change journey map

Missi Sargent Change Journey Map My change journey involves writing a book about having a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder and the struggles that my family endured.

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Post on 09-Jun-2015




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This is my assignment for my change management class


  • 1. Missi Sargent
    Change Journey Map
    My change journey involves writing a book about having a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder and the struggles that my family endured.

2. Awakening from Inertia Ahead
3. Ive been so busy with work and school that I havent had the time or energy to actually work on writing a book.
4. Call to Journey
Next Exit
5. Reasons why I feel I am being called to do this.
RAD is a very recent diagnosis. As such, many people (including psychologists) know nothing about it. The word needs to be spread.
No family should haveto endure the hell we went through in trying to get our son help. Im hoping that my story will help fix or at least make people aware of the problems.
Personally, I feel I need to tell the story as a form of therapy for myself. Im still very angry and upset and I need a productive way to vent it.
6. The Unknown
Next Right
7. Although Ive written lots of papers, I have never written a book from my point of view. Even if I do write it, I know nothing about how to get it published. I also dont know how my son will feel about it.
Jumping into
the Unknown
8. Danger
Trials & Dragons
9. Revisiting this time of my life is not going to be easy. I want to tell the story but Im afraid of bringing back all these feelings and hurting or embarrassing my son and other family. I could possibly write it as fiction but worry that a fictional book will not get the attention needed to change what needs to be changed.
10. STOP
for Dissolution
11. I cant let my hurt and anger completely overtake the story. I have to try to let go of the feelings, while writing about them.
12. Discovery just ahead
13. I have always loved to write. If I can get through writing a tough story like this, then I would love to move on to writing fiction strictly for the fun of it
14. Integration
15. Becoming a better writer is helpful
in all aspects of my life. Besides writing stories and poems, I would like to return to writing songs. Once I have finished school I should have the free time to accomplish it
16. Application
17. By getting my writing published, I can share my story with everyone. I want to share with others who are going through the same type of crisis so they know they are not alone. I also want to share my story with politicians and human service agencies. I dont just want it to be a story. I want it to the first step in working towards change.
Pulitzer Prize
Winning Author
Missi Sargent
18. Thank you for a great semester!
Song: Middle of the Road original by the Pretenders
Sung by Missi Sargent