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Imperialism• Imperialism is the

quest for colonial empires– Great Britain- “The

sun never sets on the British Empire”

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America’s position

• Expansionism the need of a nation's expanding its territorial base (or economic influence) usually, by means of military aggression.

Isolationism - to have little to do with the political affairs of other nations

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African ImperialismEurope: had colonies for centuries

Africa prime target in 19th century

Rich in natural resources, provided new markets.

Only independent nations in Africa were Liberia and Ethiopia

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1. Economic Interest1. Economic Interest1. Economic Interest1. Economic InterestU. S. Foreign Investments-

Need for new market

Need for raw materials

U. S. Foreign Investments-

Need for new market

Need for raw materials

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2. Military/Strategic 2. Military/Strategic InterestsInterests

2. Military/Strategic 2. Military/Strategic InterestsInterests

Alfred T. Mahan-

urged US to build naval power to compete

with other nation

Wanted naval base in Pacific

and Caribbean

Alfred T. Mahan-

urged US to build naval power to compete

with other nation

Wanted naval base in Pacific

and Caribbean

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3. 3. Social Darwinist ThinkingSocial Darwinist Thinking3. 3. Social Darwinist ThinkingSocial Darwinist Thinking

The Hierarchyof Race- superiority of


The Hierarchyof Race- superiority of


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4. Religious Interest4. Religious Interest4. Religious Interest4. Religious InterestTo Christianize and civilize the

worldTo Christianize and civilize the


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““Seward’s Folly”: 1867Seward’s Folly”: 1867““Seward’s Folly”: 1867Seward’s Folly”: 1867

Propose to Purchse Alaska from Russia for

$7.2 million

Propose to Purchse Alaska from Russia for

$7.2 million

William H. Seward- Sec. of


William H. Seward- Sec. of


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* Alaska, however, turned out to be rich in fish, gold, copper, timber, oil and coal.

The Trans-Alaska Pipeline transports oil, Alaska's most important export.. It runs 800 miles, from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Alaska at Valdez.

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US 75% of wealth from sugar plantations

Plantations owned by Americans

Strategic location for a base

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Deposing the Queen

Queen Liliuokalani wanted to:

end property qualifications for voting

Restore power to native Hawaiians

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America takes over

The Americans sugar growers :

Organized a revolt

Overthrew the Queen

Sanford Dole became president of Hawaii

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• President Cleveland was an anti-imperialist and refused to annex Hawaii.

Uncle Sam and Pres. Cleveland are playing chess with pieces representing the U.S. senators and Queen Lili'uokalani .

“His Little Hawaiian Game Checkmated”

Uncle Sam: "Grover this game has been too deep for you. Every move you've made has been a blunder, and now you've lost your Black Queen and the game.”

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• Hawaii was annexed in 1898 when President McKinley took office and became the fiftieth state in 1959.

“Another Shotgun Wedding”A woman (Hawaii) and Uncle Sam are getting married, kneeling before the minister (Pres. McKinley) who is reading from a book entitled "Annexation Policy". The bride seems ready to bolt.

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Commodore Matthew Perry Commodore Matthew Perry Opens Up Japan: 1853Opens Up Japan: 1853

Commodore Matthew Perry Commodore Matthew Perry Opens Up Japan: 1853Opens Up Japan: 1853

· Fearing the influence of outsiders, Japan chose to completely isolate itself from other nations in the 1600’s.

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2. FUEL – to purchase fuel (coal)

Why did the U.S. want to establish a relationship with Japan?

1. TRADE – to sell U.S. goods to Japanese consumers


- Perry arrived with four steam-

powered warships, impressing the Japanese.

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• The Treaty of Kanagawa - U.S. received all of their demands from the Japanese.

• Perry returned to Japan in 1854 with twice as many ships.

Commodore Perry Meeting the Imperial Commissioners at Yokohama

Dinner Given to the Japanese Commissioners Aboard the U.S.S.F. Powhatan

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· Japan realized that they needed to become more modern and industrialized.

Effects on Japan

In 1860, Japan sent their first steam powered warship, the Kanrin Maru to the United States in order to show the world that Japan had mastered Western navigation techniques and ship technologies.

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Jingoism• exaggerated and

aggressive national pride, more warlike

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The Imperialist TailorThe Imperialist TailorThe Imperialist TailorThe Imperialist Tailor

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Spanish Misrule in CubaSpanish Misrule in CubaSpanish Misrule in CubaSpanish Misrule in Cuba

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General Valeriano Weyler – Spanish governor of Cuba used brutal tactics against the Cubans. He was responsible for detaining over 500,000 Cubans and killing over 100,000.

* Americans sympathized with the Cuban desire for freedom.

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· President McKinley sent the battleship Maine to Cuba to protect American citizens and property.

· US citizens owns sugar plantations in Cuba

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· An explosion destroyed the Maine killing 260 U.S. sailors.

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““Yellow Journalism”Yellow Journalism”““Yellow Journalism”Yellow Journalism”

Joseph PulitzerJoseph Pulitzer

William Randolph HearstWilliam Randolph Hearst

An exaggerated headlines or stories in

the newspapers

An exaggerated headlines or stories in

the newspapers

· Joseph Pulitzer once stated, “You supply me the photos, I’ll supply you the war.”

• “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!”

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- President McKinley, however, wanted to avoid war with Spain.

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· Spain was accused of destroying the Maine, even though it has never been proven.

· On April 25, 1898, Congress declare War on Spain

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The Spanish-American War (1898):The Spanish-American War (1898):“That Splendid Little War”“That Splendid Little War”

The Spanish-American War (1898):The Spanish-American War (1898):“That Splendid Little War”“That Splendid Little War”

Fighting starts in Philippines- major Spanish fleet located

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U.S. soldiers in a trench near Manila, the Philippines, during the Spanish – American War. (1898)

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· Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish navy in the Philippines after only six hours of battle.

Spanish-American War (1898)

The Philippines

Commodore George Dewey(1837-1917)

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Commodore George DeweyCommodore George Dewey

Destroy the Spanish fleet in Manila BayDestroy the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay

Commodore George DeweyCommodore George Dewey

Destroy the Spanish fleet in Manila BayDestroy the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay

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US – attack in the Caribbean IslandUS – attack in the Caribbean IslandUS – attack in the Caribbean IslandUS – attack in the Caribbean Island

US- Invaded Cuba

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The The “Rough “Rough Riders”Riders”

The The “Rough “Rough Riders”Riders”

Led by Led by Theodore Theodore RooseveltRoosevelt

Led by Led by Theodore Theodore RooseveltRoosevelt

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Rough Riders

• What famous Battle did they participate in?

•San Juan Hill- ended Spanish rule in Cuba

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•US defeats Spain & becomes a world power

•US must decide what to do about its newly won colonies (Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, Guam)