change to order number image source (new custom field, text for now, eventually tie to...

Change to “Order Number” Image Source (new custom field, text for now, eventually tie to Citation-Source authority) Change to “Requestor” Change to “Order Type” Collection Personal Collection + Personal Change to “Order Date” Change to “Date Needed” Add repeating field group to record individual order items Source Source Detail Collection /Personal Special instructions Order items Invoke batch process – create Accession records with next numbers from list or “Number of Accessions” Intake Record Number of Accessions (new) Order Status (new list)

Upload: dominic-howard

Post on 10-Dec-2015




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Change to “Order Number”

Image Source (new custom field, text for now, eventually tie to Citation-Source authority)

Change to “Requestor”

Change to “Order Type”•Collection•Personal•Collection + Personal

Change to “Order Date”

Change to “Date Needed”

Add repeating field group to record individual order items

Source Source Detail Collection/Personal

Special instructions

Order items

Invoke batch process – create Accession records with next numbers from list or “Number of Accessions”

Intake Record

Number of Accessions (new)

Order Status (new list)

LC--is "order number" auto-generated?JE Yes.
LC--It seems redundant to have an "order type" specifying either 'personal'or 'collection' when we also seem to have the ability to designate this onthe item-level. Maybe one or the other should be eliminated?JE: This was included as an option in case you wanted to prioritize the work flow
LC--Jason may want a separate 'intake record' page built for CED, so that hecan continue with his format for accession #s (which, I think, includesthe order # + item # to build the accession #)JE: CSpace can autogenerate different number formats
Chris Hoffman
CH: Need design discussions about citations and sources, HAVRC and CEDVRC, so we can include citations, vendors, donors...
Chris Hoffman
JE: Should we add a field for number of pieces in the Intake record? This info is currently available in the Acquisitions panel, but not Intake. That certainly would help with Collection-level cataloging, and would work for CED as well.CH: Yes!
Chris Hoffman
LC--Maybe eliminate 'date photographed' at the item level & instead have anoverall flag indicating either 'ready to photograph', 'photographed', and'order complete' for the whole order...or something to that effect.CH: Yes, let's have an Order Status at the top and do order item tracking on the media handling record.
Chris Hoffman
LC--Jason may want a separate 'intake record' page built for CED, so that hecan continue with his format for accession #s (which, I think, includesthe order # + item # to build the accession #)CH: Each CSpace instance can have one or more record number patterns.
Chris Hoffman
CH: See if we can include other fields in Order Items, invisible or hidden, based on info in the main intake record, to make it easier to create Media Handling records.Also, see if we can create another widget/decorator that copies last row to next row.

Order items

Order Number

Order Date

Order Type

Date Needed



Order items

Generate accessions

Intake Record

Source Source Detail Collection/Personal

Special instructions

Anne Baldassari, The 25 pg, 5 pp Personal I need this one by May 3rd

Number of Accessions

Requestor Requestor RequirementsCollection

Catalog Record (Part 1)

Change to “Work ID”


Values: New, In progress, Approved, Temporary

Hide? Repository (custom field, text for now, Repository Authority in time)

Add “Repository” and “Former Repository” to Controlled Vocabulary List

LC--"Number of objects" ...could you clarify what this is for (is it forcollection-level cataloging?)JE: Yes. Schema defines this as "A record of the number of objects at the next level down in an object record." For HAVRC purposes I interpret this to mean the number of object component records.
LC--"Record status"...we may decide on different values for these. Also, isthis used for harvesting? If so, is this better-off in the media-handlingsection?JE: This is more for QC of data entry done by non-curatorial staff, e.g. student or temporary employees.
Chris Hoffman
LC--"Object name"...we may need further clarification on this section. Also,would it be better to call it "object type"?JE: OK by me. This is vanilla CSpace terminology.CH: I'd like to understand this distinction better.
Chris Hoffman
LC--"brief description" this a display title? Or is it like our currentSeurat description field?CH: This is a simple description field, and you can have multiples if you like. The one-line summary is currently constructed from the Title or the Object Name (if Title is blank)

Catalog Record (Part 1)

Work ID

Museé Picasso, Paris, France



Catalog Record (Part 2)







Change to “State”

172 cm (H) x 256 cm (W)

LC--"object status"...further clarification? Is this for values like 'lost',or 'destroyed'?JE: Schema definition says "A statement of the standing of a natural science specimen or other object in relation to others in existence." We could hide this altogether or use it for copies, forgeries, etc.
LC--"Material"...we might want a display version of this field, or some formof free-form entry. It seems like the radio-button indicates that only 1will be displayed. Is this maybe what the 'physical description' field isfor (materials display?)?--"color"...maybe more clarification on this one too?--"Technical attribute"...dittoJE: Yes, the Physical Description field is for free-text description of the form of the object and the materials that comprise it. This physical description could include color and style information as well. The discrete fields are for indexing terms.

Catalog Record (Part 2)




172 cm (H) x 256 cm (W)

Catalog Record (Part 3)

Structured date panel under development

LC--"production people", "Production person", and "productionorganization"...could this all just be 1 & call it "creator"? It could berepeatable to include both individuals, as well as organizations.--We seem to be missing a field for culture/period.JE: CSpace has separarte authorities for Individual "Persons" and "Organizations" (i.e. personal names and corporate names in Library-speak). But Production people refers more to a broad cultural group or tribe so it is more like our Culture designation in Seurat. So when an individual or group creator name cannot be linked you can include values like "Zulu" or"Ainu".
LC--"production place"...could we maybe call this 'location' instead? Thenit could be repeatable to include values such as 'current', 'discovered',etc...Also, could we include a display version of this too, which wouldinclude the parents.JE: Production place is repeatable. Production place role is defined as "The role or activity performed in a location during the conception, design, or production of a work." so you could conceivably use this to include place types like creation, destruction, restoration if we couild make this field a controlled list instead of free-text.

Catalog Record (Part 3)

Catalog Record (Part 3)

Media Handling Record (1)

Change to “Image view description”

Include vendor or donor name here, if applicable Values: still image, moving

image, sound, etc. Default to Still.

Change to photographer (refers to digital image creator)

Link to appropriate authority or authorities pending discussion

Use Structured Date widget, which includes date ranges and types. Default date type should be View

Person or organization responsible for making image available

Change to “Related textual reference? Related resource link to Citations authority?

Change to “Accession number”

Source Detail (custom field)

Image View Type (new list)

LC--"relations"...I think we need more clarification on this.JE: This could be used for citing a catalog raisonne or other standard reference source when it is not the source of the image. I'm thinking Beazeley or Daix references for Greek pots or Picassos. But t his really belongs in thte catalog record, not the media record so maybe we should just hide it.
LC --"rights-holder"...will this auto-populate as well?JE: Probably not.
Chris Hoffman
LC General:It would be helpful to have a spreadsheet/table view for the records(maybe with a small thumb for each line.CH: There is a list view when you search. We are adding a saved set capability and batch processing.
Chris Hoffman
LC--"dimensions"...presumably this is for the image dimensions. Will thisauto-populate from the image-file?CH: There is another set of fields for dimensions from the file. These are for you to use if useful.
LC--"creator" is there a way for this to auto-populate as well?JE: Not now. Right now there is no default on Authorities, which is where this value would come from (Person authority). Maybe we should add this to the Intake/Order record somewhere, either in the detail information group or for the whole order?
Chris Hoffman
LC --"image view description"...will there be a drop-down vocabulary list forthis?CH: For VRA Core, need Image View Type (controlled list) and Image View Description (free text)
Chris Hoffman
LC--"contributor" and "publisher"...will these also auto-populate from theintake record?CH: Need to resolve Source-Citation authority and then decide what to copy over from Intake/Order record.

Media Handling Record (1)

Julie Wolf

Anne Baldessari, The Surrealist Picasso (Paris: Flammarion, 2

Image view description Accession number

Date type

History of Art Visual Resources Collection, UC Berkeley

Related textual reference pg. 56, pl. 7Page
