chairman’s message from the editor’s deskdr. s. salivahanan [email protected]...

1 Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009 Price : Rs. 3.00 Chairman’s Message Dr. S. Salivahanan [email protected] [email protected] Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan [email protected] Dear friends, I am happy to mention that IEEE is celebrating its 125th Anniversary all over the world, starting from 13th May ’09, with a variety of activities. The IEEE Madras Section, being the largest Section in terms of member strength and student branches, has planned to celebrate the IEEE 125 th Anniversary by recognizing its past and present IEEE volunteers, whose selfless contributions have made it possible to achieve this milestone. Being the most vibrant and active Section at Region 10 level (Asia Pacific), has many achievements to its credit in terms of national and international conferences, technical and non-technical workshops, technical lectures, faculty development programs and student congresses. The Execom of IEEE Madras Section has tentatively proposed to celebrate the occasion of 125 th Anniversary on August 08, 2009 at Chennai (venue will be decided in due course of time) with a series of activities like. Distinguished lecture programs Student centric programs Felicitation to Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Professor, IIT Madras for being elevated to Fellowship of IEEE Awards and felicitations to past Section Chairs, current execom office bearers and members, office bearers of society chapters, affinity groups, present branch counselors for their valuable contributions Awards and felicitations to the most active student branches and society chapters Cultural program in the evening By celebrating this milestone anniversary, we honour the countless contributions that IEEE members and the technology professionals have made which have changed the world, and support the development of future technologies that will benefit humanity. The IEEE 125th Anniversary R10 student congress 2009 to be held at National University of Singapore (NUS) during July 16-19, 2009 organized by NUS on the theme “Sculpturing Student Leaders to Pioneer Sustainable Development” intents to bring together the best IEEE student volunteers from Region 10 to meet, innovate, integrate, network and share ground breaking ideas. The IEEE student branches shall motivate and support the student members to actively participate in this student congress. It gives me great pleasure to have inaugurated IEEE student branch activities at Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Padur on February 17, 2009, and SRM University, Kattankulathur on February 19, 2009. As the Chairman of IEEE Madras Section, I attended the IEEE Region 10 Meet 2009 at Melia Hanoi Hotel & Convention Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam on February 28 and March 01, 2009. A brief report has been published in this issue of LINK. Dear Friends, As informed earlier, in this issue of LINK, we have published the details of the various society chapters and affinity groups for reference. The Section Chairman, in his message, has outlined the activities planned for the celebration of the 125 th Anniversary. More updates will be carried out in future issues. In this context, LINK is pleased to inform that the most active student branches will be short listed based on their activities reported in the pages of LINK. The Computer Society had organized two CIO Meets on current interest topics namely “Leveraging IT investments” and “Open Source Solutions for better ROI”. Both of them were sponsored events and the proceedings of these well attended meets appear in this issue. A forum relating to Open Source Software & Products Development was formally launched by IEEE CS & CSI Chennai and an orientation programme to familiarize with the open source development processes and methodologies was organized. The community platform on EssentiaForge has also been setup for the teams to start working. The outcome of this project will have an impact in our contributions to Open Source. The proceedings of the Feb month technical meeting of the IEEE Madras Section jointly organized with IEEE CS, IEEE TMC and CSI Chennai Chapter on “Developing Service Oriented Solution Using Industry Standards & Models” appears in this issue. LINK reports the Sangamam Project of Kumaraguru College of Technology, Service Learning Program & Blood Donation Camp at Velalar College of Engineering & Technology, National Conf. on Embedded Systems at Kalasilingam University, Technical Awareness Programme by Jeppiaar Engineering College, Computer Training for Rural Girls Students by Coimbatore Inst. of Engineering & Technology, Career Guidance Programme by Sri Muthukumaran Inst. of Tech along with a brief report on the inauguration of IEEE student branch activities at SRM University. Short reports by the Chairman and WIE Coordinator on the IEEE Region 10 Meet which they have attended as the reps from Madras Section appear in this issue along with two short articles – one on Green Power by Prof. Thiruvengadam of SVCE and the other one on Autopilot by two student members – Amrutha and Punitha from Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College. LINK congratulates Mr. S. Pugazharasan of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Mr. S. Subramanian of BITS, Pilani, the winners of Info Contest 0902 who will receive a prize of Rs. 500/= each sponsored by SRA Systems. We encourage other members to actively participate in the forthcoming Info Contests. From this issue onwards, LINK will list the additions to the IEEE Madras Section Library which will be available for member’s reference. An announcement inviting members to join the IT History Society — which provides the glimpses of the past, also appears in this issue. Editorial Team Mr. H.R. Mohan, Dr. S. Salivahanan, Dr. M. Ponnavaikko, Dr. P. Suresh Chander Pal, Mr. T.S. Rangarajan, Mrs. M. Ramalatha

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Page 1: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009 Price : Rs. 3.00

Chairman’s Message

Dr. S. [email protected]

[email protected]: 94441 89433

From The Editor’s Desk

H.R. [email protected]

Dear friends,

I am happy to mention that IEEE iscelebrating its 125th Anniversary all over theworld, starting from 13th May ’09, with avariety of activities. The IEEE Madras Section,being the largest Section in terms of member

strength and student branches, has planned to celebrate the IEEE 125th

Anniversary by recognizing its past and present IEEE volunteers, whoseselfless contributions have made it possible to achieve this milestone.Being the most vibrant and active Section at Region 10 level (Asia Pacific),has many achievements to its credit in terms of national and internationalconferences, technical and non-technical workshops, technical lectures,faculty development programs and student congresses.

The Execom of IEEE Madras Section has tentatively proposed tocelebrate the occasion of 125th Anniversary on August 08, 2009 at Chennai(venue will be decided in due course of time) with a series of activities like.

Distinguished lecture programs Student centric programs Felicitation to Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Professor, IIT Madras

for being elevated to Fellowship of IEEE Awards and felicitations to past Section Chairs, current execom

office bearers and members, office bearers of society chapters,affinity groups, present branch counselors for their valuablecontributions

Awards and felicitations to the most active student branches andsociety chapters

Cultural program in the evening

By celebrating this milestone anniversary, we honour the countlesscontributions that IEEE members and the technology professionals havemade which have changed the world, and support the development offuture technologies that will benefit humanity.

The IEEE 125th Anniversary R10 student congress 2009 to beheld at National University of Singapore (NUS) during July 16-19, 2009organized by NUS on the theme “Sculpturing Student Leaders to PioneerSustainable Development” intents to bring together the best IEEE studentvolunteers from Region 10 to meet, innovate, integrate, network and shareground breaking ideas. The IEEE student branches shall motivate and supportthe student members to actively participate in this student congress.

It gives me great pleasure to have inaugurated IEEE student branchactivities at Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Padur on February17, 2009, and SRM University, Kattankulathur on February 19, 2009.

As the Chairman of IEEE Madras Section, I attended the IEEERegion 10 Meet 2009 at Melia Hanoi Hotel & Convention Centre, Hanoi,Vietnam on February 28 and March 01, 2009. A brief report has beenpublished in this issue of LINK.

Dear Friends,

As informed earlier, in this issue of LINK, wehave published the details of the various societychapters and affinity groups for reference.

The Section Chairman, in his message, hasoutlined the activities planned for the celebration ofthe 125th Anniversary. More updates will be carriedout in future issues. In this context, LINK is pleased

to inform that the most active student branches will be short listed basedon their activities reported in the pages of LINK.

The Computer Society had organized two CIO Meets on currentinterest topics namely “Leveraging IT investments” and “Open SourceSolutions for better ROI”. Both of them were sponsored events and theproceedings of these well attended meets appear in this issue. A forumrelating to Open Source Software & Products Development was formallylaunched by IEEE CS & CSI Chennai and an orientation programme tofamiliarize with the open source development processes andmethodologies was organized. The community platform on EssentiaForgehas also been setup for the teams to start working. The outcome of thisproject will have an impact in our contributions to Open Source.

The proceedings of the Feb month technical meeting of the IEEEMadras Section jointly organized with IEEE CS, IEEE TMC and CSIChennai Chapter on “Developing Service Oriented Solution UsingIndustry Standards & Models” appears in this issue.

LINK reports the Sangamam Project of Kumaraguru College ofTechnology, Service Learning Program & Blood Donation Camp at VelalarCollege of Engineering & Technology, National Conf. on Embedded Systemsat Kalasilingam University, Technical Awareness Programme by JeppiaarEngineering College, Computer Training for Rural Girls Students byCoimbatore Inst. of Engineering & Technology, Career GuidanceProgramme by Sri Muthukumaran Inst. of Tech along with a brief reporton the inauguration of IEEE student branch activities at SRM University.

Short reports by the Chairman and WIE Coordinator on the IEEE Region10 Meet which they have attended as the reps from Madras Section appearin this issue along with two short articles – one on Green Power by Prof.Thiruvengadam of SVCE and the other one on Autopilot by two studentmembers – Amrutha and Punitha from Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College.

LINK congratulates Mr. S. Pugazharasan of Sri VenkateswaraCollege of Engineering and Mr. S. Subramanian of BITS, Pilani, thewinners of Info Contest 0902 who will receive a prize of Rs. 500/= eachsponsored by SRA Systems. We encourage other members to activelyparticipate in the forthcoming Info Contests.

From this issue onwards, LINK will list the additions to the IEEEMadras Section Library which will be available for member’s reference.An announcement inviting members to join the IT History Society —which provides the glimpses of the past, also appears in this issue.

Editorial TeamMr. H.R. Mohan, Dr. S. Salivahanan, Dr. M. Ponnavaikko,

Dr. P. Suresh Chander Pal, Mr. T.S. Rangarajan, Mrs. M. Ramalatha

Page 2: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

Technical Meeting on Developing Service Oriented Solutions UsingIndustry Standards & Models

A technical meeting on the topic“Developing Service Oriented Solutions

Using Industry Standards & Models” by Mr.K. Lakshminarayanan, Software Architect,IBM Software Group, Austin, Texas, USA wasorganized jointly by the IEEE Madras Section,IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter andComputer Society of India Chennai Chapteron 16th Feb 2009.

Mr. T.S. Rangarajan, Execom Member,IEEE Madras Section welcomed the gathering.Mr. H.R. Mohan, Chairman, IEEE ComputerSociety of India, Madras Chapter briefed onthe interaction with the speaker, an IEEEmember from US in organsing this event onSOA, a most widely talked about subject andthen formally introduced the speaker to theaudience.

The speaker, Mr. Lakshminarayanan(LN), started his presentation by explainingabout SOA which is an architectural style basedon principles of Loose Coupling, Reusability,Statelessness and Discoverability etc., He wenton defining “Service Oriented” as — the meansof separating things into logical and independentunits called services and clarified that SOA isnot a programming language.

Some of the common pain points inservice development that industry content canhelp include: Lack of a framework leads toduplicated investments and increasedmaintenance and integration costs; Longanalysis and design cycles to properlydecompose the business into functional areasand specify services which leads to higher costand risk with each new application andIntegration of legacy applications is a constantchallenge for most, if not all, enterprises.

He explained about Industry Contentwhich is reusable, industry specific assetsderived from a standard industry model andused to design and implement a SOA solutionsuch as Models (process, service, data, etc.),

Patterns, Templates, Message Specifications,Data Dictionaries or Vocabularies, CommonReusable Services and Policies / Rules / SemanticModels. Industry Content is valuable becausethey drive consistency in composite applicationassembly, reduce time to market and fosteralignment of services with industry standards.He tipped on the Service Development usingIndustry Content in which Industry Contentshould always be the accelerator, the end result,or both and it should be easy for end users togenerate their own industry content.

He touched upon Industry StandardModels – formats which include: SchemaDefinitions (.XSD), EDI Messages (EDI),Spreadsheets (.XLS), UML Models, WordDocuments and PDFs. He then introduced fewindustry standard landscapes such as tmforum,OMG, Health Level Seven, Open ApplicationGroup, ACORD, ISO, eEG7, ASCX12 and VDA.

Mr. LN, spoke on achieving consistencyusing a common business glossary (CommonLingua Franca) and Enhancing the SOA Lifecyclewith Industry Content. He explained the stepsin modeling and assembling a solution which

include: Using Requirements, analyze the gapsin the Industry Content and identify points ofextension (Example : Business Processes);Identify the right kind and set of assets requiredfor the solution from the Industry Content(Example : Glossary, Message Specifications);Identify Database requirements using theIndustry Content (Example : Data Model);Define business policies, and operationalcapabilities for various service implementationsor end points.(Example : Business Glossary);Implement Services that are Atomic orComposite using a programming model like SCAor J2EE or Web Services (Example : Templates,Libraries etc., Common Reusable Services).

Mr. LN then presented a Reference Modelto develop Industry Content. The IndustryContent Reference Model enables a governingarchitecture for building SOA solutions — Bestpractices, reference implementations, otherguidance which form the basis of a governancemodel for SOA solutions; Aligned to industryand technical standards is explicitly addressedby the reference model; Provides a taxonomy ofreusable SOA solution assets that are alignedwith SOA reference architecture. He took theexample of Telecom Industry and explained thevarious aspects of developing SOA solution.

The presentation was highly interactivewith questions raised by the participants clarifiedas the presentation progressed. The meetingwent on for close to two hours, the longest fora technical meeting .

A f t e r t h e t a l k , G e n e r a l A .Balasubhramanyam, Fellow and FounderSecretary of CSI presented a memento to thespeaker Mr. Lakshminarayanan.

Sangamam Project by Kumaraguru Collegeof Technology

IEEE – KCT Student Chapter, Women InEngineering Affinity group organized and

conducted the first Sangamam Project – “Handson Basic Computer Training to Rural SchoolStudents” in the Simulation Lab, EEE, KCT on21st Feb 2009.

30 students from V.C.V. Govt. HigherSecondary School, Vellakkinar, Coimbatoreparticipated in this program. KCT staffmembers conducted the training session and theWIE affinity group members assisted inproviding hands on training to the students.IEEE – KCT Counselor Prof. K. Regupathy

Subramanian distributed the certificate ofparticipation.

The students were very enthusiastic inlearning and expressed that the training sessionwas very useful to them.

Page 3: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

CIO Meet on leveragingIT investments

IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter &the CIO Forum of CSI Chennai joined

Clover Infotech (a leading Oracle TechnologySolutions & services provider) and Oracle inorganizing a CIO forum meet on “Leveragingyour IT investments in the turbulent times” on18th Feb 2009.

Information technology has grown inpower and ubiquity. Companies view it as evermore critical to their success. Heavy spendingon hardware and software in the past clearlysums it up. Chief Executives routinely talkabout Information Technology’s strategic value,and about how they can use IT to gain acompetitive edge. However in today’s turbulenttimes, companies need to manage IT costs moreaggressively to avoid “the cost disadvantage”.CIOs need to explore new avenues to extendexisting technology to achieve competitiveadvantage. This evening meet was organized toaddress these issues.

The first half of the session wasaddressed by two speakers from Oracle Mr.Datthathiri Srinivasan, Senior Solution Manager– Technologies & Mr. RamasubramanianAthmanathan, Principal Consultant – DatabaseTechnologies. These speakers gave insight onvarious cost effective technology optionsOracle provides to improve security &performance.

The second half of the session wasaddressed by Mr. Amit Boraskar, Director –Linux & Open Source, Oracle. He presented avalue proposition of Oracle Enterprise Linuxand seamless migration process from RedhatEnterprise Linux. He also touched upon Oracle’soffer on Virtualisation in some detail which wasof great interest to the gathering.

The meet, whose objective was toeducate the users to make IT decisions that areappropriate with longer lifecycles, wasattended by nearly 85 IT Managers.

CIO Meet on Open Source Solutionsfor better ROI.

IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter &the CIO Forum of CSI Chennai in association

with Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd had organized aCIO meet on “Carve Out Cost: The answer liesin the Open” focusing on Open Source Solutionsfor better ROI on 13th Feb 2009.

Mr. H.R. Mohan, Chairman, IEEE CS &the Convener of the CIO Forum of CSI Chennaiwelcomed the gathering and highlighted howopen source software have gained importanceover the period as the organizations are lookingat reducing the cost in the period of globalmeltdown. He had also pointed out that theopen source offers solutions for almost all typesof applications apart from the initial offeringsof operating systems. Further, the communityaround the OSS makes the support an ongoingfeature and OSS literally eliminates the vendorlockin.

Mr. Udayarangan Singlachar, RegionalManager - Enterprise Sales of Red Hat gave anoverview of the company Red Hat which is apioneer in open source and contributed to a no.of open standards. He had briefly touched upon the various service offerings from Red Hatfor the enterprise customers.

In the first technical presentation, Mr.Sukanta Bask, Sr. Solution Architect, Red Hatoutlined why OSS have become popular andgave a detailed presentation on the features ofthe Fedora based Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

which include: Virtualisation, Security, Auditing,MS Windows Interoperability, ProductPackaging, Manageability, Distributed SystemEnhancements, Performance, File Systems,Development Tools, Desktop Environment andoptions etc., He had also illustrated few casestudies on how the Enterprise Linux is used bymajor organizations for high demandingapplications such as Blackboard, an e-learningsolution running on 1800+ Dell Servers with500TB of storage.

The second presentation was focused onJBoss Enterprise Middleware, a comprehensiveline of middleware products to accelerate theability to develop, deploy, integrate and manageapplications across the extended enterprise. Mr.Sandesh Kortikar, Solution Architect, JBossexplained how seamlessly the middlewareproducts such as JBoss Developer Studio,Metamatrix Designer, JBoss Portal &Application Platforms, SOA Platfor, DataServices Platform and JBoss OperationsNetwork are integrated to offer a powerfulmiddleware solution to enterprises.

The meet which had attracted over 90participants from corporate organizations,academia was co-ordinated by Mr. Hiren Shah,the Past Chairman of CSI Chennai, Mr. LakshmiNarayanan, Manager – Enterprise Sales, RedHat and Mr. Muralidhar Kannan, Channel SalesManager – South, Red Hat.

Page 4: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan

IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

IEEE Inauguration 2009 at SRM University

On February 19th, SRM University hoistedits IEEE banner for the year 2009. IEEE,

an institution aiming to connect people andchange the world with its fostering excogitationhas made an embankment of excellence, benefitsand confluence in the university. On theoccasion of 25th jubilee year for SRM, it haspeaked to an exhilarating 150 studentmembership.

To bless SRM and IEEE, inaugurationstarted with a prayer recited by Ms. Rukmani.After the prayer, the programme was anchoredby Anuparna Varma and Pushpaak (studentmembers).

The inauguration was blessed with thepresence of Dr. S. Salivahanan (Chief Guest,Chairman IEEE, Madras Section), Dr. R.Ramaswami (HOD, Dept. of Electrical andElectronics), Dr. Vidyacharan Bhaskar(Associate Dean), Dr. T.P. Ganeshan (pro-vicechancellor, SRM university), Dr. S.S. Dash(Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics)and Mr. C.Vaithilingam (IEEE student branchcounsellor). Dr. R. Ramaswami, a member ofIEEE, in his speech highlighted the benefits ofIEEE specifically for the students and explainedhow the teachers can contribute to IEEE.Dr.Vidyacharan Bhaskar introduced the chiefguest Dr. Salivahanan. Dr. Salivahanan started

his speech by congratulating the university onits 25 th jubilee year and then apprised theparticipants with countless IEEE events thatcan be organised in the campus, also variousawards related to work done in IEEE. He toldabout the benefits of IEEE conferences,internships and awareness programmesspecially for the students who are interested inresearch. Dr. T.P. Ganeshan, presented amemento to the chief guest expressing hisgratitude and gave an assurance to follow hisadvice for enhancing SRM-IEEE.

Dr. S.S. Dash also added his consent andfull contribution in heightening SRM-IEEE. Lastbut not the least Mr. C.Vaithilingam expressedhis thanks to all the dignitaries and students forcontributing their time. Lastly, everyone aroseto recite the national anthem. In a nutshell,February 19th (11:30 am) was the end of IEEE-2009 inauguration but also the successfulbeginning of IEEE in the year 2009.

Service Learning Program & Blood Donation Camp at Velalar Collegeof Engineering & Technology, Erode.

The IEEE Students Branch of Velalar Collegeof Engineering & Technology (VCET),

Erode in association with BIONIKX, thestudents association of Biomedical Engineeringof VCET, Lions Club of Erode Fort, KonguBlood Bank & Components Centre, Erode,Erode Cancer Centre and Rotaract Club ofVCET, organised a Service Learning Program &a Blood Donation camp On 26.02.09.

As a part of this programme, the IEEE-EMBS Student members of VCET are trainedon various procedures and techniques followedin a blood bank. After learning the techniquesthey are allowed to participate in a blooddonation camp joining hands with Kongu bloodbank & Components Centre at the collegepremises.

The function Started at 11:00 am on

26.02.09 at the conference hall of VCET withthe welcome address given by Mr.B.Arumugam,Chair, IEEE SB of VCET, following him Mr. N.Raghu, Joint Treasurer of BIONIKX, presentedthe introduction to BIONIKX.

Ms. S Deepa, Execom Member of IEEESB of VCET & Coordinator of blood donationcamp explained the structure of the programme.Following her, the Principal Dr. K. Palaniswamygave the presidential address.

Mr. K. Kaliyannan, Retd. Joint Directorof Tamilnadu Drugs Control Department gavea talk on “Importance of Blood donation”.Following him, Dr. Jeevanandham, President,Erode Cancer Centre, gave a talk on “Blooddonation – A Service to Mankind”. Next to him,Dr. K. Velavan, Director, Erode Cancer gave atalk on “Blood Donation and its role inEradication of Cancer”.

The guests gave away the certificates tothe student members of IEEE-EMBS whoactively participated in the training programconducted at Kongu Blood Bank &Components Centre, Erode.

Mr. P. Ravikumar, Chair, IEEE-ControlSystem Society, presented the activities of IEEEand its part in this programme. Following himMs. Mohana, President of Rotaract Club of

VCET, showcased the service rendered byRotaract club of VCET to the local people.

Ln. P. Karunanithi, Region Chairman,Lions Club of Erode, briefed out the servicerendered by Ln. Vijayarani Rajendran, Presidentof Lions club, Erode Fort to the society.Following him Dr. N. Jeyasanthi, AssociationCoordinator of BIONIKX felicitated thefunction. The forenoon session came to an endby the thanking note delivered by Ms. PraseethaGrace Paul, Student member of IEEE-EMBS.

The afternoon session started withpresentations by IEEE-EMBS studentmembers (Trained by Kongu Blood Bank &Components Centre, Erode. ) on topics“Components of Blood”, “Blood Donation andSafety”, “Safe Blood Transfusions”, etc.,

Following the presentations the BloodDonation Camp lead by Mr. K. Muthusamy &his team of Kongu Blood Bank along with theparticipation of trained students took place.100 units of blood were collected from thestudents of VCET. The function came to an endwith national anthem at 05:00 pm.

Report by: M. Arunraja, Secretary, IEEE-SB of VCET. E-mail: [email protected]

Join IEEE now at avail the extended half year membership

Page 5: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009


Info Contest

H.R. MohanChairman, IEEE CS, Madras Chapter

Editor, IEEE MAS LINKAVP (Systems), The Hindu, Chennai

This is the ELEVENTH contest underInfo Contest – an ICT quiz, a regular column inour newsletter LINK. The members areencouraged to participate in the contest andwin a prize. Answers to the contest questionscan ONLY be sent by email following theguidelines provided at the end of the questions.TWO lucky winners who answer to maximumno. of questions and early (selected by lot ifmultiple entries qualify) will receive an awardof Rs. 500/= each, sponsored by SRA Systems.

Info Contest – 0903This contest has four sections A, B, C &

D having five questions each. The number inbracket at the end of the questions denotes theno. of characters in the answer string.

A. In the following acronyms/abbreviations “M” stands for what.


A2. WiMax




B. Identify the company / product /magazine / service from the Tag Line.

B1. The power of simplicity

B2. Simplifying Complexities

B3. See: Performance

B4. Your eyeball view. Our technology new.

B5. A Business Minded Computer Magazine

C. Provide the Answer.

C1. “Lynx” is a CLI based browser. StateTrue or False

C2. IPTV follows the principles ofBroadcast. State True or False

C3. BOSS, the GNU/Linux distribution fromCDAC is based on ———

C4. What is common: Moodle, Sakai, ATutor

C5. OSI Tech Days 2009, recently held atChennai was previously known as———

D. Fill in the blanks / Provide the answer.

D1. India : in China : ———

D2. MS Office : PowerPoint = Open Office :———

D3. Which Google feature lets cell phone usersshare their location with others?

D4. Microsoft often named its projects (inparticular, versions of MS Windows)after ———

D5. ELCINA is the association of ———

Guidelines to submit the answers to the InfoContest by email.

In the Subject,

Write the Contest No. (Info Contest –0903) in the subject line.

In the body of the mail,

In the first line, write the contest No:Info Contest – 0903

In the second line, write your membershipno.

In the third line, write your email id.

In the fourth line, write your name.

In the fifth line, write the answers to thefive questions of Section A, separatedby comma.

In the sixth line, write the answers to thefive questions of Section B, separatedby comma.

In the seventh line, write the answers tothe five questions of Section C, separatedby comma.

In the eighth line, write the answers tothe five questions of Section D, separatedby comma.

As the evaluation of the entries is automated,pl. ensure the above guidelines are followed.

Email the answers to:[email protected]

The last date to receive the answers by emailis 5th Apr 2009.

Info Contest – 0902Answers & Winners


False, True, True, False, FalseSatyam Computers, ezone, Novell,, Express Intelligent EnterpriseSpam, 3i Infotech, Chetan Bhagat, OpenSource ERPPackages, MouseGOOG, Excel, VisiCalc, Cats, CellularOperators


Mr. PugazharasanSelvanathanSri Venkateswara College ofEngineeringMem No. : 90238454Email : [email protected]

Mr. S. SubramanianBirla Institute of Technologyand Science, PilaniMem No. 90533732Email: [email protected]

Both the above will be awarded a prizeof Rs. 500/= each. LINK acknowledges withthanks the sponsorship of the awards bySRA Systems (

Section Membership ason 15th March 2009

Life Senior - 5

Fellow - 1

Life Fellow - 1

Life Member - 3

Senior Member - 68

Member - 687

Affliate - 26

Associate - 29

Graduate Student Member - 675

Student Member - 3529

Total - 5,024

Visit our

Page 6: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

EMCON’09: National Conference on Embedded Systems

The IEEE Student Branch of KalasalingamUniversity, Krishnankoil organized the 3rd

National Conference on Embedded SystemsEMCON’09 on 19th & 20th February 2009.

The conference was preceded by a pre-conference tutorial on the topic of “Real TimeOperating Systems” by Dr. Rajkamal,Professor, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya- Indoreon 18 th FEB 2009. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan,Director, Admission, Kalasalingam Universityinaugurated the pre-conference tutorial andseventy five participants attended the one –day tutorial.

The inauguration of the conference washeld at 9.30 A.M on 19.2.09 Dr. D. Devaraj,Organizing Secretary – EMCON’09 welcomedthe gathering and gave an overview of theconference. Mr. Ravindra Kumar, Director, VLSIDesign Centre, CDAC, Thiruvananathapuraminaugurated the conference and delivered theinaugural address.

In his inaugural address, Mr. RavindraKumar mentioned that Embedded System isplaying a significant role in every day life today.The prices of mobile phones have come downdrastically, because of the advancement inEmbedded System field. He highlighted the roleplayed by Embedded Devices in the medicalfield. He advised the students to learn the latestdevelopments in the field.

The Conference proceeding was releasedby Dr. Suresh Chander Pal, Student ActivityChair, IEEE Madras Section & Executive Vice-Chair, IEEE India Council. In his address, Dr.Pal appreciated the efforts of KalasalingamUniversity IEEE student branch in organizingvaries activities for the benefits of students andfaculty members. He explained the activities ofIEEE and motivated the students to become themember of IEEE.

Dr. Rajkamal, Professor, Devi AhilyaVishwavidyalaya in his key note address on“Embedded System Hardware and Software”,said that the Embedded Systems are needed byevery one and added that the children need themto play smart video games and to operateautomatic chocolate – vending machine! Youngpeople need it to borrow smart cards fromparents to see the movies. The driver needs itfor automatic cruise control of car. Housewivesneed them for Internet compliant microwave, TV,music system and other home appliances etc.,

In the two days conference 70 papers werepresented by research scholars, P.G. studentsand faculty members from various institutions.Apart from the paper presentations theconference had the following invited talk also:

“Digital Signal Processors” by Dr.Rajasekar, Professor, Karunya University.

“Design and development of EmbeddedSystem”, by Dr.Vijayanath, Professor,BIT Mesra, Ranchi

“Digital Control of Power ElectronicConverters” by Dr. G. Narayanan,Professor, IISc, Bangalore.

“Radar Systems” by H. S. Bhatia K.N.SInstitute of Technology, Bangalore

The valedictory function of theconference took place on 19th February evening.Mr. Dhanabal, Academics Manager; NISystems delivered the valedictory address. Dr.C. Thangaraj, Vice-chancellor, KalasalingamUniversity distributed certificates and the bestpaper award to A. Kumar, BIT for the paper on“Design of High Fan- In Dynamic CMOSComparators with low transistor count inVLSI”. The programme ended with the vote ofthanks proposed by Mr. Nelson Daniel, studentchairman.

Report by: Dr. D. Devaraj,Branch Counselor, KLU

First R10 Distinguished Seminar at HanoiUniversity of Technology, Vietnam

M rs Ramalatha Marimuthu, R10 WIECoordinator gave a talk on Women in

Engineering and Technology for Human Welfareat Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi,Vietnam, on 27.02.2009. The seminar was partof the first distinguished seminar on “HumanSupport Technologies from IEEE” organized byR10 Technical Activities Committee and HanoiUniversity of Technology. IEEE President Dr.John Vig, IEEE Past President Dr. Lewis Terman,the Region 10 section chairs, faculty and studentmembers of Hanoi University of Technology,and many other dignitaries attended the seminar.

Abstract of the talk: Early developmentaldisorders and disabilities like dyslexia and autismare difficult to detect in early stages in children.Mr. Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan of BrahmamResearch Forum and Women in EngineeringTeam, Madras Section have joined together indeveloping a screener software for the detectionof disabilities and disorders and it has beendonated to the government of Tamilnadu in late2008. Now it has been installed in 22 districtsand about 30 million people will be benefitedbecause of that. Also the team is working ontwo remedial measures – Music Therapy andVedic Mathematics, which can help the childrenwith dyslexia. This has been tested in childrenwith dyslexia and has been found successful.

The other talks delivered at the seminar include:

Leadership skills in the IEEE by JosephV.Lillie, Vice president, IEEE member andGeographic Activities

E-science and Research & EducationsNetworks Development by Yong-jinPark, Director IEEE R10, HanyangUniversity, Korea

Measurements of Complex and surfaceResistance of Novel Low Loss materialsfor Future Technoligies by JaninaMazierska, R10 Past Director, MasseyUniversity, Newzealand

Artificial Intelligence and its Applicationsin Industry by Marzuki Khalid, R10Conference Coordinator, TechnicalUniversity of Malaysia, Malaysia

Industrial automation: actual status andfuture trends by Ta Cao Minh, Chair,IEEE Vietnam Section, Hanoi Universityof Technology, Vietnam

Mrs. Ramalatha Marimuthu, also visitedChulalangkon University, Bangkok at theinvitation of Dr. Proadpran Punyabukkana, adistinguished Professor from the Department ofSoftware Engineering, Chulalangkon University.

Page 7: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

Technical Awareness Programme by Jeppiaar Engineering College

The students from IEEE student branch ofJeppiaar Engineering College, under the

“WE CAN BRING THE CHANGE”campaign, carried out the technical awarenessprogram at “Poongavanam”, a school for thechild labour development cell, supported bythe Hand in Hand Trust based in Sweden.

There were 30 students from 2nd and3rd years EEE, who were divided into fourteams, with each team preparing their ownpresentation, the whole crew of students werelead by our Branch Counsellor. We had completesupport from our beloved directors Mr. N.Marie Wilson and Mrs. Regeena Wilson. andour principal Dr. Susil Lal Das.

The program was held on 21st February,

2009.The children who attended the programwere between the age group of 9-16 years.Many of them were induced into hard jobs at avery early age. They were given very littlefamily support due to their less fortunatecircumstances. So these children are gatheredfrom various districts of Tamilnadu and are givenshelter, education, clothing, food by the wellorganized team under the Hand in Hand Trust.

Our job was to introduce these smallchildren to a world of latest technology, history ofscientific development, the life of great inventorsand motivate them using the larger than lifepersonalities who they consider as role models.

There were different topics which werepresented in the form of video clippings,animations, pictures and photos. Thisknowledge was conveyed to them in thevernacular, which made it easier for them tounderstand and get involved. Along with thepresentations, interactive sessions wereincluded in between, which made them answerfor the various questions posted. They weregiven prizes for every correct answer, whichmade them even happier.

Their talents were exhibited during this

program. Some of the students came forward tosing songs and dance for the tunes of the latestpeppy numbers. Certain games were plannedin outdoors, in which they participated and wonprizes too. As the program progressed gradually,there was no barrier between the school and theengineering students. They started to closelyrelate to each other and they felt at home, withina short time.

The program was a runaway success, aswe achieved a lot more than what we reallyexpected. The smile in the face of the childrenwhen receiving prizes, their active cooperation inthe events, their energy and enthusiasmthroughout the program gave us an opportunityto learn important lessons in life. We understoodhow fortunate we are to reach this stage of life withso less effort, but these children had to face somany hardships within this short span of life.

We consider it is a beginning for our “WECAN BRING THE CHANGE” campaign, as weare planning for many TAP and other programsin this coming year and we feel it is a small steptowards our contribution to the society.

Report by: F Felix, Student Chairman,IEEE Student Branch, JEC

IEEE Region 10 Meet at Vietnam

As the Chairman of IEEE Madras Section, Iattended the IEEE Region 10 Meet 2009

at Melia Hanoi Hotel & Convention Centre,Hanoi, Vietnam on February 28 and March 01,2009.

I reached Hanoi on February 27, 2009and attended the seminar on “Human SupportTechnologies for IEEE” at Hanoi University ofTechnology, Vietnam.

On February 28, 2009, Dr. John Vig -IEEE President, Dr. Lewis Terman - IEEE Past-President, Dr. Joseph Lillie – VP MGA, Prof.Yong-Jin Park – R10 Director, Prof. KukjinChun – R10 Secretary, Prof. Jozef Modelski –

R8 Director, Dr. Janina Mazierska – R10 PastDirector, and Co-ordinators and ExecomMembers of R10 gave presentation of reports.

The India Council conducted a meetingwith all Section Chairs of India and Indiandelegates. The buffet dinner with culturalprogramme was arranged for all the guests andawards were presented to the achievers.

On March 01, 2009, the IEEE Sectionswho are planning to conduct TENCON in thenext three years gave presentations.

Section Management Training Workshopwas conducted by YW Liu, Akinori Nizhihara,Cecelia Jankowski and Fanny Su. Prof. JosephLillie gave a lecture on “Professional Activities”.

There was an Open Forum discussionwith Professors John Vig, Lewis Terman, JosephLillie and Cecelia Jankowski before lunch.

In the afternoon, a city tour was arrangedfor all the participants. A casual dinner wasarranged in Brother’s Café in the city of Hanoi.

On March 02, 2009, I visited Ha LongBay which has 3000 limestone islands and Sung

Sot cave is on the same island with Trinh Nu cave.

On March 03, 2009, during my transit, Ihad an opportunity with the help of Prof.Proadpran Punyabukkana, IEEE R10 EACCoordinator, to visit Chulalongkorn University,Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha Temple inBangkok, Thailand.

Participants in IEEE R10 Meet 2009 atHanoi, Vietnam

Indian Team at R10 Meet 2009,Hanoi, Vietnam

IEEE Computer Society Madras Chapteractivities are featured in the IEEE CS website under the “chapters” section. Readthe article: “Madras Chapter Wraps UpBusy Year” at

Page 8: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

FORM IVStatement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper (IEEE-MAS LINK) to be published in the first issue every year after the last dayof February

1. Place of publication IEEE Madras SectionRoom No.3, ISTE Professional CentreGandhi Mandapam Road, Chennai 600 025.

2. Periodicity of its publication MONTHLY

3. Printer’s Name Mr.R.RAVINationality INDIAN Address No.54, 55, V.S.V.Koil Street,

Mylapore, Chennai 600 004.

4. Publisher’s Name Dr. KRISHNA V. PRASAD Nationality INDIAN Address IEEE Madras Section

Room No.3, ISTE Professional CentreGandhi Mandapam Road, Chennai 600 025

5. Editor’s Name Dr. KRISHNA V.PRASAD Nationality INDIAN Address IEEE Madras Section

Room No.3, ISTE Professional CentreGandhi Mandapam Road, Chennai 600 025.

6. Names and addresses IEEE MADRAS SECTIONof individuals who ownthe newspaper andpartners or shareholdersholding More than oneper cent of the totalcapital:

I, Dr. KRISHNA V. PRASAD, hereby declare that the particulars givenabove are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of PublisherDate: 15.03.2009

IT History SocietyThe recently formed “IT History Society” intends to help the

process of creating and preserving the historical record, and understandingwhat it means for today and tomorrow, by acting as an internationalinformation point concerning IT history. It will track historical projectsseeking funding, as well as projects underway and completed, to improvecommunication and efficiency and avoid duplication within the historicalcommunity. In addition, at the IT History Society is dedicated in informingthe public and private sector of the numerous benefits of historical andarchiving functions.

In addition to the work of tracking projects and building capacity inthe community, ITHS will also be providing background information tothose with an interest or potential interest in IT history. These includepapers that provide expert advice on how to go about doing historicalwork or which convey the benefits of why historical activities canpositively effect private sector organizations.

ITHS offers three kinds of membership: individual, corporate, andpublic sector. There is no cost to join ITHS for any of these categories ofmembership.

The principal tangible benefits of becoming a member, whether youare an institution or an individual, include eligibility:

to have your current or past projects profiled on the Projectsand Profiles section of the ITHS web site,

to submit your projects to the ITHS archival or historical advisoryfor possible funding.

Those interested, may become a member of ITHS online at

Computer Training for Rural Girls StudentsBy CIET IEEE Student Branch & WIE

The Madras IEEE WIE and the WIE AffinityGroup of CIET - IEEE Student Branch,

Coimbatore organized a five day computertraining programme for rural girls schoolstudents under SANGAMAM Project from27th to 31st December 2008. This was supportedby Asia Pacific Women in Engineering.

Prof. M. Ramalatha, Chair, WIE AffinityGroup, IEEE Madras Section and Region 10WIE Coordinator inaugurated the programmeon 27 th December 2008. She had closeinteraction with the school students and theirteachers who were very grateful for the supportIEEE was extending to further their education.

She assured the students that she would extendall possible support for their future growth.

The computer training covered thecomputer basics namely MS-Word, MS-Excel,MS-Power Point etc. The office bearers ofWIE affinity group, CIET–IEEE student branchgave the training to the school students in theirown language of study.

At the end of five days training, feedbackwas collected by Dr. K. Thanushkodi,Principal, CIET. He was delighted to note thatthe programme was very useful to the ruralschool students who had not even seen a realcomputer. The participation certificate to allthe 30 girls students were distributed him.. Thehead mistress of the school thanked the WIEAffinity group for coming up with suchwonderful idea under the name“SANGAMAM” project.

All the students participated in theprogramme were given the printed coursematerial in Tamil language.

International Conferenceon

Electrical Energy Systems &Power Electronics inEmerging Economics


April 16th & 17th, 2009

Organised by

Department of Electrical andElectronics Engineering

Faculty of Engineering And TechnologySRM University

In association with

IEEE Madras section

Address for Correspondence:

Dr. S.S. Dash, Convenor,Mr. K. Vijayakumar, Co-ordinator

Mr. A. Rathinam, Co-ordinatorICEESPEEE09

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engg.SRM University

Kattankulathur – 603 203, Chennai, India

Email: [email protected]

Page 9: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

Dr. S. ThiruvengadamProfessor, Department of Electrical and

Electronics EngineeringSri Venkateswara College of Engineering,

Sri Perumbudur - 602 05


Electricity produced by a technology thatdoes not involve the use of fossil or nuclearfuels. This definition may not be acceptable toall potential consumers. For example, someconsumers may not accept the idea of municipalwaste producing green electricity. However,incineration of waste produces some of thelowest cost green electricity and the consequenceof excluding this technology would be to increasethe average price.

A number of schemes have beendeveloped around the world with the objectiveof selling green electricity; some have beensuccessful, other less so. There are a number ofkey points that must be addressed in designingfor the sale of such electricity.

1. What is being sold, electricity or greennessor both?

2. Who is the product being sold to?

3. Which generators will be involving inproducing green electricity?

4. The value of green electricity?

5. The potential market size?

6. The quantity of the commercially viablegreen source?

In an integrated electrical net work, it isnot possible to trace the flow of electricity fromgeneration to consumer. However, it can bedemonstrated by the use of meter readings thatthe generator has provided sufficient energy overa period to meet the energy demand of theconsumer. The green pool does not aim to meetthe instantaneous power demand of itsconsumers. Even a portfolio of green generatorswould be unable to exactly meet theinstantaneous power demand of its consumersat energy instant, and as a result, the green poolwill have to purchase top-up electricity whendemand exceeds generation and conversely sellexcess electricity when generation exceedsdemand. If the consumer base is mainly in thedomestic sector, then the periods at which topup electricity will be required will be those inwhich the price will be the highest and suchelectricity will be sold at periods when pricesare low. Consequently, even if the number of

GREEN POWER KWH generated over a year equal the demand,there will still be a cost associated with tradingof spill and top up. This cost must be takeninto account when considering the commercialviability of a new generating project.

In order to meet these criteria for thesuccessful development of green electricitymarket, it is necessary to introduce a marketmechanism that will:

1. clearly state the definition of technologiesthat are regarded as using green resources.

2. be open to all renewable energy generators.

3. offer a guarantee that over a yearsufficient energy (KWH) will begenerated to meet their demand or anagreed portion of that demand.

4. green electricity will be offered at a pricethat is attractive in comparison with othersupply contracts.


The final cost to the consumer is madeup of several components, namely,

1. cost of generating electricity

2. cost of providing and operating theelectrical net work

3. cost of supplying electricity - Whichworks out to be the cost of tradingelectricity, metering, invoicing, debtcollection and reconciliation of meterreadings of consumers and generators.

4. and taxes.

In defining a strategy for the successfuldevelopment of a green electricity market, dueregard must be devoted to:

i) Existing generating plant

ii) Growth of electrical demand

iii) Financial and commercial conditionsnecessary to promote a green electricitymarket

iv) Consumer attitudes to green electricity


This approach offers customers theoption to buy some or all of their energyrequirements from their new renewable energytechnologies. The green tariff might charge alittle extra per KWH, or it might consist of apremium for 100 KWH purchased or a unit(perhaps 100 W) of capacity. In some cases,consumers may choose the amount of “green”energy capacity. (equivalent to 50,75,100percent of consumption for example). The keyfeature of this approach is that the premium orincremental price that consumers pay is relatedto the amount of energy they purchase or usethe income thus generated is used by the schemeoperator to purchase a quantity of renewableenergy supplies to match consumercommitments during the stated period.


Development and delivery of green poweris still at an early stage. There will be a significantnumber of such projects in the coming years onthe global scale.

Additions to the IEEE Madras Section Library

Hardcopy Proceedings of ICWIS09 —International Conference on WebIntelligent Systems, held during 8-10, Jan2009. Organised by RajalakshmiEngineering College in association withCSI Div II on Software & ChennaiChapter, IEEE Computer Society,Madras Chapter and IIITM, Kerala.Edited by Prof. B. Govidarajulu, Dr.Sheila Anand and Mr. P. Kumar.Published by Narosa. Pages 240 + XXX.

CDROM Proceedings of NCISE 2009— National Conference on Informationand Software Engineering, held during 13-14, Feb 2009. Organised by AarupadaiVeedu Institute of Technology inassociation with IEEE Madras Section,IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter

and CSI Div II on Software. The CDcontains 40 full papers presented duringthe technical sessions of the conference.

User Presentations and ProceedingsCD of COMSOL Conference held atBoston & Hannover during 2008. TheCD contains over 300 slideshows,animations, models and papers aboutMultiphysics Modeling.

All contributions to the library will beacknowledged through this column in thenewsletter. All the organizers of the conferencessupported by the IEEE Section and SocietyChapters are requested to send a copy of theproceedings for adding into the library at theSection.

Page 10: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009


S.Amrutha, 3rd Year, ITR.Punitha, 3rd Year, IT

Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College


An autopilot is a mechanical, electrical,or hydraulic system used to guide a vehiclewithout assistance from a human being. Mostpeople understand an autopilot to referspecifically to aircraft, but self-steering geer forships, boats, space craft and missiles issometimes also called by this term


In the earlydays of aviation,aircraft requiredthe continuousattention of a pilotin order to flysafely. As aircraftrange increasedallowing flights ofmany hours, the

constant attention led to serious fatigue. Anautopilot is designed to perform some of thetasks of the pilot.

The first aircraft autopilot was developedby Sperry Corporation in 1912. LawrenceSperry (the son of famous inventor ElmerSperry) demonstrated it two years later in 1914,and proved the credibility of the invention byflying the aircraft with his hands away from thecontrols and visible to onlookers.

The autopilot connected a gyroscopicHeading indicator and Attitude indicator tohydraulically operated elevators and rudder(ailerons were not connected as wing dihedralwas counted upon to produce the necessaryroll stability.) It permitted the aircraft to flystraight and level on a compass course withouta pilot’s attention, greatly reducing the pilot’sworkload.In the early 1920s, the Standard Oiltanker J.A Moffet became the first ship to use anautopilot


Modern autopilots use computersoftware to control the aircraft. The softwarereads the aircraft’s current position, and controlsa Flight Control System to guide the aircraft. Insuch a system, besides classic flight controls,many autopilots incorporate thrust controlcapabilities that can control throttles to optimizethe air-speed, and move fuel to different tanksto balance the aircraft in an optimal attitude inthe air. Although autopilots handle new ordangerous situations inflexibly, they generallyfly an aircraft with a lower fuel-consumptionthan a human pilot.


Automatic pilots, or autopilots, aredevices for controlling spacecraft, aircraft,watercraft, missiles and vehicles withoutconstant human intervention. Most peopleassociate autopilots with aircraft, so that’s whatwe’ll emphasize in this article. The sameprinciples, however, apply to autopilots thatcontrol any kind of vessel. In the world ofaircraft, the autopilot is more accurately

An early autopilot systemin an Avro 19 plane, circa


Modern Autopilot Systems

described as the automatic flight controlsystem (AFCS). An AFCS is part of an aircraft’savionics — the electronic systems, equipmentand devices used to control key systems of theplane and its flight. In addition to flight controlsystems, avionics include electronics forcommunications, navigation, collision avoidanceand weather. The original use of an AFCS wasto provide pilot relief during tedious stages offlight, such as high-altitude cruising. Advancedautopilots can do much more, carrying out evenhighly precise maneuvers, such as landing anaircraft in conditions of zero visibility.

Although there is great diversity inautopilot systems, most can be classifiedaccording to the number of parts, or surfaces,they control. To understand this discussion, ithelps to be familiar with the three basic controlsurfaces that affect an airplane’s attitude. Thefirst are the elevators, which are devices on thetail of a plane that control pitch (the swaying ofan aircraft around a horizontal axis perpendicularto the direction of motion). The rudder is alsolocated on the tail of a plane. When the rudder istilted to starboard (right), the aircraft yaws —twists on a vertical axis — in that direction.When the rudder is tilted to port (left), the craftyaws in the opposite direction. Finally, aileronson the rear edge of each wing roll the plane fromside to side.


Thus autopilot have a wide range ofapplication and moreover it protects the humanlife in difficult operations.


A career guidance program was organized bythe IEEE Student Branch of Sri

Muthukumaran Institute of Technology,

Career Guidance Program bySri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology

Chikkarayapuram (Near Mangadu), Chennai on2nd March, 2009 for the students of class 11from Padma Subramaniyam Bala BhavanMatriculation Higher Secondary School,Mangadu. A total strength of 50 studentsattended this program.

The students arrived at the collegepremises at 10.15 a.m. and were given a briefintroduction about engineering by Mr. A.Murugesan, H.O.D and few of our IEEE studentmembers. A presentation about the variousfields in engineering was also made. Thestudents were explained about what they wouldbe studying under various branches. Thestudents were then divided into batches and

Page 11: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009

A platform for open source software &products development — a place where

people can come together to create and promoteopen source software & products usingcollaborative development tools was formallylaunched on 20 th Feb 2009 by the IEEEComputer Society Madras Chapter andComputer Society of India, Div II on Software,Chennai Chapter with the support of EssentiaSoftware Solutions, CDAC, NIC and likeminded organizations.

Nominations (in groups) were invitedfrom colleges and professionals for participationin this initiative. A group could consist of 3/4students and a faculty member or 3/4professionals with some knowledge in opensource software. It was informed that theselected groups would be trained and mentoredin open source development processes andmethodologies so as to enable them to initiateand execute OS projects independently.

The response for the nominations wasover whelming. Considering the logistics, thenominations were restricted from the collegesnear Chennai. We had short listed in total 11teams (9 college teams and 2 industry teams) asdetailed below

Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology Dhanalakshmi Collge of Engineering RMK College of Engineering RMD College of Engineering Rajalakshmi Engineering Collge KCG College of Technology St. Peter’s Engineering College Jaya Engineering College MOP Vaishnav College for Women

Consolidated Cybernetics, Coimbatore Foundation for Revitalisation of Local

Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore

The shortlisted teams were invited for anorientation programme on 20th Feb 2009. Thiswas hosted at the CDAC Chennai Office atSTPI Facilities Centre at Taramani.

At the inaugural session, Mr. H.R.Mohan, Chairman, IEEE CS & Software Div ofCSI welcomed the participants and briefed onthe initiative and highlighted the opportunitiesavailable in the open source software andproduct development. Mr. N. Ramakrishnan,Advisor, Essentia Soft Solutions explained theirinterest in supporting the initative by offeringthe development platform and also extendingthe facilities to host, mentor and coordinate thewhole process. Mr. R. Nagesh, Centre Coordinator,CDAC, Chennai spoke about the NRCFOSSfacility supported by CDAC and its role inpromoting Open Source Software in India. Dr.P. Balasubramanian of Open Technology Centreat NIC Chennai addressed the participants on thelarge scale e-governance projects developed anddeployed by NIC across the country and highlightedthe demand for open source professionals.CDAC and NIC have offered to identifytechnical professional from their organizationto participate in this initiative as mentors.

The technical sessions started with ademo of the activities in JasperForge — theopen source community platform by Mr. TimCloonan, Director, Open Source CommunityMarketing, JasperSoft and was followed by asession on open source processes and bestpractices by Mr. Rajesh Iyer, Vice President,IT, Essentia Soft Solutions. In the afternoon,

Mr. Jobin, Director Community Developmentat Essentaia provided the hands on training onEssentiaESP platform, the collaborativedevelopment environment on which the currentinitiative is planned to be hosted.

Mr. Sutha Shankar, Director Engineeringand Mr. Udayasankar, Director Marketinganalysed the skill set of the participants andgrouped them under six development groupsand explained the roles and responsibilities ofthe members, coordinators and mentors in theproject development. Outline for few identifiedprojects were provided. It was indicated that toprovide the first hand experience of communitydevelopment, the students from colleges weresplit and included in different groups and thefaculty members and professionals wereassigned the role of coordinators. In the firstphase, two projects will be done by three teamsconcurrently. It was desired that the projectsare carried out in a time span of three to fourmonths with periodical face to face reviewmeetings and round the clock virtual meetingsto sort out the issues if any. It was also plannedto institute prizes to the best team for eachproject and best user award based on theinteractions with the team and the community.

The student participants and the facultymembers provided a positive feedback on theorientation programme and were very keen incarrying out the projects and expressed theirthanks for being selected for this initiative. Theprogramme ended with a note that thedevelopment environment would be setup inthe coming week with users and coordinatorsassigned with userid and password to startworking on the project.

Open Source Software & Products Development Forum

Forum Team

taken around the college premises. They visitedthe Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Electronics and Communication Engineering,Computer Science Engineering, MechanicalEngineering and Information Technologydepartments. They were guided by the studentvolunteers and were taken to the various labs.

Apart from this, the students were also shownthe Physics, Chemistry and EnglishCommunication labs. Various concepts weretaught and career guidance was given to themby the staff members. After the programme,refreshments were served to the students.

Students were benefited from thisactivity and they gave a positive feedback. Wehope to carry out similar activities in an enhancedmanner in the near future.

Report by: Mathangi Sridharan,Vice Chair, WIE AG, SMIT

Address by Mr. Tim Cloonan Section of participants

Page 12: Chairman’s Message From The Editor’s DeskDr. S. Salivahanan Mobile: 94441 89433 From The Editor’s Desk H.R. Mohan


Published by Dr.Krishna V.Prasad on behalf of IEEE Madras Section, Room No. 3, ISTE Professional Centre, Gandhi Mandapam Road,Chennai 600 025. Printed by : R. Ravi, Vignesha Printers, No. 325/2, Triplicane High Road, Triplicane, Chennai -600 005. Ph : 28419352

Room No. 3, ISTE Professional CentreGandhi Mandapam RoadChennai 600 025Tel : +91 44 2442 3939 Cell : 93823 28776Fax : +91 44 2442 3939Email : [email protected], [email protected]


Posted On : 24th March 2009Posted at: Egmore RMS (Patrika)

IEEE-MAS Link Volume : 6 Issue : 3 March 2009 Registrar of Newspapers for India. No.: TNENG/2004/16284W.P.P No: TN/CC(S) Dn.35/09-11

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