changeling contracts

Name Description Blessing Page Broadback Beasts of Burden Stoic Forbearance CtL 102 Chimera Amalgamation Goblins Tongue WM 106 Cleareyes Keen Senses Primal Senses WM 67 Coldscale Cold-blooded Reptilian Blood WM 67 Coyote Trickster The Trickster's Truth WM 106 Hunterheart Predators / Hunters Tooth and Claw CtL 102 Nix River Maiden Consumptive Voice WM 107 Riddleseeker Wise / Cunning Animals of Legend Inquisitive Instinct NHGF 102 Roteater Carrion Eaters Scavengers Nature WM 67 Runnerswift Fast Runs Like the Wind CtL 102 Skitterskulk Creepy Crawlies Impossible Counterpoise CtL 102 Steepscrambler Climbers Gifted Climber CtL 102 Swimmerskin Swimmers Natural Swimmer CtL 102 Truefriend Loyal Pets Companion's Boon WM 67 Venombite Poisonous Poisonous Bite CtL 102 Windwing Flyers Gift of the Sky CtL 103 Darkling The Boogiemen Spend Glamour to grant an ally get +3 on a roll. You're mah bro, bro. Reduced falling damage. Spend Glamour to glide. (+) 9-Again on Stealth rolls. (+) Spend Glamour to increase dice pool involving Wits, Subterfuge and Stealth. (-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools involving Intelligence. +1 to Composure when resisting emotional manipulation, +2 to Stamina when resisting poisons Lethal unarmed damage Spend Glamour, for one scene, +2 to all Wits rolls except Perception (Wits + Composure). Free Investigation Specialty "Riddles". +3 to Climbing +2 Speed +2 to resist poison/disease, +3 if injested, 9 again perception when scrounging for items. Spend Glamour once per day, hearing her voice cuts social rolls by half of Nix's Wyrd. Spending Willpower on a Pers or Sub roll grants +5. If vice is Gluttony, Greed or Lust, Manipulation cost is New Dots x 4 +2 to perception rolls. Spend Glamour to heighten senses. Spend Glamour for +2 to all Stamina rolls for the scene. Spend Glamour, +3 on social rolls with Hobgoblins. Blessing Description Kiths Spend Glamour to make a poisonous Brawling attack that deals no damage. Can swim at full speed and hold breath underwater as though Stamina 7 Beast The Animals Fang and Talon (CtL 142) Contracts of the Den (WM 19) Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111) (+) 8-Again on Animal Ken & free specialty on animal most representing their mien. (+) Can add points of Glamour to Presence and Composure dice pool. (-) -4 untrained penalty in Mental Skills. Triple Defense when Dodging

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A list of current contracts, courts, and more from Changeling the Lost


Page 1: Changeling Contracts

Name Description Blessing Page

Broadback Beasts of Burden Stoic Forbearance CtL 102

Chimera Amalgamation Goblins Tongue WM 106

Cleareyes Keen Senses Primal Senses WM 67

Coldscale Cold-blooded Reptilian Blood WM 67

Coyote TricksterThe Trickster's

TruthWM 106

Hunterheart Predators / Hunters Tooth and Claw CtL 102

Nix River Maiden Consumptive Voice WM 107

RiddleseekerWise / Cunning

Animals of LegendInquisitive Instinct NHGF 102

Roteater Carrion Eaters Scavengers Nature WM 67

Runnerswift FastRuns Like the

WindCtL 102

Skitterskulk Creepy CrawliesImpossible

CounterpoiseCtL 102

Steepscrambler Climbers Gifted Climber CtL 102

Swimmerskin Swimmers Natural Swimmer CtL 102

Truefriend Loyal Pets Companion's Boon WM 67

Venombite Poisonous Poisonous Bite CtL 102

Windwing Flyers Gift of the Sky CtL 103

DarklingThe Boogiemen

Spend Glamour to grant an ally get +3 on a

roll. You're mah bro, bro.

Reduced falling damage. Spend Glamour to


(+) 9-Again on Stealth rolls.

(+) Spend Glamour to increase dice

pool involving Wits, Subterfuge and


(-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools

involving Intelligence.

+1 to Composure when resisting emotional

manipulation, +2 to Stamina when resisting


Lethal unarmed damage

Spend Glamour, for one scene, +2 to all Wits

rolls except Perception (Wits + Composure).

Free Investigation Specialty "Riddles".

+3 to Climbing

+2 Speed

+2 to resist poison/disease, +3 if injested, 9

again perception when scrounging for items.

Spend Glamour once per day, hearing her

voice cuts social rolls by half of Nix's Wyrd.

Spending Willpower on a Pers or Sub roll

grants +5. If vice is Gluttony, Greed or Lust,

Manipulation cost is New Dots x 4

+2 to perception rolls. Spend Glamour to

heighten senses.

Spend Glamour for +2 to all Stamina rolls for

the scene.

Spend Glamour, +3 on social rolls with


Blessing Description


Spend Glamour to make a poisonous

Brawling attack that deals no damage.

Can swim at full speed and hold breath

underwater as though Stamina 7

BeastThe Animals

Fang and Talon (CtL 142)

Contracts of the Den (WM 19)

Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111)

(+) 8-Again on Animal Ken & free

specialty on animal most representing

their mien.

(+) Can add points of Glamour to

Presence and Composure dice pool.

(-) -4 untrained penalty in Mental Skills.

Triple Defense when Dodging

Page 2: Changeling Contracts

AntiquarianCollectors of Forbidden

SecretsKeys to Knowledge CTL 106

Gravewright Affinity with the Dead Charnel Sight CTL 106

Illes Trolls Shadow Beauty WM 107

Leechfinger Fae Vampire Sap the Vital Spark CTL 106

LurkersThieves and

PickpocketsLarcenous Fingers VL 22

Lurkglider Winged Monsters Gargoyle's Grace VM 71

MirrorskinDoppelganger and

Identity Thief

The Mercurial

VisageCtL 106

Moonborn Madness Lunatic's Kiss WM 71

Nightsinger Music Haunting Nocturne WM 72

Palewraith Forgotten Light's Aversion WM 72

Pishacha Demons Taste of Madness WM 107

RazorhandPromise of Nighttime

ViolenceRipper's Gift WM 73

Skogsra Wood TrollsKeepers of the

Feral HeartWM 107

TunnelgrubThe Monster Under

Your BedSlither and Squirm CtL 106

WhisperwispSpies, Watching and

ListeningTurncoat's Tongue WM 73

ElementalEmbodiments of Nature

Elements (CtL 138)

Communion (WM 32)

Contracts of the Wild (RoS 111)

(+) Once per day, spend one point of

Glamour to increase Health by your

Wyrd level for one scene.

(-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools

involving Manipulation, Empathy,

Expression, Persuasion or Socialize,

except in dice pools for seeming

affinity Contracts

Spend Glamour to heal self while damaging

the opponent

Spend Glamour to fall 100 yards without

taking damage, +2 to for balancing on ledges.

Every 24 hours, roll Int + Wyrd vs. Res +

Wyrd. Both of you go nuts, humans go


Spend Glamour, +1 to defense in shadows

(Applies to firearms as well).

Spend Glamour, hand becomes a knife (1L).

Gain Melee Specialty Knives.

Can spend 1 Glamour to wriggle free of

restraints or squeeze through tight spaces

Darkness (CtL 136)

Shade and Spirit (WM 26)

9-Again on Academics and Investigation rolls.

Can spend Glamour to temporarily use

Encyclopedic Knowledge

Spend Glamour to see ghosts

Spend Glamour, gain ●●●● Striking Looks

merit (WoD, p117) for one hour. Gain +2

social when dealing with opposite sex.

9-Again on Empathy and Subterfuge on

conversation/gather info. Spend Glamour to

whisper a message within earshot.

Spend Glamour and look into bird or

mammal's eyes. It becomes a loyal pet until

next sunrise or sundown.

Spend Glamour, and lick opponent. Opponent

gains mild derangement (or upgrades to

major) for one week. Can only be used once

per week.

Spend Glamour, roll Perform + Wyrd vs

Comp + Wyrd. Listener gets -2 to Resolve,

Empathy, Subtrefuge. Free Performance


+3 to disguise rolls

9-Again on Larceny rolls, with no penalty for

poor equipment. Spend Glamour to gain a +2

to Larceny rolls. 8-Again on Stealth rolls.

(-) -2 to activate Contracts while the

sun is upon the Darkling.

(-) -1 to activate Contracts during the


Page 3: Changeling Contracts

Airtouched Air / Clouds / WindVelocity of the

ZephyrCtL 109

Apsaras Beautiful Fog Nymphs Enthralling Mist WM 108

Ask-wee-da-eed Will-o-the-Wisp Taste of Ill Luck WM 108

Blightbent Living glob of Pollution Caustic Caress WM 78

Di-cang Humanoid Jewel Peace of Suffering WM 108

EarthbonesEarth / Mud / Sand /

StoneTerrestrial Might CtL 109

Fireheart Fire / Lightning / Heat Flickering Acumen CtL 109

Levinquick Electricity / Lighting Fireflaught's Vigor WM 79

Manikin Dolls / Mechanical MenArtificer's

EnchantmentCtL 109

Metalflesh Statues made of Metal Forge's Endurance WM 79

Sandharrowed Sand / Deserts Enveloping Sands WM 79

Snowskin Snow / Ice The Voice of Ice CtL 110

Waterborn Water / Lakes / Ponds The Gift of Water CtL 110

Woodblood Plants / Fungi / WoodFade into the

FoliageCtL 110

Bright OnesTransformed by Light /

Fire / IceGoblin Illumination CtL 113

DancerDancers, Assassins

and ArtistsFae Grace CtL 114

DraconicGraceful Warriors /

BeastbloodedDragon's Talon CtL 114

FlamesirenEntrancement of the

FlameBurning Hypnotism WM 83

FloweringPersonification of a

Sweet Flower


FragranceCtL 114

FairestThe Royalty and Glamorous

Vainglory (CtL 146)

Reflection (ER 34)

Separation (WM 40)

(+) Spend Glamour to improve dice

pools involving Presence, Manipulation

and Persuasion

(+) Do not suffer a penalty for

untrained social skills.

9-Again on Persuasion, Socialize and


Spend Glamour, reroll a Brawl attack, once

per scene. +1 to Brawl rolls

Can illuminate an area at will. By spending a

Glamour, can make the light blinding

9-Again on Socialize or Expression rolls

involving agility and +1 to Dodge

Spend Glamour, everyone looking must rolle

Res + Comp, or suffer -2 to all actions until

scene or effect ends.

(-) -1 when rolling to avoid losing


Spend Glamour, for one scene, everyone

within 10 yards suffers no wound penalties.

Purchase Larceny at half cost.

Spend Glamour, force a successful reroll at -

1. Gain +1 to all Contracts of the Hearth.

Can spend Glamour to add Wyrd to Speed or

Initiative for the scene

Spend Glamour, change a target's vice to

"Lust". Add Wyrd to manipulation. Lasts 24


Spend Glamour, breathe pollution. Roll Dex +

Wyrd - targets stamina. Target takes one

lethal per sucess unless he can defend. +3 to

resist manmade poisons.

Can spend Glamour to increase non-combat

Strength rolls at 1-to-1 basis

+2 on grapples and escaping grapples.

Can learn Contracts of Artifice and make

untrained Crafts rolls with reduced penalty

Can spend Glamour to increase Wits rolls at

1-to-1 basis

Spend Glamour, +1 to Stamina, Resolve,

Composure for scene.

9-Again on Intimidation and Subterfuge rolls

and can spend Glamour to reroll a failed

Intimidation roll

9-Again on Stealth and Survival rolls. Can

spend a Glamour to hide in a normally

unhideable area with decent foliage

Spend Glamour, +2 to speed and intiative.

Lasts for a turn per Wyrd.

Can spend a Glamour to breathe underwater

and Swim at 2xSpeed. Cannot breathe air

until effect is over or Glamour is spent to


Page 4: Changeling Contracts

Gandharva Pretty MessengerHeavenly

ArticulationWM 108

Larcenist Charmers and Thieves Thievery's Grace NHGF 63

Minstrel Performer Perfect Pitch NHGF 43

Muse Artistic InspirationThe Tyranny of

IdeasCtL 114

PlaymateTaken to be the Fae's

Best FriendCircle of Friends NHGF 122

PolychromaticRainbowchild /

Emotional EpilepticPrismatic Heart WM 84

RomancerMasters of Twisting



BlessingNHGF 46

Shadowsoul Beauty of the Night Unnatural Chill WM 84

SuccubusDemons of Temptation

and SexVice to Vice WM 109

Telluric StarsMusic of the

SpheresWM 84

Treasured Treasured Item Alabaster Fortitude WM 85

Weisse Frau Kind, Sad Pale Matrons Kiss of Life WM 109

Bloodbrute GladiatorImprovised

MayhemWM 90

Corpsegrinder Cannibals Sepulchral Hunger WM 90

OgreThe Monsters

Stone (CtL 144)

Oath and Punishment (WM 47)

An enemy at half health grants +1 to the

Ogre's attack rolls. Gain a +1 when fighting

undead (Zombies, vampires)

Spend Glamour, turn something into any

weapon from the Melee Weapons Chart

(WoD Core p170). No -1 Improvised Weapon

penalty for the Bloodbrute.

Subtle changes in everyone's eyes, incurs -3

to describe character, applies to clothes.

Even cameras, both video and digital are

affected by blessing.

Once per scene, spend Glamour, retake one

Stamina, Resolve or Composure roll (Not for

derangement rolls.)

If target and Succubus have same vice, +1 to

all social rolls. If both have Lust, +2. Free ●●

Striking Looks merit (WoD, p117). If already

owned, ●●●●.

(+) Spend Glamour to improve dice

pools involving Strength, Brawl and


(-) -1 Penalty when using Composure

as a defense trait (Subtracting defense

from a characters dice pool).

(-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools

involving Composure (Except for

perception rolls, Wits + Composure)

Spend Glamour, reroll any failed dice on

Expression roll. Harvesting Glamour from

audience gains 8-Again.

When Playmate is primary actor in a

teamwork roll, add +2. If secondary, you may

forgo roll to give primary 9-again.

9-Again on Larceny and Socialize rolls

involving Agility. +1 to dodge when dodging


Spend Glamour, Expression or Persuasion

rolls become an exceptional success at 3 die

instead of 5 for one scene.

Spend Glamour and kiss a target once per

chapter. Target gains +2 armor. If target is

younger then 13, +3. Does not stack with

other armor.

Always know what time it is, +3 on situations

that require precise timing. Free Astronomy

for Academics, Astrology for Occult.

Bonus to Intimidate = Wyrd, 9 again

subterfuge. Contracts of Darkness are


Spend Glamour, +2 to resist emotional

manipulation for scene. All empathy vs.

changeling suffers -1.

Can spend a Glamour to give a Human +2 to

an Expression, Persuasion, Socialize or

Subterfuge roll

Page 5: Changeling Contracts

CyclopeanTrackers with Acute

SensesSmell the Blood CtL 118

DaityaReptilian Giants /

GodslayersCutting Might WM 109

FarwalkerCryptids and Urban

LegendsThe Elusive Gift CtL 118

GargantuanGiants that Magically

GrowSpurious Stature CtL 118

Gristlegrinder Monstrous Eaters Terrible Teeth CtL 118

OniSoul Consuming

DemonsMouthful of Sin WM 110

Render Living Siege Engines Sundering Talons WM 91

Stonebones Heavy Defenses Obdurate Skin CtL 118

TrollAmbushers / Cunning

RiddlersUnyielding Voice WM 110

Water-dweller Lake MonstersLie Under the

WavesCtL 119

Witchtooth Crones and Warlocks Black Hex WM 91

Artist ArtistsImpeccable

CraftsmanshipCtL 121

Author Writers Polyglot's Riddle WM 96

Brewer Makers of AlcoholThe Inebriating

ElixirCtL 121

Chatelaine Butlers Perfect Protocol CtL 121

Chirurgeon DoctorsThe Analeptic

CharmCtL 122

Drudge Slaves / Servants Unseen Labor WM 96

Fatemaker Talecraft Specialist Turn of the Tale SaD 64

(-) -2 for untrained Social Skills

+4 dice to resist poisons/intoxication; spend

Glamour, magically make a drink alcoholic

8-Again on Crafts rolls and can spend 1

Glamour to reroll failed dice on a Crafts roll

8-Again on Expression when writing. Wits +

Academics to understand written text in

foreign language.

9-Again on Social rolls that deal with manners

or etiquette and can spend a Glamour to get

+2 to Manipulation and Presence die pools

Spend Glamour, complete a simple task

almost instantly.

8-Again on Wits based Perception rolls. Fi Fi

Fo Fum indeed.

(-) Do not reroll 10s in dice pools

involving Presence

Add 2 Glamour to a Talecrafting roll to avoid

Cruel Twists of Fate (does not protect against

dramatic failure on the roll)

9-Again on Medicine rolls, doesn't suffer

equipment penalties on Medicine rolls

Can hold breath as though Stamina 7 and no

penalty to sight based perception rolls


Spend Glamour for +1 occult. +1 to activate

Contracts that curse.

Spend Glamour, add Strength to all

Manipulation rolls.

When attacking w/ bare hands, ignore 3

durability in objects.

2L bite attack

9-Again on Stealth or Survival rolls and can

spend a Glamour to reroll a Stealth or

Survival roll

(+) Spend Glamour to get 9-Again on

Dexterity for the scene

(+) Spend Glamour to add Wyrd to

dodge total

WizenedThe Servants and Craftsmen

Artifice (CtL 134)

Animation (WM 52)

Forge (RoS 99)

Spend Glamour, ignore durability do damage

to structure for one attack. Free Weaponry


Spend Glamour, add Wyrd to Size. When

returning to normal size, take 1 lethal


Spend Glamour, bite attack once per session.

Heal 1 lethal or 2 bashing for every damage

dealt. Must be done on Morality 6 or less.

Spend Glamour, gain Armor equal to Wyrd

but suffer reduced defense

Page 6: Changeling Contracts

GameplayerGamemasters /



StratagemWM 96

Gremlin Sabotage Gremlinizing Touch WM 110

Inventors Artificers Inventive Genius VL 22

Miner Underground Tappingspeak WM 96

Oracle Prophets Panomancy CtL 122

PamarindoCannibals / Chefs /



GrotesquerieWM 110

Smith Metalworkers Steel Mastery CtL 122

Soldier Combatants/Sentries Blade Lore CtL 122

ThusserParties / Dancers /

HypnotismFiddler's Delight WM 110

WoodwalkerProtectors of the Land /

GardenersWildcraft CtL 123

Clause NameDescription of Clause


• The Honest EyeReveal if someone is


•• Knowing the


Grant insight on the

opposing players tactics●

••• The Living Game

Plays a game with the

Wyrd and gains insight

on a competition or



•••• The Game

Master's Table

Give information to a

unit through a board

game. Oh god




••••• The Cheater's


Curse enemy units.

Leader will know you've

cheated if you didn't get

an exceptional success.


Contracts of the Board

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Intelligence

Changeling has played this game with

someone who died in the last week.

Contracts of Dream

Changeling has caught subject cheating

in the past without using a contract.

Invoked during a rematch of the initial


The character is using a game

appropriate to the situation at hand

(Chess for a football game, blackjack

when it's multiple vs. one, poker for

every man for himself)

Prepare each piece or card for at least

one hour before the clause is activated.

Followers must be on hand.

Catch (Using the catch only waives

glamour cost. Additional costs must

still be paid.)

C:tL 124

Dice Pool

SaD 46

Wyrd + Wits vs Powerstat

+ Composure

Wyrd + Occult

Wyrd + Manipulation vs

Powerstat + Composure

(Enemy Leader)

Spend Glamour, win mental based board

games. +3 to gamble in games that require

both mental skill and luck.

8-Again on Crafts and Science rolls involving

mechanisms and devices. Spend Glamour to

add Wyrd score in dice to such a roll.

Can tell the future as though they had the

Common Sense Merit

Spend Glamour, improve a tool

Spend Glamour, pick a target. Sing or play

instrument and target will be unable to act as

long as you continue or he must defend


Universal Afinity Contracts

8-Again to Survival rolls and can survive by

eating any plant

Has a Weaponry specialty with Bladed


Spend Glamour, touch raw meat (Minimum

one pound). Can feed equal to Wyrd score,

nourishes for 24 hours. Gain Free Iron

Stomach Merit (WoD p112).

Spend Glamour, send a coded message

through vibrations in the ground.

Spend Glamour once per day, touch a device

to negate equipment penalties, including with


Page 7: Changeling Contracts

• Pathfinder

locate paths, Hollows

and other fixtures in the


•• Forging the Dream

alter events and setting

in subject's

dreamscape, even

when not inside

••• Phantasmal


Double Wyrd for

calculating damage, or

increase Willpower by

Wyrd as health in

oniomachy combat.

•••• Cobblethoughtextract items or images

from dreams●

••••• Dreamsteps

use dreams to traverse

instantaneously a

physical distance

• Fickle FateGive someone a -2

penalty on next roll●

•• Favored FateGive someone a +4

bonus on next roll●

••• Beneficent Fate

Give someone an

automatic success on

next roll

•••• Fortuna’s


Give someone 8-again

on the next roll●

••••• Triumphal Fate

Make one subject's

action an automatic

exceptional success


• Restoration of Dawn


Restore a weathered

item to prime condition.●

•• Frozen MomentFreeze an object in

time by touching it.●●

••• Thief of Days

Cause an object to age

unnaturally, damaging



•••• Flickering Hours

Alter the flow of time

within the Hedge

relative to Earth.


••••• Leaping Toward


Shoot a target forward

in time, removing them

from action.


• Read LucidityLearn the Target's


Used when the target is touching or

moving through a gateway into the


Contracts of Hours

Touch the target.

If used to enhance the same action

more than once before the next sunset

or sunrise, another roll will fail

If subject benefits more than once per

day, their next action is rolled with a

chance die

If used on a subject more than once per

day, another roll will dramatically fail

Contracts of Hearth

Contracts of Lucidity - Activating a Contract of Lucidity is a Clarity Breaking Point

If used on a subject more than once

within a year and a day, that action

becomes a dramatic failure

User or a member of the user's family

owned the object before abduction

Performed during sunrise or sunset

Knows the name of a now dead former


Smash a time keeping instrument

during activation

Pluck a thorn from the local Hedge and

shed a drop of blood within a single day

Stand or sit beside target with touching

subject's and his or her own temples

Carrying a token of favor given to them

freely by an enemy or one of their loved

ones or family members

Posses at least a single thread from

target's night clothes

Carry a physical object made by user

during the journey.

If used on a target more than once an

hour, affects user instead

DitD 69

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Wits

RoS 102


C:tL 127

Wyrd + Intelligence

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Investigation or

Wyrd + Investigation vs

Powerstat + Composure

Wyrd + Intelligence


Wyrd + Intelligence




Wyrd + Craft

Wyrd + Investigation

Wyrd + Intelligence


Page 8: Changeling Contracts

•• Temporary Sanity

Increase Clarity for a

few turns. Breaking

Point level: 8


•••Loan Clarity for a scene

Breaking Point level: 6●(●●)○

•••• Armoured Clarity

Only make one Clarity

roll in the next scene,

no matter how many

Breaking Points you

triggered. (Not counting

the Breaking point for

activating this Clause)

Breaking Point level: 4


••••• Thief of Reason

Lower the target's

Clarity for a scene.

Breaking point level 2.


• Riddle-Kith Appear as another Kith. ●

•• SkinmaskAlter one feature of the


••• Transfigure the


Grow larger or smaller

as you wish.●

•••• Oddbody

Transmutes a single

bodily feature into an

unnatural shape, such

as sprouting claws or

elongated legs, granting

a variety of potential


••••• Chrysalis

Transform into an

inanimate object of your

choosing for one scene.

• Lunatic’s Knowing


The changeling can

instantly tell if anyone

she is looking at suffers

from a derangement.

•• Maddening EyeCauses derangements

to temporarily worsen●●

••• Touch of Bedlam

Target suffers

temporary severe



•••• The Madness of


Induces temporary

Mass Hysteria all



User is currently suffering at least one


Target broke an oath to the user

User is performing for an audience

Get an object belonging to the

reproduced individual

Steal a garment that is either too large

or too small to wear

Consume the threads of a caterpillar's


Commission the creation of object

intended to mimic

User is dressed as and behaving like a

medical professional

Contracts of the Moon

The target publicly doubted her own

sanity in the last hour.

Dined with a member of that kith within

the last week

Contracts of Mirror

Target has lost Clarity in the last 24


Spent the last hour with more normal

humans than Enscorcelled humans or


Stand on one foot with shut eyes and

your arms by your side for a minuet.

Resolve + Clarity

Wyrd + Occult

Presence + Clarity + Wyrd -

Resolve + Composure

Wyrd + Presence vs

Powerstat + Composure

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Strength

Wyrd + Stamina

Wyrd + Manipulation

Presence + Intimidation +

Wyrd - Willpower + Wyrd

C:tL 129

Wyrd + Stamina

Wyrd + Strength

RoS 105

Wyrd + Manipulation -

Subject's Composure

Wyrd + Expression

Page 9: Changeling Contracts

••••• Lurking Insanity

The character can look

intently at a target and

cause him to develop a

latent form of insanity

that manifests only

when a specific even or

type of event occurs.


• Vision of StrifeSee someone's worst


•• Glimpse of

Fortune’s Favor

Next turn roll twice and

take the better result.

Two Glamour to cast

reflexively and roll twice

this turn.


••• Reading the


The Changeling sees

the most significant or

emotionally important

event that will happen

to someone in the next

few months.


•••• Vision of Disaster

Sees a vision of one

single turn, effectively

letting you replay that



••••• Tying the Knots of


The Changeling names

a single experience

which will happen to

someone, the

experience becomes

much more likely.


• The Wrong FootReplace tracks with that

of another animal●

•• NevertreadDon't leave tracks when


••• Shadowpatch

Bonus to hide as

shadows envelop the


•••• MurkblurMake target blind for a


••••• Light-Shy Invisibility ●○

• Bite of the Wooden


Increase the damage of

a weapon, weapons

must cause bashing


•• LeechweedEnchant thorns to drain


••• Briarpath

As the Changeling

moves a path of thorns

grows behind them.

Slows down pursuit.


Clause is used against someone in the

service of the characters Keeper or the

The character scatters a handful of

hedge thorns behind her

Spent at least an hour barefoot within

the past day

Spent at least an hour away from

natural sunlight within the past day

Swallow the eye of an insect or an

animalTold someone a meaningful lie to

someone important to the user within

The changeling uses a whip made of

plant material.

Contracts of Thorns and Brambles

User is playing a game of skill

Target is under 18

A trusted friend or ally suddenly betrays

the user

Used to bless a mortal under 18 with

good fortune

Lick thumb and smudge it on a mirror

Contracts of Smoke

Target betrayed a close blood relative

Target is speaking about their past

Contracts of Omen

Wyrd + Occult

SaD 49

Wyrd + Intelligence vs

Powerstat + Resolve

Wyrd + Intelligence

C:tL 132

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Subterfuge

Wyrd + Empathy

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Presence

RoS 108


Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Intelligence

Wyrd + Dexterity

Wyrd + Wits

Page 10: Changeling Contracts

•••• Shield of Thorns

Creates a circle of

thorns which attack

anyone in them.


••••• Hedgewall

The changeling grows a

wall of thorns in any

shape she desires.


• Trespasser’s Spoor

For one day gain a

significant bonus to

perception checks

within one's territory,

based on Wyrd.

•• Trapdoor Spider’s


Conceal the entrance to

one's territory.●

••• Cuckoo’s RuseConvince a home that

one is a resident●●

•••• Blessing of the


Carve a burrow in soil

or stone.●●

••••• Collapsing the


Collapse all or part of

one's den.●●●○

• Tongues of Birds and

Words of Wolves

Speak with animal (one

type, chosen at first use

of Contract)

•• Beast’s Keen


Gain +2 Perception as

the chosen animal's

primary senses are



••• Pipes of the


Call upon a group of

the chosen animal●●

•••• Tread of the Swift


Assume movement

type of the chosen



••••• Cloak of the

Bear’s Massive Form

Transformation into

chosen animal●●●●

• Wildwalker

Each success reduces

environmental penalties

by one to move, hide

and perceive

•• Nature’s Curse

Each success


environmental penalties

by one to move, hide

and perceive for a


••• Viridian Embrace

Each success

increases speed,

stealth and perception

by one


•••• Calling Wind and


Create/modify weather


Character spent the last night sleeping


Target is carrying a gun

User is attempting to come to the aid of

a mortal

A dozen or more mortals are asking or

hoping the user to do soWyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Intimidation

Give the animal a new name

Sees or touches the animal of the

imitated type

Ask the animal to guard or watch the

user's dwelling

Touch an animal of the correct type

In animal's natural habitat or within

touching distance of the animal

Contracts of the Wild - Note: Affinity is shared with Elementals.

The changeling writes his name on one

of the entrances to the territory in chalk

mixed with blood.

The changeling is holding a live spider

in his mouth at the time.

The character has openly invited the

owner of the location over to his home

The character is nude at the time of

invoking the clause.

The building belongs to the changeling

using the clause.

Contracts of Fang and Talon

Changeling deals 1L to self, pours

blood where she wants thorns to grow.

The changeling transplants a small

shrub from the hedge into where she

will activate the clause.

Contracts of the Den

Beast Affinity ContractsWM 19

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Strength

Wyrd + Manipulation vs

Hollow Ward / Security


Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Survival

Wyrd + Animal Ken

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Persuasion

Wyrd + Expression

C:tL 142

RoS 111

Wyrd + Dex

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Animal Ken

Page 11: Changeling Contracts

••••• Calling Nature’s


Environment attacks

everyone withing 50



• Creeping Dread

reduce resistance to

fear or intimidation of

either one target or

everyone within three

yards per dot of



•• Night’s Subtle


avoid notice by

enhancing physical

conditions that limit


••• Balm of

Unwakeable Slumber

sleeping targets remain

sleeping through all

noises or movements


•••• Boon of the

Scuttling Spiderrun along solid surface ●●●

••••• Touch of

Paralyzing Shudder

cause the target to

move slowly and



• Ghostly PresenceSpeak to ghosts in


•• Dread Companion

Allows a ghost limited

ability to interact with

the physical world

••• Haunting


Allow a ghost to

materialize physically

for one scene

•••• Waking the DeadAwaken a ghost and

learn its secrets●●

••••• Opening the

Black Gate

Open a gate to the


• Sense Element

Sense all instances of

your element within a

range based on Wyrd

Wyrd + Manipulation vs

Powerstat + Resolve

The changeling sits and meditates for at

least 10 minutes and makes a

successful meditation roll.

Contracts of Communion

The ghost is someone the changeling

knew in life, or the changeling is a


The changeling presses a drop of her

own blood to the forehead of everyone

participating in the clause.

The changeling has set up a "dead

supper": a complete meal served on

never-used plates and silver, with a

place for everyone who wishes to

participate in the intercession, including

the ghost.

The changeling "feeds" the shade by

wounding herself and offering her

blood, taking one point of bashing

damage per question.

The clause is invoked at midnight in a

mausoleum, and the changeling

invokes the laws of hospitality while the

clause is in effect.

Contracts of Shade and Spirit

Used to frighten intruders into dwelling

Used outdoors at night

Target asleep in own bed and Contract

used between sunset and sunrise

Climbing a wall made of stone or wood

outdoors, at night

Target is alone and already afraid of the


Contracts of Darkness

On land owned by family Wyrd + Survival

Darkling Affinity Contracts

Wyrd + Stamina

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Presence vs

Powerstat + Resolve

Wyrd + Manipulation -

Subject's Resolve

Wyrd + Strength

Wyrd + Manipulation

WM 26

Wyrd + Athletics

C:tL 136

Wyrd + Stealth

Wyrd + Wits

Elemental Affinity ContractsWM 32

Page 12: Changeling Contracts

•• Primordial Voice

Interact with an

element, asking about

recent events

••• Distant ConnectionRemotely scry through

instances of an element●●(○)

•••• Elemental ServitorAnimates the element

to serve as an ally●●●

••••• Elemental Ally

Renders the element

intelligent and

observant for an

extended period, but it

can animate for only

one scene.


• Cloak of the


Be protected from all

manifestations of the



•• Armor of the

Element’s Fury

Gain 1 Armor, do

damage on contact,

attack by touch.


••• Control ElementsDirect the element

within the area.●●●

•••• Calling the


Call an element to the


••••• Become the

Primal Foundation

Become a

manifestation of the



• Wildwalker

Each success reduces

environmental penalties

by one to move, hide

and perceive.

Must sit and contemplate a large

amount of the element for at least half

an hour immediately before

Character spent the last night sleeping


Contracts of the Wild - Note: Affinity is shared with Elementals.

When first using this clause on the

element, the changeling negotiates with

the element, promising some service or

other payment in return for having the

element as a temporary ally.

Successfully bargaining with the

element and paying its price are the

catch for this clause. The favor asked is

invariably hazardous, arduous or


Wearing a symbolic representation of

the element

Touching the element when the

contract is invoked

Area completely dominated by the


Calling the element solely to entertain

Contracts of Elements

The character makes a minor offering

to the element — polishing metal she is

going to talk to, sweeping flagstones,

singing for the air, adjusting the lights to

make shadows larger, etc. In addition to

the effort involved, such efforts also

take at least a few minutes of time.

The character wishes to share the

senses or ask a favor of an example of

the element she is extremely familiar

with such as the wood of or air in her

home or the metal in her car.

The changeling performs a significant

favor for the element, such as

thoroughly cleaning a public fountain,

spending an hour or more polishing a

large stone statue or hanging up

ribbons and bits of paper for a wind to

blow immediately before using this


Wyrd + Persuasion

Wyrd + Persuasion

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Dexterity

Wyrd + Persuasion

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Socialize

Wyrd + Presence


RoS 111

Wyrd + Wits

C:tL 138

Page 13: Changeling Contracts

•• Nature’s Curse

Each success


environmental penalties

by one to move, hide

and perceive for a


••• Viridian Embrace

Each success

increases speed,

stealth and perception

by one.


•••• Calling Wind and


Create/modify weather


••••• Calling Nature’s


Environment attacks

everyone withing 50



• Reflections of the


See into a reflective

surface and see what it

has reflected.

•• Glimpse of a Distant


Look through any

surface the

Changeling's face has

been reflected in

••• Reflection’s Grasp Reach through a mirror ●●

•••• Mirror Walk Walk through a mirror ●●●

••••• Stealing the Solid


Create a duplicate of an

object by stealing its



• Tread Lightly

Walk on surfaces that

could not support one's

weight, and downgrade

falling damage.

•• Evasion of Shackles

Become immediately

freed from bondage or


••• Breaching BarriersPass through a sealed

door or window.●(●)

•••• Elegant ProtectionAdd Wyrd to defense

for a few turns●●

••••• Phantom Glory Briefly enter the Twilight ●●○

• Mask of Superiority

Gain a +2 bonus when

speaking from a

position of authority.


The Changeling is unarmed and does

not attempt to attack. If the Catch is

used attacking ends the Contract and

costs 3 Glamour

The Changeling wears no armour and

carries no weapons. Using either ends

the Clause

Pretending to be someone who's status

comes from looks alone

Contracts of Vainglory

A blood relative is currently being

reflected in the surface out of which

he's stepping

The object removed is owned by

someone indebted to the user

Wearing delicate footwear which would

be ruined without this power.

The character is unjustly imprisoned for

a crime she did not commit.

Deliberately imprisoned by another


Contracts of Separation

On land owned by family.

The mirror belongs to someone the

user has a close connection to

The mirror belongs to someone who's

sworn enmity against the user

The user reaches through a mirror he

uses most

Contracts of Reflection

Fairest Affinity Contracts

Target is carrying a gun.

User is attempting to come to the aid of

a mortal.

A dozen or more mortals are asking or

hoping the user to do so.

Wyrd + Survival

Wyrd + Expression

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Intimidation

Wyrd + Intimidation -

Subject's Resolve

Wyrd + Persuasion

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Dexterity

Wyrd + Larceny

Wyrd + Dexterity

Wyrd + Wits

ER 34

Wyrd + Composure

Wyrd + Athletics

WM 40

Wyrd + Larceny

Wyrd + Dexterity

C:tL 146

Page 14: Changeling Contracts

•• Songs of Distant


+(Wyrd) to Expression

and Persuasion rolls.●●

••• Splendor of the

Envoy’s Protecton

Unable to be attacked

by mortals as long as

you don't attack or carry

a weapon;

supernaturals roll to

resist with each attack.


•••• Mantle of Terrible


Force mortals and

supernaturals to flee in

fear with revelation of

unearthly beauty.


••••• Words of

Memories Never Lived

Create a story so well-

woven that everyone

listening believes it



• Pursuer’s Seven-

League LeapJump long distances. ●

•• Sense Tainted Vows

Determine whether a

touched entity has

violated oaths and gain

the general impression

of the most significant


••• Inexorable Pursuer

Gain a bonus to resist

some attempts to apply

emotional influence.

•••• Relentless Pursuit

Sense distance and

direction to pursued



••••• Cruel Vengeance

Against a subject who

has violated an oath,

bashing damage is

upgraded to lethal and

lethal to aggravated.


• Might of the Terrible


Each success adds one

to Strength for the turn●

•• Ogre’s Rending


Each success destroys

one Durability●●

••• Display Grandiose


Add Wyrd to Strength

for non-combat



•••• Gluttonous Feast

of Health

Convert 2 Lethal to 2

Bashing damage or1

Aggravated to 2 Lethal


●●●The Changeling was offered large

amounts of food by a stranger.

Wyrd + Athletics

Successfully resisted a Court based

emotional manipulation or attack in the

last day.

The Changeling can't stop to rest for

more than 15 minutes. Including resting

in a vehicle, but not driving.

The target is a member of the

Changeling's Freehold.

Fighting multiple opponents while


Attempting to remove a barrier.

In combat that was previously agreed to

by both sides.

The Changeling is trying to convince

people of something she believes to be


Pursuing an Oathbreaker

Target has sworn or is swearing an

oath with the Changeling

Contracts of Stone

Contracts of Oath and Punishment

Performing for a rich and powerful


Used at a formal party with at least a

dozen people.

Ogre Affinity Contracts

Wyrd + Expression vs

Powerstat + Composure

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Expression

Wyrd + Intimidate vs

Powerstat + Composure

Wyrd + Strength

Wyrd + Presence vs

Powerstat + Manipulation

Wyrd + Resolve

Wyrd + Athletics

WM 47

Wyrd + Wits vs Powerstat

+ Composure

Wyrd + Stamina

C:tL 144

Wyrd + Strength

Wyrd + Stamina

The Changeling is using the contract to

show off for a mostly non-practical


Page 15: Changeling Contracts

••••• Red Rage of

Terrible Vengeance

+1 Initiative, Stamina,

Strength, Armour per



• Knowing Touch

Learn the secrets of an

inanimate object,

learning of secret

compartments and a

bonus to repair or

damage it.

•• Instant Expertise

Understand how to use

a device, gaining

temporary skill dots

applicable to its use

••• Inanimate


See the history of an


•••• Animate DeviceCommands an object to

act on its own●●

••••• Command the


Animates an object for

an entire scene●●○

• Brief Glamour of


Repair a device without

tools or parts●

•• Touch of

Workman’s Wrath

Causes a touched

device to malfunction,

requiring brief repairs


••• Blessing of


Blesses an object,

giving it a die bonus

equal to Wyrd for a full

scene; lasts until

sunrise or sunset with a

point of Willpower and

Promise Leaves.


•••• Unmaker’s

Destructive Gaze

Can jam a device with a

look, causing it to

malfunction, with

significant penalties to



••••• Tatterdemalion’s


Can create a device out

of unlikely but

thematically fitting



• Rewriting the Imagealter the details of any

two dimensional.●

•• Trivial ReworkingReshape small object in

minor ways.●●

••• Discreet


Conjure small object

from pocket●●○

Reshaping a stolen object to use

against the person

Paying an enemy for valuable info with

a valuable object

Owner of the device stole or cheated or

attempted to steal or cheat the


Used on an object used and owned by

someone the Changeling doesn't know

well in exchange for a favor

Touched and examined the object for at

least a minute

Created in their own workshop with their

own tools

Changing an image of a person in to

the user

Contracts of the Forge

The character has at least 10 minutes

to talk with the device to learn the

secrets of its use.

The object has not been used or

handled for at least a year.

The character owns the device and has

regularly used it for at least a month.

The object’s owner is a stranger to or

enemy of the changeling, and mistreats

or does not take adequate care of the


Fix an item owned and used by another

but never personally used

Contracts of Artifice

The Contract is being used in respond

to a loved one being seriously hurt or


The owner of the device asked the

changeling to examine it. This catch

does not function if the changeling owns

the object in question.

Contracts of Animation

Wyrd + Resolve

Wizened Affinity Contracts

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Wits

WM 52

Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Craft

Wyrd + Empathy

Wyrd + Crafts

RoS 99

Wyrd + Presence

Wyrd + Larceny

C:tL 134

Wyrd + Craft

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Crafts

Wyrd + Expression

Wyrd + Manipulation

Page 16: Changeling Contracts

•••• Hidden Reality

Create or Change

some minor feature of



••••• Paths of Desire

open a gateway that

leads to anyplace in the

Hedge that the

character has ever

visited before.


• Gift of Warm Breath

Rejuvenates a target,

alleviating suffering

from fatigue and

deprivation, and healing

bashing damage.

•• New Lover’s Kiss

Conjure rain, no matter

current cloud

conditions, potentially

up to even a deluge.

••• Warmth of the


Downgrade a subject's

lethal wounds to

bashing, or heal

bashing wounds



•••• Yesterday’s Birth

Age a target by a full

season, leaving it as if it

were now the height of

Spring; requires

additional Glamour and

a willpower dot to apply

to humans.


••••• Mother of All


Animates the plant life

in an area and have it

fight on the

changeling's behalf.


• Cupid’s EyeLearn one of the

subject's desires●

•• Growth of the IvyChange one of the

subject's desires●●(○)

••• Wyrd-Faced


Become someone who

the target desire /

expect to see


•••• Pandora’s Gift

Temporarily produce an

object the subject



••••• Waking the Inner


Alter a subject's desire

and force them to

pursue it above all else.

●●●○The subject freely told the Changeling

his desires.

The changeling has offered food to the

target and it was accepted, or the other

way around.

Used on someone who has kissed the

Changeling in the past 24 hours, or who

desires the Changeling

Contracts of Verdant Spring

Contracts of Eternal Spring

Contracts of Fleeting Spring

Used when creating a way out of a

place where they've been confined

against their will

User has buried a vial of their own

blood in the soil of the desired location

The subject of the clause has freely

offered the changeling some form of

sustenance since the last sunrise.

A mortal human has commented, within

the character's hearing and within the

past hour, that it looks like rain.

A man bled to death on this soil within

the past year.

The target has honestly professed a

heartfelt and deep love, romantic or

familial, for the changeling.

The character spills two drops of blood

on the target object and cups it in her


Used on someone who gave the

Changeling a no strings attached gift in

the past week

Using the contract to resolve a Pledge.

Wyrd + Academics

Wyrd + Wits

Seasonal Court Contracts To buy an ability, Mantle must be Clause Rank - 1. So a level 4 can own the 5th dot, and a level 2 the 3rd. Exception:

Clause Level 1 can be taught to anyone.

C:tL 149

Wyrd + Medicine

Mantle + Intelligence +


C:tL 151

Mantle + Presence +


Mantle + Wits + Medicine

Mantle + Resolve +


Mantle + Intelligence +

Expression vs Powerstat +


Mantle + Presence +

Subterfuge vs Powerstat +


Wyrd + Wits vs Powerstat

+ Composure

Mantle + Wits + Craft

Mantle + Manipulation +

Persuasion - Subject's

LoS 39

Page 17: Changeling Contracts

• Font of Inspiration

Each success is a +1 to

Crafts or Expression


•• The Ineffable Gift

Gains a +3 bonus in

social challenges.

Drawback of being less

effective with multiple


••• Impassioned Blow

+4 Bonus to attack

pool, but the opponent

gets a +2 bonus as


•••• Spur the Crowd

Sway a crowd in a

certain emotional


••••• Verdant, Roiling


Renew Willpower pool

as if fulfilling Virtue,

drawback of all social

actions being tainted by

her virtue or vice and a -

2 to all social rolls

• Son of the Hearth

Remain at a


temperature, no matter

what the outside

circumstances are.


•• Ulf’s Heart

Produce a small light

for one scene; extend

its presence by

spending 1 more



••• Noonday Grasp

Gain +1 Strength with

one success, and

another +1 with every

three successes after



•••• Solstice Revelation

Let loose a bright light

that reveals all hidden

individuals and

challenges supernatural



••••• The Lord’s Dread


Unleashing a beam of

focused sunlight that

does Lethal

(Aggravated with



• Baleful SenseSense the greatest

nearby source of wrath.●

•• Goblin’s MalignanceRedirect the focus of a

subject's wrath.●

Invests his own literal blood sweat or

tears into the creation

Character is angry when he invokes this


Contracts of Eternal Summer

Contracts of Fleeting Summer

Eats a chunk of naturally formed ice

Spit on a fading ember or spark

No one in the crowd knows the user is a


Speaks out loud about something she is

passionate about

The target is wearing or touching gold

Within five minuets of noon

Within 5 minutes of midnight

Takes an action directly related to virtue

or vice

Target has insulted or assaulted by

word or deed the changeling in the last


The current victim of the subject's wrath

owes the character a favor, or the

subject has red hair.

Mantle + Strength + Occult

C:tL 155

Mantle + Wyrd + Presence

(Extended and Contested)

Mantle + Presence +

Manipulation vs Resolve +


Wyrd + Survival

Mantle + Composure +


Mantle + Resolve + Brawl /

Firearms / Weaponry

Mantle + Wits + Empathy -

Subject's Resolve (If

subject is opposed)

Wyrd + Wits

Mantle + Dexterity +

Athletics - Subject's


Mantle + Stamina + Brawl

Mantle + Presence +


C:tL 153

Mantle + Manipulation +

Persuasion vs Powerstat +


Page 18: Changeling Contracts

••• Friendless TongueStir a person to fury

with harmless words.●●

•••• Sundown EyesQuell all conflict in an

area temporarily.●●●

••••• The Flames of


Enter an unstoppable

fury; gain +2 to Physical

rolls and ignore all

wound penalties.


• Smoldergrip

Makes an object

unbearably hot to the


•• Battle Bright

Creates a blinding

beacon that distracts all



••• Crown of Clashing


Summons up a ring of

flaming thorns that

forces a target into one-

on-one combat.


•••• Baleful Stroke of

Summer Sun

Inflicts a sun stroke on

the target, resulting in

either mounting

mechanical penalties or

aggravated damage

(target's choice).


••••• Scorched Earth

Turns the area into a

blighted waste land that

inflicts penalties on all



• Last Breath IsaacRipen a portion of a


•• Withering GlareWither a plant to Winter

or age an animal.●

••• Brother to the AgueDamage a foe through


•••• Riding the Falling


Transform into a cloud

of autumn leaves●●

••••• Tears of Autumn Bring about a hailstorm ●●●

• Witches’ IntuitionLearn one of the

subject's fears●

•• Tale of the Baba


Invoke fear of intended

object in subjects●

Contracts of Punishing Summer

Contracts of Eternal Autumn

Contracts of Fleeting Autumn

The unnatural fear the character evokes

is based upon a myth, urban legend or

actual threat with which all subjects of

the Contract are familiar.

The character holds a key encased in

ice that finishes thawing at the start of

the ritual.

The character can name two diseases

that the subject has suffered or is

suffering, and one that the subject


Subject does not know the Changelings


The character catches a naturally falling

leaf at the moment of the clause's


The plant has the Changelings name or

moniker carved into it or written on a


The Changeling meditates under a

Summer Court flag or pendant she

helped make.

The Changeling has one or more scars

from the last battle with this foe.

The Changeling sports a real sunburn

The clause's target wears a ring on the

left hand.

The plant or tree is unclaimed or the

Changeling has permission to harvest

from it.

The Changeling strikes with a metal

weapon he forged, has to hit with

substantial metal part.

The Changeling is holding a real,

burning torch.

The sun is within five minutes of its

zenith, and the character has called out

a formal challenge to an opponent.

The character is suffering wound

penalties and has taken at least two

points of lethal damage.

Mantle + Manipulation +

Subterfuge vs Powerstat + Mantle + Presence +

Socialize - Subject's


Wyrd + Wits

Mantle + Manipulation +


Wyrd + Manipulation

Wyrd + Strength

Wyrd + Resolve - Subject's


Strength + Wits - Objects


Mantle + Stamina + Animal


C:tL 159

Wyrd + Stamina vs

Stamina + Composure.

This is after an attack.

Wyrd + Presence vs

Highest Wits + Composure

within sight.

LoS 59

Mantle + Manipulation +


C:tL 156

Mantle + Dexterity +


Mantle + Presence +


Mantle + Dexterity +


Page 19: Changeling Contracts

••• Heart of the Antlion

Immune to mundane

attempts at fear and

resistant to

supernatural fear.

•••• Scent of the


Heart of the Antlion for


••••• Mien of the Baba


Become the subjects

fear. Scare them badly

enough to actually deal



• Warlock’s Gaze

Detect the presence of

the supernatural, even

deliberately obscured.


•• Barrow-WhisperHears and is heard by


••• Smith’s Wisdom

Learn abilities and

purpose of item of

power (token or else).


•••• Arcadian


Power to speak with

authority of True Fae to

hobgoblins and other

Gentry minions, even to

those incapable of



••••• Oathbreaker’s


Violate the pledge

without falling under its



• Jack’s Breath

Cools a room,

potentially by a

significant margin.

•• Touch of Winter

Freeze the surface of a

body of water,

potentially affecting

quite a large area.

••• Riding the Devil’s


Inflicts an area with

intense cold, causing

penalties to all within.


•••• Fallen from the


Blasts a target with cold

and ice, inflicting lethal

damage and penalizing

all of their actions.


••••• Witch’s Paradise

Summons a lasting

snowstorm over an



• The Dragon Knows

Determine the source

of sorrow someone is


•• Slipknot Dreams

Forces a subject to

temporarily let go of

their sorrow.

Two of the subjects greatest fears are

each other.

Contracts of Spellbound Autumn

Contracts of Eternal Winter

Contracts of Fleeting Winter

One of the subjects greatest fears is

actually the character.

The character consumes a spider or

other vermin that has literally been

scared to death.

Character knowingly comes unarmed

and unarmored to the presence of entity

to be commanded.

Ghost in the area wants to


The subject has accepted something

from the character in the past 24 hours.

The moon is in the sky and the

character can hear a wolf howling.

There is a bell ringing within 20 feet of

the character.

Physical contact with non-allied

supernatural being other than another


The character first spells out a name or

idea he hates with liquid on a dry


Begged to enact this clause by

someone who will knowingly come to

disaster on account of his betrayal.

The character has stolen the item from

a friend (without permission) or been

freely given the item by an enemy.

The character looks into the subjects

eyes for a moment.

The contracts target is wearing silver

jewelry that has a religious meaning to


The character hears someone shiver or

tastes someones sweat.

Wyrd + Occult (vs.

Powerstat + Compusure if

target supernaturally


Mantle + Wits + Empathy

Mantle + Resolve +


LoS 79

Mantle + Presence +

Expression (Extended)

Wyrd + Presence vs

Powerstat + Resolve

Wyrd + Expression

Mantle + Presence +


Mantle + Dexterity +


Wyrd + Survival

Wyrd + Resolve (extended)

Mantle + Intelligence +


Wyrd + Empathy -

Subject's Composure

Mantle + Manipulation +

Subterfuge - Subject's


C:tL 160

Mantle + Dexterity +

Athletics - Subject's


Mantle + Intelligence +


C:tL 162

Page 20: Changeling Contracts

••• Faces in the Water

Fills a subject with

sorrow over a painful

memory, inflicting social


•••• Fallow Fields,

Empty Harvest

Eliminates a subject's

ability to feel positive

emotions for a time,

suffering social

penalties and an

inability to regain

Willpower via virtues or



••••• Every Sorrow a


Paralyzes a subject

with grief, rendering

them briefly unable to

take any actions.


• A Mere Vessel for


Reduce the Effects of

pain and discomfort by


•• Fear is Nothing

Reduces dice pool of

supernatural fear

effects by Wyrd

••• Grief is Stronger

than Death

Damage from an attack

is ignored for a round,

to be applied next



•••• Remorseless


Next Brawl or weaponry

attack target suffers

additional bonus

damage equal to Wyrd


••••• A Cold Hand on

the Heart

Bestow previous

clauses on others as



• MindfinderKnow the direction to

any target●

•• Finding the FlowIgnore environmental


••• Inequity of the


Confuses a target,

causing them to take

many wrong turns,

effectively penalizing


•••• The Hundred


Powerful blessing upon

an area to protect it

from intruders


Contracts of the Four Directions

Contracts of the Sorrow-Frozen Heart

The character has two working

compasses somewhere on his body

The character successfully meditated

for one full uninterrupted hour within the

last 24 hours.

Contemptuously tosses a chunk of cold

iron on the ground.

Pierces skin with a thin needle

The character has made the subject

happy (or happier) within the last 10


Clutches target with one hand and

anoints with ashes of a suicide victim or

victim of a crime of passion.

Slashes himself with a sharp instrument

and takes 1 lethal

Empties his hands and leaves them

open at his side

The subject has tasted one of the

changelings tears.

The subject is carrying a photograph or

some other image of an older relative or

ancestor on her person.

Mantle + Manipulation +

Persuasion vs Powerstat +


Mantle + Intelligence +

Investigation - Subject's


Mantle + Manipulation +

Intimidation vs Powerstat +


The changeling succeeds in touching a

magnet to the target's bare skin.

Changeling has a lock of hair from the


Mantle + Resolve + Brawl

Mantle + Composure +


LoS 99

Mantle + Composure +


Mantle + Resolve +


Mantle + Resolve + Occult

To buy an ability, Mantle must be Clause Rank - 1. So a level 4 can own the 5th dot, and a level 2 the 3rd. Exception:

Clause Level 1 can be taught to anyone.

Directional Court Contracts

Wyrd + Manipulation vs

Powerstat + Survival

WM 134

Wyrd + Wits

Wyrd + Survival - Subject's


Wyrd + Resolve

Page 21: Changeling Contracts

••••• Harmony of


Walk between two

doors, potentially

separated by several



• Light the Path

Learn of the motivation

of an action or


•• Read the Web

Determine the nature of

a relationship between

two people through a

translucent strand that



••• Martyr's Will

Increase extra dice

when spending

Willpower. Drawback of

target being unable to

regain willpower for the

next 24 hours.


•••• Shift the


Temporarily change the

targets Virtue or Vice.●●●

••••• Tenacity of Hope

Massive benefits

towards a goal, such as

8-again, etc. Drawback:

If goal is not reached

within time period,

suffer penalties until

goal or equal time is



• Babel's CurseTraget cannot speak,

write or communicate•

•• Sense the Inevitable


Gain/improve Danger

Sense merit•

••• Gift of the Skald

+2 to all Resistances

rolls for 1 turn per



•••• Hero's Stand

+1/success to Brawl or

Weaponry for 1 turn per

success against a

specific target. Target

receives -2 Compusre if


••••• The Center

Cannot Hold

Nullify a contract as it

starts or as it is in



To buy an ability, Mantle must be Clause Rank - 1. So a level 4 can own the 5th dot, and a level 2 the 3rd. Exception:

Clause Level 1 can be taught to anyone.

Contracts Potential (Dawn)

Contracts of Entropy (Dusk)

Previously caught the target in a lie.

Target is using this Contract for a

selfless Purpose.

Deliberately shed a few drops of blood

The Changeling shares a Pledge with

the target

Changeling and Subject are conversing

about Virtue or Vice targeted as the

result of the Contract.

The Changeling writes the targe'ts

name or commonly used nickname ona

piece of paper and tears it into tiny


The changeling is standing on

something which obviously marks a

small (Roughly 5x5) area. If the

Changeling uses this catch to activate

Contract, all effects of the Contract The Changeling herself possess the

Contract which she is targeting and has

activated it within the last 24 hours.

The changeling is a member of the

Dusk court and proselytizes to the

target(s) for a minimum of five minutes

The changeling has consumed at least

one serving of a cafinated beverage

within the last hour

Intelligence + Wyrd -

Subject's Composure

SaD 138

Wyrd + StaminaThe character possesses the key to

both doors.

Wits + Occult + Mantle

DitD 141

Int + Occult + Mantle -

Level of Contract

Pres + Persuasion +

Mantle vs. Resolve + Wyrd

Int + Expression + Mantle -


Auroral Court Contracts

Wyrd + Resolve

Wyrd + Resolve

Wits + Wyrd vs Powerstat

+ Composure

Mantle + Manipulation +

Expression vs Composure

+ Subterfuge

Res + Brawl or Weaponry

+ Mantle vs. Comp + Wyrd

Page 22: Changeling Contracts

Clause Name Benefit Drawback Cost Source

• Fortune’s Favor

Change a single roll

into a rote or a chance


Must spend a

willpower dot.●

Wyrd +


•• Fortune’s Swift


Change a chance roll

into a normal roll or a

normal roll into an

exceptional success

Must spend a

willpower dot.●● Wyrd + Wits

••• Fortune’s Bane

Exceptional success

become normal

successes, normal

successes become

failures and chance

rolls dramatically fail at

7 or lower until the next

sunrise or sunset

Must spend a

willpower dot.●●

Wyrd +



Powerstat +


•••• Distracting the


Escape from any

pursuit or confrontation

Must spend a

willpower dot.●●●

Wyrd +

Stealth -



••••• Recalling the LostRescue anyone

abducted by the Fae

Must spend 2

willpower dots.●●●●

Wyrd +


• Healing SacrificeHeals any and all

wounds or diseases

Must spend a

willpower dot.●

Wyrd +


•• Seven-Year GiftTarget does not age for

the next seven years

Must spend a

willpower dot.●●

Wyrd +


••• Trading Beauty for


Makes a human feel

more positively towards

the Changeling


permanently loses

the color of his

eyes and his

beauty, becoming

bland and colorless

(Though never

ugly) or


Striking Looks



Wyrd +




•••• Changing MindsChange a target's

opinion on something

Must spend a


Wyrd +

Persuasion -


Powerstat +


••••• The Fatal

TransformationKill the target

Must spend a

stamina dot.●●●○

Wyrd +



Powerstat +


• Mantle Mask

Temporarily disguise

your Mantle as another


Signs of use

remain for twice as

long as the

disguised mantle.

●Wyrd +


Goblin ContractsNote: Goblin Contracts are not chained and any clause rank can be bought with no prerequisites.

Used to recall a child younger

than seven

Target publicly lied about the

user to turn public or official

opinion against the user

Used to protect a close friend

from harm

User is being pursued by


Used when striking a blow

against a mortal enemy


Target must be fed an item of

food the user prepared

Used to heal or cure a blood


Target is a blood relative within

three generations

Causes someone to believe an

abstract ideal

The decorates her skin with a

sign appropriate to the Court

she is disguising herself as.

Target has slain one of the

user's blood relatives

DitD 65

RoS 120

RoS 117

Goblin Contracts of the Wyrd

Contracts of Goblin Transformation

Contracts of Goblin Fortune

Page 23: Changeling Contracts

•• Daunting Force

The Changeling

becomes intimidating to

the subject

All Glamour costs

are increased by

one for 24 hours.


Wyrd +

Presence -


••• Nothing Hidden

While the Contract is

active, the Changeling

may roll to notice


concealed things.

Significant negative


modifiers to the

following scene.

●●Wyrd +


•••• Wyrd Eye

Automatically become

aware of any Contracts

nearby. Ignore low

Clarity modifiers to

noticing Wyrd related

phenomena and gain a

bonus to Kenning

All Perception for

things unrelated to

the Wyrd is


●●Wyrd +


••••• The Fatal ClauseBlock a Contract as it is

being activated.

Pay the cost of the

Clause you are

attempting to block.


Wyrd +

Occult -



Shooter’s Bargain

Blesses the next three

shots fired from a

weapon to mitigate

penalties when


One of the three

shots is


reduced to a

chance die.

In a fight scheduled


Wyrd +

DexterityCtL 164

Sight of Truth and Lies

Gain the ability to

instantly tell if a person

is lying.

If the user lies

while the contract

is active, however,

they lose any ability

to tell truth from

lies, believing all

but the most

blatant fabrications.

Used at an official


Wyrd +

SubterfugeRoS 114

Trading Luck for Fate

Gain a sudden simple

insight into the

immediate future.

This is done in

return for a minor

turn of bad luck.

Using the contract

to win at gambling.● Wyrd + Wits CtL 164

Calling the Guardian

Summon an invisible

guardian that strikes

back the instant you're


The guardian can

not distinguish

between a blow

that would actually

do harm or a

playful shove.

Currently suffering

at least one lethal

or aggravated

damage from a



●●Wyrd +


Rites of

Spring 114

Dream Rendering

Upgrade a Token,

permitting it to be used

in dreams.

Make a clarity roll

at 5 dice when you

next sleep,

regardless of your

current Clarity.

Used while naked. ● Wyrd + Wits SaD 109

Note: Goblin Contracts are not chained and any clause rank can be bought with no prerequisites.

2 Dot Contracts

Burn the feather of a keen

sighted bird and rub the ashes

on your eyelid.

The Changeling has been a

target of a Contract cast by the

subject in the past 24 hours.

Unclassified Goblin Contracts

1 Dot Contracts

Breaks a pair of prescription


Brandishing a drawn weapon.

Page 24: Changeling Contracts

Diviner’s Madness

Gains a brief glimmer

into the past or future of

a person, place, or


Causes temporary


Divining the past or

future of someone

the changeling is in

love with.

● Wyrd + Wits Lost 165

Fair EntranceOpens a door, no

matter how it is barred.

Causes one of the

changeling's doors

to be similarly

opened for another

some time soon.

Opening the door

to someone who

confessed his

hatred towards the


●Wyrd +

LarcenyLost 165

Fool’s Gold

Guises an object to

look like something

else, potentially

appearing quite


This illusion lasts

only for a time

though, and when it

expires the

deceived parties

automatically know

who was

responsible for the


Clause is used to

deceive someone

who's lied to the

Changeling in the

last 24 hours.

●Wyrd +

ManipulationLost 166

Sandman's Bargen

Makes a dream

immune to disruption by


The user can takes

real Lethal damage

when hurt inside

the dream.

Used after staying

awake for 24 hours●

Wyrd +

ResolveSaD 110

The Blessing of


Allows the user to

erase any one memory

from the target's mind.

Curses the user to

suffer a dramatic

failure on the next

Subterfuge roll to

get someone to

believe a

necessary lie.

Used to make the

target forget about

an event in which

the user betrayed

the target


Wyrd +

Manipulation -



RoS 115

Burden of Life

This contract blesses a

subject with potent

healing, even curing

aggravated damage.

For the next day

any further damage

they suffer is

mirrored upon the

user of this


Target was injured

while saving the

Character from


●●Wyrd +

EmpathyCtL 166

Delayed Harm

The user avoids

damage from one


The next attack

they suffer doing

lethal or


damage does the

previously avoided

damage as a


Character is

unarmed or

otherwise unable to

defend herself.

●●Wyrd +

DexterityCtL 167

Hospitality's Hold

Gain bonus (equal to

glamour spent)

maintaining hospitality

in a location, mark


Take a similar

penalty on all

actions not related

to maintaining

hospitality, except

against violators

Own or be primary

resident of location●/●●●●●

Willpower +

WyrdGotU p29

3 Dot Contracts

Page 25: Changeling Contracts

Mirror Mirror

The Changeling spies

on another through a


The target will see

the Changeling

when she next

looks into a mirror.

The changeling

breaks the mirror.●○

Wyrd +

ResolveSaD 53

Goblin Oath

The changeling can

bind another character

to an oath. The party

taking the oath has

difficulty breaking this

oath, and if she does,

disaster will strike her


The changeling

must also swear an

oath to the subject

and suffers similar

penalties if he

breaks his oath —

but the nature of

the Goblin Oath is

such that both

parties may suffer

if only one is


Used when making

a treaty of alliance

or non-aggression

●●○Wyrd +

IntimidationRoS 115

Good and Bad Luck

Accurately guess the

outcome of an event

that would be difficult to


Suffer a bout of

bad lack


Used to best a rival

or enemy.●● Wyrd + Wits CtL 167

Call the HuntCalls a Wild Hunt from

out of the Hedge.

Haha oh man what

were you thinking.

No seriously nice

going dumbass.

You deserve this.

Character is in the


Wyrd +

PresenceCtL 167

Royal Oil

Target is covered in

magical, highly

flammable oil.

Changeling is

marked with a fiery

crown showing he

was the one that

activated the


Drink a tablespoon

of castor oil and

suffer from

stomach cramps.

●●Wyrd +

DexteritySaD 54

Goblin Ward

Draw a magical mark;

Any changeling not

attuned to it and steps

near it will suffer from

hallucinations and

confusion. When the

ward is activated it will

affect everyone nearby,

even those attuned.

High Clarity

Changelings must roll

for loss.

The creator cannot

use his Seeming

Blessing for as

long as the ward

continues to exist.

The ward is

painted with the

blood of a

murdered enemy.

●●○Wyrd +

OccultSaD 54


Drains a target

splashed with blood of

all Glamour

The user is drained

of all Glamour as


Used against

someone who

murdered a blood

relative. (Glamour

expenditure is not


○ + All


Wyrd +

PresenceRoS 116

4 Dot Contracts

5 Dot Contracts

Page 26: Changeling Contracts

Lost and Found

Escapes from captivity

or pursuit, seemingly by

chance, but always


Another enemy is

made aware of the

escapee's new


Escaping someone

who knew the


personally for over

a year.

●●○Wyrd +

PresenceCtL 168

Mad TrespassUse a dream to spy on

a Keeper

The keeper spied

on knows where to

find you until the

following dawn.

Given a gift by the

keeper or it's


●○Wyrd +

ComposureSaD 110

SleepwalkerDevour a dream for a

verity of potent benefits

-3 to perception

while the contract

is active. The user

cannot sleep and

halves all traits until

they can sleep.

Devours a child's

dream●○ Wyrd + Wits SaD 111

Name Page

Amaranthine CtL 223

Babel Gum CtL 113

Blushberries CtL 223

Buglewort CtL 224

Chu Chu Culm WM 113

Cocorange GM 21

Coralscalp GM 21

Coupnettle CtL 223

The Cousins Trumpet WM 113

Dactyl GM 21

Dream-A-Dupe CtL 223

Ertwen CtL 223

9-again on social rolls, but hard not to vomit


Outside Hedge: Hallucinogenic drug.

Restore one willpower, -3 all dice pools

including defense and initiative. Within

Hedge: +2 Wyrd when shaping the Hedge.

Understand all spoken languages, forget how

to read for one scene.

+4 Initiative for scene

Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed.

Heals 1A, limited to once per scene.

smoke to Increase sense-of-self, followed by


Intoxication, +2 social, -2 dexterity, wits or

intelligence for one scene.

Intoxication equivalent to a shot of liquor

Restores 1 point of spent Willpower. After first

Coupnettle, for 24 hours, still restores, but

imposes cumulative -1 to composure.

Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed.

Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed.Mealy seeds inside a pod, similar to peas.

Grows in Hedge Jungles. Yellow, conical

flower with no scent. Must be brewed into a


Mushroom that appears almost identical to

Nightcap. Effects of both can stack.

Pink fruits slightly larger then cherries.

Looks like a small, red eggplant.

Slightly intoxicating, looks like a purple


Grows in Hedge Fields. Bamboo filled with

red liquid.

Goblin Fruits


Bitter and minty leaves, usually made into a


Grows in Hedge Cities. Pink lichen that

resembles chewed up gum.

Page 27: Changeling Contracts

Fear Gortach CtL 223

Headgourd WM 112

Hidefruit AN 59

Jarmyn Fruit CtL 223

Jarmyn Leaves CtL 223

The Judas Yew WM 111

Murmerleaf CtL 223

Nightcap CtL 224

Pedicle Velvet WM 114

Pitt Moss CtL 224

Gallowsroot CtL 224

Hog Eye WM 111

Jennystones CtL 224

Promise Leaves CtL 224

Stabapple CtL 224

Halves Speed until accumulates 4 successes

on Stam + Res

Loses 1 Willpower and can't spend Willpower

for scene

Acts as Strength 3 attacker with a garrote for

3 turns.

Heal 1L damage. Gain +1 Stamina for 6

hours. Next time you have intercourse, it will

result in pregnancy.

Healing fruit. 1L or 2B healed.

Extended actions in same scene lose

penalties; sleep whole day after to maximum

of 7 days.

+1 to Defense, -2 to Social rolls for one hour.

Fae must roll Wits + Composure to find you

at -5. Lasts for minutes equal to your Wits +


Eating does 1L damage due to potent poison.

Allows you to go 3 times the length without

food or drink.

Thorns can be used as (1)L, Size 1, Durability

1 weapon

Single-use lockpick, adds +5 to any lockpick


Lengthens certain Contracts' duration

+3 to stay awake for extensive amount of

time; sleep whole day after to maximum of 7


Makes consumer hungry/loses benefits of

other Fruits

-1 dice pool to everyone within 15 feet.

Dispersed among trees completely

randomly. Parchment-like leaf that is

crumpled up when casting your contract.

Grows in Hedge Bogs and Swamps. Looks

like a reed with a knobby outgrowth.

Very rich, pungent moss used in soups.

Effect only applies if eaten raw, about a

salads worth, in the field.

Mushroom that appears almost identical to

Buglewort. Effects of both can stack.

Grows in Hedge Deserts. Tree with red

berries that grows out of walls in elevations.

A Blossom that curls upwards at the end of

the leaf

Grows in Hedge Tundras, on the horns of

fierce Hobgoblins. Lichen that must be

scraped off and eaten completely to take


Ropy vine shaped like a noose.

Foul smelling acorns.

Grows with Jarmyn Fruit. Forces sleep.

Grows with Jarmyn Leaves. Forces sleep.

Grows in Hedge Farmlands. Grows in the

shape of a scarecrow. Crack it open and

smear it on yourself to gain benefit.

Highly addictive grass. Can affect mortals

and supernaturals. Must succeed Wits +

Composure to pull away, and reroll if you

run into more Gortach in the next scene.

Gluttons get a -3 on these rolls.

Tiny, crimson berry about the size of a

pomegranate seed. Very rare and bitter, but

essentially turns you invisible to the Gentry.


The fruit is safe to eat. The thorns are hard

and sharp, and can be used as a weapon.

Page 28: Changeling Contracts

Vermsap WM 112








Winter Masques

Night Horrors: Grim Fears

Equinox Roads

Changeling the Lost

Lords of Summer

Dancers in the Dusk

Book List

Vermin follows you around, -2 social penalty, -

1 initiative and defense.

Oozes out of trees in Hedge Forests. Just a

dollop on your skin summons masses of

vermin that follow you until removed.

VL Victorian Lost

SaD Swords at Dawn

Rites of Spring

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