chaotic paramour chapter 2

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  • 8/14/2019 Chaotic Paramour Chapter 2


    I awoke in a small, dark room to the smell of him,overwhelming me. I was in a small bed with silk sheetsthough it was so dark I couldn't tell what color they were. Isat up and scanned the room for anything I could see but allI could see was a small open window across the roomwhere Angelo was standing. He was facing me but all Icould make out was his silouette in the moonlight.

    "Good evening love" he said sweetly

    "Where are we?" I coughed out with my morning voice.

    "We....are at my house... in my room... and you,sweetheart,......are in my bed." he said in a sly tone

    My mind was murky. I recalled everything that happenedbut it couldn't possibly be true. I am in a heavenly bed withan angel perched by a moonlit window? Yeah...right. Am Isleeping still? No way, It's all too real. I grabbed his pillowand buried my face in it to inhale his sweet scent. I have

    never been able to smell in my sleep before...but now I can't be sleeping.

    "Am I...dead?" I asked with uncontrollable enthusiasm .Angelo began to giggle like a gossiping cheer leader.

    "It's not a joke I am serious!" he sped across the room ina blur and was suddenly sitting on the bed next to me.

    "oooooookaaaayyyyy. I told you I was dead." I said indisbelief of what I had just seen him do

    "your not dead"

    "How the hell do you know? you could be dead with

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    He put his hand up by my face and caressed my browbone with his thumb.

    "Well then...I am in heaven and I don't care whether I amdead or not" he whispered to me and leaned in for a kiss. Itried to resist, after all...I had seen some pretty weird thingsfrom him recently but I decided that I was dreaming. Weirdthings happen in dreams all the time, besides kepolo wasn'there and my angel was, how bad could it be to just enjoy ituntil I woke up? so I gave in. My heart tripling in speed. I

    was nervous and excited all at the same time. After only asecond he pulled away. That's it? It's my dream and all I getis a peck? I felt like a spoiled teenager who wasn't gettingwhat she wants. I huffed a little and then yawned.

    Ok I'll play along "What did you do to me at the school?Why am I so drained?"

    "I'll explain everything in the morning, but right now you need to sleep and so do I" Then he got up and started towalk towards the door that I could slightly see now that myeyes had adjusted.

    "Where are you going?" I asked in a sweet tired tone

    "I am going to sleep on the couch. The living room is right outside this door if you need anything just yell" He explainedas he stepped out the door and closed it behind him

    I awoke the next morning with him sitting on the bed nextto me looking deeply into my sleepy eyes

    "Good morning sweetheart"

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    "Oh hey" I said. Too unreal, it's not a dream. It can't be. Iam still here.

    "hey darling did I wake you?"

    "Don't laugh but i'm kinda nervous to talk to you" Iconfessed

    "why? don't be, hunny, i'm just an everyday person in fear of his life for this worlds oblivious extinction" who talks likethat? Who the hell is this guy? I thought.

    "ok, Who are you?" I responded in total confusion "I am different from the other people of this planet

    individualizing my single existence of a dying breed for I amthe only and last of my kind" he responded. My mind notquite grasping it's he speaking metaphorically?or is he telling me he is a whole new species? Either way

    he's gotta be crazy. Guys don't speak in metaphor's...andHe has lost his mind if he thinks I'm going to believe all thatstuff from last night really happened. I don't know how I gothere but It is too far fetched to believe what I had seen. Soi'll go with metaphor...

    "You make me speechless" I admitted...I didn't knowwhat else to say.

    "Why do I make you speechless?"

    "because guys are not deep...they are shallow simpleminded creatures that are only interested in when you say things that reach deeper thanskin it surprises me and I don't know what to say...I

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    cannot even put you in the category of aresome sorta superhuman figment of myimagination....but you breathe....or at lease I think youbreathe" I looked closely at him to see if he did indeedbreathe. I looked, but his chest wasn't moving and therewas no indication that he was breathing. suddenly facestarted to turn red and he gasped for air.

    "Not funny!!!" I said sternly. He gave me a coy smile andsaid

    "I believe I breathe, but only from the outside in, Because

    everyday I strive, hoping that its not my last."

    "I know, that involuntary breathing thing drives mecrazy." I said sarcastically.This guy is unbelieveable.

    "But you should never be nervous to talk to me, I am just like everyone else, except I know that the world really spinsin the opposite direction making everyone lose sight of what

    goes on" I was lost...I understood....sort of. I mean, I knowwhat life is like. My life has not exactly been peaches andcream...until now. Angelo seemed to be speaking to mysoul. My mind didn't understand fully but my heart did.

    "'s hard for me to lose sight of you." My heartconfessed. I let my mind go.

    "And why is that?" he responded.

    "I......don't know" I forced my mind to respond. I looked into his cool ice blue eyes and my heart took over, continuingwith

    "Your magnetic.I have never felt this open. I feel like atotal crazy person right now. I am a little out of my

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    element. I thought I was alone here, but I guess You areout here with me."

    "Well, I like the open mind, because with no open mind how is this world to take on the knowledge to survive thisdying planet?" Who and what are you? I was dying to askbut I wasn't sure I was ready to hear the answer. so I didn'task.

    "You are so......" I searched for the words "out of thebox"

    "Yes this is me. My purpose and mean is define the wallsthat we call life or is it death? but yeah, this is me if no one likes it too bad I change for

    no one" He had shattered my walls, broke the mold I wasstuck in. I was on unfamiliar ground.

    "But the problem is...when you find the walls and aresure that is the find someone who seems to

    make them evaporate" I said in complete honesty."yes, or I find where the mouse comes in so I can see

    light, and knowing that there is a way out, I say to that light...take this life in flames and discretely make the floodssubdue the fire." I was on such different ground than I hadbeen yesterday...I was scared...scared I would say toomuch. Scared I would chase this glorious creature,whatever he may be, away. My mind took over again. I needednormal conversation before I was lost in this legend that hadbecome my reality.

    "So..." I searched for something normal to ask... "What'syour favorite color?" I looked deeply into his sweet eyes.

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    "I have two, black and ice blue like...."

    "your eyes" I finished his sentence before continuing "Iagree, with both and don't even get me started on your eyes."

    "Why? What you mean by that?" He asked for it and I canno longer tell my heart to shut up

    "Like you don't know...Your eyes speak the words thatwouldn't make any sense if you tried to say them withyour mouth.They have their own calling about them." I

    looked deeply into his eyes that were filled with so muchdepth I felt like I was his love. "They are likeGazing into a star filled sky and breathing in the beautyof it...there is so much going on that you can't explainbut you don't even want to...You get happily lost and

    just absorb the beauty and feelings with greatadmiration."

    "Ah, I see and that is the same for you dear. Your as deepas I am. I wish I had found you a long time ago, I would not be alone."

    "You are not alone. There are two of us here now and Idon't foretell there being anymore. Unfortunately,nowadays, to find any depth in most people you need togive them cement shoes and throw them overboard."

    "No, there will not be anymore but you and I, because weshall not let them destroy our heart. I will wipe them out, all of them, before I let them take you from me." OUR heart? Inoticed he had said it as if we were one. Feeling it soundsright, but if I were to repeat this to anyone else I would justlook like a fool. Falling for the first guy I meet. My mind was

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    telling me this all seems wrong, and way too fast but myheart could not resist his sweet words, my body could notshun his touch and my eyes could not leave his. I was lost.It didn't have to make sense to my mind....I didn't care if thiswas smart. Love is only a matter of the heart. I argued withmyself before asking

    "What happens when you wake up and realize youhave been transported to a world with nothing butinsects leeching of your heart and soul...but there isone who seems to speak your language and is alsotrapped there with you but the bugs are so thick that

    the other person is just out of your reach?"

    "That's a good one. My body would then be used as anextension of my soul and I would reach to you. Becausespeaking of them I know you mean us and you would not have to worry. I would find the logic and reasoning in my heart to grab you before the last beat."

    "Am I that transparent?" I asked with a little giggle."I never give up on finding the truth of ones existence and

    ones hearts meaning."

    "Bare with my cheesyness for a second, but do youbelieve in fate or is everything just chance?"

    "Chance is what you make of ones own fate, but thenagain, is fate chance? I see it as possibly, a new opening toanother door that can hopefully lead you to that place you have sought for so long. Like for instance, that chance wasmy fate to give you the answer that you sought and still leave room for reason."

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    "What is the place that you seek?"

    "I seek the person who will make my existence a reality instead of a mistaken dream, I just wish I knew who..." Hestared deeply into my eyes searching for the answer.

    "Well, you were looking in the wrong places... Ithink....... As if i'd be so lucky." I turned away from hishypnotic gaze and glanced back with hope in my eyes.

    "I think I might have mistaken my desired places, but thenagain, what about you? Ever think that you could have been

    mistaken by being here?"

    "Well, lets see...If I had never been where I have, andgone through what I have.... I may have never foundy...." I had to correct myself I did not want to presume thesweet things he had said were meant toward me. "I mayhave never found..Someone.. who seems to sing to mysoul. So in that fact, as of this moment, no, I don't think

    I wasn't supposed to be here. I think I am exactly whereI needed to be at this moment."

    "Good, now we have time to grow knowledge of eachother and feed off of each others need to survive this painful word"

    The sun shone so brightly through the small windowforming a checker like pattern on the floor. The sheets I hadbeen laying on were ice blue. Across the room was adresser with japanese figurines on it. A large jade dragonsat in the center of the little budah's and dragonfigurines.they were all organized perfectly atop the cherrywood dresser. His carpet was bright white shag that lookedlike clouds had rested there for his comfort. His walls were a

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    dark midnight blue with framed dragons that seemed to bemade of silk in all different hues. he had a small shelf nextto the bed with dozens of books stacked in alphabeticalorder. On top of the book case there was a samurai statueabout sixteen inches high. I stood up to get a better look. Itseemed to be made of metal although I did not dare totouch it. It was dressed in full armor the kind of elaboratestuff you see in the movies. It seemed to peer at me throughthe slits in the helmet. It was standing in an offensiveposition with the sword held above its head ready to strike.It was horrifyingly magnificent.

    "You like it?" angelo asked

    "It's amazing."

    "I have had it for years" he told me.

    Before I could ask where he got it from, I heard a loud highpitched beeping. He reached into his pocket and pulled out

    a pager. he looked at it with great concentration and thenpushed the button and put it back in his pocket.

    "You have a pager?" I giggled out


    "Why don't you have a cell phone like everyone else?"I inquired

    "You don't have a cell phone" he brought to my attention

    "well ok, everyone but me."

    "It's just for work, they page me when they need me to

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    come in." he explained

    "...And where do you work?"

    "Well....I.....I help people..." he said but I just looked at himwaiting for more of an explanation than he seemed to bewilling to give. Then he continued with "I think it would bebetter if I showed you."

    "Ok, then lets go." I demanded

    "Not now I only go in at night... but I will take you with me."

    he pleaded

    "ok." I gave in as I looked into his eyes...He seemed to bescared for some reason so I didn't push it. I sat back on thebed next to him and he scooted to the wall that the bed wasagainst and reached up from behind me grabbing mearound my waist and pulling me to him. I could feel hisheartbeat against my back, matching the beat of mine,

    thumping slowly like we were asleep. His strong arms heldme tightly as though he thought I would disappear at anymoment. I took my hands and entwined my fingers with his.I laid my head against his chest and listened to his sweetbreathing. This cant be real I thought again but I didn't careanymore. I didn't care what he might be, or how he did thethings I had seen. It didn't matter anymore...He was mineand I was his.

    We laid there in silence for quite a while our bodiesmelting into place with one another. At one point I lookeddown and I couldn't tell where his hand began and mineended. I broke the silence.

    "What are you thinking about?" I asked. I wanted tohear his sweet voice again.

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    "Tell me....please."

    "you don't wanna know."

    "Yes I do!" I demanded

    "Well I am not going to tell you....not yet anyway."

    "Yes you are!" I said as I let his hand go and poked him in

    the side playfully. He twitched away from my hand.

    "Hey, That's not nice..." He exclaimed

    "I never said I was nice." I said very much like a little kidsaying nanny nanny boo boo. He broke the lock his armshad me in and grabbed both my sides and began to tickleme. We wrestled around for a little bit until he had me

    pinned underneath him. He had me straddled...his legs oneither side of my hips and both my hands were pinnedabove my head by his. Our eyes locked again and I startedto feel defeated when I spoke up.

    "ow ow ow ow" He let go of me and backed up instantly

    "Are you ok....did I hurt you?" He asked with fear in hiseyes

    "Nope!" I responded as I pounced on him attempting toget him into that same position. Except....with a big boomwe both hit the floor. The wrestling continued as though wehad never fallen. I managed to get on top of him but I ampretty sure he let me. I pinned his hands and exclaimed my

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    victory."Gotcha!" He stopped the struggle altogether and just

    gazed into my eyes with such innocence I was getting lost inthem again.

    "That's not fair...." I said

    "What?" He asked as though he didn't know what I meant.

    "You know exactly what I am talking about." I saidplayfully

    "No...." he explained as he quickly moved his arms out

    from my grip...He placed his left hand on my side and hisright hand on the back of my head and spun me around.before I had even realized he had moved his hands he wason top of me gently lowering my head to the floor...

    ".....This is not fair" he said with a smirk. He scanned myface with his mesmerizing eyes before kissing me gently onthe little dip in the center of my collar bone. I was suddenlybutter in his sweet hands. I could feel the warmth emanating

    from his body and it set my senses on fire. I was burning allover. My teenage hormones raging like never before. Hesmiled and released his grip on me. Sitting up he said

    "We should probably get ready to go soon." My mind wascloudy. I was lost in my desires.

    "Go?.....where?" I mumbled

    "To my work...If you don't want to go I understand." he saidwith too much excitement in his voice. I sat up instantly, mymind cleared.

    "I am going! Your not going to talk me out of it, sodon't even try." I exclaimed

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    "I wasn't going too."

    "Well, good" as I said that he got up and headed towardshis closet, but when he opened it I realized it wasn't a closetat all. It was a bathroom. He motioned me to come over there, so I did. He showed me where the towels were andthen led me to a door in the bathroom when he opened it Irealized that it was a closet... a huge closet. As I entered it Irealized that all my clothes were here...hung up in a littlesection.

    "How did you get my clothes?" I was a little stunned and

    a little freaked out.

    "I went to your house last night while you were sleeping." He said all proud of himself

    "How the hell do you know where I live?" I asked inconfusion

    "LIVED, sweetheart. as in.... used to...I will not let you goback there. I will not let anyone hurt you again....EVER!" hesaid with so much care in his eyes.

    "I have to go back there...he will find me..."

    "Stop talking nonsense." He said so sure of his words

    "I don't want you to get hurt, Angelo I you toomuch." Wow...I just met him and I almost used a word Idon't think I have ever used before in all my life.

    "Don't worry about me hunny..." He took me in his armsand hugged me tight to his chest " long as your hereand I know your safe..." he kissed me on the forehead "...I'll

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    be fine." He let go of me and finished with"Take a shower and get ready to go...I am going to go get

    ready downstairs." He reached onto a shelf at the top of thecloset and grabbed a pair of jeans, a white t shirt and ablack button up.

    "holler if you need anything." he said as he walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

    I walked back into the closet and cuddled into his shirtsthat were hanging up breathing his smell in deeply. I was soexcited to be here. I didn't feel fear anymore. I was Happytotally and completely happy. My hero.

    I hopped into the shower. It was bigger than my bedroomused to be. I reached for the knob and pulled. Suddenlywater was attacking me from all sides. I freaked andslammed the handle down again. as the water trickled downI realized that this was a really high tech shower. The floor was navy blue marble and the entire shower was encasedin a hexagon shaped glass it looked more like a boxing ringthan a shower. The glass was etched with little asian

    designs. Like I had seen on those folding walls at chineserestaurants.Each plate of glass was joined to the next withblack steel bars and each bar had 3 holes in them, oneabout even with my thighs, one at my belly and the other even with my shoulders. There was a panel with at leastthirty buttons on it located right by the exit to this fortress hecalls a shower. I picked one at random and pressed it.Suddenly old R&B music started playing at a thousanddecibels. I freaked and just started pressing random buttonsto shut it off but The only thing I managed to shut off wasthe lights in the bathroom they slowly dimmed as lightsabove the shower lit up in bright l.e.d. colors forming a discoon the marble floor. I kept hitting buttons and nothing wasworking it just kept getting worse. A bench raised up fromthe floor. The lights were strobing now. I hopped out of the

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    shower and grabbed a towel to cover myself with I flung thedoor open to the bedroom to see Angelo laying in themiddle of the floor in hysterics.

    "What the hell is wrong with your shower?" Idemanded, but he was laughing so hard he couldn'tbreathe. "What is so funny?" I asked

    "Y.....You.....hahahaha....." he responded I waited silentlyfor him to answer my questions. "You should see your face!" he laughed some more

    "It's not funny!" I yelled

    "Oh baby don't be mad...I couldn't help myself." He saidtrying to hide his giggle.

    "Well I am glad you find it funny..." I said. Now I wasstarting to laugh...His hysterics were contagious. "Couldyou just fix it please?" I asked. He got up from the floor and proceeded to the possessed shower panel. He hit likethree buttons and the bench disappeared back into the floor,

    the lights came back on, the disco stopped and the musicshut off."Thank how do I take a normal shower?"

    "Do you want the water from all sides?"

    "No, just plain old overhead shower...Thanks." Hegiggled at me for a second before hitting a couple buttons.

    "There you go." He said. I could hear laughter in his voicestill. He turned the shower on and motioned for me to get in.Then he left the bathroom. I finished taking a shower andgot dressed. I put on my tighter fitting jeans and a pink andpurple horizontal thick striped tank top. I wanted to lookattractive for him but that was the cutest thing I owned. I

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    wrapped the towel around my head and proceeded to thesink only to find my tooth brush there right next to what Ipresumed was his. I brushed my teeth, turned my head over and shook out the rest of the water I could. Then I went on ahunt for a brush. I opened his medicine cabinet. He hadthree different kinds of dental floss in there along with anarray of body sprays, deodorant, and the normal stuff. Iopened one of the drawers and there it was...a brush!! Ibrushed my hair, cleaned it and then put it back away.

    As I entered the room there was no Angelo. So, I decidedto see the rest of the house. Under the cover of I am lookingfor him of course. I walked out into a room that looked like a

    living room. It had a sectional black leather sofa. The carpetwas the same soft white that was in his room, except thewalls were white washed. They were white with a slight tintof blue, They had what looked to be cracks all over them. Ihave seen this before on television...foe painting. Thecracks almost looked like lightning. There was no televisionbut one of the walls was covered in books.

    "Lilly!" I heard angelo yell. I proceeded down the hall tolocate him. As I breached the end I came to a two waystaircase The ceiling was really tall and there was a hugechandelier made of crystals. The whole wall that I wasfacing, was glass and the sun shone on the crystals fillingboth stories with little rainbows. At the bottom of thestaircase was my Angelo. His hair was cut now into a shortspiky mess atop his head, but it looked good. I could seealot more of his face now. He was wearing Faded blue

    jeans with "T" shaped holes in the knees, a white t-shirt, anda black with white pinstripes shirt. All but the first three andthe last buttons were done, and he rolled up the longsleeves to just above his elbows. I cascaded down the stairswith a tight grip on the handle. I have seen this movie beforeI thought...The girl always falls down at the last second. To

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    my surprise and with great effort I did not fall."Heya, sweetheart." he greeted me with a beautiful smile

    his whole body covered in little rainbows, his eyes, nolonger hidden beneath hair.

    "You cut your hair?" I asked

    "Actually my mom did." he giggled out

    "Where is she? can I meet her?"

    "She left for a little while, but you live here now. There will be plenty of time to get to know my mom."

    "ok." I said with much disappointment.

    "You ready to go?" he asked

    "Yeah but you said you didn't go until night time." Iquestioned

    "By the time we get there it will be night" "oh..." I didn't want to ask where I didn't want to seem to

    nosey. If he wanted me to know he would have volunteeredthe information. I followed him out the door. He hit a buttonon his key chain and the garage door began to open. Therewas some sort of white s.u.v. parked inside.

    "I let my mom take my we're going to take her's"He told me. As I approached the door he sped in front of mein that damn blur thingy he does and opened the door for me. He held out his hand and helped me into the car beforekissing my hand sweetly.

    He got in and we were on our way. To.....wherever.We didn't talk much in the car. I was just looking out the

    window thinking about all of this. Wondering where he

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    works. Every once in a while I would look over at him tomake sure he was still there and I wasn't imagining thiswhole thing. We exchanged lots of glances and smiles onthe trip. We sang old songs together and about half waythrough the trip he rested his arm on the center column withhis palm upwards. I took that as an invitation and placedmine inside his.

    The sun was disappearing behind us when we pulled intoa hospital. We followed the labyrinth of signs and small oneway roads to the emergency room entrance. He parked andI started to get out when he was at my door in an instant

    opening it for me.He led me to a small door in a dark alley like way, downthe side of the building. He pulled his keys out and unlockedit. He put his left hand on the small of my back to ease mein the door. He took my hand and led me through all thestairs and turns until we came to a row of offices. Weentered one to find a lady sitting at her desk.

    "Angelo....darling" she said as she arose from her desk

    and rushed over to embrace him. "oi meessed ya...'ow 'aveya been? 'ows ya mutha?" she asked in an accent I wascompletely jealous of, not only that she was really young...or at least she looked maybe twenty five or thirty pushing it.She had long legs and was just as tall as he was, with verylarge breasts popping out of her suit vest. Her hair was arich chocolate brown and she had piercing bright greeneyes, almost as green as I was at that very moment.

    "My mom is fine" he said politely. I think he saw the lookon my face when she hugged him.

    "oi bet she would be...wiff you fer a sun" she said sogracefully. If she doesn't stop looking at him like that andpretending i'm not here I'm gunna mangle this chick with my

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    bare hands.

    "This is my Lilly" He said encouraging me to shake her hand. I didn't want to but I did for him

    "is iss ya gulfriend?" she asked

    "Not ye..." Angelo started to say before I interrupted with

    "Yes, I am. Nice to meet you...." I looked at her waiting for a name

    "Dockta Don....but you 'an caw me Nikko." I didn't quiteunderstand her name so I walked away from Angelo toinspect her licenses. There it was....Nichole A. Dawn. Got it!I hurried back to his side when I noticed her whisperingsomething to him. Just as I got there she turned towards thedoor. Angelo grabbed my hand and we followed her to asmall glass door.

    " 'iss is where I leave you." she said and then walked

    away.Angelo turned to me and asked."Are you sure you want to see this?" I had no idea what he

    was going to show me but I had come too far to change mymind now.

    "Yes." I said so certain

    "Ok...Just promise me you won't run." I amhaving doubts.

    "Cross my heart." I said. We entered the room and heclosed the door behind us. There was a little girl, maybe sixor seven years old, lying on her side sleeping soundly. She

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    looked dead there was no color in her face at all and her lipslooked almost blue. Her breathing was speratic to say theleast. She would go for a long time without breathing at alland then gasp for air. She was covered in wires andhospital braceletts. Machines were buzzing and beeping allover the place. I found a little spot to stand and I wanted tocry so bad. This little girl looked so sick. I wanted to hug her.

    Angelo told me to stay where I was, then he took a seat onthe bed next to her.

    "What's wrong with her?" I asked him

    "She has lukemia, She is dying." he said as he glanced upat me with tears in his eyes. I began to cry as well.

    "How long does she have?" I wanted to know

    "She should already be dead." He held her hand and weptover her sleeping body. He looked like a beautiful angelicstatue perched at her bedside. He looked upon her as

    though he were related to her. Whispering to himself...Icouldn't make out the words.The little girl opened her eyes and scooted up on the bed

    to see us. She glanced at me and then locked her tired eyeson Angelo. His eyes flashed that purple amethyst color Ithought I had seen in the dark room the day I met him, andthen went back to normal.

    "Are you here to take me to heaven?" she asked him in thesweetest tone causing me to tear up even more.

    "No sweetheart, Your going to get better." He reassuredher

    "but the doctor told my mommy I was going to die. theythought I was sleeping but I heard them."

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    "Oh your sneaky, huh?"

    " mommy said I am going to go to haven and Iget to eat ice cream all day and play with the angels."

    "What is your name sweetheart?" Angelo asked. I was stillin tears.

    "Jessica" she coughed out

    "Jessica.... I am Angelo and this is Lilly. We are going to

    make you all better, ok?" he assured her

    "Are you an angel?" she asked

    He smiled and responded "I don't think so."

    "Well, I think you are." she was so sure of herself

    "Are you ready, Jessica?" "Yep..."

    Angelo grabbed her head Gently and kissed her forehead.His eyes turned to bright glowing green Tsavorite Garnet,silver shards swam around in his eyes.small bolts of lightning flickering like candles in them. I had seen all thisbefore...It was real. Suddenly, Just like last time black orbsbegan lifting out of her body. Only there weren't a couplelike with me, there were dozens. He laid her down slowlyand her eyes closed. He grabbed the orbs and whispered tothem again and they took off out the closed window likeghosts.

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    I looked at little Jessica and saw the color returning to her face. The irregular breathing was replaced and she let outthe sweetest little sigh with every breath. She looked like aporcelain doll. Angelo looked at me to judge my reaction. Ihad so many questions, I didn't know where to start.

    "Let's go." he motioned towards the door, but I wanted tosee her closer. I went and sat at her bedside across fromAngelo and gazed at this little angel. I leaned in closer tolisten to her breathing. He fixed her, cured her, savedher...whatever you want to call it.

    I wanted to know everything but I didn't know where tostart

    "Let's go...before she wakes up." Angelo insisted

    "Why" I didn't understand why he didn't want to stay totalk to her.

    "We need to go before I am seen." He insisted. I leaned inand kissed her forehead.

    He led me out of the hospital in quite a hurry. Opening thedoor for me again. We began to drive. He looked shakyfrightened even.

    So I stored my questions away for later and asked

    "Whats wrong?"

    "I'll be ok." He said and then turned up the music.

    I want to know everything. I love him and I don't carewhat he can do, or what he is. I truly love him with all that Iam and all that I ever will be. So I don't know his exactbirthday, or his favorite food. I don't know his hobbies or hispast. To me, all that was petty. It is not what makes up love.

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    It is what society has said love is and it is not love at all. It is just the topping on the ice cream...without the ice cream thetopping wouldn't matter. You could have all the topping inthe world and it would not fulfill your want and need for icecream. Just because two people get along on the surface itdoesn't mean they are in love. When you connect withsomeone on the deepest level, the surface stuff can benegotiated, however if you connect with someone on thesurface the depth cannot be negotiated with. The depth iswhat binds us, it is what makes us. It cannot be changed or bent or broken, it just is. So what if you like nachos and shelikes hot dogs, as long as both your hearts meet in the

    middle that's all that matters. If two people have the samebirthday and they both like movies and popcorn....but onewant's good looks and the other just wants a goodheart...does that make them compatible? I think not. I thinkit leaves the one who is looking for something deeper,empty and lonely and probably broken hearted in the end.With love it doesn't matter where you came from, what your favorite color is or whether or not you like hot dogs because

    love is definite, always flowing like electricity in an endlesscircle for eternity and if you are one of the lucky ones to findthe one who's heart flows with yours then that's all thatmatters. The little stuff can be negotiated...If you are withthe one who's heart flows with yours then you will be willingto eat something you don't like to make them happy andvice versa. You will listen to the most terrible shower singingand love it, You will sit for hours and watch sports with your man and cheer right along with him even if you hate it. Youwill stomach your others most terrible cooking with a smileon your face, because they made it for you. Whether youlive in a cardboard box or a mansion, you will smileeveryday of your life because they are there with you. Thatis what love is. Beginning to end. First to last. Alpha toomega. Now and always. If you can't sacrifice your desires

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    for the other then take the word love out of your mouth.I love him...I want to give him everything and I want

    everything from him.