ch 5-final hrm

HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING AND RECRUITING Submitted to:  Prof. Roopa Rao Submitted by: Piyush Gaur Krunal Soni Nishidh Shah Chetan Pathak Saurabh Upadhayay

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Recruitment & Selection


1. Employment planning & forecasting

2. Recruiting: build a pool of candidates

3. Applicants complete application forms4. Use selection tools like tests to screen

out most applicants

5. Supervisors & other interview finalcandidates to make final choice

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Forecasting personnel needs

Trend analysis

Study of firm’s past employment needs

over a period of years to predict futureneeds.

Ratio analysis

 A forecasting technique for determiningfuture staff needs by using ratios between,

for example sales volume & number of 

employees needed.

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Scatter plot

 A graphical method used to help identify

the relationship between two variablesComputerized forecast

Determination of future staff needs by

projecting sales, volume of production, &personnel required to maintain this volume

of output, using software packages

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Forecasting the supply of inside

candidatesQualification inventories

• Manual or computerized records listing

employees’ education, career &development interests, languages, special

skills, & so on, to be used in select inside

candidates for promotion

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Manual systems & replacement charts

• Personnel replacement charts

• Position replacement charts

Computerized information system

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Forecasting the supply of 

outside candidatesExamples

Print format

• U.S Congressional Budget Office• Bureau of Labor Statistics

• Bank of America

Hard copy format

• Business week

• Fortune

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Effective Recruiting

Employee recruiting means finding and/or 

attracting applicants for the employer’s

open positions.

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Recruiting Complexities

i. Recruitment efforts should make sensein terms of the company's strategic plans

ii. Some recruiting methods are superior to


iii. Success depends greatly on non-

recruitment issues & policies

iv. It always requires simultaneously pre-

screening employees.

v. The firm’s image affects its recruiting


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Organizing the Recruitment

FunctionAdvantages of Centralizing recruitment

• Makes easier to apply company’s strategic


• Reduces duplication

• Makes easier to spread the cost of new

technologies• Provides synergies

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Measuring Recruiting

EffectivenessRecruiting yield pyramid• The historic arithmetic relationships between recruitment

leads & invitees, invitees & interviews, interviews & offers

made, and offers made & offers accepted• New Hires

• Offers made (2:1)

• Candidates interviewed (3:2)

• Candidates invited (4:3)

• Leads generated (6:1)

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Strength and weakness of employee is known,morecommitted,morale rises as employee sees promotion asrewards.

Discontentment,asking rejected employees to takeremedial action


JOB POSTING: Publicizing an open job toemployees(often by literally posting it on bulletin boards)and listing its attributes,like

qualifications,supervisor,working schedule & pay rate

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Should company hire some one who left

the company?

Positive side include the employee is

already familiar with companies culture,

style and way of doing thing.

Negative side includes that past employee

may signal current employees that best

way to go ahead is to leave the company


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SUCCESSION PLANNINGSUCCESSION PLANNINGThe ongoing process of systematically identifying,

assessing and developing organizational leadershipto enhance performance.Succession planning entails three steps:

1.Identifying and analyzing key jobs based on firmsstrategic goals.

2. Identifying potential internal and external candidatesand providing them developmental experiences.

3.Assessing these candidates and selecting those whowill actually fill the key positions.Many employers use software like HRIS to improve

the productivity .

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Most people today go online to look for jobs.

Users register by supplying their name,

location and the kind of work they do on

sites like monster networking, etc.


Web is a cost effective way to publicizeopenings, it generates more responses at aquicker rate and for a longer time than anyother method

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The percentage of elder people and certain minoritiesusing the internet is low.

Internet recruiting receives so high volumes thatemployers end up deluged with resumes

APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEMS: are onlinesystems that help employers attract, gather screen,

compile and manage applicants.

Designing effective internet add is important to solveproblems like lack of information, difficulty to formatresumes, privacy, poor graphics & slow feedback

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The selection of the best medium depends on theposition one is recruiting. For e.g. local newspaper is the best source for local blue collar help, clerical

level & lower level administrative employees.For specialized employees one can advertise in

trade and professional journals like AmericanPsychologist, Sales Management ,Chemical

Engineering Electronics News etc.

CONSTRUCTING THE AID:Experienced advertisers use a four-point guide

 AIDA (attention, interest,desire and action) .

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There are three main types of employmentagencies.

1 .Government employment exchanges

2 .Nonprofit organizations

3. Privately owned agencies

Public and non profit agencies: Every state has apublic, state-run employment service agency

Many professional and technical societies such asInstitute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers,have units that help members find jobs.

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Firms hire private agencies because itmay not have its own hr department,finding difficult to get qualified professional,

wants to save time, fill opening quickly.

To avoid any potential problem firm should

give agency accurate job description,make test & interview compulsory,periodically review data, screen theagency

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ALTERNATIVE STAFFINGALTERNATIVE STAFFING Agencies providing employers part time or just in

time workers are called temp agencies.

Benefit include hiring temporary employees when

permanent employees are sick or on vacation.

Cost include in the form of low productivity.

Concern of temp employees includes insecurityregarding employment, lack of insurance & pensionplan, misled about job assignmentunderemployment, dehumanizing behave of employers & anger towards corporate world.

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With temp agencies employers shouldensure basic policies like invoicing,

maintaining time sheets, temp to perm ,benefit

for temp employee, dress code, equal



The use of non traditional recruitment

sources. For e.g. temporary employees,

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Contingent Workers

Guideline for using temporary employees1. Do not train your contingent workers.

2. Do not negotiate the pay rate of your contingent workers.

3. Do not coach/counsel a contingent workers on his/her job performance.

4. Do not negotiate a contingent workers vacations.

5. Do not routinely include contingent workers in your company’s employeefunction.

6. Do not allow contingent workers to utilize facilities intended for employees.

7. Do not let managers issue company card, nameplates, to contingent

workers without HR and legal approval.8. Do not let managers discuss harassment or discrimination issue withcontingent workers.

9. Do not discuss job opportunities and the contingent worker’s suitability for them directly.

10.Do not terminate a contingent worker directly.

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Guideline when working with temporary agencies.

• Invoicing.

• Time sheets

• Temp-to-perm policy

• Recruitment of and benefits for temp employees.

• Dress code.

• Equal employment opportunity statement.

• Job description information.

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Alternative staffing

• Temporary employees are example alternative staffing.• The use of nontraditional recruitment sources.

• It includes “ in-house temporary employees” and “Contracttechnical employees” (highly skilled workers like engineers).

Offshoring/Outsourcing White-Collar and other jobs.

• Hiring workers abroad to do the job.• Outsourcing is an increasingly important employment option.• Some Three million white-collar jobs in occupations ranging

from call-center employee to radiologist will be movingabroad in the next five-six years.

• Survey conducted in California suggest that almost 7% of employers there are or would consider offshoring IT jobs (aswell as others).

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Executive recruiters (headhunters)

Special employment agencies retained by employers to

seek out top-management talent for their clients.

• Contingent-based recruiters collect a fee for their 

services when a successful hire is completed.

• Retained executive searchers are paid regardless of 

the outcome of the recruitment process.

Internet technology and specialization trends are

changing how candidates are attracted and how

searches are conducted.

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• Advantages of using executiverecruiters:

•  Able to contact qualified, currently employed candidateswho are not actively looking to change jobs

• Can keep your company’s name confidential until late

into the search process.

• Save top management’s time by advertising for theposition and screening applicants

• Recruiter’s fee may turn out to be insignificant comparedwith cost of executive time saved

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Disadvantages of using executiverecruiters:

• Employer has to provide comprehensiveexplanation of what sort of candidate is requiredand why

• Some recruiters are salespeople, and may bemore interested in persuading to the employer tohire a candidate rather than finding one who willreally do the job.

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Guidelines for choosing a recruiter • Make sure the firm is capable of conducting a

thorough search.

• Meet the individual who will actually handle

your assignment.

•  Ask how much the search firm charges.

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On Demand Recruiting Services (ODRS)

•  A service that provides short-term specialized recruiting

to support projects without the expense of retaining

traditional search firms.

College Recruiting

• Sending an employer’s representative to college campus

to prescreen applicants and create an application pool

from the graduating class.

• It is an important source of management trainees,

promotable candidates, and professional and technicalemployees.

•  According to one study, new college graduates filled

about 38% of all externally filled requiring a college


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On-Campus recruitingRecruiting goals

• To determine if the candidate isworthy of further consideration

• To attract good candidates

Consists of:

• On-site visits

• Internships

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On-site visits

• Invitation letters should be warm and friendly butbusinesslike.

•  Assign a specific person to meet the applicantand play host.

• Prepare an information package including theapplicant’s schedule as well as other informationregarding the company.

• Carefully plan the interviews and keep toschedule.

• Make a timely employment offer, if any, as soonas possible.

• Frequent follow-ups may help to attract theapplicant.

I t hi

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Internships• Many college students get their jobs through

college internships.

• Internships can be win-win situation for bothstudents and employers.

• Through the internship students may being ableto hone business skills, learn about potentialemployers, discover their career likes/dislikes.

• Employers can use the interns to make usefulcontributions while evaluating them as possiblefull-time employees.

• One survey reported that employers offer jobs toover 70% of their interns.

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Problems with campus recruiting: – Expensive and time-consuming

• Schedules must be set in advance• Company brochures need to be printed

• Records of interviews kept

• Much time spent on campus – Recruiters themselves may be ineffective

• Some recruiters are unprepared

• They do not effectively screen the candidates

• They must be trained before they visit thecampus

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Employee referral

 Applicants who are referred to theorganization by current employees

Referring employees becomestakeholders.

Referral is a cost-effective recruitmentprogram.

Referral can speed up diversifying theworkforce

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• Direct applicants who seek employment

with or without encouragement from

other sources.

• Courteous treatment of any applicant is

a good business practice.

Recruitment source use and

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Recruitment source use and


Improving Productivity Through HRIS: An

Integrated Technology Approach to Recruiting• Employers use several computerized system to support their 

recruitment processes, preferably integrated them into a

comprehensive employee recruitment system.• Elements in such an integrated solution would include-

1. A requisition management system

2. A recruiting solution3. Screening services

4. Hiring management

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Recruiting a More Diverse

Workforce• It is not just socially responsible : It’s

necessity, given globalization, the rapid

increase in minority, older worker and

women candidates and 70% joblessamong the disable people.

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Single Parents•  About two third of all single parents are in the

workforce today.•  Attracting single parents begins with

understanding the problems they face in

balancing work and family.• Respondents having less support, less

personal time, more tress and greater 

difficulties in balancing job and home life.• Employers can and should train supervisors to

be aware of and sensitive to the sorts of 

challenges single parents face.

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Older workers

• The fastest-growing work force will be those

from 45 to 64 years old.

•  AARP and SHRM concluded that older 

workers tends to have lower absenteeism

rates, more reliability, and better work habits

than younger worker.

• People’s occupational needs and preferences

change as they grow older.

R t ti id f i i th h f

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Retention aids for improving the chances of attracting and retaining older workersinclude:

• Management training to address age bias in the


• Phased retirement that allows workers to easeout of the workforce.

• Portable jobs for “snowbirds” who wish to live in

warmer climates in the winter.

• Part-time projects for retirees.

• Full benefits for part-timers.

Recruiting Minorities and

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Recruiting Minorities andWomen

Understand and recruitment barriers

• Many minority applicants don’t meet the

educational or experience standards for jobso many companies offer remedial training in

basic arithmetic and writing.

• Lack of role model is a problem.• It’s lack of schedule flexibility, given the

responsibility for caring and schooling of the



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Plan• Formulating plan for attracting minor and

women which includes reevaluating personal

polices, developing flexible work option,

redesigning jobs, and offering flexible

benefits plan.

Implement• Many jobseekers of Hispanic origin check

with friends or relatives as a strategy for looking for jobs, encouraging your Hispanic

employees to assist in your recruitment

efforts make sense.

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• The employer who really interested in

recruiting and retaining female employees

has to fully commit to supporting them,coaching and offering them positive


Reservation•  A jobs is reserved in government and public

sector for the economically and sociallyweaker sections.

• The percentage is fixed as 15,7.5 and 27%

for SC, ST and OBC respectively.

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Welfare-to-Work• Welfare Reconciliation act of 1996 prompted

many employers to implement “welfare-to-work” Programs for attracting and

assimilating former welfare recipients.

•  Applicants sometimes lack basic work skillssuch as reporting for work on time, working in

teams, and “taking order without losing

temper.”• Its success seems to be the employer’s

pretraining and basic skill treating several


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The Disabled• The EEOC estimates that 70% of the disabled

are jobless, but it certainly doesn’t have to bethat way.

• Thousands of employers found that disabled

employees provide an excellent and largelyuntapped source op competent, efficient labor 

for jobs ranging from information technology to

creative advertising to receptionists.•  All states have local agencies that provide

placement services and other recruitment and

training tools and inform employers seeking to

hair the disabled.

Developing and using application

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Developing and using application

formPurpose of Application Forms

 A filled in form provides four types of 


• Draw conclusions about the applicant’s previous

progress and growth.• Draw tentative conclusions about the applicant’s

stability based on previous work record.

• Make a judgment on the job.• Use the data in the application to predict which

candidates will succeed on the job and which will


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Employers should keep several practical

application form guidelines in mind.

• Detailed information on each prior 

employer, including the name of the

supervisor and his or her telephone

number for reference.

• Signed applicant should certify his or her 

understanding of several things.

• Some applications also state anemployer’s “mandatory arbitration” policy

for situations where problem arise.

Using Application form to

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Using Application form to

predict job performance.

• It is possible to use application form to

predict which candidates will be successful

and which won’t.

• It involves conduction statistical studies to

analyze the relationship between

1.Bio data responses on the application


2.Measures of success on the job.

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• It is important to choose the bio data items

with two things in mind

• Equal employment law limits the items you

will want to use and non-invasive

questions are best.

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