
A fair chance / a good chance : Something is likely There is (very) little chance / a (very) small chance : It is very unlikely There is some chance : It is possible that / there is a possibility that There is a strong chance : it is likely IMPOSSIBLE UNLIKELY LIKELY CERTAIN EVEN CHANCE An even chance / a fifty-fifty chance : The possibility of something happening or not happening is equal There's every chance (that) = it is very likely There is not much chance : it is unlikely A fighting chance : A small chance of being successful if a great effort is made A slight chance / a slim chance / an outside chance: A very small chance ; someting is unlikely ; small possibility A one-in-a-million chance / A million-to-one chance : Something is extremely unlikely to happen There is no chance (whatsoever) : There is no possibility of something happening or being true

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Post on 29-Jan-2016




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LIttle chanceNo chance some chanceevery chance


Page 1: CHANCE

A fair chance / a good chance : Something is likely

There is (very) little chance / a (very) small chance : It is very unlikely

There is some chance : It is possible that / there is a possibility that

There is a strong chance : it is likely






An even chance / a fifty-fifty chance : The possibility of something happening or not happening is equal

There's every chance (that) = it is very likely

There is not much chance : it is unlikely

A fighting chance : A small chance of being successful if a great effort is made

A slight chance / a slim chance / an outside chance: A very small chance ; someting is unlikely ; small possibility

A one-in-a-million chance / A million-to-one chance : Something is extremely unlikely to happen

There is no chance (whatsoever) : There is no possibility of something happening or being true