change management training

ITIL 1 Change Change Management Management Process Process Office of State Finance Information Services Division

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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management training


  • Office of State FinanceITIL TrainingContents

  • Office of State FinanceITIL TrainingContents

  • PurposeProvide a consistent method to follow (and consistent terms) when changes having significant impact are required to maintain or improve the production environment (routine configuration changes made on a daily basis are not reviewed in the process)Identify groups & personnel that should be involved in the process and their responsibilities*

  • PurposeDefine specific artifacts to be usedEstablish general policies regarding how changes are to be implemented and the communication to the users of the impacted servicesFull documentation of process may be found in the document Change Management Process.docx*

  • Office of State FinanceITIL TrainingContents

  • RolesChange Request Review Board CoordinatorOversight of Change Management processCoordinate between functional groups and ensure processes are followedService Provider GroupTeam implementing changeResponsible for testing change before implementation*

  • RolesChange Request Review BoardReview all requests to make certainThe change has been authorized by the Service Provider Groups managerThe change is scheduled during normal maintenance windows or if not, approving variancesThere are no conflicts with other scheduled activitiesIf multiple activities are to be performed during the same window, the activities are coordinatedAny communications with service users about outages or impacts are identified and performedThe change does not conflict with the strategic direction of OSF / ISDAny security issues are identified


  • RolesRequest Review BoardMembership*

    Position / RoleNameCoordinator & Process FacilitatorOW ThomassonOSF Chief of StaffPat ElwoodEngineering Tech Support DirectorDrew SwainDirector of EducationMatt SingletonFinance Administration and Regulatory DirectorMike HedrickFunctional Team Managers / Leads representatives from the following areasApplication Support (all consolidated agencies), Database Administration, Facilities, Network (Data & Voice), Operations, PC and Server, Security, SystemsNIC ( Rollison

  • Request Review BoardScheduleWeekly / Thursdays at 1pmAgenda Review outcome of changes scheduled to occur during week prior to meetingReview all proposed changesDetermine impact of changes and if customer notifications will be requiredIdentify any coordination issuesApprove change and change schedule


  • Office of State FinanceITIL TrainingContents

  • Change Management WorksheetAll change requests are scheduled using Change Management calendars in MS Exchange Public Folders.


  • Navigation to Public FoldersThe calendar can be found in a folder named Change Management. Navigation to the public folders and to the Change Management folder is performed as follows:If you have not used public folders, in the past, you may not have them displayed in Outlook. To display public folders, at the bottom of the Navigation pane on the left hand side, you will see something similar to this:Click the folder icon. You should see Folder List at the bottom of the Navigation pane.Expand the Public Folders list by clicking on the + sign.*All change requests are scheduled using Change Management calendars in MS Exchange Public Folders.

  • Continue to expand the list by clicking on the + sign next to All Public Folders, Office of State Finance, and then Change Management. Then click on the calendar you need to view or update. Do not add entries to the main Change Management folder.


  • Change Management Entry*A customized Outlook form is used to collect appropriate information.

  • Creating an EntryEven though this is a calendar entry, do not click on Invite Attendees. Meeting invites only work in personal folders, not public. This will also change fields behind the scenes and make it impossible for you to save your information.Fill out the fields as appropriate. There are several mandatory fields. An explanation of each field follows in sequence as they appear on the screen:


  • Data Items*

    Short DescriptionTitle for change. This will appear in the Subject line in the calendarMandatoryStart Date / TimeDate and time the change is scheduled to start. If unknown and the entry is for future changes with undetermined dates, pick a best guess date. It can be altered later.MandatoryEnd Date / TimeInstead of entering the duration, enter the date and time you expect to be finished barring no exceptional issues arise. The duration will be calculated.MandatoryAll Day EventIf the event is to last all day (24 hours) check this boxCategoryCategory should be 1 of 3 possibilities: 1) Change, 2) Change: Emergency (use this when we have something we have to do that has not been through Change Management), 3) Maintenance (All routine or semi-routine maintenance activities that have the potential to impact services) If you change the Category after initially setting it, be sure to click on Clear All Categories first to clear the field.MandatoryServices ImpactedSelected from a list of possible services. It is preferable that you do not enter the service here. Switch to the Agencies / Services tab and click on all services impacted. If the change is location based, ex., circuit or switch down that impacts all services for an office, select Based on Location and include details in the Change Description.MandatoryProductThis is a specific product associated with a service. If known, enter. Product table is still being developed

  • Data Items*

    Short DescriptionTitle for change. This will appear in the Subject line in the calendarMandatoryWill this cause an outage?If this change / maintenance activity will cause an outage to services, check this boxIf outage required, has customer been notified? Check, if Yes.Generally, the Help Desk will be the ones to check this box after a notification is sent. If the change was negotiated with an agency prior to implementation, the provider groups change representative may check the box.Detailed Change DescriptionProvide enough detail to support meaningful conversation about the change, its impact, and possible scheduling conflicts.MandatoryChange Management NotesA place where we can enter notes during the Change Management meeting if necessaryBackout PlanIf the change fails, how will you back it out?Contacts:This interfaces with your Contacts list and allows you to enter contact names of people planning and performing the change. Before you can add them here, they need to be added to your personal Contacts.Agencies ImpactedSelected from a list of possible agencies. It is preferable that you do not enter the agency name here. Switch to the Agencies / Services tab and click on all services impacted. If the change is location based, ex., circuit or switch down that impacts all agencies at a location, select Based on Location and include details in the Change Description.MandatoryChange Completed as Planned? Check, if YesIf the change was completed within the time allotted and there were no severe issues, check Yes.Change Completed with issues?, Check , if yes and explan belowIf the change exceeded the time allotted by more than 20% or went past a hard deadline, check Yes.Change Results:Record issues that were encountered, if any.

  • View of Change Calendars*View your calendars in Overlay mode by right clicking the name of the calendar and selecting View in Overlay mode.

  • Office of State FinanceITIL TrainingContents

  • Process Flow*

  • Office of State FinanceITIL TrainingContents

  • Change Management PolicyThe Change Management process should be followed for all architecture change requests related to the support of existing services or the addition of new services.Requests should be logged as soon as enough information is available to provide a meaningful description of change and the purpose behind the change, even if the specific date for the change has not yet been determined.Architectural changes are not to be implemented without first being approved by the Change Request Review Board. In emergency situations, the Change Request Review Board should be notified as soon as is feasible.For non-emergency, but urgent situations in which a change should be implemented before the next scheduled Review Board meeting, notification of the change request will be made to the Change Request Review Board coordinator who will obtain the proper approvals through the use of email, telephone, and individual conversations.

