chaos and the psychological symbolism of the tarot

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Chaos and the Psychological Symbolism of the Tarot

Chaos and the Psychological Symbolism of the Tarotby Gerald Schueler, Ph.D. 1997Abstract.The Tarot deck contains archetypal symbols that can be related to the analytical psychology of the Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung. The Tarot deck, especially the major arcana or trump cards, can be used effectively in therapy. The client, with the assistance of the therapist, conducts a reading or uses several cards to tell a story and then discusses possible meanings of the symbols in his or her own words. The therapist then relates the symbolic meanings given by the client to the client's problem in much the same manner as in Jungian dream analysis. This therapeutic process can be explained by using a chaos model. Using a chaos model of therapy, a period of psychic instability is deliberately induced by the therapist through stimulation of the imagination via the Tarot symbols. Concentration on the Tarot symbols induces bifurcation points that the therapist then uses to direct change toward desired attractors. This is similar to the well-known techniques of paradoxical communication, paradoxical intervention, and prescribing the symptom, all of which induce a temporary condition of psychic instability that is required for a bifurcation.IntroductionLoye and Eisler (1987) see the roots of modern chaos theory, as it pertains to social science, extending all the way back to the ancient Chinese Book of Changes or I Ching. The I Ching, the oldest oracle still in use today, (Bannister, 1988) was used to make predictions by casting stalks, straws, or sticks. Today, this is usually done by throwing coins (Cleary, 1986). In the West, the oldest oracle still in use today is the Tarot card deck. The Tarot is a deck of cards which can be used for meditation, psychic stimulation, or divination. It also can be used as a psychological tool to look inside the unconscious (Bannister, 1988; Nichols, 1984). The Tarot is medieval man's equivalent of today's highly respected Rorschach and Thematic Apperception tests (Schueler & Schueler, 1994). Wang (1978) describes the Tarot as "a system accepted by many respectable sources such as the school of Carl Jung, which views the Tarot images as agreeing perfectly with the archetypes of the collective unconsciousness" (p. 8). The Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, saw all of the Tarot images as "descended from the archetypes of transformation" (Jung, 1959/1990, p. 38). These archetypes include several of the primary archetypes that are encountered during Jung's individuation process, a process of psychological maturation similar in nature to the aging of the physical body (Jacobi, 1942/1973). These include the shadow, the anima and animus, and the wise old man. The Tarot also contains symbols representing other important archetypes of transformative processes such as the hero, the sacrifice, rebirth, the mother, and the Self. In Jung's analytical psychology, these archetypes comprise the major dynamical components of the unconscious which affect the human psyche in many different ways.Modern chaos theory addresses complex systems, which are systems with a large number of interrelated parts. It also addresses dynamic systems. Every complex system, and especially every living system (living systems are usually referred to as self-organizing systems), is also a dissipative structure. Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1977 for his work on dissipative structures, which he defined as any structure that takes on and dissipates energy as it interacts with its environment. A dissipative system, unlike one that conserves energy, gives rise to irreversible processes such as the growth of organisms (Nicolis & Prigogine, 1989). All systems that exhibit disequilibrium and self-organization are dissipative and have a dissipative structure (Briggs & Peat, 1989, p. 138). Dissipative systems are those which are able to maintain identity only because they are open to flows of energy, matter, or information from their environments (Prigogine & Stengers, 1984). Not only is our body a dissipative system, but our psyche as well. Jung designated the ego as an ego-complex, because of the numerous components and processes with which it is comprised, and taught that the ego was one of many complexes that exist in the psyche. "The psyche is a self-regulating system that maintains its equilibrium just as the body does" (Jung, 1954/1985, p. 152). Designating the psyche to be a self-regulating system, Jung (1968) states that "Dreams are the natural reaction of the self-regulating psychic system" ( p. 124). By assuming the psyche to be a complex dynamic system, as well as a dissipative system, we can look at it through the lens of modern chaos theory. Chaos, as an archetype, is well known in the Tarot where it is depicted fully in card 16, a trump card titled the Lightening Struck Tower. According to Wanless (1986), this card represents transformation. Jung taught that we can become conscious of the unconscious contents in our psyche by examining the symbols that come to us in our dreams. He details many of these archetypal symbols in his Symbols of Transformation (1956).The TarotThe traditional Tarot is a deck of 78 cards which are divided into two main sections: a major arcana and a minor arcana. The major arcana is a set of 22 picture cards which are also called the greater arcana, trumps, atouts (from the Egyptian atennu (Wallis Budge, 1920) meaning a book or part of a book), or triumphs. These cards are pictorial representations of various cosmic forces such as Death, Justice, Strength, and so on, and contain archetypal symbolism. Fifty-six cards of the minor arcana are divided into court and suit cards. The sixteen court cards are comprised of a King, a Queen, a Knight, and a Knave (or Page) for each of the four suits of the deck. The remaining forty cards are divided into the four suits called: Pentacles (also known as deniers, coins, or disks), Cups (coupes), Swords (epees), and Wands (batons or scepters). The French terminology stems from the famous Marseilles deck which originated in the late fifteenth century (Giles, 1992). The suit cards are numbered from 1 (ace) to 10 for each of the four suits. The suit cards represent specific opportunities and lessons (Wanless, 1986). The minor arcana cards are used to represent people, relationships, finances, action, energies, and forces (Schueler & Schueler, 1987).The Tarot has been called the oldest book known to man (Papus, 1970). According to legend, (Schueler & Schueler, 1994) the original cards comprised "chapters" in a book known as The Book of Thoth. Thoth was the ibis-headed god of wisdom and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. At the founding of Egypt, unknown centuries ago, he is said to have given man the knowledge of medicine, astrology, language, art, and various sciences such as mathematics and engineering. The original chapters of The Book of the Dead are said to have been written by Thoth. After several thousands of years, the Egyptian empire began to crumble. As things began to fall apart, the god Thoth again intervened. He desired to keep alive the knowledge and wisdom that he had provided his people. To save his contribution to mankind, he summarized all of the accumulated wisdom of the Egyptian empire onto a series of 22 tablets. He did this by using symbols and pictures instead of words. These tablets became known as The Book of Thoth. As the empire decayed into ignorance, the tablets found their way into a band of roving people later known as gypsies. The gypsies copied the symbols of the tablets onto cards which became the major arcana of the Tarot deck (Crowley, 1944; Papus, 1970; Schueler & Schueler, 1989).Although several colorful theories exist today, there is no historical evidence to support any of them, and the true history of the Tarot is largely unknown. Whatever the actual origin of the Tarot deck may be, it is known that a deck of fortune telling cards were mentioned by a Swiss monk in 1377 AD (Giles, 1992). It is also known that Girilamo Gargagli wrote in 1572 about tarochhi cards being used to designate psychological types (Giles, 1992).The Tarot later found its way into the Hebrew Kabbalah, probably because the 22 cards of the major arcana could be shown to correspond with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. During the nineteenth century, many occultists tried to demonstrate a higher use for the cards than divination (Papus, 1970; Levi, 1896). Eliphas Levi (1896) tried to show that the cards of the major arcana were connected to the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This idea was further carried out by a secret occult group in England known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Wang, 1978; Crowley, 1944; Regardie, 1937). Aleister Crowley was initiated as a member of the Golden Dawn in 1898. He left it in 1907 to form his own magical organization. In 1944 his Tarot deck, illustrated by Frieda Harris, together with his explanatory book titled The Book of Thoth were published. According to Wanless, (1986) a well-known expert on the Tarot deck, "The Thoth Deck by Aleister Crowley is a classic tarot symbology ... Its symbolism is Egyptian, Greek, Christian, and Eastern. It is more useful than many contemporary decks which represent a particular cultural or philosophical point of view" (p. 1). He also points out the multi-dimensionality of the deck's symbolism, which has associations with the Hebrew Kabbalah as well as astrology, and credits the 22 major arcana or trump cards as representing "universal principles of life and 'archetypal' personality types" (p. 2). Giles (1994) says that the Thoth deck has "swirling backgrounds and haunting images" which "create a unique impression; those drawn to the deck find it a very powerful reading instrument" (p. 191). She points out that while many decks exist, with a myriad of minor variations, the Tarot has "core images" that are part of a "mental structure" that is fairly consistent across the different deck designs. Wanless (1986) notes that "The strength of tarot is that its symbolism is subject to constant redefinition and evolution" (p. 1). In short, the Tarot images can change or evolve over time, but otherwise they are quite consistent. This is in agreement with Jung's (1959/1990) concept of the archetypes of the collective unconscious which are consistent across humanity while slowly evolving with the body over time. Jungian Dream AnalysisJung (1956/1976) taught that dream images must be understood symbolically. Furthermore, the instinctual basis of these symbols are "primitive or archaic thought-forms" (p. 28). Jung differentiated a sign from a symbol. A true symbol can never be fully explained, while a sign can be fully explained insofar as the conscious ego is concerned. Symbols themselves are archetypal, and they are expressed verbally in terms of signs. We can say, then, that a sign is an individual's interpretation of an archetypal symbol."Symbols are the language of dreams. In dreams, the unconscious is revealed in symbols, and the key to understanding a dream is knowledge of the symbol" (Boa, 1992, p. 42). The color of a symbol is also important. Jung believed that the correlation between colors and functions varies between cultures and even between individuals. With Europeans, for example, blue is the color of thought, while red is the color of emotion, green is the color of sensation, and yellow is the color of the intuition (Jacobi, 1942/1973). Von Frantz notes that "dreams generally point to our blind spot" (Boa, 1992, p. 15). They seldom tell us what we already know. To understand a dream, she divides the dream content into thirds: We compare the dream to a drama and examine it under three structural headings: first, the introduction or exposition -- the setting of the dream and the naming of the problem; second, the peripeteia--that would be the ups and downs of the story; and finally, the lysis--the end solution or, perhaps catastrophe. (Boa, 1992, pp. 33-34)Jung (1968) states that "In our dreams we are just as many-sided as in our daily life, and just as you cannot form a theory about those many aspects of the conscious personality, you cannot make a general theory of dreams" (p. 124). He then points out that while personal dream symbolism varies with the dreamer, universal dream symbolism is possible of interpretation. "On the collective level of dreams, there is practically no difference in human beings, while there is all the difference on the personal level" (Jung, 1968, p. 124). When analyzing a dream, Jung (1954/1985) suggests that we "renounce all preconceived opinions, however knowing they make us feel, and try to discover what things mean for the patient" (p. 157). We must take into consideration the patient's personal philosophy, religion, and moral convictions whenever we discuss dream symbolism. Jung (1953/1977) treats dream symbolism on two separate levels: the objective level and the subjective level. The first level is analytic. On this level, the dream content can be broken up into memory-complexes that refer to external situations. The second level is synthetic. In these situations, the dream contents are detached from external causes and must be treated in terms of archetypal symbols. Nichols (1984) says that "The pictures on the Tarot Trumps tell a symbolic story. Like our dreams, they come to us from a level beyond the reach of consciousness and far removed from our intellectual understanding" (p. 7). According to this view, the Tarot Trump cards can be interpreted in the same manner as Jungian dream analysis.A Chaotic Systems Model of TherapyTherapy can be defined as "a systematic and intentional attempt, using a specific cluster of interpersonal skills, to assist another person to make self-determined improvements in behavior, affect, and/or cognitions" (Kottler & Brown, 1985, p. 44). Egan (1975/1990) describes a Helping Model of the therapeutic process which emphasizes action that leads to valued outcomes through a nine-stage process. Goals must be the client's goals, strategies must be the client's strategies, and action plans must be the client's plans. The helper's job is to stimulate the client's imagination and to help him or her in the search for incentives. (p. 49)A chaotic systems model is one that uses the findings of modern chaos theory. Such a model can be used to describe the therapeutic process. The chaos theory of sensitive dependence on initial conditions, for example, describes how small stimuli can evoke massive responses. This finding has been used to explain the functioning of the olfactory system wherein a very small amount of stimuli, received by the olfactory bulb, is detected and magnified until it can be interpreted by the brain as a distinct smell (Freeman, 1991). Furthermore, testing food smells on rabbits has demonstrated that undergoing new experiences can actually change memory of older experiences. These two findings have led to a new understanding of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment (Flint, 1994). The methodology used in EMDR is straightforward and relatively simplistic. The patient holds his or her attention on a particular trauma or bodily sensation while watching the therapist's fingers moving in a back-and-forth motion. About 20 to 40 back-and-forth motions constitute one repetition of the technique. After several repetitions, the pain of a trauma or sensation is often lessened dramatically. Theoretically, the memory of a painful traumatic experience causes a unique pattern of neurological activity in the brain. Watching a moving finger, while in the relative safety of a therapeutic environment changes, or modifies the pattern, producing a lessening of the associated pain in many cases.In chaos theory, the behavior of a complex system can be shown graphically on a plot called phase space. Each point on this plot represents the state space or specific condition of the system using primary system parameters (the main parameters that describe a system's behavior). When a time history is used (when time is plotted along the x-axis), each point along the y-axis represents the state of the system at a given time. These plots are called trajectories and their shapes can tell us a lot about the behavior of the system. Sometimes several possible trajectories of a system will converge toward a point or region. Such points and regions are called attractors because they appear to attract a systems's trajectory. The surrounding region of an attractor is called a basin. Using the chaos theory of attractors, we can define neurological responses in the brain as attractors which give rise to particular behaviors (Flint, 1994). In a complex system such as the psyche, many attractors can be found, some in series with each other, and some giving rise to bifurcations (changes in one's world view following periods of indecision). In a theraputic environment, these can be observed by the therapist in terms of their evoked sensory and motor responses. In this model, we can define motivation, for example, as the state space of the psyche that exists within a specific environmental situation, in which the brain is destablized enough to evoke the low-level background activity of its neural networks or basins which correspond to previously learned activity that is meaningful in the current situation. In this state space, or phase space of the psyche, a small stimulus can generate a massive response resulting in information going out to all regions of the brain. In turn, this usually results in some kind of corresponding behavioral response. When the behavior results in beneficial situations (e.g., those that enhance survivability or that lead to pleasant or desired situations), the strength of the attractors is proportionally increased. In this model, the client would describe one or more specific behavioral problems to the therapist who, in turn, would work with the client to form specific goals to work toward and measurable plans to reach those goals. These goals would become the desire attractors, and intermediate goals would be agreed upon as basins. The task of the therapist would then be to help guide the client from existing attractors to the desired ones through suitable bifurcations. One of the tools that could be used in this process is the symbol. Tarot symbols, for example, can be used to stimulate the imagination of the client. During the short periods of instability (points of possible bifurcation) due to imaginative stimulation, small suggestions by the therapist would help drive the client toward the desired attractors. This is similar to the well-known therapeutic techniques used in family counseling described by Goldenberg & Goldenberg (1980/1991) of paradoxical communication, paradoxical intervention, and prescribing the symptom. All of these techniques use the paradox to induce periods of psychic instability in the client. However, the intended outcome of these interventions is not to create periods of uncertainty, but rather to allow for win-win outcomes for the client. Using the chaos model, the uncertainty can be used to perturb the patient's psyche into the basin of the desired attractor.Tarot SymbolismThe primary symbolism within the major arcana is as follows:1. The Fool. The Marseilles deck shows the fool as a court jester holding a baton and standing near a cliff. This symbolism suggests silliness, but perhaps a deliberate silliness. The popular Waite deck is more complex. It shows a young wanderer holding a rose and a walking stick, to which a bag is tied, walking off a cliff. A dog romps at his side. This suggests a happy and carefree attitude that could be dangerous. The Golden Dawn deck shows a naked child holding the reins of a wolf while plucking fruit from a tree. This symbolism suggests that the fool is innocence, and that pure innocence can check animal passions while surviving quite nicely on what nature provides. In the Deck of Thoth, the fool is shown in a green suit and gold shoes. A crystal is between his horns, and he is falling. He holds A Wand in his right hand (power) and a flaming pine cone in his left hand (purity). The card shows a tiger, a dove, a vulture, a butterfly, a rainbow, children, flowers, grapes, a crocodile, and ivy. This card portrays Jung's archetype of the divine child such as the infant Christ. The imagery also suggests the archetypal eternal youth or Peter Pan. Nichols (1984) calls the symbolism of the fool, the archetypal wanderer.2. The Juggler or Magus. This is the Magician, the divine Messenger, Mercury, Hermes, and Thoth. The Marseilles deck shows a parlor magician going through a magic act of some kind with various `tools of the trade' on a table. This is the popular view of the magician -- one who does sleight of hand, and who employs gimmickery. The Waite and Golden Dawn decks are more sophisticated. They both show a magician in robes, with his four traditional weapons: a sword, a wand, a cup, and a pentacle. The Thoth deck shows him with a naked golden body, smiling, with winged feet standing in front of a large caduceus. In his right hand he hold a style and in his left hand, a papyrus. The card shows a monkey, swords, cup, wand, and pentacle. This card represents the will. The imagery portrays the archetype of the magician as described by Moore and Gillette (1993). It also suggests the archetype of the trickster.3. The High Priestess. This is usually the goddess Isis or Artemis, the huntress. The Marseilles deck shows the goddess Junon (Juno), wife of the god Jupiter and a peacock. The symbols here are lunar and suggest a lunar vision (for example, the intuition as opposed to common sense). In the Thoth deck, she is shown naked, clothed only in a white Veil of Light, and seated on a throne. Her bow rests in her lap. Also shown are arrows, four crystals, a net (symbolic of the Egyptian goddess, Neith), a camel, flowers, and fruit. This card represents the intuition and the imagery suggests the archetypes of the unconscious in a general sense and the anima in a specific sense. Nichols (1984) calls the symbolism in this card, the archetype of the virgin.4. The Empress. Most all decks agree that this card is symbolized by a mature woman wearing a crown and seated on a throne. This suggests the feminine side of the psyche or any strong feminine authority. She is the ultimate feminine creator and provider. In the Thoth deck she is shown clothed in a pink blouse, a long green skirt, a Zodiac belt, and a gold crown. She sits on a lunar throne holding a lotus in her right hand. Beneath her is a tapestry with fleurs-de-lys and fishes. Also shown are birds, bees, a shield, showing a white eagle, a mother pelican with her young, and revolving moons. Behind her is a door. This card represents nature. The imagery suggests Jung's archetype of the mother.5. The Emperor. Most all decks agree that this card is symbolized by a mature man wearing a crown and seated on a throne. This suggests the masculine side of the psyche or any strong masculine authority. He is the ultimate masculine creator and provider. In the Thoth deck, he sits on a throne with right leg crossed over left. His arms and head form an upright triangle, while his legs form a cross. He holds a scepter (power) in his left hand and an orb, with a Maltese cross, in his right hand. The main color is red. The card shows a ram, a shield with a two-headed eagle, a flag, a lamb, coins, and bees on his blouse. The imagery of this card suggests Jung's archetype of the father as well as the hero.6. The Hierophant. Like the Emperor, this card is usually shown as a mature man wearing a crown and seated on a throne. The Marseilles deck shows the god Jupiter. Some decks show this as the Pope or some other religious leader which clearly distinguishes the difference between the Hierophant and the Emperor; the former is religious while the latter is civil or social. In the Thoth deck, he is shown fully clothed sitting on a throne holding a wand with three circles. A priestess is shown standing before him together with a child dancing within a pentagram within a hexagram. Also shown is a five-petalled rose encircled by a snake, elephants, a bird, and the four fixed signs of the Zodiac. Nine nails are shown at the top. This card represents the conscience. The imagery suggests the archetype of the religious teacher or Christ. It also suggests the archetype of the king as described by Moore and Gillette (1990/1991). Nichols (1984) says that this card, as well as that of the Hermit, represent Jung's archetype of the wise old man.7. The Lovers, or Twins, or Brothers. The Marseilles deck shows Cupid about to shoot one of his famous arrows into a young couple. All decks show a man and woman together, and the general theme is love. This card suggests the union of opposites, especially masculinity and femininity, anima and animus. Cupid is the symbol of romance, but one that is usually governed more by emotions than by rational thought. The Thoth deck shows the union of male/Leo/fire with female/Scorpio/water represented by a king and queen as well as a white child and a black child. The Hermit is shown blessing the couples. Cupid is shown symbolizing blind love. Also shown is a cup, a sword, an Orphic egg with snake, an eagle, a lion, Eve, and Lilith. Bars are shown in the background. This card represents what Jung called the soul. The imagery suggests the archetype of the lover (Moore & Gillette, 1990/1991).8. The Chariot. Most decks agree that the main symbol of this card is a chariot. Usually a charioteer is also shown. The theme is powerful deliberate motion toward a fixed goal and thus a victory over space. The card symbolism suggests the spiritual impulse which sooner or later will drive man to seek his true nature. In the Thoth deck the canopy of the Chariot is the blue of the feminine Sephirah, Binah. The pillars are the four pillars of the universe. The scarlet wheels are fiery creative energy. The Chariot is pulled by four sphinxes (the four Cherubs). The charioteer wears amber-colored armor and he holds a Holy Grail of amethyst. On his head is a crab, and on his armor are ten stars. This card represents Jung's persona. The imagery suggests the archetype of the warrior (Moore & Gillette, 1990/1991). 9. Justice or Adjustment. The main symbol for this card is a balance or scale used for measuring weight. The scale is held by a goddess who holds an upright sword. The symbolism represents the law of cause and effect; those natural forces which seek a balance or moderation in all things. The figure shown in the Thoth deck is the feminine complement of the Fool, a young and slender woman. She is poised on her toes and crowned with the feathers of Maat, the goddess of justice. On her forehead is the Uraeus serpent. She is masked (Harlequin) and holds a magic Swords in both hands between her thighs. She is wrapped in a Cloak of Mystery. Before her is a large two-pan balance. This card represents the conscience. The imagery suggests the archetypes of justice, fairness, and balance.10. The Hermit. Almost all decks agree that the symbolism of the Hermit is an older man in a robe holding a staff in one hand and a lamp in the other. The lamp is a symbol of the inner light of truth. The theme here is the wise old sage, the inner guiding light of conscience illumined by the intuition. In the Thoth deck he is shown in the shape of the Hebrew letter Yod. He wears a cloak the color of Binah. He holds a lamp whose center is the sun. Before him is an Orphic egg with coiled snake. The background is a field of wheat. Also shown is a spermatozoon in the form of a serpent wand, and Cerberus the three-headed dog. This card represents withdraw and meditation. The imagery of this card suggests Jung's archetype of the wise old man (Nichols, 1984).11. The Wheel of Fortune. The main symbol of this card is a wheel. The wheel is a symbol for cycles, and the card represents the law of cyclic manifestation. The original symbols of this card were probably meant to portray the doctrine of reincarnation, as well as other cyclic processes. In the Thoth deck stars line the top of the card through which lightning strikes into a mass of blue and violet plumes. In the center is a wheel with 10 spokes. On the wheel are a sworded sphinx (sulphur), Hermanubis (mercury), and Typhon (salt). The wheel is the Eye of Shiva. This card represents evolution and the imagery suggests the archetypes of fate and destiny.12. Strength or Lust. Most decks use the symbol of the lion in this card. The lion, as the "king of beasts," is a traditional symbol for strength. Some cards also show a man, while others show a woman, who is controlling the lion in some way. The theme here is controlled strength, or inner resolve that is directed toward a goal. The Thoth deck shows a naked young woman riding on the back of a seven-headed lion. She is overcome with ecstasy. She hoLds the reins in her left hand and the Holy Grail in her right hand. In the background are the bloodless images of all of the saints. Along the top are shown ten serpents. This card represents courage and inner strength. The imagery suggests the archetypes of goodness and endurance.13. The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man is just that, a man hanging upside down from a wooden scaffold of some kind, usually in the form of a cross. Most cards show the man with his left leg bent to form a cross with his legs. The cross is the traditional symbol for sacrifice. The theme here is the deliberate undergoing of a selfless sacrifice, usually for the purpose of helping others. The Thoth deck shows a naked man hanging upside down with his right leg crossed over his left to form a cross. His arms are outstretched to form an equilateral triangle. A green Disk is at each of his five extremities. He is suspended from an Egyptian ankh (symbol of life) and a serpent is wrapped around his left foot. The background is green air over green water shot with white rays from Kether. Beneath the man sleeps a coils snake. The imagery of this card portrays the archetypes of sacrifice and initiation. It also suggests the archetype of the dying gods such as Christ.14. Death. This card symbolizes death by a human skeleton. Sometimes the skeleton is shown holding a sickle to suggest that death levels all living beings. The theme is the process of death, which is an ending or completion of something that we have known. Death also implies change of some kind, a transformation. The Thoth deck shows death as a dancing skeleton bearing a scythe. He wears the Crown of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead and is shown in the waters of Amenti, an Egyptian after-death state. The sweep of his scythe creates bubbles which contain the seeds of new life. Shown is a snake, a fish, a scorpion, a lily, and an onion. This card represents death and sudden change. The imagery suggests Jung's archetype of rebirth. 15. Temperance or Art. This card is usually depicted by an angel who is pouring water from one vase into another. The water is the "water of life" and its being poured suggests that a necessary change of some kind is taking place. The imagery of this card not only imply the skill or ability that is required to 'get through' unwanted experiences, but those needed to turn such experiences to your advantage in some way. The Thoth deck shows Diana the Huntress, the Great Mother of Fertility, and the Many-Breasted. She wears a golden crown with a silver band and is shown split into two halves. Her left hand pours white gluten from a cup while her right hand holds a lance/torch dripping blood. The alchemical symbols of blood and gluten mix in a cauldron. At her feet are a white lion and a red eagle. This card portrays the archetype of the union of opposites as defined in Jung's Mysterium Coniunctionis (1963/1989).16. The Devil. The main symbol here is a devil. The Marseilles deck shows a stereotyped, middle-age Christian concept of Satan complete with horns and a forked tail. The Waite deck is much more refined, showing the stereotyped version of a devilish black magician. Most cards also show a naked man and woman chained to a block. The theme is Black Magic and the card represents slavery or confinement. The imagery of this card suggests the wrongness of an overinflated ego. The Thoth deck shows a goat with large spiral horns and a third eye in his forehead who is the god Pan Pangenetor, the All-Begetter. Behind him is the trunk of a tree. Before him is a staff topped with a winged Horus. Below him are two globes each containing dancing human figures. The globes and tree together form a large phallus. This imagery here also represents bondage, and suggests the archetype of the libido or psychic energy, including sexual energy in the Freudian sense.17. The Lightening Struck Tower. Almost all decks agree on the basic theme of this card. A stone tower is shown being struck by a bolt of lightening with two people falling from the destruction. The card suggests bad luck of all kinds, but especially destruction and ruination. In at least one sense, the card represents the Fall of Man, because the lightening bolt is a symbol of an "act of God" that forces man to fall from his protective tower, itself a symbol of a spiritual environment, into mortality. The Thoth deck shows the destruction of a tower by fire. Broken figures fall from the tower. At the bottom of the card is the destruction of the old by lightning and fire. In the bottom right corner are the jaws of a fire-breathing dragon. At the top is the Eye of Horus/Shiva. Also shown are a dove with olive branch, and the lion-headed Gnostic god, Abrasax. This card represents catastrophe. The imagery of this card suggests the archetype of chaos.18. The Star. The main symbol here is a star. One or more stars is shown over the head of a goddess who is pouring water from two vases into a pool. The goddess is usually shown naked, although the Marseilles deck shows her partially clothed. She is Isis, the goddess of nature, and the waters are the Waters of Life. She is shown returning individual water into a collective pool, thus indicating that nothing in life is ever lost. The theme here is one of hope. The Thoth deck shows the naked Egyptian goddess Nut. Her right hand is held high, and she pours water from a gold cup onto her head. Her left hand is held low, and she pours the immortal liquor of life from a silver cup onto the junction of land and water. Behind her is a celestial globe on which is a seven-pointed Star of Venus. In the left-hand corner is a seven-pointed Star of Babalon. This card represents hope and promise. The imagery suggests Jung's archetype of the star. According to von Franz (Boa, 1992) Jung taught that the star symbolizes that part of the personality that survives death; the spiritual part of the psyche.19. The Moon. The main symbol here is the moon, and the cards of all decks amplify the lunar theme with various symbols usually associated with the moon. Most cards show two towers with a stream running between them to illustrate the idea of relationships. A scorpion, lobster, crayfish, or scarab, is often included to represent the forces of regeneration. One or two dogs or jackals are often shown to suggest the idea of the subconscious and the underworld. The theme here is the astral world of the Kabbalists, the realm of illusions and dreams. The Thoth deck shows a Gateway of Resurrection. The bottom of the card shows the beetle-headed Khepera pushing the sun upward through the waters. Above stands dual Anubis-gods who guard the path that is a stream of serum tinged with blood. They stand before black towers at the threshold of life and death. At the path's end are nine drops of impure blood each in the shape of the Hebrew letter Yod. This card represents the instincts. The imagery suggests the archetypes of dreams and the irrational as well as Jung's archetype of the moon. According to von Franz, the moon is an archetypal symbol for the anima (Boa, 1992).20. The Sun. The main symbol of this card is the sun which is almost always shown with extending rays, and sometimes with a face to suggest solar intelligence. The Marseilles deck shows a young couple together under a sun. The Waite deck shows a naked child riding a horse under a sun. The Golden Dawn deck shows two naked children holding hands under a sun. The sun, as the generator of light and heat, is the symbol for life and the forces of conscious creativity. The Thoth deck shows a green mound beneath a flaming 12-rayed yellow sun. Two winged children dance together on the mound, but a wall prevents them from the summit. At the feet of each child is a rose and cross. Around the card are the signs of the Zodiac. The imagery of this card suggests the archetypes of growth, success, and abundance as well as Jung's archetype of the sun.21. Judgement. Most decks represent Judgement with an angel blowing a horn above a group of people. The heralding of a trumpet call, as an act of divine judgement, is suggested here. The Waite deck shows people standing in coffin-like boxes which suggest that an after-death judgement is implied. The Golden Dawn card shows people chest-deep in water implying a renewal or regeneration. In the Thoth deck, around the top of the card is the body of the goddess Nut, the star goddess. The child-god Harpocrates stands beneath her in outline, and Horus is shown sitting on a throne. A winged globe is shown below him. At the bottom of the card is the Hebrew letter Shin containing three human figures. The imagery of this card suggests the archetypes of evaluation, reward, and completion.22. The Universe. The last card of the major arcana includes the symbolism of the four animals of the Apocalypse and of the vision of Ezekiel. These are the bull, the lion, the eagle, and man. A naked woman stands within a circular wreath. In the Marseilles deck, this woman is the fourth animal, but in most decks she stands apart as a central figure. Her symbolism as the mother of the universe is clearly suggested in the Golden Dawn deck where the wreath is a ring of twelve globes which are obviously the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. In the Thoth deck, the universe is symbolized by a naked dancing maiden at the center of the card. Her hands manipulate a spiral active/passive force. In each corner is one of the four Kerubim. About the maiden is an ellipse of 72 circles. In the lower center is the House of Matter. Her right foot stands on the head of a snake. The card suggests a wheel of light within a yoni (a Hindu feminine symbol). The imagery of this card suggests the archetypes of wholeness, synthesis, and perfection. SummaryThe Tarot deck contains archetypal symbols that can be related to Jung's analytical psychology. Use of the Tarot in therapy can be effective by having the client conduct a reading under the guidance of the therapist, or tell a story based on the imagery of several trump cards drawn at random. Then the therapist encourages the client to discuss possible meanings of the symbols in his or her own words. The therapist can then relate the symbolic meanings to the client's problem in much the same manner as in Jungian dream analysis. Nichols (1984) suggests that the sensory nature of the imagery can be improved by coloring the pictures. To do this, the therapist would provide colorless images of the cards (a Xerox copy, for example) and crayons or colored pencils. The client could then color in the pictures as they tell their story.The therapeutic process can also be improved by using a chaos model approach in which periods of psychic instability are deliberately induced through stimulation of the imagination via the Tarot symbols. The Tarot symbols are so rich that one or more are likely to produce archetypal stimulation in the client's psyche; a "drawing up from the depths" (Jung, 1956/1976, p. 234). Such previously unconscious contents can take the form of either attractors or repellors. In this way, concentration on Tarot symbols can induce psychic bifurcation points that the therapist can then use to direct behavioral changes toward mutually agreed upon attractors. Small stimuli by the therapist at such points can cause large changes in later behavior.TAROTSymbolism and the Unconscious Recognition of universal symbolism happens through the sub- and unconscious parts of our psychological make-up. We do not have to consciously think of certain symbols identified as "universal" to understand and comprehend their meanings.

An example of this at work is the tarot. It would seem that the reader of the tarot cards during a session will intuitively chose the correct cards to read unconsciously, and then interpret them using both knowledge learned and universal. Even without reading a book on tarot or having previous understanding of the subject, a person receiving a reading will choose cards relevant to their situation. There is no "magick" involved with tarot cards that isn't already within us, which makes it one of the easiest forms of divination to learn and use. Because we already know and understand the tarot picture symbols on an unconscious level, a person only needs to practice and learn how to recognize the symbols consciously to begin reading the tarot for themselves.

The Major Arcana of the tarot contains pictures and symbols that will elicit an emotional or mental response upon looking at them. You will find that in most cases, with a good deck that has correct symbology, that your intuition on the meaning of the card and symbol will be correct. Each card or symbol in the Major Arcana is an archetype that is present in everyone's psychology, whether in personality or as a subconscious understanding. Different cards represent different levels of spiritual and emotional evolution and awareness and none are intrinsically good or bad.

For example, imagine the card called "The Fool". The Fool is happy, walking along, and about to fall off of a cliff. He may be foolish and impulsive, as well as downright "foolish" for not looking where he is going. However, he is also trusting, refreshingly childlike; an inner child so to speak. As the Fool, we may go in and tread where others fear to go, if only out of naivet.

Another example is Death. The thought of getting the "Death Card" might make you shiver and shake if you have seen too many scary movies. In reality, death in a symbolic sense (which is how it is portrayed in the Tarot) is not "evil". Death is the ending of the old to bring in the new. While the card is awfully surreal-looking and almost fear-inspiring, it is actually symbolic of change. Change and the death of an idea or way of life can be a scary thing for many people. Change brings with it the unknown. But it also brings forth regeneration and growth.

Most symbols act in the same way as the tarot, neither being good or bad in essence. We, as a people, have assigned good and bad traits to symbols and ingrained it into our faith and have made it the dichotomy of our lives. Symbology and the unconscious teaches us that all things, whether they seem good or bad at the time, are actually positive in their own way. All things teach us and help us grow in a forward direction. The Tarot is only one of the many forms of pictorial forms of symbology that allows us to communicate with and understand the power of our unconscious mind a little more.

JUNG and TAROTSymbolism and Psychology{From Byzant Tarot} Carl Jung founded analytic psychology in response to the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. This differs from the Freudian model in downgrading the importance of sexuality and childhood conflicts in the treatment of neuroses, and concentrates more on a patient's current conflicts. Jung made the significant step of defining the unconscious of a person as comprised of both a personal unconscious (proceeding from the experiences of the individual) and a collective unconscious (issuing from the inherited structure of the brain, and common to humanity). This is important to esoteric study in that it goes some way towards explaining the power of archetypal, symbolic systems like the Tarot. Indeed, the concept of archetypes - potent universal symbols appearing in myths, fairytales and dreams - is an important part of Jung's concept of the unconscious.

Jung classified people as introverted and extroverted types, but more importantly from the point of view of the Tarot, further classified them according to four functions of the mind: thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. In his final work, Man and His Symbols, Jung wrote:

"These four functional types correspond to the obvious means by which consciousness obtains its orientation to experience. Sensation (i.e. sense perception) tells us that something exists; thinking tells you what it is; feeling tells you whether it is agreeable or not; and intuition tells you whence it comes and where it is going."

He considered that, in each person, one or more of these functions predominate, and that the others require development through application if that person is to become whole. Jung put it like this: "For complete orientation all four functions should contribute equally." These functions can help enrich our understanding of the Minor Arcana:

Jungian FunctionTarot SuitElement





Three of the attributions look exactly right, but does Intuition really correspond to Wands and Fire? Intuition as creative, perceptive insight and initiator of action fits the bill very well. Jung himself wrote, "Intuition is not mere perception, or vision, but an active, creative process that puts into the object just as much as it takes out."

The occultist Dr. Arthur Edward Waite expressed the following, distinctly Jungian, view of the Tarot: "The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all."

According to the theories of Carl Jung, tarot cards, particularly the Major Arcana (the first 22 cards of the deck) can be used during psychological analysis.

While considered unscientific by most, Jung believed the symbolism contained within the Tarot could be extremely useful to followers of analytical psychology. By using a selection of the cards to create a story, the symbols can be related to the problem being discussed.

Jung's ArchetypesIn psychological terms, an archetype can be broadly described as a model of a type of person or behaviour that can be used in an interpretive manner. Jung identified five main archetypes, these were:

The Persona: The face we present to the world

The Shadow: The part of us unacknowledged but that exists nonetheless

The Self: The essence of the psyche, what enables the individual

The Anima: The female image in the male psyche

The Animus: The male image in the female psyche

There are endless archetypes but the above five together with a small amount of others tend to be the most prevalent. For example, The Mother, The Child, The Wise Man are all archetypes which recur regularly. Archetypes relating to behaviour include that of endurance and sacrifice, related to Strength and The Hanged Man cards respectively.

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The first 22 cards in a Tarot deck are picture cards of images such as The Lovers, Strength and perhaps most famously, Death. During a reading, these cards are generally related to a situation or person within the life of the reader.

The Empress card, for example, is representative of fertility and nature, this could be related to a mother figure in the readers life or indicate that someone (or aspect of life, such as a creative side) needs to be nurtured.

Archetypes in the Tarot

Of the 22 cards comprising the Major Arcana, many can be immediately identified with Jung's archetypes (for a comprehensive list of how each card relates to a archetype, see my article Archetypes of the Tarot).

The example cited above, The Empress, with her swollen belly and nature imagery is easily identified as The Mother, while The Hierophant and The Hermit can simultaneously be identified as Wise Men as both relate to wisdom and knowledge.

The Minor ArcanaFurther to attributing archetypes to the Major Arcana, Jung also attributed certain functions of the mind to corresponding suites of the Minor Arcana:

Wands: Intuition

Cups: Feeling

Swords: Thinking

Pentacles: Sensation.

This article provides a very basic introduction to this fascinating subject, for more in depth explanations, read Jung and Tarot: An Archetypal Journey by Sallie Nichols or Tarot as a Way of Life: A Jungian Approach to the Tarot by Karen Hamaker-Zondag.

Carl Jung theorized that, when related to a psychological archetype, tarot cards could be helpful in aiding analytical psychology.

An archetype can be broadly defined as a type of person or behaviour; they can be further divided into two sub categories. The first, stereotypes, refer to one type of personality or behaviour being observed many times and routinely applied (this tends to happen with teenagers and young people), and the second, epitomes, refer to the exemplification of a personality or behaviour.

By applying archetypes to the cards of the Major Arcana (the first 22 cards of the Tarot pack), Jung believed they could aid in finding solutions to the situation being discussed (for an extremely basic introduction to how tarot cards are used in concealing see Carl Jung and the Tarot).

Brief History of the Tarot

In legend, the Tarot is the oldest book known to mankind. Originally, each card comprised chapters in the Book of Thoth (the ancient Egyptian God of wisdom and knowledge). When Egypt began to crumble, Thoth transferred the knowledge onto a set of 22 tablets using symbols instead of words.

The tablets were discovered by a band of gypsies who transferred the information from them onto 22 cards, which became the Major Arcana.

Archetypes of the Tarot

The following is a list of archetypes that can be applied to the Tarot:

The Fool

Symbolism: Innocence and wonder.

Archetype: The Child.

The Magician

Symbolism: Magic and power.

Archetype: The Trickster.

The High Priestess

Symbolism: Intuition

Archetype: The Anima -- the unconscious female element of the male.

The Empress

Symbolism: Nature and fertility.

Archetype: The Mother.

The Emperor

Symbolism: Masculine authority and power.

Archetype: The Father and the Hero.

The Hierophant

Symbolism: Guidance or a teacher.

Archetype: The Wise Old Man.

The Lovers

Symbolism: Lover and union of opposites.

Archetypes: The Soul or both the Anima and Animus (the opposite of the Anima, the male element of the female).

The Chariot

Symbolism: Hard work and victory.

Archetype: The Warrior.


Symbolism: Balance and justice.

Archetype: Justice.

The Hermit

Symbolism: Wisdom

Archetype: Another Wise Old Man!

The Wheel of Fortune

Symbolism: Change, moving in circles.

Archetype: Fate and Destiny.


Symbolism: Determination.

Archetype: Endurance.

The Hanged Man

Symbolism: Necessary sacrifice.

Archetype: Sacrifice.


Symbolism: Change, transition.

Archetype: Rebirth


Symbolism: Moderation.

Archetype: The Union of Opposites.

The Devil

Symbolism: Being trapped.

Archetype: The Trickster, or sexual energy.

The Tower

Symbolism: Chaos, unwanted change.

Archetype: Chaos.

The Star

Symbolism: Hope and the spirit.

Archetype: The Star.

The Moon

Symbolism: Emotions.

Archetype: The Moon -- linked with dreams.

The Sun

Symbolism: Joy.

Archetype: The Sun.


Symbolism: Judgement and completion.

Archetype: Evaluation and reward.

The World

Symbolism: Fulfilment.

Archetype: Satisfaction, wholeness.

Tarot symbols are instrumental to the cards' popularity and widespread use. Besides helping in the comprehension of difficult concepts, symbols also help in divination.

The tarot card deck is made up of 22 cards called the major arcana and four 14-card suits called the minor arcana. The two main symbols of tarot are numbers and images.

There are no precise meanings for each card and layout, because the language of tarot is complex in that it is dependent upon the interpretation conducted by the individual involved in the reading. Some tarot readers compare the art of reading to a mirror, as the cards are said to reflect one's own hopes and fears.

Understanding the symbolism of the tarot cards does not happen overnight. It requires practice, patience and perseverance.

Understanding the Symbolic Language of Tarot

The symbolism of tarot serves two main purposes

Learning - The symbols help tarot card readers understand concepts that are hard to visualize and understand.

Divination - Every card tells a story about one's own personal journey at any point in time. Symbols can refer to a variety of interpretations every time the same card is read, based on the card reader's experience and intuition.

Beginners Guide to Learning the Symbolism of Tarot Cards

The following step-by-step tips could accelerate the familiarization process associated with tarot cards, allowing one to grasp the basic meaning of each card in a relatively short duration of time. An in-depth study of each card will take much longer to accomplish.

Separate the cards of the major arcana from the tarot deck. Lay the cards in a line or two rows.

Choose the card that you are most attracted to, and look up its complete interpretation. Get to know the card well. Repeat this with other cards in the deck that hold an attraction.

Look up the symbols associated with each tarot card and write down whatever comes to mind when viewing the symbol. Use free association for this process and keep the writings in a tarot card journal for future reference.

Start working with cards that are the easiest to comprehend. Then move on to cards that are more difficult to understand.

Once the cards of the major arcana are studied, focus on the cards of the minor arcana, by choosing a favorite suit after studying the symbolism of each suit.

Symbolism of Card Reading Rituals

Some tarot card readers like to use empowerment rituals before starting a reading. Some of the rituals and their meanings are as follows:

Keep the cards wrapped in a silk cloth to protect cards from negative psychic energy.

Place candles and crystals around a card layout to help the card reader improve focus.

Light sandalwood incense to symbolize the act of bringing in healing energy.

Pass a crystal pendulum over the cards to draw out negative energies.

The tarot deck has been used for centuries for divination and to discover hidden truths. Symbols are key to the popularity and success of tarot cards, because they speak the universal language of basic human feelings, ideas and thoughts. Its helpful to remember that tarot symbols are subject to constant redefinition and their meanings evolve with the card reader.

Understanding the language of Tarot or Tarot terminology is the first step to learning the art of reading Tarot cards.

Tarot is the system of using 78 picture cards for predicting the future and/or experiencing spiritual awareness. Attempting to understand Tarot, for a beginner, could be overwhelming, as there is a lot of new terminology to comprehend before continuing further.

The following Tarot dictionary should help demystify some of the more commonly used terms.


Literally means matters which are hidden, sacred. Alludes to the occult significance of symbols. The 78 tarot cards are split into Major Arcana containing 22 cards and Minor Arcana containing 56 cards.


The image or model existing in the collective unconscious for similar type of material manifestations. Each of the 22 cards of the Major Arcana, represents an archetype. Some examples are Magician, High Priestess, Hanged Man, Devil, Fool.


The practice of reading the future and one's personality through the use of cards.

Celtic Cross

One of the most popular 10 card Tarot layouts. It involves arranging six cards in a cross, and another four cards arranged vertically to the side of the cross.

Court Cards

King, Queen, Knight, Page; in some decks, King, Queen, Prince and Princess, which in a reading can represent identifiable individuals, or specific traits ascribed to the client.


A type of card layout where two lines meet. The center of the two lines is considered as the point where the old meets the new.


Crown is a symbol of royalty. Cards featuring an archetype wearing a crown indicates his/her authority and command.


One of the four suits identified with the water element, symbolizing emotions, love and other strong feelings.


One of the four suits identified with the earth element, symbolizing material possessions, practicality, physical body, determination. The disc is also known as the pentacle.


The art of foretelling the future with intuition or psychic abilities. Divination is one of the uses of Tarot.


One of the four court cards of the Minor Arcana. King of Wands represents leadership. King of Pentacles represents sound financial wisdom. King of Swords represents Authority and command. King of Cups represents wise counsel.


One of the four court cards of the Minor Arcana, generally symbolizing younger, impulsive nature.

Major Arcana

This is the heart of the Tarot. The 22 cards of the Tarot known as The Greater Secrets. Each Major Arcanum shows a scene with a person or several people with many symbolic elements.

Minor Arcana

The 56 cards of the Tarot known as The Lesser Secrets. These are divided into 4 suits, closely resembling the modern card deck of 52 playing cards.


One of the four court cards representing youth, news or communications.


One of the suits of the Minor Arcana symbolizing the earth element. Other names for Pentacles are Discs, Coins, Gold or Diamonds. This suit is grounded in the physical world and is used to identify with issues of practicality.

Pip Card

Pip refers to numbered cards of all four suits, from Ace to 10.


One of the four court cards of the Minor Arcana. In more modern decks the Prince takes the place of the Knight.


One of the four court cards of the Minor Arcana. In more modern decks the Princess takes the place of the Page.


One of the four court cards of the Minor Arcana. Represents the feminine personality. Queen of Wands represents a career woman. Queen of Pentacles represents a practical manager. Queen of Swords represents intelligence. Queen of Cups represents deep feeling and intuition.


A letter in the writing script of Germanic tribes. Runes (cards with inscriptions of the runic alphabet), similar to tarot cards, are used for divination. Runes are said to have originated about a thousand years before Tarot.


Represents wisdom, sound judgment and understanding. Sage symbolism is one of the qualities of the Hermit card of the Major Arcana.


The pattern or the layout of the cards in a reading.


Group of Cards that all use the same symbol. The four symbols are Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles.


One of the four suits, identified with the air element, symbolizing energy, action, intellect.


22 cards of the Major Arcana are also called Trumps.


One of the four suits, associated with fire, symbolizing work and career.

Though the Tarot is often thought of as a divinitory tool, there are other ways in which the Tarot can be used, including counseling, rituals, and games.

Using the Tarot takes many different forms. Some of these resemble counseling sessions, others are more like the traditional divination you see in movies. Tarot can be used for meditation, ritual, or even for games. Using the Tarot can allow you to gain appropriate insights into situations or your own self, and even encourages taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. Groups can also use the Tarot for similar purposes.

Tarot Counseling

The idea of Tarot counseling is becoming more popular. Tarot counseling can be understood, at least on a basic level, to refer to the act of giving counsel or advice utilizing the Tarot as a tool. This is usually done by a professional Tarot reader, hopefully someone who has experience in counseling. The reader has to be cautious, however, of administrating advice derived from a deck of cards, no matter how insightful that advice might be. The Tarot should not be used independently, but as a part of a greater counseling program. As a general rule, Tarot counseling should be only as a used by a professional.

Tarot as a Divinatory Tool

Divination is considered by many to be the primary purpose of the Tarot. Today, Tarot is used around the world to receive guidance and spiritual insight. Most experienced readers will tell you that the information received from the Tarot is not otherworldly or supernatural in any way. The information comes from within the reader and the querent (the person for whom the cards are being read). That information is from the universal subconscious that everyone is connected to. The information was already available. The Tarot simply opens a channel through which that information can be revealed.

Tarot for Meditation and Ritual

The archetypal symbolism of the Tarot can connect on an inner level to the subconscious mind. This means that these symbols can be used in the practice of meditation. Successful meditation usually requires a degree of visualization, and the cards of the Tarot can provide the essence of that visualization. With a little practice, anyone can learn to entwine their own meditations with the powerful images of the Tarot.

In the same way, an individual card or a group of cards can be used as the visual and energetic focus of a ritual. The Tarot can be integrated into rituals from many different traditions. Take a look at your own rituals and look for ways to make the Tarot a part of your ceremonies. Perhaps use them during a meditation. Or select four cards to represent the four Quarters, if your ritual invokes them. You might also choose two cards, usually the Empress and the Emperor, to represent the Goddess and the God. Study the essence of your rituals for appropriate places to integrate the symbols of the Tarot.

The More Frivolous Uses of the Tarot

The Tarot doesnt have to be used for anything as serious as counseling, divination, mediation, or ritual. The Tarot, with its vivid imagery, can be used as a source of inspiration. If you ever find yourself searching for your inner muse, pull out your favorite Tarot deck. Randomly select a small group of cards, perhaps laying them out in a spread. Study the cards before you and see if you can find a common theme that gives you a burst of inspiration.

Games are always popular, and the Tarot can be used for trick-taking games, just as it has been for centuries. Games using the Tarot are wide spread, especially in Europe, where the game tarot is quite popular in England and France. Also called Tarocchi in Italy and Tarock in Germany, this game is quite traditional, based upon rules established throughout the centuries. There are more modern games as well. Some of these are played with the divinatory usage of the Tarot in mind. Many are played purely for entertainment, others are used as team-building exercises or even spiritual development.

There are many different ways in which you might choose to use the Tarot. They dont only have to be used for divination. You can choose to use the Tarot and their psychology in whatever way feels right to you.

To get the best results with a tarot deck, one must bond with it. The bonding process can be simple or complex. Pick the best method for you.

A tarot deck can be read as soon as it is unwrapped. If a person has any training or natural skill, the tarot will speak to her. However, it is better to bond with the cards. The tarot cards are tools and the practitioner should be familiar with the deck.

A carpenter prefers to use his tools because he is familiar with them. They feel comfortable in his hands. The same is true for a tarot reader. The more familiar a person is with her deck the better it will work for her. Bonding is the process of building that familiar relationship. Bonding can be done quickly or gradually, as part of an elaborate ritual or simply by handling the cards and learning their pictures.

A Quick Method to Bond With a tarot Deck

This method of tarot bonding is perfect for a rush job. The tarot reader spreads the deck out or just holds the tarot in one hand. Next the reader extends her projective (usually the right) hand over the deck and blesses them.

The tarot can be blessed in the name of deity or in the name of a power like Goodness, Nature or Peace. "I call upon the Earth Mother and Sky Father to bless my tarot and let its symbols guide me and my clients to wisdom" is an example of a divinity-based blessing.

A reader can bless the tarot deck in her own name. Any words that come to mind can be used like "I bless this deck and ask it to help guide myself and others on their true paths." Once the deck is blessed the reader must shuffle the cards until the deck feels comfortable in her hands. Now it is ready for use. It is a good idea to use one of the longer bonding methods later.

Sleeping With the tarot Cards as a Bonding Method

Sleep is one of the easiest and best methods of tarot bonding. It lets the tarot's symbolism seep into ones dreams and take root. It is not necessary to perform an elaborate ritual or blessing before sleeping on the cards. The reader simply unwraps them and places them beneath the pillow. Then she goes to sleep as she normally would. In the morning she can either put them away or leave them there for another night. One night will do the trick, but the more nights the better.

Tying ones sleep tarot bonding to the moon phase will help. The moon rules dreams, the unconscious, deep mysteries and the tarot. The three nights of the dark of the moon is perfect. The dark of the moon to the full moon is, also, an excellent time to sleep on a tarot deck. If the moons phase is unknown, use numbers with magical or personal significance. 3, 5, 7, 9 and 13 are psychically powerful numbers. If the number 6 is important to a reader because it is her birthday or the number 8 has always been lucky for her, she can use those numbers.

Religious and Magical tarot Bonding

Many tarot practitioners like to use spiritual or magical rituals to bond with their tarot cards. Some rituals invoke sigils or the elements. Many religions have established rituals for blessing sacred tools. Some tarot practitioners adapt these rituals to include the tarot. A reader should feel free to create a ritual in keeping with her religious beliefs. If she is unsure how do to so, she can consult with a religious leader who is open to the tarot.

Fun Ways to Bond with a tarot Deck

Using the tarot cards is, perhaps, the most enjoyable way to bond with them. Playing with ones deck is essential to learning the symbols. The reader shuffles the tarot deck several times and then sorts it. She lays it out in different patterns and studies each card. She looks for something she has not noticed before. She considers its symbolism. She wonders why the artist included it. She studies how it adds to the overall picture. She lays each suit out in order and studies its progression or lays out the cards by number and sees what each card has in common with the other cards of the same number. When finished, she gathers up the cards and shuffles them again.

It does not matter which method of bonding with the tarot cards is used. Many people use more than one. The important thing is to bond with the tarot cards. The more familiar a reader is with her cards, the stronger her attachment will be, and the better they will work for her. Once a person has created a strong connection with her tarot deck she can use it for readings and meditation. More information on tarot Bonding can be found in the article,

Getting to Know Your Deck.

The Tarot are a widely used divinatory system often used by those seeking solutions to current problems. However, there are some things they cannot do.

Tarot has been used for many different purposes. Over the years, many different ideas have emerged concerning what the Tarot can and cannot do.

Can Tarot Cards Predict the Future?

Tarot cards do not predict the future, at least not in the classic sense. The only way the Tarot can predict the future is to give a most likely response. However, the act of knowing about a thing often changes that thing. Once a most likely future is known, especially if it is a negative one, it is highly possible that this event has already been altered.

Occasionally, someone will attempt to use the Tarot to predict the future. These attempts may use the Minor Arcana, the Major Arcana, or both. However, since Tarot do not predict the future, the only answer they really give is the most probable outcome based on the present situation.

What the Tarot Can Do

Tarot cards are a tool that can be consulted when the situation warrants it. They are best used to reveal the qualities of a specific moment when the individual has a particular problem or situation in mind. Tarot cards, when used in a spread, can give deeper meaning to events already in motion, and outline possible outcomes of these events.

Instead of predicting the future, the Tarot reveals the moment. Every choice that is made affects the future. Every moment is a consequence of the decisions that have been made in the past. Therefore, the future will spring from the present moment and the choices that are made. It is in the making of these choices that the Tarot has its most effective use.

The Tarot can give hints and suggestions as to how to cope with the moment, in an attempt to shape the future. It is important to remember that the Tarot reflects the inner thoughts and feelings of the individual. It is for this reason that the individual reading the cards must have a clear and focused mind, thinking only of the situation at hand.

Tarot cards are also a tool by which the elements of a situation can be revealed. They can show an individual how they got where they are, and perhaps even a possible way out of the present situation. Typically, Tarot cards tend to express a time period of around six months, so they do often give valuable advice for solutions to current problems.

What the Tarot Cannot Do

Tarot cards cannot predict the future, no matter what anyone claims. They do not give a concrete account of fixed events that have yet to happen, or reveal anyones fate or destiny. The Tarot cannot help someone pass an exam or get a promotion at work.

The Tarot cannot and do not guarantee any outcome or situation. It would be folly to think that they will. They are a divinatory tool, and a powerful one, but they should not and cannot be the only tool that an individual uses in determining the nature of a situation or how to react to it.

The Tarot does not control anyones destiny. Each individual makes their own fate, though most people do not realize this. Fate is really a subconscious thing, and the Tarot helps each person connect to that subconscious.

Tarot cards are an elusive and mysterious thing. They can be used as a guide, but absolutely should not be relied upon when planning one's future. It is also important to remember that Tarot cards are only a valid divinatory tool if they are properly cared for.

There are 56 cards in minor arcana, divided into four suits - Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit has court cards like king and queen, and numbered cards.

The tarot card system consists of 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana cards. Major arcana cards are also called trump cards and deal with the big issues of one's life. The cards of the minor arcana deal with everyday issues and also show ways to manage different aspects of life.

Four Elements of the Minor Arcana in Tarot

Also called pip cards, the minor arcana cards are divided into four suits, similar to a deck of standard playing cards. The four suits are wands, cups, swords and pentacles. The four suits symbolize the elements of fire, water, air and earth. Some cards of the minor arcana are numbered, while other cards are called court cards. The four court cards are king, queen, knight and page.

The numbered cards represent a specific stage of one's life. For example, ace of wands represents the beginning of spiritual quest. The court cards represent the traits and characteristics of one's personality.

What do Wands Symbolize in Tarot?

Wands are also called rods, batons or staffs. Wands represent spirituality, inspiration, passion. The element of fire is associated with wands. Spark of inspiration, source of illumination and fiery spirit are some words used to describe characteristics of the tarot wands.

What do Cups Symbolize in Tarot?

Cups are also called chalices. Cups are able to hold water and other liquids. Deeply felt emotions are symbolized by the tarot cups.

What do Swords Symbolize in Tarot?

Swords may also be called blades in some tarot decks. The element of air is associated with swords.

Swords, like words, move through the air and hence, swords are related to thoughts, ideas and other means of communication. Sword cards are symbolized by the intellect and other pursuits of the mind.

What do Pentacles Symbolize in Tarot?

There are many alternate names for pentacles - coins, disks, stones, worlds, stars. Pentacles are associated with the earth element. Tangibles, physical realities of human existence are symbolized by pentacles.

Tarot is rich in symbolism and cards of the minor arcana are no exception. Besides the elemental association of each suit, the number on each card has its own numerological significance. If the major arcana describes the mysteries of life, the minor arcana cards describe how the mystery of life is experienced on a daily basis.

Major Arcana cards are considered important because the cards relate to major life changes, big issues, basic challenges of human experience, fears and other emotions.

The standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, 22 of which are, cards of the major arcana and the remaining 56 cards comprise the minor arcana. Arcana means, "profound secret" or "something hidden and sacred."

The 22 cards of the major arcana are considered the heart of the tarot deck. These cards deal with the big issues of one's life. Each of these cards symbolizes an aspect of human experience that's universal and consistent.

Why is the Major Arcana Special?

Drawing a major arcana card is given extra importance because, it implies that the issue on hand is not trivial or temporary. It deals with basic fears, motivations, concerns. Numerology, astrology and other esoteric sciences are used in the interpretation of the patterns of the major arcana.

Some interpreters of tarot also view the cards of the major arcana as different stages in the life of an individual. Some tarot readers refer to the major arcana as the workings of fate.

What are the Cards of the Major Arcana?

The 22 cards of the major arcana are:

The Fool

The Magician

The High Priestess

The Empress

The Emperor

The Hierophant

The Lovers

The Chariot


The Hermit

The Wheel of Fortune


The Hanged Man



The Devil

The Tower

The Star

The Moon

The Sun

The Judgment

The World

Why is the Fool Card Assigned the Number 0?

The Fool card symbolizes creation from nothingness. In tarot games, unlike the occult tarot deck, the fool card is independent of the trump cards and suit cards, as it does not belong in either category and hence was unnumbered.

The historic numeric value assigned to the fool card is retained in most of the modern tarot decks like the Rider Waite deck. In some tarot decks, the fool card is assigned the number 22 which is the position of the very last card.

Some tarot readers view the number 0 of the fool card to mean that the circle has no beginning or end. The fool card also represents the circle of life - of birth, death and reincarnation.

An archetype is an image or model that is present in humanity's collective consciousness. Each of the major arcana cards represents an archetype represented by an image and sometimes an associated number.

Its often said that the image of the major arcana card is worth more than the proverbial thousand words, as there are many ways of interpreting the cards, depending on the spread, the other cards in the reading and the card reader's intuition.

Card Zero of the Tarot Deck's Major Arcana The Fool Card

Tarot's Fool Card Has a Numeric Value of Zero - MShadesThe fool card, with numeric value 0, implies new beginnings, adventure, optimism, hope, intuition. When inverted, fool implies haste, need for caution.

The fool card is one of the 22 major arcana cards in the tarot deck. The fool card is assigned a numeric value of zero. The image on a fool card shows a young man embarking on a journey.

The fool card could mean a wise fool, a court jester, carnival fool, joker of the standard card deck. The fool can be compared to any mythic character who undertakes a mission or a quest.

Why Does the Fool Card Have a Value of Zero?

The Fool card symbolizes creation from nothingness. In tarot games, unlike the occult tarot deck, the fool card is independent of the trump cards and suit cards, as it does not belong in either category and hence was unnumbered.

Zero is an unusual number. It's in the middle of the numeric system as it's neither positive nor negative. Similarly, the fool is fresh, spontaneous and open. Some people interpret the fool as the first and last card of the tarot deck. It signifies that the end of one phase in life is often the beginning of another.

What Does the Fool Card Represent?

The fool does not always imply foolishness. The fool signifies the energetic adventurer, who sets off on a journey with hope and optimism. He has fresh and original ideas and is willing to take the leap of faith.

Guided by intuition and insight instead of logic and conventional wisdom, the fool card represents youthful energy and child-like exuberance.

The astrological significance of the fool card is the sign of Aries; it represents the pioneer archetype and has a planetary association with Uranus, signifying rebellion.

Drawing the fool card usually indicates that the querent is at the beginning of a new venture. It could mean a new relationship, pregnancy, a new job or launch of a business.

Since the image of the fool card is a young man who is always young and energetic, from a health standpoint, drawing a fool card bodes well and implies that one is in good health.

Meaning of Reversed Fool Card

Drawing the inverted fool card means that one could be unprepared for a potential fall and that a decision is being made too hastily. In such cases, the tarot reader might advise caution and it may be advisable to reconsider all options before making a decision.

The fool card implies more than new adventures, journeys and beginnings. From a spiritual standpoint, it also implies a universe where events come full circle. The fool is a reminder to not take oneself very seriously and to be guided more by the heart than by the head.

Tarot Card Symbolism The Star of the Major Arcana

The Star of the Major Arcana of the Tarot is the bringer of hope for the Fool after he encounters the Tower. How does this affect a Tarot reading?

The Star is the seventeenth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is the embodiment of hope for the future and faith that this future will come.

The Symbolism of the Star Tarot Card

This card is represented by a woman kneeling beside a pond. She has one foot in the water, the other on land, much as Temperance did. Above her head, there is a shining star. She holds two jugs, which she is pouring out, one onto land, the other into the water.

The Star bears the number 17, and the card brings hope for the Fool , following his encounter with the Tower.

The General Interpretation of the Star Tarot Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies an experience of hope, perhaps even faith. However, this card can be difficult to interpret. It may signify the coming of hope, or it could warn against blind hope. The interpretation is best determined by evaluating the other cards in the spread and relying on your own instincts during the reading.

The Star is a welcome relief for the Fool at this stage of his journey. He has passed though fear and strife, and experienced the collapse of all he held dear. Now, he has some hope for the future, and a renewed faith in himself.

The Inner Meaning of the Star Tarot Card

The Star is the image of all that humans cling to: the notion that, no matter how bad things might seem, there is always a glimmer of hope. This card is not one of plans and action, but rather of feeling and emotion. It is a card associated with waiting and patience, much like the Hermit and the Hanged Man.

The Star is not a card of schemes and expectations; instead, it is a card of intuition and instinct. The Star shows the Fool that not everything is a matter of fact or circumstance. Some situations require hope and belief.

This is also a card of renewal. As the lady pours water on both land and sea, she renews the physical and spiritual aspects of the Fool. Once renewed, he can continue upon his journey.

The Star is encountered by the Fool after he meets the Tower, on the path to his meeting with the Moon.

Tarot Card Symbolism The Moon of the Major Arcana

The Moon of the Major Arcana of the Tarot is the bringer of uncertainty for the Fool after he encounters the Star. How does this affect a Tarot reading?

The Moon is the eighteenth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is the embodiment of the life of the imagination.

The Symbolism of the Moon Tarot Card

This card is represented by both a wolf and a domesticated dog howling at a frowning moon. The wolf and dog imply fears of the natural mind, while the frowning moon shows its displeasure. There is also a crayfish that is crawling out of the water onto the land.

The Moon bears the number 18, and is the bringer of uncertainty for the Fool after his encounter with the Star.

The General Interpretation of the Moon Tarot Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a period of uncertainty, fluctuation, and confusion. It can mean that you are caught in your own mind, and you can do nothing but wait, clinging to the vague memories of hope and faith that were presented in the Star card.

The Fool, also caught within the subconscious mind, begins to reflect. He realizes that his own personal journey of development is only a lesser part of a greater whole. With this enlightenment, he awaits his rebirth with a calm certainty that it will come

The Inner Meaning of the Moon Tarot Card

The Moon is the image of the mystery of the subconscious. The High Priestess and Wheel of Fortune interpretations are also related to this theme. These three cards are linked, providing a deeper understanding of the subconscious realm. The Moon is also a card of dreams and nightmares, perhaps indicating that your dreams are trying to tell you something.

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This card explores the hidden depths of the subconscious. It is a confusing, chaotic, world, and in this world, you are but a tiny part of the much greater whole. Personal feelings and journeys pale in comparison to this. Your own place in this universe suddenly doesnt seem as important.

This is also a card of the animal nature, and the instinctive fear of that animal nature. The message of this card is that if you are still and calm, a calm may come upon the animal nature, that it may cease to attempt manifestation. Giving yourself up to this nature may just be the only way to tame it.

It is in the Moon that the Fool finally realizes that there is more to life than just him. There is a greater world beyond his own, a world that cries out to be explored. This is an idea that gives rise to some uncertainty in the Fool.

The Moon is encountered by the Fool after he meets the Star. This occurs while on the path to his meeting with the Sun.

Tarot Card Symbolism The Tower of the Major Arcana

The Tower of the Major Arcana of the Tarot is the force of cataclysm for the Fool after he encounters The Devil. How does this affect a Tarot reading?

The Tower is the sixteenth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is the embodiment of changes that must be made, willing or not.

The Symbolism of the Tower Tarot Card

This card is represented by a tower that has just been hit by lightning and is aflame. Two figures are falling from high atop the tower. This card is generally considered to be an ill omen.

The Tower bears the number 16, and is the force of cataclysm for the Fool after his encounter with The Devil.

The General Interpretation of the Tower Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies the breakdown of existing thoughts and forms. How difficult or painful this will be depends on the attitude with which you approach this card, much as with Death.

The Tower is a card of fear for many, for the fall it indicates cannot be avoided. Willing or not, the fall will happen. The only variable involves how you decide to react to the devastation suggested by this card.

The Fool is also faced with this decision. Does he accept what must be, or does he fight against the fates? The Devil showed him that changes had to be made. If he does not make these changes himself, the Tower will make them for him.

The Inner Meaning of the Tower in Tarot

The Tower is the image of the collapse of old forms, including old thoughts and beliefs. Since it is the only man-made structure in the entire Major Arcana, it represents those things that are built by you and only you. This can and usually does include the many social facades that are worn by people in society. It implies that perhaps you are wearing your own mask, hiding from the truth, disguising who and what you truly are. It is the card of false or outgrown values, perhaps suggesting that this disguise isnt necessary.

Just as the Devil forced an awareness of inner integrity, the Tower may force you to act on this information. To become true and pure to yourself, acknowledging the inner truth you have been trying to deny. This can be a painful process, but the end result is always worth the pain and fear.

The Fool is forever changed by this card. He is more humble and complete, and more true to himself. He has found his authentic self. His life on the outside will change because of this card, just as he has been changed on the inside.

The Fool must encounter the Tower after he meets the Devil. This occurs while on the path to his meeting with the Star.

Tarot Card Symbolism The Devil of the Major Arcana

The Devil of the Major Arcana of the Tarot is the captor of the Fool after he encounters Temperance. How does this affect a Tarot reading?

The Devil is the fifteenth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is the embodiment of fear and fascination, and of chains which are freely worn.

The Symbolism of the Devil Tarot Card

This card is represented by a figure with two naked demons chained to his throne; he