexible toadapt to the demands of the individual case, andthe prosector should prepare for the unusual caseby acquiring dexterity in alternate techniques.

Autopsy Techniques

A number of general and specific autopsy tech-niques have been described, and a bibliographyciting many of these has been assembled.1 Thefour major autopsy techniques differ chiefly inthe methods used in removal of the organs andthe order in which they are opened. The historyof the development of these techniques has beendiscussed.2,3 Individual differences in the ap-proach to the autopsy are generally only minorvariations of one of the following procedures.Knowledge of these different techniques is useful,allowing one to keep an open mind to the variousways of performing an autopsy.

Virchow TechniqueIn the Virchow technique, the organs are re-moved one by one and dissected as removed. Thisapproach is good for demonstrating pathologicalchange in individual organs, especially in high-risk autopsies or where permission is limited toone organ. This organ can be immediatelyremoved and examined. The disadvantage of thistechnique is that relationships between variousorgans may be hard to interpret.

Chapter 1Introduction

We must turn to nature itself, to the observationsof the body in health and disease, to learn the truth.

— Hippocrates

Page 2: Chapter 1 IntroductionIntroduction 1 Scope of the Chapter Purposes of the autopsy Autopsy techniques Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicine that directs its efforts to the scientific

2 An Introduction to Autopsy Technique

Rokitansky TechniqueThis procedure is characterized by in situ dissec-tion, in part combined with en bloc removal. Theterm “Rokitansky technique” is used erroneouslyby many pathologists to designate the en massetechnique.

En Masse TechniqueThoracic, cervical, abdominal, and pelvic organsare removed en masse and subsequently dissectedinto organ blocks. This is the best technique forpreserving the vascular supply and relationshipsbetween organs. Another advantage is that thebody can be made available to the undertakerquickly, without having to rush the dissectionand risk obscuring findings or destroying impor-tant specimens. The major disadvantage is thatthe organ mass is often awkward to handle, andthe autopsy is difficult to perform without anassistant. The en masse technique is the methodthat will be described in this manual.

En Bloc TechniqueVarious modifications of the en bloc techniqueare widely used. Thoracic and cervical organs,abdominal organs, and the urogenital system areremoved in functionally related blocks. This pro-cedure is a compromise between the Virchow anden masse techniques, preserving anatomical rela-tionships sufficiently for most cases while beingsimpler for one person to execute.


1. Volmar KE. History of autopsy technique.In: Collins KA, Hutchins GM, eds. AutopsyPerformance & Reporting. 2nd ed. Northfield,Ill: College of American Pathologists; 2003.

2. Mallory FB. Pathological Technique: A Practi-cal Manual for Workers in Pathological Histol-ogy Including Directions for the Performance ofAutopsies and for Microphotography. Philadel-phia, Pa: W B Saunders Co; 1938.

3. Ludwig J. Handbook of Autopsy Practice.3rd ed. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2002.

Page 3: Chapter 1 IntroductionIntroduction 1 Scope of the Chapter Purposes of the autopsy Autopsy techniques Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicine that directs its efforts to the scientific

College of American Pathologists © 2005


Identify the body.

Verify autopsy permit: validity and extent.

Weigh, measure, and inspect the body for:- presentation- marks of therapy- identification- perimortem/postmortem changes

Measure and compare leg circumferences at 10-cm intervals above the medial malleoli.

Make the primary incisions.

1. Y-incision. Stay above the anterior axillary line.

2. Knee incision.

3. Chest-only incision.

4. Abdomen-only incision


Page 4: Chapter 1 IntroductionIntroduction 1 Scope of the Chapter Purposes of the autopsy Autopsy techniques Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicine that directs its efforts to the scientific

College of American Pathologists © 2005

1. Reflect the skin flaps. Cut perpendicular to the ribcage. Make relaxing incisions in the peritoneum and musculature about 15 cm above the symphysis.

2. Check for tension pneumothorax. Make a pool of water in the axilla. Push closed clamp through an intercostal muscle beneath the water level.

3. Release the chest plate. Cut ribs medial to costochondral junction and the clavicle lateral to the sternoclavicular joint, with either:a. an oscillating saw;b. a linoleum knife and bone shears; orc. pruning shears (inexpensive alternative).

4. Preserve the muscle attachments to the manubrium and head of the clavicle.

5. Detach the diaphragm from the chest plate.

Inspect surfaces and contents of the pleural spaces.



Page 5: Chapter 1 IntroductionIntroduction 1 Scope of the Chapter Purposes of the autopsy Autopsy techniques Autopsy pathology is the practice of medicine that directs its efforts to the scientific

College of American Pathologists © 2005

1. Reflect chest plate and strap muscles to expose the lower neck.

2. Blunt dissect thymic fat pad from the pericardium. Carry reflection upward to lower pole of thyroid. Cut the thymic vein where it enters the innominate vein.

3. Double-clamp, divide, and reflect the innominate vein.

4. Open pericardium and clamp edges. Inspect pericardial surfaces and contents.

5. Extend the pericardial incision through the pericardial reflection.

6. Isolate and ligate the carotid arteries.

7. Lift the heart cranially and draw blood samples from the left atrium.

IN SITU EXAMINATION. Examine the heart. Elevate, palpate, and inspect the lungs. Collect specimens for microbiology, toxicology, etc. Take any cultures after searing the surface.