chafer, bible doctrines: israel in history and prophecy

ISRAEL IN HISTORY AND PROPHECY Chafer, Chapter 43 Monday 19 September 2011

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Page 1: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy


Chafer, Chapter 43

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 2: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Israel begins in Gen 12, and is a major OT theme - this is developed in the NT.Israel is involved with all dispensations - starting with promise, in which God deals with Abraham and makes promises for future generations. The dispensation of law, Ex 19ff is the major OT dispensation and affects all of Israels life until the cross.


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 3: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

In disp. of grace Israel shares salvation etc. In the future disp. Of kingdom Israel will take a prominent role again possessing the land and being subject to Jesus her king.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 4: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Covenants are closely related to the dispensations - and Israel has a major role from Abraham onwards.5 covenants are major factors in Israels history:Abrahamic is the basis for IsraelMosaic provides law and OT basisPalestinian sees provision of landDavidic relation to Davidic kingdom and future Christly kingdomNew covenant sees Israel’s blessings in the kingdom replacing Mosaic


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 5: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Properly begins with Jacob (given the name Israel), but Abraham is usually included. Abraham from Ur wen to Haran became a wealthy herdsman - when his father died he went with Sarah and Lot 1000 miles south west to the promised landGod made a covenant with him - father of a great nation, all nations blessed through him.Sarah miraculously gave birth to Isaac - had Esau and Jacob who was chosen by God to be head of the nation.


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 6: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Creation takes 2 chaptersFall 1 chapterAbraham, Isaac, Jacob 38 chaptersIsrael went to Egypt in a time of famine - in God, Joseph had prepared the way - the nation was welcomed and cared for (at first). Egypt’s ruler changed and they became slaves - Moses and joshua raised up by God to take them into PL (with a failure at Kadesh Barnea and 40 years in the wilderness as consequence) - Moses dies, they enter PL and after Joshua they enter a spiral of moral decay.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 7: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Samuel is raised up to restore things - followed by Saul (failure) David and Solomon - the kingdom was extended - but Solomon disobeyed God about wives and relying on strength of horses (Dt 17:16-17) and the kingdom started to declineSolomon’s children were raised by ungodly wives without knowledge or understanding of the Law - after his death division took place. Northern kingdom of Israel (10 tribes, succession of wicked kings, judgement by Assyrian captivity in 722BC

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 8: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Southern kingdom Judah, 2 tribes, some godly kings but generally downward spiral until Babylonian captivity 605BC70 years later Israel returns - Jer 29:10Ezra tells of return and struggles as well as attempts to rebuild the temple - Nehemiah rebuilds the walls about 100 years later.Israel still did not follow the Lord - Medes and Persians dominated for 200 years - caught in Syrian Egyptian conflict after death of Alexander the Great 323BC.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 9: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Rome became more powerful - Jerusalem taken by Pompeius in 63BC and hundreds of thousands of Jews taken into slavery.Jesus was crucified under Roman authorityIn 70AD Jerusalem was destroyed - Israel was scattered all over the world.In the 20th century a move for Israel to return to its land started and in 1948 it was again recognised as a national entity.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 10: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

OT history is largely the fulfillment of prophecies, 100’s of them - this includes 3 dispossessions of the PL which form the major backdrop for Israels history.1. Descent into Egypt - and return2. Assyrian and Babylonian captivities - and return after 70 years3. Dispossession after Jerusalem is destroyed in 70AD


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 11: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Chafer states that it is important to see the prophecies regarding the character and destiny of Jacobs sons (Gen 49:1-28)The Davidic kingdom is another important theme - the throne is promised to David and his seed forever (2 Sam 7:16, Ps 89:35-36, Jer 33:21, Dan 7:14)Promises of blessing and curse are fulfilled literally in the line of Saul, David, Solomon and succeeding kings as God dealt with them.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 12: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Daniel 9:24-27 - see full text70 weeks or 70 7’s = 490 years comprise Israel’s future history.Chafer states:Dan 9:24 starts with the command to build up Jerusalem (see 9:25) - giving 483 years before promised Messiah would come.The 490 years starts in 445BC at Nehemiah’s reconstruction - culminating at 32AD with the cross - this is an approximate date.


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 13: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Daniel 9:24-27 - see full text70 weeks or 70 7’s = 490 years comprise Israel’s future history.Chafer states:Dan 9:24 starts with the command to build up Jerusalem (see 9:25) - giving 483 years before promised Messiah would come.The 490 years starts in 445BC at Nehemiah’s reconstruction - culminating at 32AD with the cross - this is an approximate date.


 24 "Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place. 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war.Desolations are decreed. 27And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator."

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 14: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Daniel 9:24-27 - see full text70 weeks or 70 7’s = 490 years comprise Israel’s future history.Chafer states:Dan 9:24 starts with the command to build up Jerusalem (see 9:25) - giving 483 years before promised Messiah would come.The 490 years starts in 445BC at Nehemiah’s reconstruction - culminating at 32AD with the cross - this is an approximate date.


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 15: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Messiah would be cut off after 483 years of the prophecy - Jerusalem would be destroyed (Dan 9:26), fulfilled in AD70Chafer goes on to say that it is implied that there is considerable time between the 69 weeks (483 years) and the 70th week - in fact it includes two events separated by 40 years.The last week was characterised by a covenant made with a future prince related to the people who destroyed the city - apparently a ruler of a revived Roman empire (Dan 9:26).

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 16: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

“Many interpreters view this as a future event which will occur after the church is raptured.”Dan 9:27 then describes the future ruler making a 7 year covenant with Israel - which will be broken in the middle week and the last 3.5 years will be of persecution and trial for Israel - this is the time of Rev 6-18 and ends at the second coming of Christ in Rev. 19. This ruler will stop sacrifice and oblation (offering to God) and make the Temple desolate - this refers to a future temple and the Mosaic sacrificial system by orthodox Jews before the 2nd coming of Christ.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 17: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

“Many interpreters view this as a future event which will occur after the church is raptured.”Dan 9:27 then describes the future ruler making a 7 year covenant with Israel - which will be broken in the middle week and the last 3.5 years will be of persecution and trial for Israel - this is the time of Rev 6-18 and ends at the second coming of Christ in Rev. 19. This ruler will stop sacrifice and oblation (offering to God) and make the Temple desolate - this refers to a future temple and the Mosaic sacrificial system by orthodox Jews before the 2nd coming of Christ.

In conclusion Chafer states, “...the first 483 years have been fulfilled. Jerusalem was rebuilt in the first 49 years (Dan 9:25). The Messiah was cut off after 483 years. The events of the last week are yet future and provide a chronology for the end time leading up to the second coming of Christ”

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 18: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

1 Pet 1:10-11 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.OT prophets did not know the coming of Messiah - it was perfectly concealed - Chafer states, “the events which were fulfilled at his first coming and those which are yet to be fulfilled at his second coming were in no way separated as to the time of their fulfillment.”


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 19: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Isa 61:1-2 shows this: Christ read part of this in the synagogue in Capernaum (Lk 4:18-21) and did not state the second part of this was for his second coming.Gabriel (Lk 1:31-33) spoke at the same time of events surrounding both first and second advent of Christ.OT prophecy says Christ was sacrificial lamb (Isa 53:1-12) and glorious lion of the tribe of Judah (Isa 11:1-12, Jer 23:5-6)Chafer says considering these two lines it was not surprising OT prophets were a little perplexed.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 20: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

The Messiah had to be:Of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:10)Of the house of David (Isa 11:1)Born of a virgin (Isa 7:14)Born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2)Die a sacrificial death (Isa 53:1-12)Die by crucifixion (Ps 22:1-21)Rise from the dead (Ps 16:8-11)Come to earth a second time (Dt 30:3) - on the clouds of heaven (Dan 7:13)Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled every prophecy regarding the Messiah - no one else ever can do.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 21: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

We know of the dispersion caused by the sin which resulted in the Babylonian and Assyrian captivities - this fulfilled prophecies (Dt 28:63-38, Ps 44:1, Jer 9:16, 18:15-17, Ezek 12:14-15, 20:23).Israel would not lose her identity even in dispersion (Matt 24:34) - they refused the Messiah at his first advent [and Chafer says the potential for regathering then](Matt 23:37-39)



Monday 19 September 2011

Page 22: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

At Kadesh-barnea (Num 14:1-45) their wilderness experience was extended, their chastisement was continued - and will be now until Christ comes again.At that time his people will be regathered into their own land and they will enter into the glory and blessedness of every covenant promise Jehovah has made to them (Dt 30:1-10, Isa 11:11-12, Jer 23:3-8, Ezek 37:21-25, Matt 24:31)

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 23: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Dan 9:27 says Israel will have a dramatic role in end time events before the 2nd coming. There are 4 major movements here - stage 1 has occurred, stage 2 will take place at the 2nd coming:1. Prophesy said Israel will be reformed as a political state - this happened in May 1948 - boundaries have since increased and even though small israel is important in world affairs.


Monday 19 September 2011

Page 24: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

2. Israel will enter into a covenant with a gentile ruler of the Mediterranean - for 7 years - there will be a measure of peace and security here, jews will return home, economic prosperity.3. 3.5. Years after covenant formed it will be broken and Israel will become a persecuted people - Jacob’s trouble (Jer 30:7) the great Tribulation (Dan 12:1, Matt 24:21)4. A glorious restoration will follow the 2nd coming and continue through the 1000 yrs.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 25: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

The Messianic kingdom has far more OT prophecy about it than any other subject. It outstrips the idea of judgment upon Israel and reveals the glory and blessing which will be theirs when the Messiah-King returns.This is revealed in a literal way to all of the prophets, for example - Isa 11-12, 35:1-10, 54-55, Jer 31, 33:1-26, Ezek 36:32ff, Dan 2:44-45, Hos 3:4-5, 13:9ff, Joel 2:28-3:21, Amos 9:11ff etc.



Monday 19 September 2011

Page 26: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

OT predictions concerning the coming kingdom are often part of predictions about the coming of the king - when these two themes are combined “the day of the Lord” is spoken of - this is the lengthened period from the rapture of the church and the judgments following this event to the end of his millennial reign - Isa 2:1--22, Zech 14.

Monday 19 September 2011

Page 27: Chafer, Bible Doctrines: Israel in history and prophecy

Chafer cites evidence that the day of the Lord will begin as soon as the rapture takes place.The major events of the day of the Lord seem to include the Great Tribulation and God’s judgements on the world before the 2nd coming, as well as the judgments which attend the 2nd coming and the 1000 year reign.Obviously many great OT prophecies wee not fulfilled by the time of writing the NT - so we add the two, though still there are many to be fulfilled. Much OT prophecy about Israel is fulfilled - but there is still more to come before the end.

Monday 19 September 2011