chappatis-- listen and speak

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  • 8/13/2019 Chappatis-- Listen and Speak


    Comprhension orale partir dun court dialogue enregistr, extrait du film Bend it like Beckham ; dispute

    entre Jesse et sa mre au sujet du proche avenir de sa fille.

    Exploitation des diffrentes voix, du ton de chacun des personnages, de la domination de la mre.

    Rebrassage de lexpression du contraste et introduction de la prfrence (general preferences = to prefer+Ving

    to+Ving/ to like+Ving better). Lexique autour de lautorit et du manque dautorit ou de louverture desprit,

    rebrassage des tches mnagres.

    Une fiche daide la comprhensionsera distribue aux lves aprs une premire coute globale, mise en commun

    rapide sans prise de notes ni corrections si info errone.

    Rponses attendues aprs 2 coutes.


    Type of document: a dialogue/conversation an argument / a disagreement / to argue with / to disagree with

    Number of characters present: 3

    Main character Secondary characters

    Name: Jesse

    Probable age: a teenager

    Place of residence: in London / in the

    suburbs of London

    Favourite pastime/hobby : football

    Plans for the near future: playing in a girls

    team / being selected by the coach / playingmore often, regularly.

    How they are related to the main character: Jesses parents

    Their attitudes: Her mother is talking a lot / she is screaming at

    her / she is getting excited whereas her father is not talking

    much/ He just mumbles from time to time.

    Their points of view about the main character:

    They both agree that she must stop playing football and start

    behaving like a proper woman

    Their probable characters: shy, submissive, weak, lenient,

    understanding strict, authoritative,narrow-minded

    The different topics mentioned:

    1. Football 2. Wedding/getting married or engaged 3. Cooking/traditions/customsThe title of the document: Chappatis or footballWhat does it refer to? 2 different cultures, the British or European culture and the Indian customs

    Express the main characters preference: Jesse prefers playing football to cooking / going out with friends to staying at

    home with her parents / being independent/free to getting engaged/ carrying on with her studies and finding a job to

    being a housewife.

    Explain the fathers words:Your mother is right (). You must start behaving like a proper woman. What sort of

    woman is a proper woman in his opinion?

    A proper woman is supposed to cook, look after the children, stay at home, do the washing-up, clean, do the house

    chores / be a housewife.

    She should/must

    HOMEWORK: written work

    In your opinion, what is Jesse going to do after this conversation? Obey her mother, be submissive, submit to her

    mothers wishes and stop playing or go on playing, keep on playing, cling to her dreams?

  • 8/13/2019 Chappatis-- Listen and Speak



    Type of document:

    Number of characters present:

    Main character Secondary characters


    Probable age:

    Place of residence:

    Favourite pastime/hobby :

    Plans for the near future:

    How they are related to the main character:

    Their attitudes:

    Their points of view about the main character:

    Their probable characters:

    The different topics mentioned:

    1. 2. 3.The title of the document:

    What does it refer to?

    Express the main characters preference: